The Best Keyword Tool for SEO. Meet Jaaxy!!


Are you looking for the best keyword tool for SEO for your next marketing campaign?

Keyword research is vital to the success of any campaign in 2020.  It’s the key to attracting quality traffic, in a consistent way to your business, offers and promotions.

Without those proper keywords, your content is just one of the billions of posts landing on page 32 or higher, on Google search, lol.

I don’t know of anyone who searches through that many pages…

Many huge companies will spend thousands of dollars on keyword research.  And that’s fine if you have the budget for it.

Do you?  I don’t!  But don’t worry, anyone can do keyword research for themselves for considerably less money if any at all.

Hi. My name is Suzanne, and my passion is to help you with your marketing strategies and SEO optimization.  If you’re new to all this, these articles will help explain some details for you:

There are essentially two types of keyword research tools to help you find which keywords will work best for your online strategies.

  1. The traditional, basic keyword tool to help you find the most profitable ones with the most searches, least competition.
  2. Competitor based keywords to assess what’s working for your competition.

Ideally, you’d want to use the second type of tool, but unfortunately, these tools come at a hefty monthly cost for membership.

It’s worth the money if you can afford it, but many of you are just beginning your blogging career, or have only small to intermediate-sized businesses.

So where does that leave you?

What if I told you that you can have the best of both worlds?  It’s a keyword tool that I use on a daily basis and has worked to steadily increase my organic traffic.

jaaxy keyword tool review

But first, let’s talk about why you need a keyword research tool, and what to look for.

And if you’d like to know where I learned all about keywords, you need to check this out


Why A Keyword Tool Is Vital

jaaxy keyword research tool

Keyword research is very important to a successful campaign.  Whether it’s to attract free traffic, paid traffic, Youtube views, etc, it’s the keywords in your articles and advertisements that get the traffic you need.

Without knowing which keywords have an abundance of traffic with little competition, you will be fighting an uphill battle.

There are thousands of affiliate marketers out there, so finding those little pearls to give you an edge above the competition is critical to your success.

We all want to rank on page #1 of Google.

Keyword research is more than just verifying how many searches there are of a particular word or long-tail keyword.

It’s also uncovering the current terminology that’s being typed into the search engines for that particular topic.

Remember that an online campaign is global.

People from all nations are searching, and using different lingo. This lingo is an ever-changing landscape so current knowledge of keywords is crucial.

Why do you need to know this? It’s the best way to create or drive traffic to your campaign.

If you target that word or phrase that many people are using, your post will reach the audience that’s more likely to convert.

And with the many versions of search results you get, you will have an abundance of future blog ideas.

Your problem will not be “can I find the proper keywords?” but “do I have enough time to write all these blogs?”

Searching For The Right Tool 

best free keyword research tool 2020

When you’re looking for a keyword tool, you want to make sure it will give you the information you are looking for.

There are many competitor-based tools online that look impressive, but when you look at them closely, they are trying to impress you with loads of data.

Many of you who are just starting out online, or have smaller businesses you want to scale, won’t need 90% of the information offered.

Or you won’t know what to do with it!  lol

What’s most important search is finding your keyword monthly searches, the amount of competition, and any other relevant data.

You do need to consider the many low-grade tools though. Things to watch out for are:

  • Software you have to install.
  • It doesn’t pull information from all search engines.
  • It doesn’t show the keyword difficulty or amount of competition.
  • It requires more than one step to achieve results;

Really, there are only three metrics you actually need to find the proper keyword:

  1. The average number of monthly searches.
  2. The amount of competition currently using that keyword.
  3. A keyword quality indicator to help determine it’s usability.

To give you an idea of the most popular competitor-based tools and their prices:

  • Ahrefs – This tool starts at $129 per month with limited searches, and goes up to $499 per month before negotiating bigger plans.  They no longer offer a free trial.
  • Moz Keyword Tool – This tool has a free trial for 30 days (with a c/c number). The monthly rates start at $99 up to $599 per month. They offer a free 30-day trial.
  • Semrush – Their plans start at $129.95 up to $499.95 per month with a 7-day free trial.

You can read my Semrush Review here…

my jaaxy link button

Let Me Introduce You To Jaaxy

best free keyword research tool

This is my favourite tool and I use it multiple times a day.  It’s a keyword and research tool developed…

“by affiliate marketers, for affiliate marketers”.

This is the most advanced traditional keyword tool online, yet easy to use and very affordable.  It allows you to manage your keyword, competition, website and market research all with one tool.

And you know what?  Brian Dean from Backlinko listed Jaaxy as #2 on his list of the best keyword tools for 2020.  That’s a great recommendation from a highly successful marketer!

Jaaxy was developed by the same two individuals who created Wealthy Affiliate.  They both have over 15 years of successful online marketing experience and wanted to create a specially designed tool for a marketer’s needs.

This tool accurately gives you the results you need in seconds.

It does so much more, but your basic needs are done efficiently, quickly and best of all, easily!!

