The Passive Affiliate System Review – Make $100/Day On YouTube

The Passive Affiliate System Review

Have you heard how popular YouTube is now? And how many are making great money using it? Would you like to get in on that action?

If you’ve been looking for a way to make money from YouTube, then you’ve probably come across this product. And this is why I’ve written the Passive Affiliate System review so that you can decide if it’s for you.

I know how hard it is to find out if something a scam, or if it’s legit. So let me show you what’s inside, and how it works. I’ll also point out any additional costs, as well as their refund policy.

I’m so glad you’re here. With what I’ve learned and are sharing with you, you should be able to make an informed decision.

If you’d like to know where I learned how to succeed with affiliate marketing, please click here!

passiveaffiliate review rating




What Is The Passive Affiliate System?

a great way to earn profits

This is a Clickbank product created by Andy Hafell and was launched in October 2019. It’s an upgraded release of his previous product called “Tube Takeoff Academy”.

This system can show you how to sell products and get leads on YouTube. This is a “no-face” YouTube strategy, not a “personal brand” strategy.

Andy created a webinar explaining his system, and has some great tips on it too!

Passive Affiliate System – $297.00

What’s Inside

Week 0 – Must Watch

  • Intro (video)
  • Essential Tools
  • How To Correctly Use The System

Week 1 – Hot Niches & Even Hotter Affiliate Programs

  • Finding The Perfect Niche + Affiliate Program
  • Affiliate Products
  • Your Next 30
  • Keyword Research

Week 2 – Optimize The Channel And Make It Pretty

  • Curiosity Channel Name
  • Channel Banner
  • Channel Logo
  • Making The Channel Live
  • Subscribe Link, Default Description, and Channel Tags
  • A Little On Money Funnels

Week 3 – Start Making Easy Passive Affiliate Videos

  • Perfect Video Script
  • The 10 Minute Video (Must Watch)
  • Narration / Voice Over
  • Video – PP Slides
  • Video – Video Editing + Voice Editing
  • Titles & Thumbnails
  • Description + Tags
  • Compilation Channel (No Voice / No Face)

Week 4 – The 1000 Sub Snowball System

  • The Comment Strategy
  • The Email Feedback Loop
  • Other Ways To Get Views

Week 5 – How To Hire And Outsource Everything

  • Hiring Script Writer
  • Hiring Narrator / Voice Actor
  • Hiring Slide Maker Editor
  • Hiring Thumbnails Maker
  • Managing And Growing Team
  • Hiring Audio Guy (Live – Step-By-Step)

Week 6 – Money Funnels

  • The Passive Money Funnel
  • Building A Website
  • Building The Money Funnel Live
  • Clickfunnels Funnel
  • Understanding Your Autoresponder


#1: Perfect Video Scripts & Templates

  • Three scripts and templates

#2: The Passive Affiliate Startup Pack

  • 132 Best Passive Affiliate Niches
  • 250 High Paying Affiliate Program List
  • 31 Piggyback Channel Ideas

#3: Complete Channel Design

  • The Banner Design
  • The Logo Design

#4: First 1000 Sub Snowball Template

  • 27 copy & paste templates

#5: 30 Day Success Checklist

  • 30-day success checklist

#6: Copy & Paste Hiring Scripts

  • Andy’s private hiring scripts

#7: Passive Affiliate Tribe – Mastermind (Facebook Group)

  • Review your channel
  • Review one of your videos
  • Hard questions receive a video answer
  • Any questions will be answered by the community manager

Expected Costs

  • Clickfunnels – $97 to $297 per month
  • Autoresponder – $20 per month to start
  • Video editing software
  • Microphone
  • Outsourcing costs


my PAS webinar button


Who Is This System For?

this system is about video marketing on Youtube

This system is for anyone who wants to make money online with a YouTube channel. YouTube has risen to the second largest search engine, and monetizing your channel is a very real way to create a successful online business.

The training in this product is great, and the owner shows you how he’s been making at least $100 per day through his channels.

Be aware though, that you will require online tools and services that will cost you a monthly fee. But Andy shows you how he’s succeeded, so if you follow his training, you should be able to cover your costs sooner than without his training.

Andy is not promoting any type of get-rich-quick scheme. His wish is to see people earn $100 per day by a year’s time.

I can’t say how long it will take you, because everyone’s commitment level is different. And any passive income business takes longer to build.

But you know what? It’s all worth it! Believe me!

