The Tube Profit Sniper Review. It Only Snipes Your Money!

The Tube Profit Sniper Review

Are you interested in YouTube? Many people have their own channels and make money from it. The question is how to do it right?

There are many ways to learn, some good, some bad. And today I want to give you the Tube Profit Sniper review. You’ve probably heard of it and wonder what it is. Is it legit, or just another scam?

This is why I write reviews like this for my readers. And I’m so happy you’re here. This honest review will show you what’s inside, how it works, and then my recommendation, OK? By the end, you’ll have an informed opinion about whether this product is for you, or not.

My mission is to help people start their own online business, and not get caught up with useless training or scams. I want you to get off on the right foot!

If you’re tired of weeding through all the junk, please read where I learned to truly succeed.

tube profit sniper reviews and rating




This product is inactive and no longer for sale!


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What Is The Tube Profit Sniper?

This is a Clickbank product with training on how to make money with YouTube. You could make up to $2,293.26 per day with 17 minutes of set up time.

The owner calls himself Mike Andrews, which is a fake name. The true owner is unknown.

Tube Profit Sniper – $37, downsell $17

What’s Inside

Offer to John Crestani’s System – $997

Offer to claim a FREE website with CoolHandle – $143.04

Offer to purchase the Secret Millionaire Bot – $37

Tube Profit Sniper Video Course (Total 2 hrs. Of training):

  1. SEO and Long Tail Keywords
  2. Activating your YouTube channel
  3. Five Short Videos:
    1. Customize your channel
    2. Adding your social links
    3. Optimizing your channel
    4. Links and Thumbnails
    5. Channel Trailer
  4. Five Short Videos
    1. Digging For Long Tail Keywords
    2. Final Keyword Choices
    3. Alphabet Soup Method
    4. Spying On Your Competition
    5. Dominating YouTube
  5. Creating Your First YouTube Video
  6. Video Intros and Outros
  7. On Page SEO – 3 short videos
  8. Off Page SEO
  9. Let’s Wrap This Up (channel authority)


#1: 13 Best Apps For Taking Surveys

#2: Testing Websites For Fast Cash

#3: Freelancing / Virtual Assistant / Data Entry


#1: Tube Profit Sniper Pro – $147, downsell $97

  • Learn to make up to 5X more money.

#2: Auto Profit Multiplier – $97, downsell $47

  • You could make 500% more money.

#3: Tube Prifit Duplicator – $97, downsell $47

  • This tool will help you make 10X the income.


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Who Is This System For?

the tube profit sniper system is for no one

No one! There’s just no way you can trust a product after hearing the blatant lies in the video.

The worst thing is that the product is nothing like what he tells you in his video.  It’s very misleading.  There’s no automated system. It’s all about creating your own YouTube channel and raking it with keywords.

This is a viable way to make money, yes, but it will take much more training and a lot of time to have a successful channel. And there’s no way you’ll be making $500 per day any time soon, lol.

All you get is a general, basic overview of creating your own YouTube channel, finding keywords, and making your first video. You could find all this information online for free. And it’s probably more detailed…

Alternatives to This System

If your sole desire is to start your own YouTube channel and earn money from it, there are better ways to learn:

  • Why not go to the source itself? YouTube has a Creators Academy that you can browse through and find lots of free training.
  • How about online courses? Udemy has some great courses which often go on sale for $14.99.
  • A simple Google search can bring up loads of information…


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How Does It Work?

what is tube profit sniper and how does it work

This Mike Andrews is claiming that if you use his made-for-you system, that you can make $500 per day on YouTube. He goes as far as to say that with only 17 minutes set up time, you will make $500 in less than 24 hours!

That’s impossible! It’s all hype to get you excited and want to buy his product. Let’s take a closer look…

The Video Is Ridiculous!

This video is the usual hype and lies. And we know it will be just by looking at the sales page itself. It immediately uses scarcity tactics to make you think you’re one of the lucky ones who get to see it:

  • “Confirmed: You’ve been invited to watch this presentation because you’re in Canada”.
  • “Warning: Only a Few Copies Remain!”

And then in the video he goes on to say “join quickly”, there’s only a few copies left and the video could be removed at any time. That he can only accept a few students, limited to 20 today. LOL. Ya, sure…

I laughed out loud when he said YouTube is a site that very few people know!

How outrageous a comment is that? YouTube is the second most used search engine after Google. If you don’t know what YouTube is, you don’t own a phone or computer, haha.

Mike goes on to say that this is a foolproof system that takes care of everything for you. You set it up once and it goes on to generate traffic for you forever until you decide to turn it off. Again, a ridiculous statement!

Funny thing is that he never says what his system is exactly. Just that you can convert all the trashy videos that people watch, into profits?

All these statements are meant to push your emotional buttons and create urgency to buy.

His concept is to choose a niche and get paid by ads or a commission network. Yes, this is how it’s done, but by no means is it easy.

Then there are the fake testimonials.

