What Is The Google Sniper? Is 3.0 Updated?

What Is The Google Sniper? Is 3.0 Updated?

Have you been searching for a way to learn how to make money online? You probably came across the Google Sniper in your search. But what is the Google Sniper? Or should I say Google Sniper 3.0?

This is a fairly old product that’s been around for many years now. Does that mean it’s good? Would it work for you?

That’s what I want to share with you today. I’m so glad to see you do research on these systems before buying. Especially when they’re older like this one.

My Google Sniper review will show you what’s inside the system, who it’s for, and how it works. Then I’d like to give you my personal recommendation OK?

By the end of this review, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

And if you’re tired of coming across all these products that you just don’t trust, then please come and see where I learned and succeed with my own online business.

what is the google sniper 3.0 rating


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What Is The Google Sniper?

google sniper 3.0 review

Created by George Brown, this version was launched in 2014. This is video-based training with some PDF downloads. He will show you how to create niche websites with little to no competition, and earn commissions from free traffic.

Google Sniper – $47

What’s Inside

Google Sniper Course:

  1. Welcome video
  2. Master Manual and Maps – 108 Page PDF and maps of his process.
  3. The Seven Video Modules
    • #1: How to Choose What Niche To Go Into And A Winning Product
    • #2: Finding Keywords That Meet The Sniper Criteria + Extra Keyword Research Using Google Keyword Planner
    • #3: Creating The Foundations Of Your Sniper Site
    • #4: Secrets Of A 20% Conversion Rate
    • #5: The Fastest Way To Cloak Affiliate Links
    • #6: How To Create Your Site + Extra Walkthrough Video
    • #7: How To Get Ranked And Gain Authority In Record Time + Extra Video On Linking
  4. Stage Two: Bulletproofing
    • Bulletproof Manual with updated (2014) information
  5. Empire Module (Videos)
    • Welcome Video
    • Sniper Outsourcing Blueprint Videos – Parts 1 to 5
    • Ideas For Business Development – Bonus Video
  6. Additional Training (Videos)
    • #1: Preselling (to Improve Your Conversion Rates)
    • #2: What Can Go Wrong With Your Sniper Sites And How To Fix It
    • #3: SEO (How To Boost Your Rankings)
    • #4: SEO (Special Guest “Alex” Shares His Techniques)
    • #5: How To Supercharge Your Sites Using Social Media
    • #6: What Products Have Converted Best For Me On Clickbank
    • #7: An Introduction To CPA & Google Sniper
    • #8: How To Choose A CPA Offer To Promote
    • Webinar #1: Sniping Keyword Criteria
    • Webinar #2: Real Sniper Critiquing Case Studies


#1: Sniper Elite Pack – $187, downsell $97

  • Traffic Ultimatum Course
  • Empire Module
  • Coaching Sessions

#2: Sniper Case Study – $97

  • Copy-My-Campaign Video Course

Google Sniper X Membership – $47/month

  • Overview of Sniper X Video
  • New X Training Videos
  • Coaching Webinar Replays

Expected Costs (Minimum)

  • Domain Names – $15.00 per year
  • Website Hosting – $14.99/month and up
  • Keyword Research Tool – $49/month and up


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Who Is This System For?

No one! This system was designed for people wanting to make money online. It’s was for beginners wanting to start their own home-based business, or for experienced marketers wanting more leveraged income.

At least that’s how it started in 2009. But with only one update in 2011, this product isn’t for anyone, anymore. It’s much too outdated to be of any use. Google won’t appreciate the strategies taught here.

With all the major changes that Google has done, over the last 8 years, the way to make money online has drastically changed. It can still be done, of course, but only if you apply the current techniques.

In fact, using old and outdated techniques could actually hurt your chances of making any money.

I’m a little surprised that this product is still available. But I guess as long as George and his affiliates are making money, it’ll be promoted. I’m still finding very positive reviews out there, but these are obviously from affiliates who haven’t used the product themselves.

It’s a shame really. Doesn’t George realize this is just hurting his reputation? This is the problem of no longer caring about your product. But what happens if he comes out with another (which I’m sure he has). Would you trust him? I wouldn’t!