You should also be aware of the refund policy. I’ll go over that below…


How Does It Work?

Andy befell is a super affiliate on youtube

This product was originally released as Tube Takeoff Academy, in April 2018 and is still available on some sites for $39.95. The original website name now directs you to Passive Affiliate System.

(I have no idea what you’d receive if you pay these random sites the $39.95 for the older product.)

The Passive Affiliate program has increased to 6 weeks of training vs. the previous 4 weeks, and 6 additional bonuses.

When you’re inside, Andy has a welcome video for you to watch. He explains how he was just a broke college kid a couple of years ago, and wanted to make money online.

He’s compiled everything he’s learned into this course, which took him 5 months to create so that you can have a “straight line to success”.

The first things he’d like you to do is:

  1. Join the Passive Affiliate Facebook Group, where he’ll offer live training, he will look at your videos and YouTube channel, and where you can ask questions.
  2. Introduce yourself to the tribe, and tell a little about yourself. Or, you can personally message him!
  3. Bookmark the training page for easy access.

I joined the Facebook group, and Andy is indeed active on it, so that’s a great sign!

Week 0 – Must Watch

Andy tells you the most important week is #0.

This is where He shows you the resources you’ll need for this course. There are two you should be aware of in advance. You will need them for week 6:

  1. Clickfunnels – This is an awesome funnel building software platform where you can create and host your funnels. They provide their own training to help you get set up.

This software has two price points, depending on your needs. The first is $97 per month, which is the most commonly used, and the other is $297 per month for those large businesses having multiple successful domains.

  1. Autoresponder – This service sets up your followup messages to your email list. This is a vital part of creating your sales funnel.

When someone subscribes to your email optin, the service then automatically sends out emails at interval times that you’ve previously set up. You put the work in once, and it keeps running indefinitely.

I would personally recommend Aweber. They are very reliable and have no issues with affiliate marketers.

Andy will also give you incentives to make your first 30 videos, and then 100 videos. There are other private groups he’ll introduce you to for added support once you’ve accomplished this.

Unfortunately, these tools, especially Clickfunnels, can get pretty pricey when you’re just starting out. But if you follow the training you should be able to recoup those monthly costs in time.

Week 1 – Hot Niches & Even Hotter Affiliate Programs

If you are new to affiliate marketing, you’ll need to start at the beginning. And this is where the training starts, Niches!

He will show you how to choose your niche, as well as finding affiliate programs.

Once you’ve done this step, you need to learn about keywords. The right keyword can attract a lot of traffic! There are free tools online you can use, but I would highly recommend the tool I use.

If you’d like to read about it, Click Here!

Andy will then show you 31 examples of niche channels you can ethically model. Not copy, just model…

And you can do this without even showing your face! This is great for you shy folks!

Week 2 – Optimize The Channel And Make It Pretty

This week is all about design and optimization. If you want subscribers, your channel has to be appealing, right?

This is where a little branding comes in.

You want your channel to be attention-grabbing, and that starts with:

  • The name – What are you calling yourself?
  • Your banner – What’s the first thing your visitors will see?
  • Your logo – Is it memorable? Catchy?

Optimizing is needed for search engines, so you’ll be shown how to write your description and tags with those all-important keywords.

And of course, you can’t forget your Subscribe link!

Week 3 – Start Making Easy Passive Affiliate Videos

In this week’s training, Andy will show you how to easily make videos without spending hours doing it.

He’ll provide you with templates you can use, and you don’t need to even show your face or use your own voice.

All this can be outsourced too. Though that’s another cost you might not be ready for yet.

I personally use “Content Samurai” to easily make videos, but use my own voice so my followers can get to know me a little better, lol.

You’ll then be shown how to do some video and voice editing, as well as the very important thumbnail image. Without an eye-catching video image, people will just scroll on by…

The best thing about your videos is that once they’re made, and published with the proper keywords, they’ll keep bringing you traffic for as long as it’s up!

Week 4 – The 1000 Sub Snowball System

Getting subscribers to your channel is one of the hardest tasks to accomplish.

This week, Andy will share with you the fastest way he’s discovered to get those first 1000 subscribers.

After that, he helps you create a snowball effect to keep the momentum going. Besides using your comment section, you’ll be using your email list, as well as other methods to get additional views.

Week 5 – How To Hire And Outsource Everything

Week 5 is all about outsourcing. This is the main focus of this system because Andy believes it’s the best use of your time.

