A Beginners Guide To Affiliate Marketing – Let’s Get Visual!

a beginners guide to affiliate marketing

The 4-hour workweek. Passive income. Make money while you sleep.

Have you heard people talk like this? Did you think it was just a pipe dream? Well, it’s not. It’s very achievable! Want to know why?

Because affiliate marketing is awesome!

There’s no other industry where you can sit down at a computer and start making money. You don’t need to store inventory, hire employees, have a brick and mortar store, handle customer service, pay for shipping, worry about returns, and so on.

Let me visually show you The Beginner’s Guide To Affiliate Marketing.

Sure, I could talk about it all day long, because it’s such an exciting business, but I realize how many people understand certain concepts better with pictures.

So this article is designed for you visual learners.

First, let me share with you a little about affiliate marketing. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry that anyone can get involved in.

You don’t need a huge investment to get started. In fact, you can start with very little to nothing at all.

You probably don’t realize how often you see affiliate websites when you’re online. Especially when you’re shopping.

Each time you click on a link to buy something, you’re most likely involved in the affiliate system.

First, we’ll look at what affiliate marketing is.  Then we’ll look at why you’d want to start an affiliate business.

And finally, I’d like to show you where you can start an affiliate business.

If you’re in a hurry, this is where I recommend you learn.




What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing involves three parties:

  1. The Publisher
  2. The Advertiser
  3. The Consumer

In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is when you (the publisher) enter into an agreement with a company (the advertiser) to promote their product or service, in exchange for a percentage of the sale (by the consumer).

The following infographic explains how they all work together.

a beginners guide on affiliate marketing

OK, so how was that? Do you have a clear understanding of the process?



Why Start An Online Business?

Now you’re probably wondering why anyone would want to have an online business. Here are some great reasons…

Financial Freedom

This is one of the most lucrative ways to create passive income streams for your future.

Whether you want to be debt-free, be able to travel anywhere you wish, or simply to have a comfortable retirement… an online business is the answer.

Be Your Own Boss

Who wouldn’t love to work for themselves? Instead of spending your time padding your boss’ bank account, pad your own!


The awesome thing about an online business is the freedom to work from anywhere there is an internet connection.

So why be stuck in an office all day when you can work at home, at a coffee shop, at the lake, on the beach…you name it.

Mass Global Market

Did you know that as of June 2017, 51% of the worlds’ population can access the internet?

That’s 3.7 billion people in 2017.

That’s a lot of potential customers, don’t you think?

complete beginners guide to affiliate marketing

Can you think of any other great reasons?



Where To Learn About Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing may look intimidating to start, but really, it isn’t. As long as you get the proper training, anyone can do this.

I say proper training because if you start as I did, you’ll get overwhelmed, frustrated and want to quit.

I wasted too much time trying to learn it on my own, bouncing around the internet from site to site.

Sure, all the info is out there, somewhere, but only piece by piece.

The worst part was not getting the daily support all newbies need.

There are forums out there that you can ask questions on, but answers can take days or weeks to come. Not very efficient when you’re excited about starting.

Then I found Wealthy Affiliate. They have been a successful training platform, online, since 2005.

And best of all, you can start with zero knowledge, and get your website up and running almost immediately. The rest is “earn while you learn”.

Did I say “free” yet?  Yup, you can start with a free starter membership to check it out.

No commitment necessary. What better way to test-drive the platform to see if you like it. And you get two free websites! And, and,…

OK, why don’t you take a peek at this video to get a better idea…

So what did you think? Pretty cool eh?

I’ve been there for years now and still amazed at everything they offer.

They keep updating and adding the newest, coolest tools to help “making money” so much easier.

The best part is the certification course which walks you through building a business from the ground up. Once you know what you’re doing, you can repeat the process over and over.

I hope this beginner’s guide to affiliate marketing has helped you understand what it is, why you’d want to start, and where to start.

My desire is to get you off on the right foot, from the very beginning, with the best online program.  

Click on the image below, and read all about it.

Exciting days ahead. This could be a life-changing decision for you.

my wa landing pic

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. You can ask below in the comments, or you can meet me on the inside. I’ll be there waiting for you.

Your friend,


