What Is Super Affiliate System 3.0? Newest Upgrade A Scam?

What Is Super Affiliate System 3.0

Are you looking for help to cover your monthly cost of living? Would you like to make money online? It’s a great way to make an extra income! If you’ve been searching, then I’m sure Google has been throwing ad your way, lol.

I bet one of them is called Super Affiliate System, right? But what is super Affiliate System 3.0? A new version again? Is this one another scam, or could this be legit?

I’m glad you asked and here researching this product before purchasing. No matter how great the sales page or video, you’re never told the whole truth.

This is also the most current update to his system, as even the 3.0 version has changed.

By the end of my review, you’ll know what to expect, OK? I’ll show you what you get inside, how it works, and if it’s right for you. I promise to show you the pros and the cons! Then you can make an informed decision before spending a fortune! Lol.

If you’d like to learn about more than just one marketing method, come and see where I learned to create my own online income.

super affiliate system 3.0 review rating




Who Is John Crestani?

John is a self-made millionaire, who desires the same freedom for everyone. If you’d like to learn a little more about him, you can visit his website “John Crestani“.

There are several videos on his site. The one below is called “The Goal Is Freedom”

There is some additional information about John on my SAS 2.0 Review.


What Is Super Affiliate System 3.0?

what is the super affiliate system 3.0

This is a Clickbank product created by John Crestani. This system teaches you how to promote affiliate products with paid advertising, such as Facebook Ads, Youtube Ads, and Google Ads.

Super Affiliate System 3.0 – $997, or 3X $397 

The Course

Welcome Module

  • Congratulations and Welcome
  • How This Course Works
  • What’s in the Course
  • Why Affiliate Marketing
  • The SAS Dashboard
  • The Community
  • Badges & Why They Matter
  • How to Get the Best Chances At Success
  • Setting a Goal
  • Support Resources

Week 1

  • Affiliate Marketing Step by Step
  • Joining an Affiliate Network
  • Choosing Your Niche
  • Finding Clickbank Offers
  • Finding Offers on Other Affiliate Networks
  • Common Mistakes in Choosing An Offer
  • Solo Ads Setup
  • Udimi Solo Ads, Other Offers
  • Other Solo Ad Providers
  • Common Setup Mistakes
  • Tracking, Testing and Advanced Strategies
  • Affiliate Marketing Basics Recap

Week 2

  • Websites & Funnels Introduction
  • Website, Lander, Presell, Squeeze, Funnel… What’s the Difference?
  • Registering Your Website
  • Manual Method
  • Clickfunnels Method
  • (Optional) Using Additional Domains
  • Common Presell Page Mistakes
  • Advanced Website Tactics
  • Funnel Hacking Recap

Week 3

  • Search Advertising Welcome Video
  • Google Search Ads Setup
  • Google Display Ads Setup
  • Adwords Conversion Pixel Setup
  • Common Goole Ads Mistakes
  • Advanced Search Tactics: Intent
  • Search Marketing Recap

Week 4

  • Video Advertising Course Welcome
  • Youtube Channel Setup
  • Youtube Ad Setup
  • Why Exclude Mobile?
  • Common Youtube Mistakes
  • Advanced Video Advertising Tactics: Shooting Your Own Videos
  • Video Marketing Recap

Week 5

  • Social Advertising Course Welcome Video
  • Advanced Facebook Advertising with Robbie Blanchard
  • Tim Burd Introduction
  • Tim, How to Keep Compliant with Facebook
  • Advanced Social Advertising Tactics
  • Social Advertising Recap

Week 6

  • Advanced Affiliate Marketing Introduction
  • Scaling Basics
  • Payout Bumps
  • Events
  • Brian Pfeiffler, How to Breakthrough
  • Ronnie, Speaking to the Reptile Brain
  • Ronnie, How to Hack People’s Trust
  • Ronnie, Highly Profitable Headlines
  • Ronnie, Famous Copywriters
  • Next Level Affiliate Strategies
  • Advanced Affiliate Marketing Recap

Weekly Calls


Resource Links


  • Google Ads
  • Youtube Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Advertising Strategy
  • Monetization Methods
  • Free Traffic & Jobs

Expected Costs

  • SAS – $997
  • Domain name – $15/year (average)
  • Bluehost web hosting (or equivalent) – $15/month
  • Aweber (autoresponder) – $19/month and up
  • Clickmagic tracking software – $12/month and up
  • Clickfunnels – $97/month or $297/month
  • Solo Ads – $$$ per month
  • Paid Advertising – $$$ per month


How Is This Different From The 2.0 Version?

john crestani super affiliate

John Crestani has streamlined the system from an 8-week course to 6 weeks.

