What Is The Six Figure Empire? The Only Updated Review

What Is The Six Figure Empire

So what is the Six Figure Empire? You must be here because you’re researching this system before purchasing it. And I don’t blame you… It’s a pricey one?

Many marketers believe you should be promoting high ticket items to make a lot of money online. Is that true? Well, it’s one way, but not the only way!

I’m so glad you’re here, reading my review. It’s important to know what to expect before laying out this kind of money. There are many details they don’t tell you about, that I feel you should know from the beginning.

And by the end of this blog, you will be able to make an informed decision.

And if you’d rather bypass the uncertainty, and see where I’ve achieved my own success, CLICK HERE.

the six figure empire review and ratings



What Is The Six Figure Empire?

is six figure empire a scam?

This is a two-tier MLM business selling high ticket items. It is founded by Tim Berger in 2016.

It’s also the upgrade program connected to the Fearless Momma system. This system allows you to bring in the leads, and the company sells and closes the deal for you.

This is a stand-alone program, but many people will come to it through Fearless Momma.

Six Figure Empire Levels

As of March 2018, there was an increase in costs and products.

Ground Floor – $1,250

  • Messenger and Skype Bots to generate leads and have the system text or dial those leads.
  • Training
  • Access to Messenger Bot Portal

Break Free – $3,750

  • Includes Ground Floor level
  • Minimum 500 subscribers added to your list with 90 days
  • The Fishing Pond – leads are added weekly
    • Email leads – good for email blasting
    • Aged leads – older but targeted leads
    • Genealogy leads – leads from defunct marketing businesses, or sold by retiring marketers.
    • Direct Mail leads – ready for postcards
    • Surveyed leads – great for phone dialers (voice broadcasting)
    • Mobile leads – great for text messages or voice drops
    • Biz Opp leads – more targeted leads

Inner Circle – $6,250

  • Includes Ground Floor and Break Free Levels
  • Massive Transformational Value System” training over seven days.
    • Module 1 – You Need to Wake Up
    • Module 2 – Point of Sale
    • Module 3 – Gaining Victory Within Small Wins
    • Module 4 – 24 Hour Cashflow
    • Module 5 – Beyond 30 Days
    • Module 6 – $10K Mentorship
    • Module 7 – The Future and Beyond
    • Bonus Module – $100K Degrees Floating in the Hudson
    • Bonus Module – You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
    • Bonus Module – The Hardest Thing to Teach to New Internet Marketers

What’s Inside

Personal Links

  • 1-page Sales Funnel (New) – pays you a $20 commission
  • Six Figure Masterclass – promotional webinar
  • Instant Profit Society – $47 (New)
    • Weekly (Saturday) live webinars with Tim Berger
  • Sales order landing page (New)

Guaranteed List Building (New)

  • 20 leads to funnel – $30 ($1.50 each)
  • 50 leads to funnel – $65 ($1.30 each)
  • 100 leads to funnel – $99 ($.99 each)

Marketing Resources

  • email swipes for various traffic sources as well as Solo Ads

Administration fee

  • $29.95 per month (required)

80/20 Two Tier MLM System

  • You receive 80% of your own sale
  • You receive 20% of your second level sales (those members who signed up under you as their sponsor)

Expected Costs

Initial cost of $1,250 to $6,250

Administration cost – $29.95/month

Lead packages – $30 – $99 each time

Domain name – approx. $15/year

Website Hosting – approx. $30/month

Email Capture and Autoresponder Service – approx. $19/month and up (low end only covers about 500 subscribers)

Link Tracking service – approx. $10/month and up

Landing page creator service – approx. $37/month and up (to separate you from everyone else’s marketing)

Solo Ads – $$$/month – average cost of $1/click

Paid Advertising – about $200/month

Texting ability and 24-hour phone numbers

So all in all, it could cost you $1250 to $6250 upfront and anywhere from $357/month to start.


Who Is This High Ticket System For?

who is six figure empire compensation plan for?

The Six Figure Empire is for anyone who desires to promote high ticket items in order to receive higher commissions. It will also require you to be willing to spend money on advertising if you wish to create a quicker income.

Their main focus will email marketing, as well as text and live call marketing.

Because this is an MLM system, you will also be actively recruiting people, in order to make the 20% commission from your second tier.

I believe this system will work, but I also believe it will be more successful for experienced marketers.

A total beginner to online marketing might struggle with the terminology and understanding the “why” behind the steps they’re shown to take.

Personally, I didn’t buy into this system as I’m successfully running my own business at the moment, but I did spend much time researching both the product and Tim Berger himself.


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How Does This Program Work?

how does this high ticket business work

There are many ways you might have come across this product. Most likely in your inbox, or on social media. And you may have received a personal invite from someone you know already in the system.

This is the problem with MLM’s. Approaching friends and family, LOL

You could possibly see a few marketing tricks like “scarcity” tactics. Even Tim’s webinar page does this.

They will claim that there are only a few licenses left in your area, or give you a countdown timer to be able to view the video.

But this is all in the hopes of persuading you to buy. Six Figure Empire doesn’t sell or give away licenses, lol. And the video will always be available to watch!

This program will always be available to everyone, as long as the system is up and running.

The Video and Webinar

The initial video is by Tim and is the registration page for the webinar. So this way, you get to see who he is and that he’s a real person.

When you click the “webinar in progress” button, you’ll be asked for your name and email address, and then opens the webinar page. This is also narrated by Tim Berger. The refreshing part is that this isn’t full of hype, like many other promo videos out there.

