The AZ Formula Review – Get Same Guide For FREE!

The AZ Formula Review

Have you come across a product called AZ Formula, and gotten excited that you could make $1000 per day or more? It sounds incredible, doesn’t it? What if I told you that you can get the same information for Free. Stay with me, OK!

Thank you for reading the AZ Formula review. This shows me that you’re concerned about wasting your time and money on another low-quality product. It’s smart to do research on these products, and I’m glad you’re here.

Is the AZ Formula system just another scam, or is it really possible to make this kind of money each day? I wanted to find out the truth, and actually found something very disturbing.

I know you probably recognize all the red flags from the video, but it’s always good to get confirmation right?

If you truly want to create your own profitable online business and bypass all the scams, please CLICK HERE.

AZ Formula rating

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What Is AZ Formula?

az formula system

The video doesn’t tell you much. You have to pay the $37 to get inside to find out.

It claims its owner is Steven Cook, which of course, is a fake. They even admit to it in the disclosure statement, LOL.

The site was created in Panama, in May 2018.

What’s Inside

AZ Formula System – $37

  • 8 video tutorials to help you set up your website
  • AZ Formula Main Guide – 40 pages
  • Bonus Amazon Affiliate Blueprint – 48 pages


Gold AZ Package – $197, downsell $97

Platinum AZ Package – $297

Expected Costs

Godaddy – domain names – $24.99/yr

Godaddy – hosting plan – $12.99/month and up

There are affiliate links throughout the system for recommended tools.

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Who Is It For?

No one. This is just another product that’s created in hopes of making money from the upsells.

And even though, at first glance, the information seemed useful to learn how to build a niche website with Amazon, it turns out you can get it for free on your own.

Please keep reading and I’ll show you how, OK?


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How Does It Work?

how does this system work

You’ve probably seen an ad for this on social media or delivered to your inbox. When you open it, you’re presented with a lengthy video explaining how you can start making $1000 per day with this automated system.

Apparently, you don’t need any skills or training, and this one click profit system can build your income to ten thousand per week like clockwork…ya sure!

All the work is done for you, so you can’t fail. They don’t promise you’ll become a millionaire, but only make $500 to $1000 per week to start, and scale up to $40 K per week…. hahaha!

OK, I’m sorry, there’s no way this is possible!

He claims this is something different from anything else you’ve seen, which is an outright lie. Many people have businesses selling products from Amazon. This isn’t new at all.

There are just too many red flags in the video alone. The biggest being no information on what the system does or how it works. And here are some other ones to watch out for…

Red Flags

#1. The outrageous income claims

There’s no way you can make the income he claims. Maybe after years of hard work, sure. But not with the information you get with this system.

#2. The emotional back story

This is a legitimate technique to get your audience to relate to you, but his story is just too unbelievable.

#3. The scarcity tactics

This is a commonly used technique in the marketing industry. Though it’s quite effective when it’s used honestly, these scammy products use them to pressure you to buy immediately.

So when you hear things like “this page can be taken down at any moment”, or “we only have so many spots left”, don’t’ believe them.

#4. The done-for-you system

This isn’t a push-button system. For one thing, there’s NO SUCH THING. Building your own website and creating content to attract customers takes time and work.

I’ve seen legitimate products where the emails and advertisements are pre-made, but this isn’t one of those.

#5. Fake owner & testimonials

I’m always amazed at how the owner hides behind a fake name. Why? If their system is so great, wouldn’t he want to take credit for it? And he sure as heck wouldn’t sell it for only $37.

Do you know the funny thing? Their disclosure statement even admits that it’s fake…

The testimonials are also fake and created by hired actors to create a sense of reality. Here’s my proof. The others were all from Fiverr as well. What cracks me up is the identical background as their ad on Fiverr, haha.

#6. Fake “featured on” logos

Many of these owners try to build up their authority by showing you authentic sites they’ve been featured on. But it’s so easy to add these images, and simply lie about it.

If you ever did research on these sites, like CNBC or Forbes, you’ll quickly see that there’s no mention of the AZ Formula system.

#7. Fake user on YouTube

I’ve been seeing this more and more with my product reviews. It’s either caught on with all these creators, or all these programs belong to one owner, haha. Each YouTube video has had the same actress so far.

Check out her Fiverr ad…

My Explode My Payday, and The Profit Genesis 2.0 reviews show you the exact same type of video by the same actress. Well…at least this actress is getting a lot of work.

So many red flags!

Now, let’s take a look inside the system…

The System

Once you pay your $37, you’re immediately hit with the first upsell. You don’t even know what the system is yet, but the video tells you it isn’t enough. Sheesh!

If you choose not to buy the upsell, they present you with a $100 off discount. Now you can get the first upsell for only $97. DON’T DO IT! They haven’t even told you anything about the system yet…..

When you finally get past all the upsells and guilt videos to pressure you to buy, you can finally sign in to the membership area.

Membership Area

It’s a little confusing inside, because they present a “claim your free website” link button to another website platform, yet further down the direct you to Godaddy. I believe they’re only trying to make as much money as possible off of you with their own affiliate links.