If you’d like to compare the differences, please read my review on Super Affiliate System 2.0.

He claims this 3.0 version to be a stronger, better, and faster version of the 2.0 release.

And as a bonus, if you purchase SAS 3.0, you’ll also have access to the 2.0 version absolutely free! His initial product, Internet Jetset System, that was released in 2016 is also free!

According to John, beginners usually don’t have the patience to wait months and sometimes years before they can monetize their sites.

This system changes the landscape by teaching you how to turbocharge your earning potentials and time with paid search. With paid search, you can easily get your site to show up on the first page of Google.

Yes, but it’s also expensive. You will need money upfront for this system to work!

When John initially released his Internet Jetset System, it focused on content marketing and free traffic through SEO (search engine optimization). He charged $47 per month with weekly webinars of himself and his inner circle of expert marketers.

Super Affiliate System 1.0 was by invitation only and consisted of those students who had proven to reach a certain level of commissions.

After some time, John realized that the techniques for paid advertising were becoming easier, and thought teaching the general public wouldn’t be so confusing for them. That’s when he created the 2.0 version to sell.

Now, Super Affiliate System 3.0 can show you how can you utilize minimal ad spends and maximize your earning potentials through affiliate marketing.


Who Is This System For?

this is for an affiliate marketer

This system is for anyone who desires a more in-depth training into paid advertising. This is the focus of this system, so if you expect to learn any other the multiple other techniques to earn commissions, you’ll be disappointed.

John’s course dives deep into this method that has been successful for him and his inner circle. You’ll have access to his email swipes, landing pages, and many resources that make his techniques work.

Expect to pay additional fees for the 3rd party tools you will need each month, as well as paying advertising fees for placed ads and solo ads to drive traffic to your promotion.

I would suggest this system is more suited to moderate or experienced marketers, even though his training is step by step and designed for beginners.

I only say this because I’m assuming that most beginners don’t have enough available funds to afford the upfront costs.

You will need a healthy advertising budget as well as paying for monthly fees.


my SAS link button


How Does It Work?

it started with internet jetset

First, this is the most current release of the 3.0 version. There are many written and Youtube videos out there showing different inside versions, as John keeps updating it. It can get pretty confusing. I’m also showing you the most updated training course as well, as of August 2019.

The first steps are to watch his free webinar. At first, I found it a little scammy as he throws around a bunch of cash, lol. He does this in a lot of his videos.

I guess it’s just me. I don’t think anyone with his level of authority needs to do that, but he obviously thinks it attracts a lot of attention.

These showy techniques are very common with low-quality, get rich schemes. Super Affiliate System is NOT a get rich quick scheme. And John never promises you that it is.

It can work faster than other methods, but that’s because you have to throw money at it.

AHA! Maybe that’s why he throws his money around! LOL

The video is an older one, but still relevant to today. And you can pick up some free training from it.

John himself will tell you that affiliate marketing is easy to set up with low overhead. You can do the work anywhere and anytime with a computer and internet access. It’s a great way to create passive income.

But he’ll also tell you that it requires a lot of hard work. It’s not a get rich quick scheme and requires choosing the right product, which is time-consuming.

Please know that he’s talking about just ONE way to perform affiliate marketing. There are many more profitable techniques that don’t require paid advertising.

In the webinar, he creates an ad campaign to prove to you it works. This is important to me because so many product creators simple show fake images and testimonials, and expect you to fall for it!

Once you get into the member area, you will see a newly designed back office that streamlines and keeps track of your progression.

The Course

The 50 hours of course content is in video format, with occasional PDFs or outside links he recommends. Each video is locked in sequence, so if you try to jump ahead, you won’t be able to.

This is a great way to keep impatient students from skipping important training!

updated system 2.0 version

Another new feature is that the videos can be translated into seven other languages, English is the default.

