Everywhere you turn, you hear the phrase “The money’s in the list”.
The list? What’s an email list? Should I have one? Aren’t emails archaic! I’d rather use social media. That’s the rage right now!
Have you had thoughts like this running through your head?
Your online marketing business is doing OK but you’d like to see it grow. You want more traffic and more sales. Social media is bringing you tons of traffic, but few conversions.
Do you know what all the successful business owners do with that traffic? They turn it into an email list!
That’s because email is still the most powerful “modern” way to communicate with your viewers.
And when you understand the mind-blowing impact it can have on your business, you’ll want to start right away!
There’s so much to learn, but it’s easy.
Would you like to see where I learned how to create my own successful online business?
So, What Is An Email List?
It’s a list of names and email addresses from people who have given you permission to send them newsletters, promotional ads, discounts, coupons, mini-courses, etc.
They most likely used an opt-in form on your website or blog to subscribe.
Never collect emails other than by these opt-in forms. You only want to contact people who have given you express permission to do so.
You want your list to grow organically. What I mean by that is you want to make sure your list is made up of people who want to be there. They subscribed to your list because:
- They are interested in your niche.
- They are interested in what you have to offer.
- They are willing to open your future emails.
An organic list is made up of “real people”.
I know that sounds funny, but sometimes business owners take shortcuts and rent or buy email lists.
Most of the time these lists contain old or fake emails, with people who probably aren’t interested in your business.
And guess what they do when they get emails they didn’t want in the first place? They flag you as a “spammer”.
That not only hurts your reputation but can prevent you from signing on with legitimate email capture services.
Did you know…
- Email is 40 X more effective than Twitter and Facebook combined, at acquiring new customers. McKinsey & Company
- Email has an ROI (return on investment) of 122% or 4 X higher than any other digital marketing platforms. Lyfe Marketing
- Marketers have seen an increase in email revenue of 760% from segmented campaigns. Campaign Monitor
- Spending on email marketing is expected to reach $3.07 billion in 2019, in the U.S. alone. Statista
- Email was used as a primary strategy for lead generation with 89% of marketers. Mailigen
- 72% of consumers favour communication from companies through emails. Sherpa
These are just a few of the many statistics out there, showing how important and how effective email marketing still is, and will be moving forward.
Here’s a great video by Derek Halpern on email lists. He’s funny and to the point!
Ok, So Why Do I Need One?
An email list can possibly be the lifeblood of your business.
These people have personally opted to receive your emails.
And if you used the double opt-in method to have them click to verify their identity, then they are very interested in what you have to offer.
Building customer relationships are very important for every business out there. And generating an email list is how you would nurture these relationships.
There are many advantages and benefits of an email list.
Here are 8 great reasons to build your own email list…
Advantage #1 – Ownership and Control
Your email list is the only thing you truly own and have complete control over. It’s a way to grow your followers and engage with them in a positive way.
Of course, social media is still an awesome tool to drive traffic to your business, but you have no control over these platform’s decisions to change algorithms or simply shut down.
Then where are you? No more traffic. No more sales.
Facebook’s recent algorithm change had a drastic effect on many businesses. Many had to start over. You now have to pay to have your ads seen by as many people.
But you own your email list. It’s not affected by the decisions of other businesses.
No matter what Twitter or anyone else does tomorrow, you still have your dedicated followers who will open your emails.
Email users are projected to grow to 4.3 billion users by 2022. Statista
Advantage #2 – Easy and Cheap
Emails are easy to set up and cheap to mail out. Unlike the good ‘ol days of printing each ad and stamping each envelope, today’s automation makes is simple, fast, and often free.
And you’re in control of how often you send them out.
Do you have a new promotion to advertise?
Or maybe you want to stay engaged with your followers by sending them another valuable “freebie” (relevant to your niche)…
The wonderful thing about autoresponders (AWeber, GetResponse, etc.) is that you only have to write the email once and set it up to send out to your entire email list.
If you have a course or video to send out, the same thing. Make it once and send it to thousands.
You can also pre-specify the schedule you want to use.
You may have a mini-course, for example, that you want to send every day for a week. So divide your course into 7 days, and away you go.
