The Profit Genesis 2.0 Review – Scam or $5000/week?

The Profit Genesis 2.0 Review

Are you looking for a way to make money online? I’m sure you’re finding a lot of products promising you riches but are they scams or legitimate? It’s so hard to tell these days.

I’m happy you’re here reading the Profit Genesis 2.0 review. You’re very smart wanting to research these products before buying them. Even though the price is low, it’s still a hassle if you want to return it.

It’s exciting to hear that you could make over $5000 per week with very little work, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it just isn’t realistic. And this is why I want to share my research with you, about Profit Genesis 2.0.

I’ll show you what it is, how it works, and my personal recommendations. By the end of this review, you should have enough information to make an informed decision.

And if you wish to bypass the uncertainty, and learn how to make money on an honest, proven platform, CLICK HERE.

profit genesis reloaded rating



What Is Profit Genesis 2.0?

profit genesis reloaded review

Profit Genesis 2.0, also known as Profit Genesis Reloaded, claims to be created by David Miller. It will allow you to tap into a secret wealth source, and you’ll be able to make up to $5000/day, consistently….ya sure! lol

The product is about dropshipping, and how to set up a dropshipping business.

What’s Inside

Profit Genesis 2.0 – $37, downsell $1 upfront, with $36 pmt in 14 days

    • 22 Videos totalling 197 minutes, designed to be watched over 30 days
    • Videos cover three core areas:
      • Setting up an eCommerce site with Shopify
      • Introduction to Aliexpress
      • Using Facebook’s Ad Manager for marketing
  • Exclusive – Super Affiliate system by Johnn Crestani
    • I’m not sure why he’s added this other than to get affiliate commissions off of your purchase. Please read my review on the Super Affiliate System.


#1. Speed Success Secrets – Conditioning your mindset

#2. Top 10 High Demand Products – Reveals products and tells you how to sell them

#3. Speed Cash Profits – How to create multiple income streams


Profit Genesis Turbo – $47, downsell $24

  • This is a done for you copy/paste system to help you gain faster results than the original system.

Multiple Income Activator – $197

Good club – $97

I’m not sure what the last two upsells are about. You don’t get any information unless you buy the first one, which I didn’t lol. But I’m assuming they have something to do with Solo Ads and Facebook.


Who Is This Product For?

If you are interested in an introduction to dropshipping, you will get some useful information for $37. Other than that, I think the training is incomplete and rushed over.

I honestly believe you can find more complete training online, and probably for free. For instance:


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How Does It Work?

profit genesis system doesn't work

Unless you were searching online yourself, you would have gotten this ad in your email or may have seen it on Facebook.


The promo video is like so many others I’ve reviewed. They all have the same marketing tactics and red flags.

David Miller, which is a fake name, by the way, attempts to garner sympathy from you with the usual sob story. And then he tries to convince you how he’s discovered a secret way to make tons of money online. $5000 per week, on a consistent basis.

He tells you how you’ve been specifically chosen to hear this. Which is hilarious, because it’s a Clickbank product. Anyone can see this, haha.

The only hint as to what this product is is when he tells you that you can set up your store in 15 minutes. That’s when I knew it had to be dropshipping.

Apparently, he made $563.14 on his first day and $27K in two weeks… I don’t think so!

David then said something that made me laugh out loud… He claims that all the internet millionaires out there got their start from his original product, Profit Genesis. HAHAHA.

Boy, that’s bold!

He then invested $170K to test and refine his original product and developed the 2.0 version.

If you get inside, you’ll see how ridiculous that admission is.

He wants you to do three things to make money:

  1. Watch the videos
  2. Follow the simple instructions
  3. Start generating cash, online

The only problem is there aren’t any actionable steps for you to take. You have no guidance whatsoever. This can never work for a newbie unless you find additional training online.

Red Flags

Oh my, so many, lol.

#1. The fake owner

I always assumed this was a fake name because almost all creators of these types of systems remain hidden. They don’t want people to know who they are. Can you imagine the backlash they’d get from angry customers? Yikes.