These are the general topics that the course goes over:

Developing the Entrepreneur Mindset

  • John and his coaches will show you how to navigate the affiliate marketing industry, and how to avoid any traps.
  • After showing you how to join at least 10 affiliate programs, he’ll help you to earn your first commission.
  • He also has 24-minute exercises to help you overcome any obstacles you could face.

Choosing Your Niche and Offers

  • He shows you step by step on how to choose a profitable niche.
  • You’ll be shown the difference between high and low commission networks.
  • You’ll get to know the seven high commission networks that pay you more than the product owners do.

Creating Ad Campaigns and Structure

  • You will learn how to create ads for the popular Adwords, Youtube, Facebook, Bing, and Linkedin platforms.
  • You’ll also be shown other ad networks.

Developing Effective CopyWriting

  • This section is taught by Ronnie Sandlin, who a 7-figure student and copywriting expert.
  • You’ll learn the 5 key points of a profitable ad to gain people’s trust.
  • You’ll learn how to speak to the reptilian brain!

Scaling and Automation

  • Here, you’ll be shown how to use a survey funnel.
  • By using media buyer lists, you can scale your biz from 1-20K.
  • There are real-world case studies to learn from.

The course is in-depth and done with an over-the-shoulder, step by step method. This makes it easy for even newbies to learn from scratch.

At the end of each week, there is a wrapup video, and you are given a bonus gift for completing the training to that point.

Weekly Webinars

  • You will have access to live, monthly webinars taught by John Crestani himself.
  • He shares up to date marketing advice to promote your products.
  • You have the opportunity to have John review your copywriting, marketing strategy, etc.
  • There is access to all the past webinars, which is great for whenever you jump into the program.

The Community

John is fond of saying that “who you are is based on the top 5 people you hang around with the most”.

True? Not sure, but I do think it’s very important to surround yourself with like-minded people when learning a new business.

I have a very strong and active community where I run my business, and it’s often vital to the success of my business.

the community is a forum

The forum doesn’t look too active, but there are people on there!


The resources are where you’ll find any downloads that the course refers to or outside links. This is also where you will find your done-for-you material:

#1:  Targeting Data – This includes your SAS Bizopp buyers list, as well as other lists in other niches, that you can use to build your own audience. Simply upload the email list on Facebook, and it will generate your own audience list to promote to.

These are NOT email lists for you to upload to your autoresponder.

There is also a list of keywords you can target for your Google search

#2:  Ad Swipes – John provides you with the best working ad swipes for Facebook, Google, and Youtube. They come in test and video files.

These swipes are for SAS affiliates as they are for promoting this product.

#3:  Presell Pages – These include survey and article presell pages to promote SAS.

These pages are for both manual use or if you use Clickfunnels.

#4:  Affiliate Networks – These are links to networks like Clickbank, Above All Offers, Ads4Dough, and Clickagain.

John has arranged for an immediate acceptance to Clickbank for all his students.

#5:  Advertising Networks – These are links to various networks such as Udimi, Igors, or Traffic For Me Solo Ads; Bink and InfoLinks, and Google for placed ads; Facebook & Youtube ads; etc.

#6:  Legal Resources – This would include such disclosures as your privacy page, affiliate disclosure, etc.

#7:  Other Recommended Vendors – These are for outsourcing such as Fiverr, Hyper6 Web Design & Ads, Coolhandle, Bluehost, and Hostgator Web Hosting; and Aweber for your email marketing.

#8:  Module resources – These links are to any resources discussed throughout the course, week by week, such as PDF’s etc.


John Crestani and his coaches offer 6 more course videos on various paid advertising methods.

These videos take a deeper dive into strategies that can create, grow, and make more profit from your online business.


my sas link button


My Concerns For You

be aware of the extra costs of paid advertising

Only One Strategy

Affiliate marketing is a lucrative industry, which involves many different strategies and techniques. The technique that John uses is very real and works very well, but it’s expensive.

This is my concern for beginners who are looking to relieve the stress of not having enough money to live from month to month.

They see John promoting his system but aren’t getting the true picture of the upfront costs.

I’ve listed them above for you, to get a more accurate picture of what to expect, OK?

