What Is The Leaderboard Affiliate? (Review) Top Affiliate Advice?

What Is The Leaderboard Affiliate? (Review)

If you’ve dabbled with online marketing, I’m sure you’ve come across David Dekel’s Funnel X systems. He has several now and each has different income stream potentials.

In his most recent system, called Funnel XPress, one stream is from his new product called Leaderboard Affiliate. But what is the Leaderboard Affiliate? Great question and I’m so happy to see you researching this before purchasing.

Is this some high ticket scam, or could it be legit? I don’t blame you for asking, because there are too many low-quality products online these days.

In today’s review, I want to give you a different perspective than what David tells you. Of course, he’ll tell you all the potential but never goes over the risks. By the end of this review, you will know what this product is, how it works, and if it’s right for you.

My recommendation comes from the heart, as my biggest concern is for all the beginners out there.

And if you’d just like to build a solid foundation to your business, and bypass all the risky opportunities, please come and see where I learned all about affiliate marketing, and run my own successful business.

What Is The Leaderboard Affiliate? (Review) rating



What Is The Leaderboard Affiliate?

This product is created by David Dekel, as the first income stream within his Funnel XPress sales funnel. You can read about Funnel XPress with my own review.

This first income stream is a compilation of interviews David held with the top affiliates in his Funnel X ROI. They are very successful and are willing to share valuable information with you about their successful strategies.

There are four videos for each level:

  1. Each affiliates personal story.
  2. Sharing their traffic sources.
  3. Sharing their promotional strategies.
  4. Showing you their daily routines.

Each level has a different price point, so the commissions you make are limited to the level you purchase. And each level includes what proceeds it. For instance, if you pay for the fourth level, you also receive levels one to three.

Let’s look at the level overview…

Six Levels To Choose From

#1: Promoter (with Kelly Bolton & Jonathan Rice) – $27

Kelly earned the title of super affiliate when she recently went from a dead-end call center job to doing $5,000 per week online working 100% from home.

She made a small “shift” with her online business and started employing David’s advice. She finally earned her first $5k week and on to many thousands of dollars shortly after.

#2: Team Builder (with Daniel Kump) – $97

Daniel went from working a low paying retail job to doing more in a single month than he ever did an entire year with his job.

He is one of the fastest team builders out there and the beauty of it he does it without chasing anyone. He knows how to get people to come to him…

#3: Guru (with Ontarian Hawkins) – $247

Ontarian went from a college dropout to thousands of dollars per day online, working from the comfort of his own home.

Known as the “Passive Income Guru” Ontarian is known for building huge portfolios of income with multiple income streams.

#4: Superstar (with Paulo Barroso & Joshua Elder) – $497

Paulo Barroso

Paulo went from being broke, negative, and living a very unhappy and unfulfilling life to making a seven-figure income. You can easily find his name on leaderboards everywhere as a top 10 earner.

His marketing career started out with Clickbank and other affiliate programs.

Just recently, within his first 30 days promoting just one system, he was able to generate $24,862.34.

Joshua Elder

Joshua figured out the “holy grail” of internet marketing. If you want to learn how to generate leads for free while converting them to various high ticket programs and earning thousands of dollars in the process, Joshua is your guy.

He generated over 60,000 leads for free and turned them into a $3,000,000 business. He reveals his exact process and “recipe” for you to use.

#5: Celebrity (with Michael Mansell & Nick Pratt) – $997

Michael Mansell

Michael went from a team of nothing to over 800 people in one month using his special strategies.

The best part is he uses a special secret attracting high ticket spenders who join him at the highest $1,000 and $2,000 levels in any opportunity he joins.

A recent promotion generated him $479,000 from just 737 members.

Nick Pratt

Nick is a free traffic expert pulling in hundreds of leads per week that actually buy stuff. He has been successfully using the biggest traffic sources on the planet for free leads and it’s what he’s best at.