It’s the most efficient and affordable way to stay in contact with your followers.
That makes Email Marketing is the best long-term investment you can make for your business. Your return on investment far outweighs the low cost of maintaining your list.
54% of marketers find email marketing to be the most effective and easy to execute. Mailigen
Advantage #3 – Targeted and Purposeful
What better way than gaining your subscriber’s trust than using the personal touch.
You’ve already gained targeted viewers because they chose to fill in your signup form. So now you can use the list for the purpose it was intended.
What was your original goal for your list? To create more sales? To deliver the current news?
Whatever it was, now you have the means to reach your goal.
There are some important priorities to consider, to make your list great!
- Relevance – Not only should your emails always be relevant to your product or service, so should the followers on your list. The people on your list should be genuinely interested in your brand.
- Quality – Though your emails should be of the best quality to engage your followers, you also want your followers to provide you with quality information, either through feedback or by analyzing your stats (are they opening your emails?).
- Volume – After trial and error, you find the proper amount of times to email your followers. There’s a fine line between sending too many and not sending enough. But don’t worry, you’ll figure it out. That’s what all those analysis reports are for…
Weekdays have the best open rates for email delivery. GetResponse
Advantage #4 – Segmented and Personal
One of the great things about email is privacy. Your readers are essentially getting a one-on-one with you in the privacy of their inbox. What a great way to build a trusting connection.
For one thing, they wouldn’t be on your list if they weren’t interested in you and your business. So make the most of this.
Get to know them and what they need. It’s all about them, not you. I know you’re hoping for more sales, but if you get too pushy or salesy in your emails, they’ll just unsubscribe.
Grow that relationship by offering them solutions to their problems.
If your list is getting big enough, start segmenting it into groups of similar likes and needs. Your list as a whole may not always need the same thing.
Accommodating and fine-tuning the help offered to specific needs is a very personal way to nurture each group.
Segmented emails receive 39% increased open rates. Mailigen
Advantage #5 – Measuring and Testing
Any reputable autoresponder you choose will provide complimentary analysis reports. From open rates to unsubscribe rates and everything in between.
As you study these reports, you’ll get to know which emails were clicked on most. Which had the best click-through rate, or even how many were shared with friends.
All this information can give you strong hints as to where you can improve your emails.
Is your subject line enticing enough to open? Is the information you offer valuable enough?
And don’t forget the feedback you can get directly from your followers. By sending them questionnaires or surveys, you can let them tell you what they need. It’s a win-win!
42% of all emails are opened on an iPhone. Marketing Land
Advantage #6 – Popular and Active
You probably hear about the fact that Facebook has 1.4 billion and Twitter has 100 million active daily users, but you never hear about the number of people using email every day.
Take a look at this graph by Statista…
These are the number of daily email users in the billions.
And it’s forecasted that by 2024, there will be 4.48 billion daily users of email!
That’s more than half the world’s population. And now you know why so many big brand names out there spend thousands of dollars on their email “signup” campaigns.
Advantage #7 – Leaving vs. Returning
If you’ve ever looked at your Google Analytics, the scary fact is that at least 70% of your website visitors never return. You can find that under the percentages of new vs returning visitors.
You know how valuable your visitors are. I mean let’s face it. They could have landed on the millions of other websites out there, but they landed on yours!
And what better way for them to return than for you to be able to send them an email inviting them back.
As you continue to provide them with helpful solutions to their problems, you’ll be creating a new fan.
Did you know that Google tracks user behaviour with cookies specific to your browser and device? Whole Whale
Advantage #8 – Sales and More Sales
We all know that sales are our primary reason for having an email list. I mean, that’s why we’re in business, to begin with, right?
When we do this right, we can boost our brand’s reputation, spread the word about our products and services, and increase our sales in the process.
That’s the power of an email list!
Adding the word “sale” can increase your open rate by 23%. Adestra
Quotes From The Experts
Neil Patel, Co-founder of Kissmetrics, Crazy Egg and QuickSprout
“Out of all the channels I tested as a marketer, email continually outperforms most of them.”

