The Solo Build It Review – Is This For You?

If you’re interested in starting an online marketing business, you’re probably searching out how to go about it, and where to get the best training for you! It can be an overwhelming experience, I know.

I’m sure you’ve come across the name Solo Build It. And as usual, they claim to be the best. But are they? Are they telling you everything? Let me give you the Solo Build It review from my perspective. As an online marketer myself, I’d like to compare what they offer to what I’ve needed to succeed.

When I started this business, I had absolutely no experience with online marketing, websites, hosting, tools, etc. So building a good foundation was key. Does Solo Build It offers this foundation? Let’s look and see!

If you’d like to see where I learned everything to start a successful business, CLICK HERE.

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What Is Solo Build It?

a solo build it review“Solo Build It” is a new name for an older business. It started out as SiteSell, promoting their book “Make Your Site Sell” from the late 1990s to 2002. They then decided to make a change to Site Build It which would provide members with an “action guide” and tools to start their businesses online.

In 2017, they changed their name once again to Solo Build It, promoting the term ‘Solopreneurs’. The founder, Ken Evoy, says it was to be more representative of solopreneurs, vs. just a site builder.

They claim to be the only all-in-one package of training, tools, and support to build a profitable business. Well…. that immediately raises a red flag for me, because I know for a fact that they aren’t the “only” ones.

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good program.

Wealthy affiliate vs solo build itMost reviews online are a mixture of love it or hate it by previous members. Personally, I haven’t used their service, but I’ve done a significant amount of research and want to give you an unbiased review of their program.

I think the best way to review Solo Build It (SBI), is to compare it to another all-in-one platform called Wealthy Affiliate (WA). That way we can see if their bold claims stand up.

I’m not here to “bash” anyone. I just want to give an honest comparison.

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my wa landing button


What Does Solo Build It Offer?

There are certain needs that every new online entrepreneur needs to start a successful online business. And that’s to learn how to set up a solid foundation. Once you know these steps, you can replicate it for a second business.

The framework of both platforms is very similar. SBI teaches a process called CTPM. Content, Traffic, Pre-sell and Monetize. Wealthy Affiliate’s process is Choose an interest, Build a website, Attract visitors, Earn revenue. Basically the same processes here.


solo build it vs wealthy affiliate training programs


They both tell you that your business will take work. There are no promises of overnight riches. Your success depends on you and your motivation to succeed.

Every new marketer needs:

These are the basics I needed to get started. Once your foundation is in place, you’ll want to expand your knowledge for further success.

#1.  Let’s Start With The Proper Training

SBI offers you a 10-day “Action Guide” which is an intensive course covering everything from finding your niche, learning about content and keywords, registering your domain name and building your website. It covers traffic sources, knowing your customers and monetizing your site. In my opinion, they offer you the solid foundation you need.

what is solo build it action guide
My concern is there isn’t any additional training. Having a solid foundation is important, yes, but what if there are changes to SEO practices, or there are newer and better ways to get ranked in Google? This is where WA surpasses SBI.

WA provides their solid foundation with their certification course. The first 10 steps of phase 1 cover everything SBI provides. They also provide another 4 phases (40 more lessons) to focus on traffic sources, monetization, social media and content creation.

In addition to the certification course, they offer weekly live videos, tutorials, and additional classrooms covering subject like SEO, images, ranking, content, WordPress and much more. The knowledge base is forever expanding.

#2.  Do They Have An Easy Website Builder?

With the advances in technology, we now have the ability to make our website with a few easy steps. No need for a college education on coding. Both SBI and WA have site builder technology.

SBI offers a choice of over 100 of their own themes, which are mobile ready. An important feature in today’s age of tablets and cell phones. Because these are not WordPress themes, they’ve developed their own plugins to deliver everything from social media to autoresponders (email marketing).

WA is designed around WordPress, so they have a choice of over 3000 templates and over 29 thousand plugins. That’s quite a choice! But really, do we need that many, haha. What’s nice, though, is you can find a plugin for virtually anything.

