The AppCoiner Review – The Insider Truth!

The AppCoiner Review

Are you looking for a way to make extra money online? Something you can do in your spare time? If you’ve been looking, you’ve probably come across many opportunities. But are they legit?

Thanks for reading the AppCoiner review. I’m so happy to see you doing research on these offers before purchasing them. So many turn out to be scams.

I’ve done a lot of research on the Appcoiner, and gone inside, to show you what it is and how it really works. By the end of this review, you should have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

And if you’d truly like to earn an online income, the real and proven way, please CLICK HERE.

The AppCoiner rating

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What Is AppCoiner?

Surprisingly, this product has been around since 2015.

The AppCoiner sales page claims you can get paid by testing apps, writing reviews, and it’s as simple as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Choose an App to test from their database and test it on your phone or tablet.
  2. Write your honest review of the app on your review website.
  3. Get paid. The more apps you test and review, the more money you make.

The Product

AppCoiner – $27 with downsell of $17

You can write reviews from any country. You don’t need to be a professional writer, just have a basic knowledge of the English language. And it only works on a smartphone or tablet.

Your fee is for the technology they’re providing to connect you to the app developers and downloading the apps.


20 Ways To Make $100 Per Day Online – $9.95

This is for 20 prewritten reviews.

Promo Video

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Who Is This Product For?

No one!

This is not at all what it seems. Unfortunately, what they tell you on the sales page is nothing at all what the true product is.

They make it sound like you will be getting paid for each review you write and post on your website. Which is not the case at all. I’ll explain all of this in the next section.

They aren’t transparent at all about who owns this product. They don’t even have a fake name like many other products do, lol. But I did find out that it’s owned by the same people as “Paid Social Media Jobs“, and here’s how.

When you click on the Contact Us button, you’re brought to their help desk, as in the image below.

app coiner review of helpdesk

I also suspect the owner owns SocialsRep and EasyWriter as well because the affiliate’s page recommends these products along with Paid Social Media Jobs.


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How Does It Work?

This product can be found on Clickbank, or you got an email, or have seen an ad on social media.

When you first see the sales page, it looks like a promising way to make extra cash from your phone or tablet. They make it seem so easy.

And when you give them your email address for “instant access”, you’re sent to a landing page describing the product some more.

What They Say It Is

  • That you can get paid testing apps in any country, even though the sales pages just offered you a discount because you live in a certain country, lol.
  • That you need basic English, so I guess you can’t write reviews in any other language? What about those non-English speaking people who want to buy an app? They usually come in various languages, don’t they?
  • And you need a smartphone or tablet. Do you know how difficult it is to write a proper review on a phone? What about images, etc?

Then they have the audacity to say “Sounds Too Good To Be True, Right?”.  LOL, Yes, it definitely is!!

They give you a clue that it’s not quite as they say, though. Take a look at the image below…

appcoiner clickbank monetization

Unfortunately, if you have no experience with affiliate marketing, you won’t know what this means.

This means that your reviews are monetized with affiliate links to different products. If someone clicks on that link and buys the product, you get paid a commission.

This is the only hint I found in all the information that it’s not what it appears to be.

Then, of course, there’s the fake income calculator. This is put there to get you excited about what you could possibly earn using AppCoiner.

Again it’s all a big lie because it makes you think you’ll be getting paid per review again. Which you’re not!

What It Really Is

For one thing, it’s not as easy as you think. Bottom line, you’d need to work at this full time in hopes of getting paid. It’s an affiliate marketing business, which takes time and consistency to see results.

Let me explain, OK?

When you get inside the member’s area, you’re given your review website and a three-step system to get it up and running.

app coiner login brings you to member area

What you’re really getting with this product is a duplicate website that every member receives, but with your name attached. They provide you with a website from Popular Reviewer.

This is what your website will look like…

your app coiner website

Your website URL would look something like

Their Three Step System

#1. Complete Initial Setup

Here, they walk you through how to set up your Clickbank account, then input your Clickbank ID into the Appcoiner program. You’re then shown how to log into the back office of your website.

The major issue here is that everyone gets the same templated website. What you may not know is that Google frowns on cookie cutter websites. How are you going to be seen, online, if Google doesn’t rank you? I’ll get more into that further down…

They also say this is your website, but really it isn’t. It’s hosted on their servers and you have no control other than to add review posts.

#2. Write App Reviews

When you’ve logged into the dashboard of your website, you’re given a database of apps to review. When you find one, you download it to your phone or tablet from the App Store or Google Play.

app coiner app download from apple or google

Once you’ve tested it, you click on the “Write Your Review” button. This brings you to a review “post” that’s been already set up for you with basic information such as the App Title, category, developer information, app details, and download links.

They show you how to upload any media, such as images or videos. And then direct you to where you show your personal rating of this app. Then click “publish”.