Joe Pulizzi, Founder of Content Marketing Institute
“If I have one regret as a business owner, it’s not focusing on building our email list earlier in the process.”
Noah Kagan, founder of SumoMe
“AppSumo.com is a 7 figure business and 90% of our revenue comes from emails.”
Corey Dilley, marketing manager at Unbounce
“Unbounce’s email list is the biggest asset we have for driving new acquisitions.”
Nathalie Lussier, digital strategist at Ambition Ally
“You’re not just a status update that’s there and gone, you’re right in someone’s inbox…with work, family, and friends.”
What About Social Media?
That’s great! You can generate tons of traffic from social sharing platforms!
But even these huge mega businesses see the value of email lists.
They tell you their services are better than email in today’s market, but what’s the first thing you’re required to do when opening a new account?
Yup, you got it. Enter your email address…
Even though social media sites downplay email marketing, they know this is the most effective way for direct contact with their customers. It’s smart business!
Why You Shouldn’t Rely Soley On Social Media Traffic
Advertising on social media is like working on rented land. As long as the land is available, you have a platform to work on.
But what happens when the landowners no longer offer their land for use?
Do you remember platforms like MySpace, Friendster, and Google Buzz? And there are many more that either never caught on or just vanished overnight, taking your contacts with them.
Though most people are on Facebook or Twitter today, not everyone chooses the same platforms.
- Some may only use Snapchat or Instagram.
- You would need a marketing strategy for each platform.
- Not everyone accesses these sites each and every day.
The good news is that 91% of people use their email on a daily basis, compared to 57% on Facebook and 14% on Twitter. Optinmonster
If you have a large following on social media sites, then start trying to capture their emails.
Place a tab on your Facebook profile that says “email signup”, which opens as a standard opt-in page.
Or run a contest or promotion that requires them to add their email. Be creative!
So are you convinced yet? Do you want in?
Personally, I believe all business owners should have an email list unless of course, you never intend to sell products or services of any kind. But I’m sure most of you do, so…
When you decide to start, there are many things to prepare before you begin. Don’t worry, It’s not hard.
But it’s so much easier to get all your ducks in a row before starting.
I’ve written a thorough guide on all the steps from beginning to end, to help you out. Click on my article “How To Create An Email Marketing Campaign. A Beginner’s Guide”
Now I’m assuming you all have a business set up with your own website. Or do you?
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Email marketing is the best long-term investment you can make for your business. It’s a list you own without interference from any other online entity.
Have you started your list yet? How is it going? Let me know if you have any questions. I’d love to help.
Your friend,
Hi Suzanne,
Thanks for your very nice post. It was very informative.
Thank you again!
Hi and thanks so much for your comment.
I do my best to provide helpful information for my readers. If you need any help with your email list or email marketing, let me know OK?
Hi Suzanne,
I have heard it said that each name on an email list is worth $1 USD per month to you regardless if they buy anything or not as this will average out over all the folks on the list.
I use many sources to build my email lists in the various niches that I address. Being in control of this facet of your business is extremely critical to long-term success and scalability.
I have also learned over time the importance of segmentation.
I appreciate your insights.
Hi Joseph, and thanks for stopping by!
Yes, you’re so right! And if you nurture and engage with your list, you’ll find that they can become much more profitable than $1 apiece.
Did you start right away with your different niches? I come across so many marketers who don’t start for years, and it’s such a shame. Even a very small list can be a great asset to have.
And segmenting is important too. Especially for those who don’t open their emails. They take extra attention, lol.
Wishing you great success in your business ventures,
Hello Suzanne,
Thank you for sharing this very comprehensive and thorough article about e-mail lists.
You are so right in saying that people think e-mail lists are a bit old-fashioned :). I had the exact same thoughts a few days ago and was wondering whether – with all the social media channels out there – it is still necessary to do e-mail marketing.
I guess it is, in fact, I now KNOW it is thanks to your article.
Your guide to e-mail marketing is also great.
Thanks for all the insight,
Hi Drea, and I’m so happy I could help.
I guess we should never doubt how important email lists and email marketing is. You should see my inbox every day, haha.
I believe social media has gotten to be very important as well, but it’s much harder to build relationships with social media “fans”. An email list is much more personal.
