Are you looking for a way to make extra cash? Are you looking to do this online? If you are, you’ve probably come across many systems claiming to show you how. And today, I’d like to share with you my Home Income System review.
I’m proud of you doing some research on these systems before purchasing. And I know you’re a smart person, but these promotional videos can be so convincing. Unless you’ve been involved in the online marketing industry for a while, you won’t be able to recognize all the red flags shouting “STAY AWAY”, lol.
That’s why these reviews are so important. I want to give you as much information as possible so that you can make an informed decision. And after spending a lot of time researching, I’ll share what I learned and give you my honest recommendation.
If you really want to make an extra income online, you need an honest and legitimate platform to work on. I can get you on your way, the safe way, if you CLICK HERE.
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What Is The Home Income System?
This is a very difficult question to answer. I have spent hours researching every little trail I could find, online, to no avail. It has come and gone by several business names. Many of the online reviews have different URL’s, all of which are no longer being used.
The only working website that’s currently working is the one listed above. It was created in May 2018 according to Whois.net. There is no mention of the product’s creator or owner. Sure, he gives himself a name in the video, but we all know it’s fake, lol.
The Home Income System video is very vague. It’s done in a way to get you excited about making money, but there’s no mention of how you would do that other than posting ads. He doesn’t talk about the tools he uses, the training you’d receive, any support etc.
In fact, this newest video is the vaguest of his past products. Other reviews talk about creating ads on Facebook, which I can believe.
But even then, that won’t make you the $400 per day he claims you can make.
A precise way to see what upsells are included, is to sign up for the system’s affiliate program. Well, I hunted high and low, and couldn’t find how to apply. I know there must be one because the only positive reviews online are obviously from their affiliates. Unlike any legitimate affiliate program, you must have to purchase the program before you can promote it.
There are mentions of upsells in other reviews, which is how most of these sales funnels work. A sales funnel will direct you to purchase their low-ticket item. In this case, $97 to give you access to the inside. Once inside, they will try to convince you to purchase the first upsell, which they will undoubtedly tell you it will help you make more money.
Depending on the number of upsells, you will be continually pushed to purchase the next upsell until you’re convinced to buy their high-ticket item. They’ll say you can’t be successful until you buy it, but really, it’s just to make themselves more money out of your pocketbook.
I believe if anyone is making money with Home Income System, it’s by promoting it as an affiliate.
I didn’t purchase the product, because frankly, I know it will be a complete waste of money. These types of systems rarely offer anything useful. The information is usually something you could have found for free online and is often outdated. It’s such a shame that they’re allowed to continually do this. So many people get hurt by these schemes.
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Who Is This System For?
To be honest, no one! I truly believe this system is NOT designed to make you money, but rather to squeeze money out of you.
There are no user reviews out there. That alone tells you a lot. Don’t you think if people were actually making money with this system, they would be writing about it?
The positive reviews I mentioned earlier, from affiliates, only rehash the same information as the video. There’s no mention of anyone personally using it to make money online.
When checking with the Better Business Bureau, this was a complaint that, unfortunately, didn’t surprise me. This often happens when you give your credit card number to an unknown person…
The Better Business Bureau did show that the owner has owned many different businesses since 2010. As you can see in the image below, the other names he’s used but are no longer in business. Only the Home Income System is currently online.
They have informed the BBB that “Go Fish Media Services, Inc” handles all the complaints and correspondence for them, but I could find nothing online about them either. Not even in the San Diego listings.
Boy, this guy really doesn’t want to get found, does he?
How Does It Work?
They claim that you can make money by posting just a few ads per hour. When people click on the ads, they are directed to the product’s website where they make a purchase. You would then be paid an affiliate commission for sending them a customer. This is what’s known as email marketing.
Only they claim you don’t need a website or your own business, for that matter. Well, I can tell you from personal experience, that this model is extremely difficult. If these ads are posted on Facebook for instance…
- There is a cost involved for placing ads.
- Finding hot niches on Facebook requires niche research.
- You need a large following to attract enough people to those ads.
These are just the obvious roadblocks. There’s just no way you can make money overnight with this system. It takes years of building a large following, or email list (if you have your own business) to be able to make that kind of money.
All we know for sure is that you’re going to have to pay some money first, to get inside and see what they are talking about. I did notice, that if you go to the payment page, and do nothing for a few seconds, they offer a couple of downsells, lol. After the second downsell, you only have to pay $47.

To even get to the purchase page, you must enter your name, email, and phone number. Well, guess what this means? Not only will you be pushed to buy their upsells inside the platform, but they’ll also be calling you too. And yes, this is completely possible. I’ve been called before, by various products I’ve tried…
The video itself set off an alarming number of red flags:
- They have a geographical tracker on their sales page to tell you there’s only so many spots left in your area.