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#3.  Do They Offer Domain Registration and Hosting Services?

Both SBI and WA offer them.

No platform can consider themselves All-In-One without these two services.

#4.  Is A Keyword Research Tool Provided?

Yes, both SBI and WA platforms have their own keyword research tool. SBI’s tool is called Brainstorm It! 4, whereas WA’s tool is called Jaaxy. You must be an SBI member to use theirs, whereas anyone can have a membership to Jaaxy, independent of the WA membership.

solo build it complaints of keyword tool
My only concern here is that SBI uses different terminology than you’d find most anywhere else. It’s OK to be proprietary with your terms, but it most likely makes the learning curve more difficult if you’ve researched anywhere else. If you join SBI as a complete beginner and stay with just them, you’ll be fine.

solo build it vs wealthy affiliate
SBI also offers “Niche Choose It”, a great tool to find your niche along with the best possible domain name. What they don’t tell you ahead of time, is that you’re initially allowed only 25 credits (25 searches). After that, you need to buy more at $20 a pop. And not all the available tools come with your SBI package deal, so research carefully.

With WA, what you see is what you get. No upsells or additional costs for tools. No surprises!

#5.  Online support, Available 24/7?

Again, both SBI and WA have technical support available 24/7.

This is indispensable when something goes wrong with your site, and you need immediate assistance.

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#6.  An Active, Like-Minded Community for Support?

sitesell supportSBI offers support in forum style. This means you type your question into a search bar, and see what other members have asked. Often times, their answers are all you need to move forward. You can also ask questions to seek your own answers.

My big concern with a forum community is the time factor. It can often take multiple tries with different wording to get an answer to your query. And if you post your own question, your hands are tied until someone in the community responds.

I have heard other members say the forum isn’t active and that they often don’t even receive an answer. This can really slow down your training.

WA has a live community of over 800,000 members worldwide. So there is always someone available, 24/7. Your questions are answered almost immediately.

#7.  How Affordable Is The Program?

SBI is very affordable at $29.99/month or $299/year (a 20% discount). They also offer a 90-day money back guarantee. So if you want to check them out before committing yourself, I suggest you pay monthly to start and use the guarantee if necessary.

solo build it cost

What I want to mention here is that the above price is for ONE website. For each additional website you want to work on, it’ll cost you another $29.99/mo or $299/year. If you only desire one website, it’s a great deal. If you want more, it will become very costly.

WA is also affordable at $49/month or $359/year (a 40% discount). They offer a free starter membership which has access to the entire platform for 7 days. After that, you can remain free with limited access, or upgrade to premium for the stated cost.

The important thing to mention here is that for the $359/year, you can host up to 50 websites. There are no additional costs for hosting.

I consider both these programs affordable because if you choose to go elsewhere online, the comparable services will run you between $251 to $774 per month. You can view my breakdown here.


my wa landing button


My Final Recommendation!

Solo Build It is, in fact, a legitimate program, offering many great services and tools. Their membership cost is excellent if you’re only wanting one website. I would not hesitate to recommend them, except…..

  • the number of negative reviews is a little alarming
  • their defensiveness about negative reviews raises a red flag
  • the cost covers only one website
  • they only have a forum style community
  • they offer excellent but limited training

If you would still like to check out Solo Build It, CLICK HERE.

Although both platforms are great, I would definitely recommend Wealthy Affiliate. The extensive training, ability to have multiple websites, and live community far outweigh Solo Build It.

Here are the breakdowns condensed for you:

Why not give Wealthy Affiliate a try? They offer a free starter membership so you have nothing to lose. They won’t even ask you for your credit card information. That’s how confident they are you’ll love them!

Just click on the image below, to read all about it.  When you join, I’ll greet you inside and help you as long as you need me too.

my wa landing pic

This could be a life-changing decision for you. Earn extra money, and live a life of freedom.


Your friend,


P.S. Please share!