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How Does It Work?

is google sniper a scam

The original Google Sniper product was launched in 2009. Version 2.0 was released in 2011 and now version 3.0 back in 2014.

This version 3.0 is still making it’s rounds, despite it being an older product. The 2.0 version was updated to reflect Google’s Panda Update, but there have500 been no more updates since then. The update section in the member area only reflects the 2011 update.

That’s 8 years of changes to the affiliate marketing industry that aren’t updated in this system! Wow!

Sales Video

The sales page and video are quite simple and clean. There isn’t the usual scarcity tactics or hype that you see on other low-quality product promotions.

The one concerning issue I have is the age of this video. He shows you his daily income reports, which in itself can’t be proved as true, but they show the date of 2014.

gsniper is very outdated

This video was recorded 5 years ago! That’s considered very old in this industry!

Does that also mean no updates? Is the product inside just as old? Strategies change very quickly in the affiliate marketing industry. What worked 5 years ago may not work today.

He shows you testimonials from some of his past students. And these, again, are very old. I’ve found them elsewhere online, and some go back as far as 2009.

If this system is still working, why doesn’t he have any current testimonials?

George himself is speaking in the video and claims that he’s passionate about helping you succeed. Which may very well be true, but then why isn’t he updating his material?

He claims that after building your campaign once, that it will bring in $250 – $700 per month. That’s just not possible today. Especially with free traffic. You would need to continually add fresh, unique content to be able to drive any traffic to that campaign.

George goes on to say he makes millions each year and doesn’t need your money. But he wants one thing from you. A small joining fee or donation. And that’s for giving you his system and you need to give something back to him. It’s a small investment for your future and to show him you’re serious.

Well, that’s the first time I’ve heard it put this way, LOL. True though!

He then discusses how you can scale your business further, and tells you that you can get his personal coaching with Sniper X. He’ll show you new methods and techniques. He says it’s free for one month.

But what he doesn’t tell you is that if you don’t change the button to OFF, you will automatically be charged $47 per month starting the second month. So Beware!!

sniper X is automatically added to your bill

The upsells are also set up as a “1 click”, meaning that if you opt-in, you’re immediately charged with no opportunity to confirm your payment.

The Member Area

Once you gain access, you have a welcome video where George explains what the system will cover. You can download his master manual, which is generally speaking about the same things his videos are.

I was able to find his PDF for both the 2011 and the 2014 releases, and they are identical. So the PDF you’re downloading is at least 8 years old.

You also get to download maps of his entire process. This is still very outdated and several steps no longer apply. Here’s an image of only part 3 & 4…

googlesniper uses outdated techniques

The top two squares I have red around, are no longer done. And the bottom boxes are just ridiculous in today’s industry. He is claiming that you only need 15 to 35 minutes to write an article for your website. That immediately tells me that these posts are too short with little to no value to the reader.

Sheesh, even after all my experience with writing posts, I still can do one justice in only 35 minutes, LOL.

But back in 2009 – 2011, it wasn’t necessary to create quality content. All they did was stuff their articles with keywords, and Google would rank them. NOT ANYMORE! If you stuff your article now, Google won’t rank it.

And get a load of his comment “write your final post”. The first parts of this map had you writing two blog posts. So this final one in part 4 is blog #3. Only three posts!! There’s no way Google will even index you with so little content, today, haha.

Training Videos

These offer some general information and there’s some training on using Google’s Keyword Planner. Though I would recommend you go directly to Google for your training. It will be the most updated, lol.

  • He shows you how to get hosting and set up your WordPress blog and plugins. He will be recommending Bluehost or Hostgator. They both have some cheap plans, but if you want extras like privacy or backups, you’ll have to pay more.
  • The lesson on pre-selling will include your sites physical appearance which can affect a visitors opinion.
  • He shows you how to use “Pretty Links” to cloak your affiliate links.
  • You get a walkthrough about all the technical aspects of your site: Writing & publishing, adding images, widgets, etc.
  • The video on “Pinging” your site is now very outdated.
  • The techniques for using social media are also outdated.

The “Bulletproof” module was added as an update to the 2.0 version. It was great at the time but is now outdated.