I hope you’re building one, and all is going well for you and your business.
Hi Suzanne, and thanks for this great tutorial.
Having an email list would really be helpful and help a lot in getting much needed targeted traffic. It is really the best way to develop worthy leads from the list of traffic we have been able to generate.
Email marketing is still great and it has been proved as an effective strategy that can benefit over a long time. So, seeing this confirmed in your article here is really great.
Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone who needs to know what an email list is, and what it is for.
I will be reading your “Email Marketing” article next, to learn how to do it properly.
Thanks again,
Hi Phillip, and thanks so much for commenting.
I’m happy you liked my post, and that it confirmed to you that having your own email list is still an important asset to have.
Overall, it’s still the highest converting method to use and a great way to build relationships with your leads.
A loyal and trusting list of leads can be very profitable for you.
Hi there Suzanne,
Good day!
After visiting your great article, this was an eye-opener for me to eventually consider the importance of using an email strategy for my business. Especially upon learning it’s just so easy and cheap to start this up.
My belief (that this has already been an obsolete way to help grow an online business ) has been corrected, lol. Especially upon realizing that email marketing is still the best long-term investment for an online business.
Your affirmation that 54% of marketers find this to be the most effective and easy to execute, plus the testimonies of those well-known successful online business personalities, is proof that this still works very well.
I believe this article can influence a lot more digital marketers out there who have that old belief as I did. Everyone needs to start considering an email strategy as soon as they can.
Thanks a lot!
Hi Julius, and I so happy I could help.
I don’t know how or when those beliefs started, lol. But email marketing is still widely used and probably the most effective of all marketing styles.
When you start your list and take care of it by nurturing the subscribers with helpful information, they will remain loyal and start trusting you. When they trust you, they’ll trust your recommendations when you promote an offer.
I know they say the “money is in the list”, but actually the “money is in the relationship”!!
I hope you start yours soon, and that it goes well for you. If you need any help, please let me know.
Hi Suzanne, and thanks for your post about email lists.
I am still a newbie to affiliate marketing, but I personally prefer to communicate with email.
I had some bad experiences with Facebook and have not had much to do with it in several months. As for Twitter and Instagram, I signed up once and that was it.
I know at some point I will have to give them the necessary attention to help with driving traffic to my websites, but right now I’m learning how to properly use my email list.
Hi David, and thanks for commenting!
Hey, don’t worry about all the social media yet. It’s best to master one thing at a time. That way you won’t get overwhelmed.
Once you have your email list started and you have a welcome and follow-up emails ready to go in your autoresponder, you can worry about other things.
Social media are great platforms to drive traffic, but unless you want to pay for advertising, it will take time to build up your list of followers.
One tip… if you do start to promote your offers on social media, make sure you add a link to an optin form so you can collect even more email addresses… 🙂
Wishing you well with your new business,
Hi Suzanne,
I’m glad I read this post as it came at the perfect time.
I knew I needed to start an email list with my current readers, and hopefully, future customers. But I didn’t know much about it. Your article gave me all the information that I needed to learn about the importance of starting an email list.
Now my biggest question is, how do I start an email list? So I clicked on your link “How to Create an Email Marketing Campaign – A Beginner’s Guide”
This answered all my follow up questions.
Thank you so much! I will save your site for future reference.
Hi Dana,
I’m so glad I could help. Email lists are very important assets for our businesses. I’m happy to hear you want to start yours.
Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to help our subscribers. And the more we help, the more loyal they become. Which then turns into future sales.
I made the mistake of waiting too long to start mine, and I still regret that lol. So the sooner you start, the better!
If you need any more help with anything, please let me know. I’d be glad to help.
Hi Suzanne, you have made me consider this point seriously. And I would like to hear your advice.
I’m just starting with my website. I have published 4 posts.
Should I be starting to collect emails from now on? Or should I focus on publishing more posts? How many posts as a minimum?
I don’t want to lose focus from the things that are key for my business at this point. And I don’t know if creating content or collecting emails (and creating email sequences) should be my main focus.
Please help.
Hi Paolo,
These are great questions and I’d be happy to help!
