Seriously, Can You Make Money Online? – Or Is it All Hype?

Can I Seriously Make Money Online

How many articles have you read about making money online? Probably too many to count, right?

Actually, there are thousands and thousands of articles written to draw you into their money-making schemes… I mean opportunities.

But the only issue I have with most of these is that many of them are cheesy sales pitches for their product. Or an invitation to a webinar, which turns out to just be another cheesy sales pitch.

They really do give the legitimate opportunities a bad name. But can you make money online? Seriously? Legitimately? Yes, you can!

Making money online isn’t difficult. Whether you’re looking for a long-term income builder or some faster supplemental income, the opportunities are there.

They just take discipline! But then again, without discipline, you wouldn’t succeed offline either. Am I right?

Here’s where I learned to make money online



How Do I Make Money Online?

The first thing you need to understand is that any legitimate method is not going to be a “get-rich-quick” schemes. Nine out of ten times, these are just clever scams, where the owner is the only one getting rich quick.

Legitimate jobs need patience, time, discipline, and work.

To generate part or full-time income, or better yet, a passive income, you need to invest yourself in the long-term goals.

We would all love some additional income to pay off debt or go on holidays, etc. But imagine the opportunity to give yourself more time with your loved ones and financial freedom.

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If you’re serious about making money online, then passive income should be your goal. Passive income is where you put the bulk of your time and work at the front end of your business, and reap the benefits at the back end.

Meaning, you put in lots of work now for little income and look forward to a recurring income for little work later on.

There are loads of ways on the internet to generate passive income. Many start blogging to develop a large following who will purchase their recommendations.

Is creating a passive income easy? Nope. Is it worthwhile? Definitely!!

Granted, this is not always desirable if you’re looking for quick cash, but the long-term advantages can far outweigh the present needs.


But I Need Income Now!

OK, so why not do both. Start your long-term business now to enjoy the rewards later, but look for other online jobs in the meantime. Let’s look at some legitimate ideas:

Paying Websites and Apps

There are many legit paying websites who have apps for your phones. What better way to make some quick cash while on the go. You won’t get rich, but it’ll earn you a little cash. I’ll list some legit ones for you.

  • can i really make money online using EbatesSwagbucks: You can make money in a variety of ways. Shopping online, taking surveys, watching videos or surfing the web with their search engine. They offer you gift cards or cash back for your efforts.
  • Ebates: You get cash back for buying online what you’re already buying. Just click the link in your app and buy from the store. You automatically get credited with cash rewards upon purchasing.
  • Inbox Dollars: Another app that pays you for watching TV, taking surveys and shopping online. They, too, have a search engine for you to surf the web to earn credit.
  • ibotta: Receive cashback when you buy featured products. Just take a snapshot of your receipt, upload, and voila!

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There are multiple survey sites that offer rewards for surveys taken. Many offer varying points for the length of the survey. When accumulating enough, they offer cash rewards. I will list 3 but with some research, there are many more.

Apps for Services

Have you ever considered using your free time for driving and delivery services? In our age of phone apps, there are many companies utilizing apps to quickly and easily connect customers with the appropriate help.

  • Uber or Lyft: This is a great way to make moneyfree make money online using the Uber app on the side, in your free time. The hours are flexible and you work when and if you want to. Your own locale may even offer a competitor you can use.
  • Postmates: This courier service lets anyone have anything delivered, on-demand, from any store or restaurant. When you join their fleet, you’re given the tools you need to earn cash on your own schedule
  • TaskRabbit: When you become a “tasker”, you’re notified of potential jobs nearby. Just select the one you want, confirm with the client, complete the work and submit your invoice. Great side hustle!!

Online Website Services

The internet world offers a large scope of digital work for those looking for side money. If you have any education or experience in any number of fields, why not offer your time and expertise in exchange for cash.

  • how can i start making money online using fiverrUpwork: People with jobs in categories from IT to family law look to Upwork for the appropriate help. This freelancing site has millions of jobs paying freelancers more than 1 billion each year.
  • Fiverr: Another freelancing site, you can offer any service you wish as long as it’s legal. There are over 100 categories to look through. Free to join and no advertising fees. You keep 80% of each transaction.
  • Cafepress: Are you artistic and like designing? Create and upload your own designs to have them printed on an array of products. When sold, you make money. You can even create your own ship with your own website.


Liking The Long-Term Passive Income Idea?

If you’re serious about making money online, then affiliate marketing and blogging is the best way to do this.

It’s easy to set up and offers you the most sustainable income. It takes work, yes, but it’s not hard.

When you understand the steps required, it all falls into place and is repeatable.

Though maybe not as straightforward as some of the above gigs, it’s fun and very rewarding. You see, you’re getting the opportunity to help many people with a particular question or problem.

You don’t have to be a novelist or have an A+ in English. Just write the way you would talk to your friends, help them out, and soon you’ll have created a sizable amount of website traffic.

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It all starts with finding your niche, picking out the right domain name, building your website and adding the content that complements your niche.

When you’ve learned the proper SEO techniques to attract the right audience, you have a means of generating tremendous passive income. And by this, I mean monetizing your blog or website.

Here are the common ways to monetize:

  • Advertising – This is a little more old school, but people can still earn thousands by selling advertising spots using Google Adsense,, etc.
  • Affiliates – This is a very effective way of earning money. You get a commission if a person clicks through your link and buys the product or service you promote. You’ll want to choose products that are specifically within your niche’s subject.
  • Products – Digital products are always in demand, be it software programs, digital courses or ebooks.
  • Membership – A great way to bring in monthly or annual fees for exclusive content only available to the “member area” of your website.
  • Services – You can offer life coaching, financial planning, accounting services, website building… think of what you can provide and build a business around it.
  • Sponsored Posts – Once your website has sufficient authority, you could have sponsors asking if they can post an article or advertisement on your site, for a fee of course.
  • Subscription – Though most sites ask visitors to sign up for free if you have something of value that people want on a weekly or monthly basis, why not charge a fee?
  • Videos – This is the new trending form of blogging, and many have become very successful in creating YouTube videos.


Need Help?

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The success or failure of most online businesses’ comes down to one thing. Education. Without the proper training to learn the steps involved, you could be doomed. But I have good news for you. It’s called Wealthy Affiliate.

Here’s an awesome, short video showing you a great overview…

This platform has everything you need under one roof. They offer all the education, tools and support to get your business up and running, then continue to help you to success.

They have easy, step by step lessons, designed for entrepreneurs with no previous experience. No need to worry about anything technical. It’s all done for you.

And the best thing they offer……is a free starter membership.

You can sign up, no credit card needed. Just your name and email address. Take phase #1 of the training, get 2 free websites, and check them out to see if you like it. No strings attached.

Isn’t that awesome? No one else online offers this!

If you click on the below, you can read all about it.  And when you join, I’ll be there to greet you and help you for as long as you need me to.

Wealthy Affiliate Review

Are you interested in passive income? Start today for a much brighter future.

And please share this post with anyone you know who might also be interested.

Your friend,