They provide you with an affiliate theme and 8 video tutorials to help you set it up. OK, so this is a good thing! Finally! lol

Further down the page, they have links for their main guide and a bonus guide.

Let’s start with the bonus… the Amazon Affiliate Blueprint. This PDF is a step by step, over the top tutorial for setting up your Amazon Associate membership. It’s way too long and dragged out in my opinion.

When you’re on Amazon to sign up, they provide you with all the same information to help you, so I’m not sure why they included this “blueprint”.

The main guide, which you paid the $37 for, is the AZ Formula Main Guide. This guide is actually great in that it gives you a lot of useful information, if you’re a beginner to Amazon and wanting a niche site.

It includes such topics as:

  • The az formula main guide is pretty goodWhat an Amazon niche site is
  • How to find your niche
  • What’s trending on Amazon
  • Keyword research and recommended tools
  • Domain names
  • Web hosting
  • SEO – optimizing your website
  • Plugins
  • Content strategies
  • Linking
  • Social Media

As you can see, there’s a lot of information here that’s all very beneficial for someone wanting to start an Amazon niche website.

The Truth

At this point I thought, OK, this isn’t so bad for $37. I then decided to do some research to find out any information on the upsells, because I wasn’t about to pay that much money to find out.

What I found out was nothing about the upsells, but about the AZ Formula Main Guide.

It may have been stolen?

On one reviewer’s YouTube video, he discovered the exact same guide, for FREE on someone’s website. WOW!

Now, he suggested that either the creator of this system could possibly be this website owner, or the creator stole the guide and is using it to make money off it.

When you look at this website, this guy has a good reputation and has worked for many “big names” in the industry, so I can’t see him putting out a product like this and scamming people for money.

Especially when he offers the same guide for free on his website.

the amazon guide is free on

His name is Rohit Palit of Take a look and see for yourself! Then, click on “Amazon Affiliate Guide” at the top of his page. Yup, you got it. The exact same guide you could have paid $37 for.

You’re welcome, LOL


  • Low cost at $37
  • Money back guarantee

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  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Fake testimonials
  • Fake owner
  • Can find the information for free, online


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

az formula is a scam

Needless to say, I don’t want you to buy this product. It’s not going to make you money as they promise, and you’re probably paying someone money for stolen goods.

It’s so disappointing to see people behaving like this to make money for themselves. I don’t use the term scam very often if at all, because if there’s anything attached, then it’s legally not a scam.

But in this case, I call this a scam. He’s benefiting off of someone else’s work. He’s claiming the guide is his and then selling it for profit. And who knows what the upsells are like. If he’s this underhanded with the upfront product, there’s no way I can trust the upsells.

This is truly just a money making scheme for the owner.

Is AZ Formula a scam?  YES   Do I recommend it?  NO

Whenever you see a video that carries on about making a lot of money and trying to persuade you to buy it quickly because it might be taken down soon, run!

Especially when they don’t even tell you what it’s about or how it works.

If it’s too good to be true, it probably is!

It’s maddening because the scammy product creators are making a bad name for affiliate marketing. This is a legitimate industry to create an online income. And many marketers use Amazon products to promote and help their readers. And many have created five and six-figure incomes from it.

But like any business, whether online or off, it takes time to build. It takes commitment and hard work. Nothing comes for free. There’s no such thing as a get-rich-quick scheme… unless you win the Lotto, haha.

What I can tell you is that you can indeed create your own profitable business, if you’re serious about this. And I can help you do it the proper, and honest way. With the correct training, tools and support, anyone can achieve this. I promise!

Can I make a recommendation to you?

I would love to help you on the platform that I currently use. I’ve been there for years, and have no desire to leave. This platform has proper training. Not stolen material, lol. The co-founders are honest and sincerely want to help their members. You can talk to them directly if you wish.

This training is continually being updated, to ensure you’re doing everything possible to stay ahead of your competition. The tools, like keyword research, are integrated right into the platform. And the support is one of a kind.

Actually, it’s the community that has me staying there. It’s absolutely amazing.

The best part is you can start for free. When you get there, its as easy as entering your name and email account, and your membership is set up. No credit card needed.

And that’s because the owners are so confident you’ll enjoy it, that you’ll want to eventually sign up for the premium membership. It’s affordable, and will never go up as long as your a member. And NO UPSELLS!

Oh, and you get two free websites!

Here, you can register your domain name, have your website built for you, have it hosted, and run your business all under one roof. We have members with multi-million dollar businesses there. And they all help out. Isn’t that amazing!

I can’t say I own a million dollar business, yet, lol, but I am here to help you, for as long as you need me to.

Just click on the image below to read all about it, then I’ll personally greet you inside. See you soon!

my wealthy affiliate landing pic

Have you heard of the AZ Formula system? Have you tried it? If you have, let me know your experience OK? Especially if you’ve purchased the upsells. I couldn’t find anyone online who’s talked about using them.

Your friend,