If your site is brand new with only a few posts, it might be a little early. Especially since you’re probably not even getting traffic yet.
I would recommend you work on getting more content on your site, and when you see some traffic starting to come, then add a simple option form on your site to start capturing emails.
You can consider using MailChimp to start because it’s free for your first 2000 subscribers. That way you won’t need to worry about extra monthly payments for now.
Have you installed your Google Analytics account to your website yet? You need to do that so you can follow your site’s statistics. This way, you’ll know when you start getting traffic.
Creating content should always be your focus. Building an email list is easy once you start ranking, and simply writing to them once a week with some new info, advice, or links, won’t take much time.
I wish you well with your new online business,
Great website Suzanne. I love what you have done with it. You have great articles and an easy-flow to your writing.
As far as email lists go, it is an absolute necessity. Why? Because email is still the most powerful “modern” way to communicate with your subscribers.
Even though you might hear people say it is no longer useful, it still is. It is not outdated or old. It is the best way to promote your business.
I am so glad your article explains that suitably. Many beginners do not understand how important an email list is to their business. And many do not start at the beginning. So they end up having wasted a few years when they could have been capturing emails the whole time.
Thank you for explaining all about email lists. You have been very helpful.
Hi Aparna, and thanks for your comment!
It’s funny you saying many people waste their first few years by not starting to collect emails right away. That was me, lol.
I waited for a year before signing up for my autoresponder, and kick myself for it now. I had been told it’s no use if you don’t have a ton of traffic, so I waited.
That was poor advice, unfortunately. It doesn’t matter if you only collect a few in the beginning. It’s best to have things set up so when your traffic takes a big step forward, you’re ready to capture all those who want to sign up.
And thanks for your kind words about my website. I really appreciate it!
Hi Suzanne,
Great tips about Email Marketing. I did not think about email as a way to increase traffic on my blog. I will certainly use your tips.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Maja, for your comment.
Yes, email lists are a great way to increase your traffic. If you haven’t started yet, then give it a try. I think you’ll really enjoy the benefits. If you need any help, let me know!
Awesome break down on what an email list is, Suzie. Although I’m more into affiliate marketing, I DO know the importance of having a loyal list that trusts what you say and will buy almost anything from you.
It really is that powerful and the reason why an email list will never die. And I’m sorry to hear that Facebooks algorithm update hurt your business, I’m sure you can bounce back like you always do. 😀
Hi Brandon, and thanks! Yes, having an email list is a big asset and should be treated with care. You know you can use an email list with affiliate marketing right? Unless you’re using sales funnels with just one landing page. And then again, that another form of email marketing, lol.
This was a well written article. An email list sure sounds like the way to go. I have my own blog, but I never thought to add an email opt in before. I also have a lot of social media for my site though I did not realize email was more effective. The advice is most welcome.
I do have a question though. When you plan out an email to send out, what do you usually like to send your readers? I do not want to send my readers anything lame to say the least. I look forward to hearing your response.
Thank you so much and I hope you make it a great day!
Hi Alex, and thanks for your comment!
What you send your readers really depends on the niche you’re in. Myself, I am trying to help people start their own business, so I like to send information that is useful for this. Techniques, tips, help, anything that can be easily and quickly applied.
So consider what your blog is about, and send out relevant information your readers would appreciate. What is it they’re coming to your website for? Put yourself in their shoes.
I hope this helps. Let me know if I can help you any further, OK?
Love how deeply you’ve dived into this subject. It really shows how important an email list is for a successful business.
Hi Jamaar,
And thanks! Yes, it’s a big subject that has so many new marketers confused. I’m hoping if I cover all the various areas, it’ll help clear things up so they won’t be so scared to try.
Glad you’re enjoying my articles,
Nice article. I have been struggling to get my email list going. It can be a challenge. Yet, you have laid out a compelling case as to why I need to shift my thinking and make it happen.
Thanks for a great article and kick in the pants lol.
Hi Kevin.
Any time, lol. I’m glad you’ve seen the light! Just kidding. It’s definitely something to consider as it generates so much more traffic and sales. Let me know how it goes, ok?