He shows you how you can do this for a low cost, and as your commissions come in, you can reinvest your money to further outsourcing.

This may, or may not be something you can afford right off the bat, but it is something to consider once you start making money.

The training covers all areas of outsourcing, from writing the script, making the video and thumbnails, and hiring a narrator. He’ll even show you how to build and manage a team to get all this done,

Week 6 – Money Funnels

Sales funnels are used by many profitable businesses, and this is one way you can monetize your YouTube Channel.

When you’ve learned how to create a sales funnel, and have your visitors optin, you have the opportunity to turn them all into customers.

The nice thing is that when your funnel is made, and you add it to your channel, it keeps working for you, 24/7.

This is the week you’ll be introduced to Clickfunnels and learning how to properly use your autoresponder.


The bonuses are very helpful, especially if you’re new to all this.

Andy provides you with many scripts, templates, and lists of current niches and affiliate programs to help you get going.

What I especially like is the 30-day checklist to keep you on track.


my PAS link button


Please Note The Refund Policy

Before you purchase anything, you should always make sure their money-back guarantee is something you can abide by.

Many products out there offer 60-day money-back guarantees, but not all of them are easy to obtain.

Because Andy isn’t promoting a get-rich-quick scheme, he wants to make sure you’ve followed his training and created some videos first.

It’s a strict refund policy and you need to prove the following steps before ANY refund is given:

  1. You must have logged into the training at least once.
  2. You’ve watched at least 50% of the training.
  3. You’ve joined the private Facebook group.
  4. You’ve made an effort to start any YouTube channel or any other type of website or funnel we teach in this training.
  5. You must make at least 5 videos of 2+ minutes
  6. You must prove that you have tried at least one of the traffic methods inside.
  7. If you’ve had any problems with the course or support issues you must make an honest attempt to go into the private Facebook group and ask for support or send a support ticket.

Personally, I believe this is fair. Too many people would try to get the product, copy all the videos, then ask for a refund. This is why these policies are in place, to protect the owner.

So if you can’t agree with all these stipulations, you won’t be able to purchase the product.



  • 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Great video marketing training
  • You don’t have to show your face
  • Long term strategy for passive income
  • Great way to promote your current business
  • Andy will personally review your channel



  • Strict refund policy
  • Additional costs


Final Thoughts And Recommendations

Wealthy Affiliate teaches more for less money

I believe this system can be very helpful for a new marketer, or someone who already has a business and would like to drive more traffic through a YouTube channel.

Andy Hafell’s training is detailed and of great quality. What he teaches you is how he promotes his own products via YouTube. He’s become quite successful and is sharing what he’s learned.

Sure, you could find all this information for free, online, bit by bit. But the advantage of this course is that he’s compiled it all in one place.

It’s always easier to learn from one teacher, instead of trying to pick out things from all different sources.

Plus, he is active in his Facebook group, and gives you more free training there, too. You have access to him, and everyone else in the community.

I only see 147 members so far, but I expect that will grow as time goes on.

The additional cost could be a little high for you right now, but you could start as best you can without them, and once your commissions start coming in, you could reinvest it to purchase the tools he recommends.

Is Passive Affiliate System a scam? No

Would I recommend it? Yes

As I said above, video marketing is a real way to make money online. And it seems to be a huge direction that many marketers are taking.

Andy touches on building a website and promoting your videos that way as well. Do you have a website yet?

Content marketing is another real way to drive traffic to your offers. And this is “Free Traffic”!

My review, that you’re reading right now, is part of my content on my website. And with the proper keywords, I can drive a lot of traffic to my site.

It’s important to have different traffic streams creating multiple income streams. You don’t want to rely solely on YouTube.

Can I make you an honest recommendation?

I think this course would be very beneficial for you, but if you’re thinking you’d like a website as well, I have the perfect place for you to build and host it, as well as a lot of excellent training.

This platform has:

  • Current and readily updated training for all types of affiliate marketing (including YouTube).
  • Website builder as well as a hosting platform.
  • A powerful keyword research tool.
  • A very large and active (on-site) community.

If you click on the button below, you can read all about it. When you join, I will meet you inside and help you as long as you wish.


my wa landing button


So where did you hear about the Passive Affiliate System? There aren’t many reviews out yet, so I wanted to share as quickly as I could.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.

Your friend,


P.S. Please share!