Nick uses the simplest yet most effective promotion strategies to turn free traffic to big commissions.

#6: Boss (with Igor Kheifets) – $1997

He’s only 30 and makes $4,000,000 per year sending emails. He successfully built a list of over four million subscribers.

Igor is also known for being the undisputed king of turning leads into huge commissions, to the tune of $100k a week with various promotions.

One Time License Fees

This income stream offers you 100% commissions, but to get that you will have to purchase reseller license fees. Like the level above, each license fee includes the levels preceding it.

  1. Promoter – $10
  2. Team Builder – $20
  3. Guru – $50
  4. Superstar – $100
  5. Celebrity – $200
  6. Boss – $500

MLM Commissions

This system also includes one-up commissions. Any referral member of yours, who in turn makes a sale, will pay you with their second sale.

For instance, you refer Jack, and Jack signs up at the same or lower level than you. He starts promoting and makes sales. His second sale rolls up to you.

This includes your sales as well. Your second sale rolls up to your referrer.

Leaderboard Bonuses

  1. Funnel X traffic Co-op access.
  2. X10 high converting lead capture pages
  3. Mindset sequence.

Minimum Expected Costs

  • Levels up to $1,997
  • Autoresponder (Funnel X uses Getresponse) – $15 to $1199 per month and up
  • Tracking system (Funnel X uses David’s system called ROI Panel) – $197 to $1,497 plus annual fees.


Who Is This Income Stream For?

leaderboardaffiliate is for more (hashtag) experienced marketers

First of all, you can only access this product if you are already a member of Funnel XPress. It’s free to join the funnel, but then each income steam within comes at a cost.

I believe you can learn a lot from these top affiliates, but you must be willing to pay a high ticket price to get it.

If you have the working capital to work with (extra money you don’t mind losing… in case), then I think this could work. But know that you will have to actively promote the funnel to get your commissions (unless you’re willing to pay this much for your own personal use)

And if you don’t have a sizable email list to promote to, you can use Solo Ads, which come at another large cost.

Beginners may struggle with trying to sell large ticket items like this. You will be an unknown and unproven affiliate, so using free advertising might not generate too many sales. This is where having funds for solo ads will be useful.


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How Does It Work?

the affiliatewp leaderboard is part of Funnel Xpress

Basically, as I mentioned above, this is one of the income streams with Funnel XPress. You can choose to just have this one stream if you wish, but you will be pressured to buy the other ones, lol.

At least you will be able to learn from the industry’s top affiliates. There are a lot of valuable tips and tricks within these videos.

This system is known as a pay-to-play system. You can’t promote anything unless you’ve purchased it first.

The levels start out cheap, then get progressively more expensive. The only problem with that if you purchase the third level for $247, and your referral purchases a higher level, you won’t get any commission.

And that’s because you only purchased the reseller license for up to three levels, for another $50.

It’s done this way to persuade you to buy the highest level. David will tell you that you’ll make all your money back (not the reseller license fee) with your first sale. He’s right, but you have to make that first sale…

If possible, get the highest level that you can afford. Because if you decide to upgrade later, you will have to pay the full amount of that upgrade.

For example, if you purchased the third level today for $247, and decided in six months you wish to upgrade to level five, you will still need to pay the full $997. They won’t let you pay the difference.

This product is not a step by step system but contains a lot of valuable information for you to learn from and apply. David walks you through how to join up within his funnel system. After that, you will have to find support within his Facebook group.

You can, of course, pay the cost to use this information for personal use. It’s up to you if you feel $2K is worth all this advice.

Personally, before taking such a step for personal use, I would Google or YouTube each person and see what you can find out for free online.

Successful entrepreneurs usually have their own websites and YouTube channels that offer advice. You probably won’t find things like “their daily routines”, or find them sharing their “secrets”, but I’m sure you can learn some other things.

If you are experienced enough to successfully apply email marketing or have enough money to use solo ads, then your chances are greater for conversions.