Tim claims that he’s going to give you a quick and simple blueprint that can put you on the path of being retired in 100 days, spending less than one hour per day. And how to collect $10K every 10-14 days.

This is a bold claim. I do believe you can make money, but with any business, you’ll be spending more than one hour per day to work at it.

He shares his own personal story, then talks about why people fail online, and how his system can help.

He begins explaining the “law of transaction size” which allows you to make more money per hour than working a 9 to 5 job. This is his big reason for promoting high ticket items.

Tim then explains how you make 80% of your money on the first level, and then another 20% royalty from your second level. And he, of course, wants you to purchase the $6,250 level.

Many promoters are still using the old video with the old price of $5000, so beware!

According to the sales page, his 1-page Magic Sales Letter will attract and collect a minimum of 2 sales per week for you, without chasing anyone.

And he tells you that this won’t happen overnight. You should give yourself at least a 90-day window, to build out your business using their new Cell Phone Funnel System.

What’s confusing though, is right after the previous statement, he says “screw the 90-day game plans” ?? You can build your empire using the 7-day building blocks (the 7 modules if you purchased the top tier).

So which is it? Don’t expect anything for 90 days, or do it in seven?

The Member Area

The member area’s homepage gives you the links you need to promote the product.

  1. The 1-page funnel
  2. The Masterclass webinar
  3. The order page
  4. The Profit Society membership page

The system set-up tab gives you the ability to activate your landing pages, as well as access to the new leads system (the Guaranteed List Building portal to buy your lead packages). There are also marketing resources such as mail swipes pre-written for you.

The Business Center tab contains all your personal information, reports, commissions, etc.

The Product Access tab gives you access to the products you bought according to the level you purchased.

The Misc tab will provide you with all your contact and support information.

Fearless Momma

When you type in “sixfigureempire.com”, the page will ask you whether you wish to collect 1 million dollars over 40 years? Or if you’d prefer over 12-18 months?

I think we all know what most people would choose, but if you picked the long-term version, the link brings you to the “thefearlessmomma.com” page.

I’ve written a review on Fearless Momma 2.0 if you’d like to know what that’s all about. And it will show you how it connects to the Six Figure Empire.



  • Ability to earn high commissions
  • Training on lead generation
  • Made for you funnel and email swipes



  • Very expensive for a beginner
  • Many additional costs to run your business
  • No refunds. All sales are FINAL
  • Compensation comes from the enrolling member, and issues to be dealt with them, not the company.


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

Would I recommend six figure empire?

If you are the person who believes the only way to make money online is by selling high ticket items, then this program is for you.

Is Six Figure Empire a scam?   No   Would I recommend it?   Yes

Personally, I and many other marketers are making passive income through other forms of affiliate marketing, and don’t feel that high ticket items are the only way. In the end, it a personal choice.

This type of system is a pay to play system. Where most affiliate programs are free to join and promote, the MLM systems usually require you to pay a large entry fee to “play”. In this case, you’re spending anywhere from $1,250 to $6,250 to play, lol.

And you will be continually persuaded to purchase the highest level, in order to make the highest commission.

Consider the consequence if you only purchase the $1,250 level.

If someone enrolls via your promotional material, but they choose the highest level, you will still only make 80% of $1,250 ($1000).

If you had purchased the highest level yourself, you would have made 80% of $6,250 ($5000).

Can you see the dilemma? You will always wish and feel pressured to upgrade!

This is an expensive venture for someone new to the industry unless you have significant extra funds lying around lol. And I wouldn’t recommend going into debt to join, believing the promise of a big income.

Yes, there’s money to be made, but there is always the risk of failure too. There are no guarantees you’ll make money.

And if you’re a newbie to online marketing, you won’t have created your own email list. This alone takes time to build.

So to start off, you’ll be needing to buy the lead packages and solo ads. This can get pretty expensive really fast!

I don’t feel the products you receive are worth the high ticket price. But a product must be added in order to make the system legal. Otherwise, it’s only a cash gifting scheme.

In my mind, it’s close to that, LOL. Because though the products may be useful, they’re certainly not worth a total of $6,250.

But in order to make big commissions, you need to sell an expensive plan. And to do that, you will need to convince your audience that this is the only way to do it. (That’ll be your biggest challenge after the money issue).

OK, now what happens if this system should disappear overnight? Yes, it has happened to other companies before. Some by choice, and some by the FTC.

If you put all your hope and dreams into one basket, there’s the risk you could lose everything overnight. And then where would you be? Do you know how to start over?

Probably not, because Six Figure Empire doesn’t provide any practical training about starting a business from scratch.

Can I offer you my sincere recommendation?

Would you come and see where I run my business? It’s on a wonderful platform that trained me from the very beginning (I knew nothing when I started online).

They have step by step training, teaching you everything from picking your niche to reaching your goals of a passive online income.

They provide all the tools you need, like a domain registry, a website builder, a hosting platform, and a keyword research tool.

My favourite part is the active, live community for support. You’re never waiting long for help or encouragement.

The best part? It’s not expensive!! In fact, they offer a free starter membership, so you can try them out to see if you enjoy it. If you do, the premium membership is only $49/month for everything!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll meet you on the inside and help you as long as you need me too. See you soon!

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So how did you hear about the Six Figure Empire? And how do you feel about these high ticket promotions? I’d love to hear from you. Please share in the comments below.

Your friend,
