What is The Secret Millionaire Bot? The Truth Revealed!

What is The Secret Millionaire Bot?

Do you find yourself in a difficult circumstance, and looking to make money online? You’re not alone and are probably coming across many opportunities that say they can help you.

So what is the Secret Millionaire Bot? It’s a product that claims it’s completely automated and will help you earn thousands per day, right?

I’m so glad to see you here, to review this product before purchasing. They make bold promises, yet never tell you what it actually is.

That’s why I wrote this review for you, to show you what it actually is, and how it works. It’s nice to know what to expect when you get inside.

And then I’ll give you my honest recommendation, OK?

And if you’re tired of all these false promises, and are serious about creating your real online income, come and meet me here.

The Secret Millionaire Bot review rating


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What Is The Secret Millionaire Bot?

This system is about affiliate marketing on Instagram. It was created by Charles Allen (who we know is a fake name). You can learn to generate up to $2,479 per day.

Secret Millionaire Bot – $37, downsell $17, downsell to $9

What’s Inside

Step 1 – Welcome Video

Step 2 – Register for a VIP workshop, which is just pushing another Clickbank product (John Crestani)

Step 3 – Claim your free website (has nothing to do with this system)

Step 4 – Register for “Bullet Proof Profits” which is another Clickbank product

Training – 10 videos explaining Instagram

  1. What is Instagram?
  2. Starting On The Right Foot
  3. Building Your Instagram Brand
  4. Creating An Instagram Business Account
  5. Five Ways To Make Money On Instagram
  6. Becoming A DropShipper On Instagram
  7. How To Create Order Forms
  8. Affiliate Marketing Case Study
  9. Growing Your Instagram Following
  10. Sponsored Posts


#1. Millionaire Bot Pro – $147, downsell $97

  • Make twice the amount of money, twice as fast

#2. Auto Profit Replicator – $147

  • Create 1000X your earnings using free traffic

#3. Done For You Traffic – $497


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Who Is This System For?

I want to say no one! But if you can get the downsell price of $9, go ahead if you’re curious. Just don’t expect to receive what he says you’ll get.

He claims you’ll be getting a fully automated system that will bring you a very generous passive income. That couldn’t be further from the truth. All you’re getting is 8 short videos about using Instagram for affiliate marketing. Nothing is automated.

In fact, the information is very generic, with no applicable steps to take. It’s most likely a PLR product he bought and is selling it as his own.

And not knowing how old the product is, it’s most likely outdated, which won’t help with all the algorithm changes these social media platforms make on a regular basis.


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How Does It Work?

the secret millionaire bot review of how it works

You would have gotten an email claiming you can make “$2000 Today”, or “1 million USD in 12 months”. The email swipes given to their affiliates are outrageous. Anything to get people to open the email.

Then you’re brought to another sales video, like many others, full of hype and lies.

The Video

The narrator says his name is Charles Allen, which you already know is a fake name. In fact, it says at the bottom of the page that this is a pen name. It’s actually a voice-over actor, hired to read a script.

And as expected, he talks a lot but says nothing.

There’s a lot of talk about this being a new, never seen software. Apparently, he and a group of programmers and statisticians from top firms around with world created and refined it two years ago. Sure…

It’s fully automated bot software that identifies the most lucrative money making opportunities on the internet. It then targets these and copies them into your account. What the heck does that mean?? Makes no sense whatsoever!!!

He is definitely hoping that newbies to the industry won’t realize how ridiculous that sounds, LOL

He’s made all his millions from this tightly guarded system, and now feels it’s time to share it with the rest of the world. And for only $37? Wow, how generous… hahaha.

Notice how he never says what the product actually is, yet tells you how rich you can get. It’s all typical hype to push your emotional buttons, and persuade you to buy.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to be a millionaire in a year?  Right?  Then you could join this “elite society of underground millionaires”.  Oh, brother…

I actually laughed out when I heard him say:

“this isn’t one of those videos that are full of hype and BS, and just want to swindle you out of your hard earned cash”

Oh my goodness!! I have to wonder what the actor was thinking as he was reading this…LOL

The Sales Page

Everything on this page is meant to push you to buy. Yet none of the facts are true! Let me share with you what I mean…

#1. Buy Now, Or You’ll Lose Your Spot

Though countdown timers can be used by legitimate markers for limited time sales, these type of product creators uses them to push you along. They’re never real because as soon as you refresh the page, they restart.

My page said that there were only a few copies that remained and that 1,294 people were waiting in line for access. This is again, so ridiculous. Any Clickbank product is available to anyone, at any time. The owner would never turn away anyone because that’s how he’s making his money!

The product will be available until he takes it down. And he won’t do that until it stops making HIM money.

#2. These People Buy A Lot Of Products!

Not only were the testimonials in the video fake, but also the images on the sales page. The ones in the video are simply video actors you can hire on Fiverr and other freelance sites. I’ve personally seen these specific actors in many other product reviews I’ve done.  Check out my EZ Bay Payday review.

secret millionaire bot review uses fake testimonials

And as you can see, these images have been used over and over again by other businesses. Donald Trimps picture was even used on the Tinder launch page in 2014, lol.

secret millionaire bot review uses fake images of users

And the Facebook and Twitter feed is also fake. There are no such people online. And refreshing the page keeps bringing you back to the exact same people. Sheesh…

#3. Who The Heck Creates These Products?