George’s Empire module, which is supposed to be part of upsell #1, was accessible. Why? I don’t know, but OK… This module is primarily about outsourcing, presented in 4 videos. He shares with you his lessons learned from trial and error.

There is additional training provided also, though you’ll have to weed through the outdated instructions…

  1. Backlinks to boost your ranking – BE VERY CAREFUL HERE!
  2. Tips to maximize your conversions.
  3. Advanced keyword research.
  4. SEO tips – 2014 INFORMATION – OUTDATED!
  5. Show his best converting products on Clickbank – SOME NO LONGER AVAILABLE
  6. CPA (click per action) techniques.
  7. Affiliate marketing networks.

The Sniper X Membership

This section was disappointing. In the sales video, George has you believing that you would get personal training from him in continually added webinars. But all you get are webinar replays. Certainly not worth $47/month.


I laughed at this section. His most recent update was the “Google Panda vs Google Sniper” update. See what I mean? He added this in 2011. And there haven’t been any more updates since then. NOT GOOD!

OK, time for a funny interlude… haha. I actually found a fake user review on YouTube. Take a look:

You’re probably wondering why I find this so funny right? If you only knew how many times I’ve seen this exact same video for other products I’ve reviewed.

This is a paid actress from Fiverr who has read a very generic script. Notice how she never says the name of the product? That’s so it can be used over and over again, with just the product logo swapped out each time.

Here’s her Fiverr advertisement:

gsniper 3.0 has a fake user video

And here, you can see the exact same video in these other reviews:


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  • 60-Day money back guarantee


  • Old, outdated strategies
  • A Steep learning curve for beginners
  • No means of creating passive income


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I don't recommend goole sniper 3.0

When Google was young, and before all the algorithm changes, it was much easier to rank. And affiliate marketing was a much easier process back then. So I understand why George could have made so much money.

Google has made more significant updates since 2014, and unfortunately, this system doesn’t reflect that. You would have to spend time weeding through the material, and hope you recognize what’s useful and what’s outdated.

Unfortunately, if you’re new to all this, you probably won’t know. And if you don’t spend time researching what he’s teaching you, you could actually end up hurting your business instead of helping it. Some techniques from 8 years ago are now frowned upon by Google. If you use them, you won’t get any ranking. And no ranking means no sales!

I was also surprised he had no mention of email marketing. Especially since he’s spouting free traffic. Your email list is an important asset to today’s business plan, and very much used to increase your sales.

Is Google Sniper 3.0 a scam?   No   Would I recommend it?   No

This system is much too old for anyone to learn from. Actually, it’s just plain dangerous. The techniques taught are no longer Google friendly.

There are so many legitimate ways to learn about online affiliate marketing. It’s still very much a great way to create an income online. Actually what most marketers want is a passive income!

If you are new to this industry, you need current and continually updated material that you can trust. You need access to the proper tools to get you online and successful. And most importantly, you need support you can rely on.

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

When I started online, I knew absolutely nothing about marketing. I tried and failed several times with products promising me the moon, but only delivering a rock, haha.

OK, I wasn’t laughing at the time. I wasted both time and money, to the point that I thought this whole “online thing” was a scam. Fortunately, I came across a wonderful platform that renewed my hope.

The platform has the continually updated training I needed. They provide all the tools I needed, integrated right there, all under one roof:

  1. A Domain registry
  2. A Website builder
  3. Website hosting
  4. A keyword research tool
  5. A content writing tool

And my favourite part, a live community of very active members who always had my back. If I was ever stuck, I reached out and received an almost immediate answer. I could even talk to the owners, which was really cool!

And now I’d like you to see how great it is. The last thing I want is for you to go through what I did, or use a product like Google Sniper 3.0 to get you into trouble.

This platform really works. I know. I’m living proof! LOL And there are over 1.4 million members who agree with me!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I promise to help you as long as you need me to. See you soon!

my wa landing pic

I’m really amazed this old product is still being promoted. But as long as the affiliates are making money, I guess it’ll still go on. Too bad, though, because it’s really not helping anyone anymore.

What do you think? If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.

Cheers friends,