The main features I want to show you on Jaaxy’s dashboard are:

  1. Keyword Searches
  2. Alphabet Soup Method
  3. Saved Lists
  4. Search Analysis
  5. Site Rank
  6. Additional Features

how to find keywords with jaaxy dashboard

#1:  Keyword Searches

Did you know that there are over 500 million “new search terms” being searched every day?  That’s among the billions of keywords out there.  Jaaxy provides you with accurate numbers for both traffic and competition.

Jaaxy pulls its data from the three main search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo.  Let me show you the metrics it gives:

  • Avg = average # of searches per month
  • QSR = quoted # of competing websites that are ranked
  • KQI =  green is great; yellow is OK; red is poor
  • SEO = likelihood (out of 100) of ranking on 1st page
  • Traffic =  estimated traffic to your site if you rank on page one

Let’s say your niche is “exercise equipment”. By typing in this keyword, I immediately get the results for this particular keyword as well as many more ideas for domain names or articles within my niche.

find long tail keywords for digital marketing

Exercise Equipment is a very broad keyword and has:

  • 61,570 average searches per month  – great but…
  • It has 282 competing websites – not good
  • “Poor” Keyword Quality Indicator – don’t use
  • An SEO score of only 41/100 – don’t use
  • 10,467 estimated amount of traffic- nice, but still don’t use

The KQI is my favourite feature of Jaaxy.

This takes the guesswork out of deciding which direction to take.

As you can see, using “exercise equipment” is not recommended, but choosing “recumbent exercise equipment” is ideal.

Personally, I choose keywords with an Avg over 100, a QSR under 100, and an SEO score over 90.  This is what some marketers refer to as “low hanging fruit”.

Instead of trying to reach the top fruit with the most searches (which is also the most competitive), go for the low hanging fruit.  These will give you the best chances at ranking #1.

This same results page will give you the available domains if you wish to start a new business.

The column on the right will also give you additional keyword ideas to search for.  I’ve highlighted three in yellow that I would consider.

Learn how to choose the best keywords for your niche in my keyword & ranking post.

#2:  Alphabet Soup Method

This is a valuable way to come up with long-tail keywords, content ideas, domain ideas, and awesome niches.

When you type in your keyword, it gives you a list of ideas using every letter of the alphabet.  It will mix up the position of your keyword from the front, middle, and end of a phrase.

this tool is great for google adwords research

I can’t speak highly enough about this feature.  It not only gives you additional keywords but with the click of the “search on this” button, it searches additional keywords like the example above.

You can also save your ideas in a “Brainstorm” list to search later.

#3:  Saved Lists

This feature allows you to save all the “gems” you’ve found for future content ideas.  Each great keyword is another topic for another article.

keeps lists for different niche

As you can see, it gives you the ability to name each list, shows the number of keywords in each list, allows you to export your list, etc…

I have many lists I’ve created, and when I come across something great, I just add it to a current one or make a new one.  It’s a wonderful way to save ideas and not worry about forgetting what you previously found.

#4:  Search Analysis

Have you ever heard marketers talk about “spying on their competitors?  Jaaxy will let you do just that.

If you type in the keyword you wish to use, Jaaxy will pull up the current SERP (search engine result page) for Google, Bing and Yahoo.

In this case, I typed in “treadmill review” and choose Google.  The top 10 results are shown.

spy on your competition for better ppc

If you click the “View Details” button, Jaaxy will show you additional data like what, if any, metadata they used, their word count, links, etc.

This gives you an inside view of their details, so you can improve the way you present your article, to outrank them.  For instance, this top result wrote an article of 692 words.

Simply writing a longer article will greatly help your chances of outranking them!

It’s not only important to look at what’s ranking, but what’s NOT ranking.  In this case, the top 10 results were articles.

This tells you that if you created a YouTube video, you would most likely rank high, as Google currently ranks videos very well.

my jaaxy link button

5.  Site Rank

Site rank allows you to see the current position of your content on all three search engines.

You can also set the tracking to “on” to show you the movement over time.  

Don’t be alarmed about the blurred area in the pictures.  It’s just my personal information I don’t like to show…:)

track your key words ranking online

The picture above shows you the position of one of my posts on Google.  It’s #1.  Yay!!

It has stayed there for 3 scans so far.  If not, the lower-left would show you the changes on a graph, of how many positions you rose or dropped.

rank with Google, Bing and Yahoo

This picture shows you a fraction of my tracking list.

  • The top article is not ranked on the first 10 pages, after 3 scans
  • The second is in #1 position for 3 scans
  • The third has remained consistent at #28 on Google, dropped to #18 on Yahoo, and dropped to #3 on Bing after 2 scans
  • The fourth has had no scans yet so shows current position only

My competition is outranking me on several of these articles.  This is why this feature is so important.  I now have the ability to go back to the article and improve my SEO on these posts.

6.  Additional Features

The remaining features are great as well.