Solo Ads are when you pay someone for the use of their email list. David recommends Udimi.

These vendors will charge you a certain price per “click”, averaging about $.50 to $1 per. So if you want to email your promotion and get 300 clicks, it can cost you about $150 to $300.

Now, these are just clicks, meaning someone has clicked open your email. It doesn’t guarantee any sales. If you wish to use a more targeted email list to just the America’s, let’s say, then you will be paying a premium price.

Paying for your traffic is extremely risky, and you may end up losing more than you’re making. The top affiliates have success with paid advertising, but they are also well-known in the industry, are rich (lol), and people trust their recommendations.

If you’re trying to attract free traffic, you must be VERY AWARE who your target audience is.

Marketing to an audience who isn’t interested in spending this kind of money on a funnel, won’t get you any sales. You need to focus on a certain type of market and create a very persuasive ad copy.

One advantage you get is with David’s bonuses:

#1. Funnel X traffic Co-op access – David provides a co-op where the members can opt-in and share the solo ads he provides. And I’m sure he makes sure their top quality, as he gets commissions on your sales, lol.

#2. X10 high converting lead capture pages – David has prepared some lead capture pages for you to use if you’re not experienced in writing your own. But how soon will the market get saturated with these?

#3. Mindset sequence – This will help put your mind in the proper “headspace” for selling… or so he says! Personally, I’m skeptical of these types of material…

Here’s an inspiring video created by Paulo Barroso, in 2015. This is something that he made as an intro to a training program. You don’t see the program, but he talks a bit about how he started and how anyone can become an online marketer.


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  • Advice from the industry’s top affiliates
  • David’s Funnel sells for you



  • Expensive
  • Requires working capital for paid advertising (unless you have a very large email list)
  • Market saturation


Final Thoughts And Recommendations

leaderboardaffiliate is very expensive (shortcode) and recommended for experiences affiliates

I think this product can work for some people and not others. If you think you can successfully sell this, then you’re probably someone who can. If you have no idea? Then it’s probably not for you, lol.

I truly believe this is for more experienced marketers who know what they’re getting into. Or at least someone who has a lot of play money to work with. And I don’t know too many newbies who have that.

Is Leaderboard a scam?   No  

Would I recommend it?   Yes, if you can afford it.

I would hate to see a newbie spend this kind of money without understanding the whole process. And you have to be willing to take a loss.

David’s funnels have been around for some time now, and of course, there are a few affiliates making a lot of money from them.

But you must also know that these top affiliates you’re hearing from aren’t making all their money from David’s funnels.

The top few were successful in their own right, and are using these funnels to create even more commissions. And as I mentioned earlier, their success comes from the fact that they’re:

  1. Well known in the industry.
  2. They have compiled HUGE email lists.
  3. They have the money to invest in paid advertising and solo ads.
  4. Their loses don’t even make a ripple, lol…

Can I make you my sincere recommendation?

If you are new to online affiliate marketing, then don’t worry. There are better, easier ways to start your online journey without spending thousands of dollars.

I would love for you to come and see where I learned all about online marketing, and where I run my successful business to this day.

This platform has everything you need under one roof.

  • Training – Step by step courses, classrooms, tutorials, and live weekly webinars.
  • A domain registry – An easy way to find the perfect name for your business.
  • A website builder – With over 4,000 WordPress themes to choose from.
  • Website hosting – With powerful servers, security, backups, and emails, and more.
  • A keyword research tool – Find low-competition keywords for the best ranking.
  • A large and active LIVE community – They always have your back!
  • And much more…

And the best part? You can start for FREE!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll meet you on the inside and help you out as long as you need me to. See you soon!

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Have you heard about David Dekel and his funnels? They are frequently advertised via email, and you may have gotten one or two by now. I’m not sure how people end up on these email lists, but I know I’m on some I wish I weren’t lol.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I’ll get right back to you.

Your friend,