The owner doesn’t have any actual successful customers to interview, so he hires a paid actor from sites such as Fiverr. These video spokespersons will read the script given to them and pretend they’ve earned money with this system.

Let me show you…

youtube profit sniper uses fake testimonials

youtube profit sniper uses fake testimonials


And, of course, what’s a low-quality product without a fake user review video on YouTube…


Notice how this fellow never says the name of the product. That’s because he’s reading a very generic script that could be about anything. And then the owner swaps out the product logo each time he reuses it.

This review on the Silk Road Effect uses the exact same video, haha!

The Product Is Nothing Like They Claim

When you get into the member area, be prepared to see many additional offers. These have nothing to do with his system. They are simply another means for him to make commissions off of your purchases.

Step #1: Welcome video and “click here” to access your upgrades.

Be very careful here. The upsells are a 1-click purchase, meaning that as soon as you click the button, your credit card is charged for the upsell.

Step #2: This is an offer to watch John Crestani’s webinar.

This is another Clickbank product. It’s a decent product but will cost you $997.

I’ve written a review on his Super Affiliate System 2.0.

Step #3: Claim your free website

This offer is included in many of these low-quality products. And it’s not free! You will have to pay for your domain name and monthly hosting, among other things.  Below is a snapshot of what the actual cost will be if you get your “free” website…

tubeprofit sniper is a scam

Claim their highest recommended product.

My offer was for the Secret Millionaire Bot which is just another low-quality Clickbank product. This offer is swapped out for others at any given time.

I’ve written a review on Secret Millionaire Bot if you wish to read it.

And finally, the Tube Profit Sniper Course

Here, you get nine modules of very short videos. All they provide is a basic overview of what’s involved to create your own YouTube channel. They go over keyword research, and how to create your first video. And finally, touch on SEO.

The big issue here is why he could say you could make $500 per day with very little work?

It takes time to create a great video. And it takes time to find those profitable keywords to get you ranked on YouTube.

And he says you’ll get paid from all those trashy videos on YouTube?

That’s nothing at all what the modules teach you inside the member area. Honestly, the video made me think that the training was going to be about paid advertising on other people’s videos. But that’s not what you get at all.

It’s all about creating your own videos and getting ranked within YouTube. You have to wonder if this sales video was for another product, and they reused it for this product?

The course videos themselves are OK. They give you just a general overview of each step. Just be prepared for the short instruction time. Because you’re getting a general overview, you will need additional training elsewhere to really know what you’re doing.

And don’t bother with the upsells.  They have nothing to do with the training.  They are just additional videos on things like bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

My Biggest Concern!

The training on keyword research is nowhere near accurate enough to be successful, though. The tools they recommend are called Keyword Shitter and Keywords Everywhere.

I personally don’t use these tools because, frankly, they’re useless for the kind of keyword research you should be doing, lol. This tool is primarily used for CPC advertising, not ranking. You would need a tool with totally different metrics to become successful at ranking your videos.

No training for generating traffic? If you don’t know how to attract your targeted traffic, how the heck are you going to make any money? This is a vital step they don’t even talk about…

Automated Process?

Didn’t the video say it was an automated system? All you have to do is set it up and it’ll run for you until you take it down?

Nope!! This product is nothing like what it claims. There’s no automated system at all!


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  • 60-day money back guarantee (through Clickbank)
  • Low cost



  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Insufficient training
  • Needing very little work is a lie
  • All fake testimonies


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

tube profit sniper membership is not recommended

Needless to say, I don’t believe this product is worth the money. Especially when you can find information for free online, that’s just as good or better than this.

Through additional research, I found out the upsells have nothing to do with the product. It’s just another way for the owner to make money off of you.

Overall, I would stay away from this product.

Is Tube Profit Sniper a scam?   No   Would I recommend it?   No

The idea of having your own channel on YouTube is great. And there are many successful channels, making a lot of money. But how do they do this? By spending a lot of time uploading new videos, optimizing them properly, placing affiliate links to promote products, and using paid advertising.

And it’s certainly not done in 17 minutes, LOL. It can take years to get a large, loyal following. Without traffic, there are no sales. There’s a lot involved with this method of making money.

Can I make you my honest recommendation to help you out?

Did you know that the easiest way to create a passive income online is through online affiliate marketing? This is what I’ve been successful at, and I’d love to show you how.

Come and see where I learned everything about earning an income online, and where I run my profitable business to this day.

This platform is the real deal! It works, and I’m proof of that! They have everything you need under one roof, so no need to go searching elsewhere.

It’s truly a one of a kind platform with over 1 million members worldwide. I think they’re doing something right, eh?

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll greet you on the inside and help you along for as long as you want me to. See you soon!

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So where did you hear about Tube Profit Sniper? In your inbox, or on social media? So what did you think when you first heard the video. I’d love to hear from you.

If you have any more questions or comments, please leave them below, and I’ll get right back to you.

Your friend,