Nine times out of ten, the owners of these low-quality products will never reveal themselves. They hide behind a pen name and never show their face. And you know why? Because most of these products are verging on scams.

These are serial product launchers. They use old, outdated material, consistently repackage them under a new name, and relaunch the product.

They’ll often offer the affiliates great prizes for getting the most sales.

They don’t seem to care about the lack of value they provide. They lie and lie in hopes of making money for themselves. Can you imagine what would happen if people actually knew who he was? His online reputation would go down the toilet, and he’d have a whirlwind of backlash from unsatisfied customers.

#4. Wow! He was on CNN?

No, lol. But it gives you pause, doesn’t it? And that’s what he’s hoping for. If his potential customers think that this product was written about in Forbes, or talked about on CNN, it must be great, right?

I really don’t know how they get away with using trademarked logos on their sales pages. Isn’t there some sort of infringement here? But I’m sure these big media sites could care less about these small potatoes, haha.

And I’m sure that if they were represented on these kinds of sites, they’d make a much BIGGER deal about it!

#5. Why Does The Video Sound Cut In And Out?

Because it’s an old video that he’s chopping up and adding new clips to. Yup! Another refurbished video.

They launch these products so often, they don’t even remake a new video…

#6. I Wonder What Else He Owns?

Well, we have a couple of hints. Like the video, they reuse their legal documents from product to product and often don’t care about updating them.

Take a peek…

secret millionaire bot owned by easy insta profits
secret millionaire bot owned by million dollar replicator
So I’m sure the same owner has at least created these two other products, and who knows how many more?

Here is my review on Million Dollar Replicator.

The Product

Once you get into the member area, you’re immediately asked to go through steps one to four. These steps have absolutely nothing to do with this product.

They want you to sign up for completely different products, which is just another way to make affiliate commission off of you. The biggest one is John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System. The system is legit but will cost you $997 just to get through the door.

When you finally get to the actual product, you’re disappointed to find that there’s NO SOFTWARE.

Didn’t he promise you a fully automated software that would make you rich? A one of a kind that he and other programmers developed two years ago?

Nope. No surprise here… it’s just 8 videos giving you an overview of affiliate marketing over Instagram! And these are short videos as well. No actionable steps or over the shoulder type help.

My guess, here, is that he either scraped together some Youtube videos and put them together to look like a mini-course, or more likely it’s a PLR product.

PLR stands for “Private Label Rights”. Someone creates these products, then sells the rights to marketers to use them in various ways. Some have to remain as is, to allow the purchaser to edit and/or add their own name to it.

These marketers then turn around and create their own product, and sell it on Clickbank. It’s a win-win for all these product creators, but usually a loss for you.

It’s not that these PLR products are bad. It’s just that they are usually very generic so they can be relevant for a couple of years at least. They are never updated to reflect today’s marketing needs.

So all you get is some generic videos, that in no way will help you create thousands of dollars, online.

Chances are, the best part of the PLR product was held back, and is sold as one of the upsells. I didn’t get any upsells, but I imagine they include yet another product and ready-made email lists.


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  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee


  • The product is nothing like what’s explained in the sales video
  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Fake testimonials


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

secret millionaire bot is a scam

I have done many reviews but rarely do I come across so many lies all in one. What he describes in the video has nothing to do with what you actually receive. And the frustrating part is that you’ll never know until you buy the product.

Yes, it’s cheap enough, and you can return it to Clickbank. But is just plain annoying!

Usually, the sales video will give me a hint as to what’s coming. I’m fortunate to have enough experience to read between the lines. But in this case? Complete surprise.

Don’t get me wrong, I never expected any automated software, but this? Eight little useless videos…

Do I think Secret Millionaire Bot is a scam?   No   Would I recommend it?   No

I don’t use the word “scam” lightly. As long as you’re getting some sort of material for your money, it’s legal and not a scam. But boy, some sure come close. The scam here was everything he said in the video!

I couldn’t find one authentic user review of anyone who made any money with this system.  There were plenty who just showed the video and left links to buy, but that’s it.  Absolutely no proof that this worked for anyone.

I did find, again, the same fake user review that’s used in so many other Clickbank products…

Notice how she never mentions a name or what she did.  That’s because they hired an actress to read such a generic script, that all they do is swap out the logo each time.

Check out my AZ Formula review.  She’s in there, and many others as well…

I really do feel bad for those who fall for these schemes. I’m sure they’re in a desperate situation and simply looking for relief.

Honestly, there’s no way to make quick money online. It all takes proper training, tools, and mostly time! Any successful marketer will tell you it can take years to create that kind of money.

Yes, it’s all very possible! Just not overnight.  Affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to earn an online income.  Many of us use this method and are successful.

Are you serious about wanting to earn an online income? You can start part-time while working your day job, and then who knows?

Your online income could overtake your day income. Then you have the choice to quit and earn a lucrative income online, at home, or anywhere really.

Can I make you a great recommendation?

If this is something you’d love to do, then please come and see me where I run my business. It’s more than just a training platform. They also provide all the tools and support to get you up and running online. After that, it’s just a matter of additional training to grow your business to success (which they also provide).

They have everything under one roof, which is the only one of it’s kind online today. It’s amazing, really!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll meet you on the inside and help you for as long as you need me.

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So where did you first hear about the Secret Millionaire Bot system? We all get so much junk in our inboxes, don’t we? And there’s always that one that intrigues us enough to open it.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you. I’d love to hear from you.

Your friend,