Search History

Your “Search History” will help you if you remember finding something great but forgot to save it to one of your lists.  It can go back for 6 months of results to show you what you had searched for.


“Brainstorm” not only list the keywords you wish to further study, but it also shows you the current top-ranking topics in:

  • Google Trends
  • Alexa Topics
  • Amazon Best Sellers
  • Twitter Trends

keyword brainstorming tool

This information will give you a keen insight into what the current top 25 topics are.  If any are relevant to your niche, you should jump on it and write a post that could go viral!!

Affiliate Programs

This is a new feature added in 2019.  It will give names of the affiliate products you can promote with your niche.  No need to go look elsewhere.

free keyword tool find affiliate products

Currently, have the option to look at four affiliate networks:

  1. Commission Junction
  2. Link Share
  3. Digital River
  4. ClickBank

Enter your keyword into the search bar, choose a network, and Jaaxy will pull up lots of different products you can choose from to promote.

If you want the most popular products, you can check the “Alexa Rank” to show you the traffic ranking for each product.  And the commission percentage may make up your mind as well, lol.

(Your) Affiliate Program

At the top of the page, you can access your affiliate ID if you wish to promote Jaaxy.  You’re shown the amount of money you can make, as well as access to various links for your promotions.

You can also use the plugin (HTML) code to put the trial search box on your post.  You can see mine at the bottom of the page…

Jaaxy Help

Jaaxy Help provides you with video resources as well as three great bonuses.  These videos walk you through how to do your keyword research and get the most out of Jaaxy:

  • Jaaxy Keyword Research & Management – 22:49 minutes
  • Jaaxy Website Research and Analysis – 17:31 minutes
  • Niche Research Refinement – 16:45 minutes
  • The Affiliate Program Walkthrough – 13:34 minutes

Your bonus links are for:

  • 1,000 High Traffic, Low Competition Keywords List – This PDF lists 1000 keywords, handpicked by Kyle and Carson, that are set up for your SEO success.
  • Niches, Keywords, & Success Guide – This 15 page PDF is a research bonus to learn how to utilize Jaaxy to uncover hot niches in minutes.
  • Domain Industry Secrets Guide – This 9 page PDF shares how to tap into the billion-dollar industry, and how to uncover low-cost domains and sell them for much more.  It’s your guide to domain flipping!

Jaaxy Demo Video

This demo video will show you how easy it is to find great keywords for niches and content ideas.

This video was made my one of my fellow members, who shows you what you’d see inside of Jaaxy…

What Does Jaaxy Cost?

What would you pay for a tool like this? You’re probably expecting it to be quite expensive, aren’t you? Well, you’d be wrong!

Here are the three Jaaxy plans, to suit any budget.

Jaaxy membership levels

Jaaxy pays for itself very quickly.  Using the proper keywords brings you an abundance of traffic, which in turn increases your sales.  It’s a win-win.

Because Jaaxy was developed by the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, this keyword tool is fully integrated into their training platform.  So guess what…

If you are a Wealthy Affiliate member, you automatically have a Jaaxy Lite plan for free with unlimited searches.

As a premium member of WA, you can upgrade to Pro or Enterprise with HUGE discounts on the above prices.

  • Jaaxy Pro (with Premium) = $19/mth, $199/year ($30/mth, $300/year savings)
  • Jaaxy Enterprise (with Premium) = $49/mth, $499/year ($50/mth, $500/year savings)

Wealthy Affiliate is an amazing, all in one, training platform, for any online marketer.

Try Before You Buy

Are you ready to start your keyword search for free? Use the keyword search bar below to give Jaaxy a spin.  Register for your account and you can get 30 free searches.  No credit card needed.

Want The Best Of Both Worlds?

Guess what? You can sign up for a free starter membership with Wealthy Affiliate, and get your free Jaaxy searches that way.

And when you fall in love with the tool, you can join the premium WA membership for the same price as signing up for Jaaxy.

Look at all the benefits of being a Wealthy Affiliate member:

  • Training – Step by step courses, classrooms, tutorials, and live weekly webinars.
  • A domain registry – An easy way to find the perfect name for your business.
  • A website builder – With over 4,000 WordPress themes to choose from.
  • Website hosting – With powerful servers, security, backups, and emails, and more.
  • Jaaxy – Find low-competition keywords for the best ranking.
  • A large and active LIVE community – They always have your back!
  • And much more…

Can you see the value here?  If you join Wealthy Affiliate, you have access to Jaaxy and all of the benefits listed above.

And if you decide to join the premium membership, your first month is only $19.

I’ve been a member of WA since 2011.  There’s still nowhere else online that offers so much for so little per month.

If you’d like to read more about it, just click on the image below.  When you join I’ll greet you on the inside and coach you for as long as you want me to.

my wa landing pic

Have you used a keyword research tool yet?  I’d love to hear from you!  Please leave me a comment below.

And if you know of anyone who could benefit from this article, please share.

Your friend,








































