A Community for Success. Can’t Live Without One!


An online community to help support your affiliate marketing business is an asset all entrepreneurs should consider having. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned marketer, having the support of like-minded people can be invaluable.

Hi, my name is Suzanne and I am an affiliate marketer. My goal is to help support new and experienced marketers to become more successful online. And I definitely recommend a community for success!

This is my community and I love it!




Why An Online Community Can Help You Succeed

The Business Dictionary describes the community as:

“Self-organized network of people with common agenda, cause, or interest, who collaborate by sharing ideas, information, and other resources.”

Have you ever been part of a group with a particular characteristic in common? Think about the different social circles you are part of. Are you a member of a sports team, a church, a school? How about Facebook, Twitter, etc?

These are different communities in your everyday life. They form a support group for you. They are places you can go to for:

  • advice
  • help
  • support
  • sharing ideas
  • networking

Anything really, that would help you become more successful in that particular environment.

Think about school for a minute.  We’ve all been there at one time or another. Learning something new can be intimidating, so having people we can go to for support is necessary for our success.

Can you imagine learning the math skills that are taught in schools these days, without the help of teachers and other students going through the same lessons?

benefits of a community for learning new strategies


The same goes for entrepreneurs who are learning to succeed with online affiliate marketing. The methods to become successful are always changing, as companies like Google continually change their algorithms.

What worked five to ten years ago are no longer relevant today. Having a community of people who you can ask questions or who discuss changes they’ve come across can be a very valuable time-saver.

Our strengths can help another’s weaknesses and vice versa.

Some people find it beneficial to bounce ideas off others or have others give feedback when needed. You can become so focused on one idea that fresh eyes can sometimes pick out things that need correcting.

Getting a positive response can be so uplifting that it encourages you to keep going, even when you feel discouraged.



What Do Successful Communities Have In Common

what does a successful community look like

CMX And Leader Networks did an extensive study to determine what makes a successful community.  These are some of their biggest findings.

#1. Online Communities Help Increase Member Trust.

When you use an online product, software, or service, isn’t it comforting that they provide a community of members who can interact with each other?

When you run into a problem and need troubleshooting ideas, talking with other members can get you up and running quickly.  The cost of this value alone pays for itself!

Communities not only create trust, but they also cement it!

Knowing that the company cares enough for its members to provide an asset like this, builds trust with not only the company but with the founders on a personal level.

#2.  Online Communities Build Competitive Advantage.

Online communities have become an important feature for brands that want to remain competitive.  And their desire to focus on member satisfaction helps to create new and improved product ideas for their platforms.

Communities aren’t just a competitive advantage, it’s a competitive necessity!

This is a big advantage for those of you who are part of these online communities.  Not only do you benefit from continually added features, but if you choose to promote these communities, you have great leverage over other, similar platforms.

#3. Successful Communities Have Founder Support And Interaction

56% of online communities have strong executive support.  This shows you that the majority of communities are successful because of their founder’s willingness to see this as a major asset to their companies.

On the flip side, 31% of communities fail because of a lack of internal support and resources.

The most successful communities have a dedicated community manager!

So finding an online community that is thriving will have a dedicated manager or founder who interacts with its members, both listening, advising and acting upon suggestions.

#4.  A Successful Community Has Member Engagement

How often have you been told the service you bought into has its own community, but then discover it’s barely active?  There are maybe 2 or 3 members logged on at a time, or you can never reach the founders.  It’s very frustrating!

An active community of like-minded people is crucial to the survival of any online community!

Researching before opting in is necessary to ensure you are getting what is promised.  If you see growth in a community, it shows that it matters to its members and is delivering solutions to their problems.

#5.  The Type Of Software Program Or Platform Is Very Telling

Does the community you’re a part of have its own dedicated platform, or is it simply a Facebook Fan Page?  Successful communities will put an important emphasis on the type of platform they choose for their members.

Long-term success is influenced by the platform developed!

Personally, when I see an advertisement which states they have a large, private community and I find out it’s just a Facebook page, I’m very disappointed.  Anyone can create one of those.  It shows me that the product or service creator is taking the lazy way out!



So Where Do I Find One Of These Communities?

what makes a successful online community

Are you looking for a community that covers a wide variety of topics and information, or a specialized community suited to your online needs?

As an online marketer myself, I require a community that will support all types of online marketing strategies as well as being able to network with other members.

When you search online for these types of communities, you will find many websites offering their help and support. Many come with forums that you can scroll through to find answers to your questions.

Unfortunately, this is time-consuming and often has outdated information. Another disadvantage is having to wait hours, or days, to get an answer to a question you posted.  That can be very frustrating when you have to wait to fix or improve upon your website.

Here are some wide range communities I’ve researched:

Warrior Forum

  • forum format (public viewing)
  • must register to post questions
  • upgrade to “War Room” for $97/year for resources

Affiliate Fix

  • forum format (public viewing)
  • must register to post questions
  • upgrade for $67/year for few resources and access to private areas
  • $199/year for “Affkit” tools for images, email, calculator, sounds, etc.


  • forum format
  • cannot access anything without $99/month membership

There are several online training platforms that have their own communities as well.  This greatly depends on what type of training you are looking for.

Affilorama (Email Marketing only)

  • in-house forum format
  • very quiet forum
  • free membership is very limited
  • $1425 in upsells for training and resources

Please read my Affilorama review

Chris Farrell Membership (Email Marketing Only)

  • in-house forum format
  • very quiet forum
  • $37 per month membership for access to resources

Please read my Chris Farrell Membership review

Wealthy Affiliate (All Online Marketing Strategies)

  • the in-house live chat platform
  • active platform with over 800K members
  • over 32K interactions per day
  • $49/mo or $349/yr membership for training, tools, website hosting, etc.

Please read my Wealthy Affiliate review.

Of course, you can look around online to get any support or information you need, but the only problem with joining various forums or looking at different websites is that they all offer different types of information and advice. What one site may suggest, another will suggest something different.

I always find it amazing how many answers there are to the same question online.  Remember when I said it could take a long time to get answers?  It’s so time-consuming!!  



Can I Save You Some Time?

I want to share with you the community I am a part of. We are all like-minded people, in that we are all affiliate marketers looking for success. We help each other answer our questions, often with many responding to one query.

My absolute favourite part is that it includes a live chat that’s available 24/7/365 day a year. That right! It’s because this community has more than 1 million members, from all around the world.

You can be online at any time of the day or night, and you will get an almost immediate response. No waiting hours or days for answers to your questions.

Not only is there a community, but there are also many more benefits to help you build a successful business.

They provide all the training, tools and technical support you’ll ever need.

The best part is that you can join for free, no credit card needed.

If you’re just starting out, this is the absolute best teaching platform out there. If you’re already a successful marketer but would like to keep up with all the changes in the industry, or just want to be part of a like-minded community, this is the place for you.


my wealthy affiliate landing pic


Give it a try!  You have nothing to lose, it’s free!  And you have everything to gain.

What community are you a part of?  Let me know in the comments below.

If you know of anyone looking for a marketing community, please share.

Your friend,






