The instructions tell you that to get ranked on Google, you should try to write 250 to 500 words per review. This way you’ll make more money. What??

They’re not paying you for writing the review!! You get paid if someone buys from your affiliate link!

And even that’s not as simple as they make it seem! You’re not taught anything about SEO…

Writing a short review is certainly not enough to get ranked these days. Google looks for so much more if you want to be seen on the first page of any search results. This is what I mean by SEO:

  • Longer review content that contains valuable information for the reader.
  • Proper keywords with a high search number and low competition.
  • Other important SEO strategies like metadata, alt tags, etc.

And these are just the basic things you need to be aware of. They don’t teach you any of that! No wonder they claim it’s easy, lol.

In order to get organic, free traffic, you must get a good ranking. This won’t do it! The other forms of getting traffic include email marketing or paying for ads on search engines and social media. And there is absolutely no training for any of this.

#3. Get Paid

In this step, they show you how you will actually make money with the reviews you write. Finally, the truth! Well…sort of…

They explain three ways you can make money, and each step will have your affiliate link attached. If your reader buys something, you get a commission paid to your Clickbank account.

  1. Banner Ads

If you notice the image of the website above, you’ll see a tiny ad at the top right of your screen. These are called banner ads. If people click on the ad, and decide to buy the product, you’ll be paid a commission.

  1. Email Marketing

Do you see the opt-in box on the right-hand side of the image? The one that says “Download our exclusive free report”? That is how you would collect email addresses for your email list.

This is what’s known as email marketing. What they don’t tell you is that this email list is on their servers.

You don’t get access to it. They say they’ll send out additional promotions to your list with your affiliate link, and you’ll get the commissions if anyone buys anything. Is this true? Who knows!

There’s no way to check up on it. They could very well be using it for their own promotions and keeping all profits.

  1. Download The Apps

If your reader clicks on the download app button from the App Store or Google Play, they are redirected to another page asking them to wait 10 seconds. This is in the hopes that they’ll click on yet another banner ad.

banner ads

If your reader clicks on to the app store and buys the app, you get a commission.

What they don’t explain is how you get the traffic to your website, to begin with. They tell you all you have to do is write reviews.

You would have to write hundreds of them, and be publishing every day in hopes of getting any traffic.

And this is to a cookie cutter website that Google won’t like to begin with.

Oh, The Irony

Do you want to know what I find most amusing? It’s the appCoiner affiliate program. They give you better tools to promote the product, then the product itself does, to make money online.

If you have any affiliate marketing training, their program gives you email swipes (for email marketing), banners and product images to embed in your posts, and pre-made landing pages to use.

In other words, the entire sales funnel is set up for you. And your commission for selling AppCoiner is 75%. That’s way more than any commission you’ll get for selling the apps themselves, LOL.

And no!  I’m not an affiliate, by the way…

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  • 60-day money back guarantee


  • You are not paid for “writing” reviews
  • Would need experience with affiliate marketing
  • Lacks any useful training


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I think appcoiner is a scam

The bottom line is that what they tell you on the sales page is certainly not what AppCoiner does. They completely mislead you to thinking that you’re going to get paid for each review you write.

Unfortunately, most of your reviews won’t ever get seen, let alone clicked on to buy.

I’m very surprised this product has been around for so long. I’m sure it’s because there are enough affiliates promoting the product, and still enough people buying it.

It’s such a shame that people are getting sucked into these schemes. I’d love to know what the return rate is, LOL.

You can see why the owners of these types of schemes don’t want to be known. Can you imagine the backlash he or she would get if they were known? Wow…

Is AppCoiner a scam?   Unfortunately, no   Would I recommend it? NO

Legally, this isn’t a scam because there’s an actual product you pay for, as lousy as it is.

Even someone with affiliate marketing experience would know better than to buy this. At least I hope so. And that’s because of one main thing… You don’t own your website. You have no control over what they do with it.

This is why it’s a bad business idea. What happens when they finally take this terrible product down. All the reviews you wrote in hopes of making money will be gone. Hours and hours of work down the drain!

You never did have control over your email list, so that was always gone.

And what about your reputation? Did you use your real name when you registered. Do people know it was your website, and therefore giving you permission to contact them via email (if they opted in).

Can you imagine what they’d think of you if they’ve been getting trashy emails about who knows what??

OK, rant over, LOL

Please don’t consider buying this product. There are so many legitimate ways to make money online.

Can I make you a much safer alternative?

If you truly want to make money online, and create for yourself an honest passive income, then I’d love for you to come and see where I run my online marketing business.

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Please trust me and try it out. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! I’ll be there to personally greet you, and help you along as long as you need me to.

See you soon!

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Have you tried the AppCoiner? Have you refunded it yet? lol. Let us know what you thought if you did. And if you have any more questions or comments, please leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.

Your friend,