- The video consists of text only, without letting you see who’s talking, or who truly owns it.
- The income promises are ridiculous.
- They have a countdown timer on the sales page (which still allows you to buy well after zero…)
- The testimonials are most likely fake. One, for sure, was hired from sites like Fiverr.
- Nothing!
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- No free trial (must give credit card information)
- Must provide a phone number
- No transparency (don’t know who the owner is)
- Unbelievable income promises
- No product information (very vague video)

Final Thoughts And Recommendations
These types of systems come and go quicker than you think. The owner creates one after another, leaving them up just long enough to pocket a lot of money. Then it disappears and another one is created with a new name and URL.
It’s so frustrating! These unscrupulous people don’t care about anyone but their selves. The Internet is ripe with these types of schemes only because people fall for them. It’s been going on for decades now.
Can you imagine if you were in a desperate situation, then hear that you can make all this money with very little work? It’s no wonder people fall for this, especially if they have no knowledge of how the industry works, to begin with.
Personally, my biggest red flag is not knowing the owner. Anyone who has a system that works well for people, would want to take credit and show themselves wouldn’t they? If you take a look at any legitimate training platform online, you always see who own it. They are the ones talking to you, face to face.
I wish I could tell you exactly what Home Income System entails, but honestly, I can’t. What I do know is that there is no way this can work. Making money online can be a very lucrative industry, but not by using these systems.
Is this system a scam? YES? Would I recommend it? NO
I don’t like to call anything a scam if there is a product attached. But I honestly can’t tell you if there is. This entire scheme leans more towards the “scam” end of the scale than the “legit” end, haha.
Can I make you a safer recommendation?
I would love to see you be able to make an extra income online, and I know how you can do it from a legitimate training platform. It’s the one that I’ve used to learn how to create my online business. In fact, I’m still there after all these years. And I love it.
This company is Canadian based, honest, transparent, SAFE, and provides you with everything you need to create your business from scratch. And it’s a business you own. No one can take it from you.
The best thing is that you can start for free. NO CREDIT CARD NEEDED! Create your free account, and test drive the platform to see if you like it.
It’s totally designed with a newbie in mind. You’ll love it!
They won’t promise you overnight riches, because frankly, that’s impossible. What they do promise is top-notch training, tools, support, and a wonderful, caring community.
You will learn how to build your own website, choose profitable keywords to create content that attracts visitors, and my favourite part, the live community. The only one of it’s kind, online!
If you click on the picture below, you’ll be taken to their website to create your free account. And I promise to meet you on the inside. I’ll be there to help you every step of the way if you need me.
If you’ve had any experience with the Home Income System, and would like to share your thoughts, please comment. I would all love to hear from you.
If you know of anyone who should read this blog, please share.
Your friend,
Hi Suzanne,
I can’t believe there are sites online that operate to solely not be legit! I mean, no free trial, need a credit card and your phone number! Take a hike off a cliff! No way – no way would I hand over all that information on their say so.
Even worse, no one knows who the founder is – PIFF!!
Thank you so much, Suzanne, as I oft wondered if the Home Income System was a scam or legit. Now I know. Nice work and I really appreciate your work in this article.
Know of anything better and why?
Hi Philip, and thanks for commenting.
There are way too many of these lousy products online. They’re solely created to make the owner money, and that’s it!
I think you know what my recommendation is, haha. Wealthy Affiliate, of course. They’ve been around and successful for many, many years, and only getting better. I personally know of some members who have created their own multi-million dollar companies after starting there. If you want to know how to create your own successful business, you need to check them out. You won’t regret it!
Wow, who knew that the Home Income system was such a scam! That’s why Wealthy Affiliate, and other online marketing universities are always better. They are reputable and do what they promise.
I am always amazed how people would ignore sound money making strategies and would prefer to do unethical business practices when it is already so easy to make money online.
Glad I checked on this through your site before taking action on this! Thank you for such an in depth post with so much detail!
Thanks, Jacob, for your comment.
I’m not sure why these people create such poor products like this, other than to make some quick money. They obviously don’t care about anyone else but themselves.
What frustrates me is that so many innocent people are losing thousands of dollars on these things. I hope all of our reviews can help steer some away. Then it’s all worth it!
Wow, this has red flags all over the place.
I was shocked by the fact that the BBB showed 4 alternate names for the company and that they are all closed now.
Hi Eric, and yup! Too many red flags!
That’s what I mean by one owner creating so many different versions of the same thing. When one stops producing money for him, he shuts it down and opens it up again under a new name with a new twist. It’s all very frustrating!
I just hope my reviews can stop innocent people from getting sucked into these schemes.