Premade Material

If you’ve read through any of my reviews, you’ll know that I don’t like made-for-you products. People who buy into those programs never learn for themselves how the process works. They are solely dependant on the product.

Though I believe this course will, in fact, teach you those skills, he still provides you with pre-made swipes and landing pages (presell pages).

With each student that uses these templates, the market can become saturated with duplicate content.

When ads get seen over and over again, people simply start ignoring them, and develop what’s known as “banner blindness“. I know these ads don’t come as website banners, but the syndrome develops with all sorts of advertising they see. Especially on social media.

How often do you scroll past an ad you’ve seen too many times? Do you even recognize what the ad is for anymore?

Make sure you take the template and edit it to suit your audience and with your own voice. Your visitors want to hear from you! Not John Crestani!

No matter how rich John is, your audience doesn’t know him or trust him. They trust YOU! So it’s important to always edit any material to reflect your brand!

Pay To Play

Any of the pre-made templates available to you are for promoting the Super Affiliate System. They are designed specifically for this product and you can’t use them for any other promotion.

A pop-up asks you to agree to 3 things before you can purchase the system:

  1. You must work with one of the two affiliate programs John recommends.
  2. You must use the system ethically.
  3. You agree to apply the system.

You can only promote johns affiliate programs

I guess it’s fair that he wants to profit from your efforts, after taking his course. Just be aware of that!

Refund Policy

John offers a “Succeed No Matter What” money-back guarantee. So this means that if you don’t make any money with his course, down the road, he will refund your money.

But you must prove that you’ve gone through the entire course, completed everything your shown, and didn’t make back your initial investment.

The only problem is that he doesn’t give you a time frame. Will he only refund your purchase after six weeks? Or a year?


my wa landing button



  • 60-day money-back guarantee from Clickbank
  • Detailed training for paid advertising
  • Done for you swipes and presell pages
  • Support community
  • John is active in the community



  • Only covers one affiliate marketing strategy
  • Expensive for newbies
  • Strict refund policy


Final Thoughts And Recommendations

wealthy affiliate is my first recommendation

I believe this course is very well done and can work for you if you follow his steps. As I previously said, this is a real way to make money online using paid advertising.

Many marketers are too impatient to use free methods of attracting traffic, so this method speeds things up. But it will have significant upfront costs you need to be aware of.

Is Super Affiliate System a scam? No

Would I recommend it? Yes

This type of course is excellent if you already have an online business and wish to scale it larger. It’s easy enough to do if you’re already earning an income and can reinvest some of your profits to your advertising budget.

This isn’t something I’d recommend if you’re a newbie, and don’t have any extra cash to spend on advertising fees.

I know it sounds enticing, but not at the expense of your pocketbook!

Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to make money online. And there are so many other techniques and strategies that you can start with, that won’t cost you so much money upfront.

The easiest and cheapest way for anyone to start an online business is by using an SEO strategy and utilizing an email list. Email marketing is one of the most lucrative means of making money online.

It’s disappointing that this course only covers one strategy, for the high ticket price.

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

I’m not saying that the Super Affiliate System isn’t good. Because it is! Very good! I’m just looking out for my readers who can’t afford this price tag.

I know of a wonderful place where you can learn more, yet pay less. Even start for FREE!

I would love for you to come and check out the platform I use, and where I learned to succeed in making an online income.

They provide:

  • Training – Step by step courses, classrooms, tutorials, and live weekly webinars.
  • A domain registry – An easy way to find the perfect name for your business.
  • A website builder – With over 4,000 WordPress themes to choose from.
  • Website hosting – With powerful servers, security, backups, and emails, and more.
  • A keyword research tool – Find low-competition keywords for the best ranking.
  • A large and active LIVE community – They always have your back!
  • And much more…

The training covers multiple strategies to earn money online. This way all your eggs aren’t in one basket. If one method slows down, you can still rely on other strategies.

And as you can see, they have everything you need in one place.  No need for 3rd party services at extra costs.

If you click on the button below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll meet you on the inside and help you along as long as you want me to.

my wa landing button

So where did you hear about the Super Affiliate System? Was in on your social media platform, or in your inbox. What do you think? Can you afford it?

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know and I’ll get right back to you.



P.S. Please share my post with your friends and family!