This time, he tried to show a blurry picture pretending to be with his daughter. Nope…all fake!

david miller is a fake person

#2. Fake testimonials

All the testimonials he included in the promo were fake, and here’s the proof.  The other people were also stock pictures from Pexels or Getty Images.

profit genesis testimonials are fake
And how about the gentleman who spoke on behalf of the system… Yup, fake as well.  He’s actually a hired actor who’s found on  Same shirt and everything!

spokesman for profit genesis reloaded is an actor

#3. Income Claims

David’s income claims are not only ridiculous, but they’re all over the place. His video says you can earn up to $5000/week, then in other places, he says $1000/week. And all with only a few minutes work every day.

Any online marketer, including myself, will be the first to tell you that there’s absolutely NO WAY you can make that kind of money working only a few minutes per day. An income like that is a full-time job.

That kind of income is possible, but only after a lot of hard work. And sometimes, years.

#4. Case Study

He provides a case study of his own site in the training, but it’s no longer available online. So… if he makes so much money with dropshipping, why is his site taken down?

wine and garden case study isn't online anymore

#5. Fake YouTube Video

This video spokesperson has shown up in many fake reviews. I’ve seen her several times now, describing other products. Kind of makes you wonder if all these scammy products are owned by the same person or persons.

She’s getting some acting work, anyway, lol.

Take a look at the other reviews I’ve done that has this actress doing their videos:



  • 60-day money-back guarantee



  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Using paid actors
  • Training is incomplete and rushed


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I don't recommend this system

This is just another shoddy product put out by someone trying to fill his own pockets. It’s so disappointing because there’s really no value here.

Sure, you’ll learn a little about dropshipping, but not enough to actually start your own business. You will need additional help to get started. Especially if you’re new to the online marketing industry.

This David claims that he’s made tons of money online, and now just want to help ordinary folks earn a passive income. Well, he’s lying! There’s no way his video training will do that.

For that matter, if this system is so successful, wouldn’t it be worth more than $37? And wouldn’t everyone be talking about it online?

You can find more complete training online if you’re interested in dropshipping. It’s a real business, but it takes much more work to set up than listening to a few videos.

Is Profit Genesis a scam?  No  Would I recommend it?  No

The bottom line is that this is just another over-hyped and under-delivered product from Clickbank.

There’s no proof anywhere that this even works. I know, I’ve looked! LOL. It doesn’t provide you with any step by step training, and there’s no support. Sure they provide you with an email address, but I’m positive you won’t hear anything back.

The only good thing is that it’s refundable because it’s purchased from Clickbank.


Did you know that dropshipping is only one of the many ways you can make money online? Dropshipping does work if you have the proper training, but it’s one of the more difficult methods.

There are many methods available to you, which can be quite lucrative. And personally, I like affiliate marketing. It’s much easier and you can make more money.

But like anything, you need proper training, proper tools, and community support. Every successful marketer I know has the support of a like-minded community.

Can I make you a much better recommendation?

Rather than jump from product to product, hoping that one of them isn’t a scam, I would love to have you come and see the platform I run my business on.

This platform has the best training and tools online. I know, you think I’m just saying that, but it’s true. If you come and check us out, you’ll see for yourself. I’ve been there since 2011.

They provide step by step, interactive training that covers everything. And yes, they have training in dropshipping too! You can choose whatever niche interests you, and earn an income from it.

They have everything you need under one roof, so you don’t have to go looking elsewhere for tools. They provide a domain registry, a website builder, a keyword research tool, and a live community of over 1 million people. If you ever get stuck, you’ll receive help in under 1 minute.

And I’ll be there too, to give you as much help as you need. We have everything from newbies who just started, to members who run million-dollar businesses. And everyone helps one another.

There’s really nothing like it online today!

You can create your starter membership for FREE, and receive a free website with hosting. And if you’re truly serious about building an online passive income, you can join up, anytime and have access to so much more. It’s very affordable, trust me. And no upsells, lol.

Click on the picture below and you can read all about it. See you soon!

my wa landing pic

So what do you think about Profit Genesis 2.0? Have you tried it? I really think you can find a much better way to make money online, and save you $37!

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.

