What Is The Fast Cash App? 2 Shocking Discoveries

What Is The Fast Cash App?

So how many ads did you find in your inbox today? And was Fast Cash App one of them? But what is the Fast Cash App? They say you can make $22,750 in your first week. Could this be true?

I don’t blame you for wanting this to be true. I mean who wouldn’t want to make this kind of money? I sure would. But unfortunately, it’s getting harder and harder to trust these systems anymore.

I’m so happy you’re here today, to read my Fast Cash App review. It’s smart to do your research before buying anything. Sure it’s cheap to buy, but you can count on many hundreds more on upsells.

By the end of my review, you will find out what it’s all about, how it works, and my final recommendation. And then you can make an informed decision whether to buy it or not, OK?

And if you wish to bypass all the uncertainty, please take a look at how I learned how to make money online.

The Fast Cash App review rating


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What Is The Fast Cash App?

This product was created by Robert Fisher (a fake name), and launched January 14, 2019. The Promo video is very vague and doesn’t tell you anything about what the product is, but claims you can make up to $22,750 in your first week.

Robert says it’s a step by step money making system where you can make $2,475 per day in under 25 minutes and 14 clicks.

Fast Cash App – $37

What’s Inside

Fast Cash App 1.0 (Main Product) – 48 page PDF

  • This PDF gives you information about how to become an Amazon affiliate.

Fast Cash App CPA (Click Per Acquisition) – 18-page document

  • This Word document introduces you to the world of CPA


Fast Cash 2.0 – $197

  1. Fast Cash 2.0 – Video format of information given in the 48 page PDF – 15 short videos (2 to 4 min. each)
  2. Fast Cash Instagram – PDF and 4 videos (same info as PDF)
  3. Fast Cash YouTube – PDF and 4 videos (same info as PDF)

Fast Cash Pro – $177

  • Fast Cash Pro – 98 page PDF
  • Fast Cash Pro Video Training – 16 videos (same info as PDF)
  • Social Media Marketing – 10 lessons with templates and videos

Fast Cash Social – $97

  • Fast Cash Facebook – 21 videos
  • Fast Cash FB Marketing – 2 videos
  • Fast Cash Snapchat – 26 videos


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Shocking Discovery!

the fast cash app is a fake

This product is the exact same product launched last year, June 25th, 2018, called Smart Money Methods, and again on November 5, 2018, calledSmart Cash App.

The only thing they’ve changed from the second launch is the name.

And when I say they changed the name, it’s only on the sales page and the dashboard of the member area. When you open the CPA document, it’s still titled “Smart Money CPA Advanced”, LOL.

the fast cash app is an old product

And the videos? They are still embedded with the Smart Money name. Sheesh! Not only does this person have the audacity to relaunch the same junk, but he can’t even be bothered to update the material.

the fast cash app used to be smart money methods

If you purchase the 1st upsell and click on the Instagram training, you’ll see that it still has the Smart Cash name on it. So he at least changed it for the second launch, but not the third, LOL.

this product used to be smart cash app

Oh, and you should know the email address they provide won’t work for you. I tested the URL and it’s no longer available!!


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Who Is This System For?

No one! How could you possibly trust a product that’s been repackaged three times under different names? And he did a poor job at repackaging as well.

This just tells me that all he cares about is making money every time he relaunches. These serial launchers often hold contests for their affiliates, for the first week of selling the product.

The affiliates, who are usually the same few, have huge email lists they promote too. So the initial launch makes the product creator and the affiliates a lot of money, promoting to unsuspecting people who believe what they say.

And when the product stops selling, he simply repackages it a few months later and repeats the process. They don’t care about helping people. They just care about making money.


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How Does It Work?

Fast Cash App won't work for you

You would have gotten an email enticing you to open it. When on the sales page, you’re smacked with an incredible income claim of “$22,750 in your first week, starting today in under 25 minutes & 14 clicks…”

The Video

The video starts out with the usual hype and lies. He tells you that you’ve been personally invited to watch the video and to not share it with anyone.

OK, that statement immediately told me this will be another low-quality product.

He talks about this video being highly confidential. He wants to show you an amazing new trick that will make you money online before almost anyone else. He talks about a brand new digital boom that you need to take part in and could make up to $2,475 a day.

Even though he keeps saying he’s going to tell you about his system, he tells you nothing about the product. It’s extremely vague, yet promises you that if you’re serious about making money online, in record time, you need to copy his method.

I laughed out loud when he said your $37 would allow you to become a lifetime member.

Lifetime?? It seems the lifetime of these products is only a few months! LOL

Red Flags

I always like to point these out in the hopes you’ll learn how to spot them in other product promotions.

#1. Unrealistic Income Claims

  • No legitimate online marketer (myself included) will tell you that you can create $22,750 in the first week, or $2,475 a day.
  • It would take years to accomplish this. It’s certainly possible to do, but not within the first week or month, or year.

#2. Outrageous Claims

  • Personally invited? Nope, just email marketing to everyone on their email lists.
  • Highly confidential? Really? It’s Amazon!
  • 25 minutes and 14 clicks? I have no ideas why he says this?
  • Secret strategy? Nope, again, it’s being an Amazon affiliate

#3. Amazing New Trick

  • Apparently, this is an amazing new trick to earn money before anyone else? Hahaha! Really?

#4. No Description Of The Product

#5. Unknown Owner

#6. Fake Testimonials

  • A 27 yr. old from Houston made $7,830.91 last week.
  • Rachel, a 42 yr. old divorcee from Ohio makes $10,240 yesterday.
  • Roger, who lives in Canada, made $18,821 last month.

Gee, I wonder if this is my Uncle Roger who lives in Alberta? LOL. These random claims are so ridiculous. I can’t believe he’d insult our intelligence by assuming we’d believe this.

The Product

Inside the member area, you’ll have access to only what you’ve paid for. The Fast Cash App portion For $37 consist of your 48-page PDF, and 11 additional downloads consisting of material needed to promote a product called “Amazon Affiliate Profits

  1. Cheat Sheet – The steps to follow
  2. Mind Map – How to market
  3. Resource Report – Helpful apps to use
  4. Sales & Thank You Page
  5. Sales Video
  6. Legal Pages
  7. Graphics Pack
  8. Banner Pack
  9. Email Swipes
  10. eCover Graphic
  11. Social Media Image Pack & Templated Posts

The PDF is all information about becoming an Amazon affiliate. It starts by explaining want Amazon is (who doesn’t know this, these days?), and how you can make money with them as an affiliate.

It goes on about selecting products to promote, creating a website and your Amazon Associate Account. Then vaguely discusses how to promote your website.

The disturbing thing here is its section on “Embedding an Amazon aStore into Facebook”.

Amazon retired all their aStores as of October 27, 2017.

This provided information tells me one thing: That this PDF is old, outdated, and most like just some PLR (Private Label Rights) document that was purchased a long time ago, and simply used to create a product to make money!!

So I did a little investigating, and GUESS WHAT??


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The Next Shocking Discovery!

The Fast Cash App is really a PLR product

This entire product, and the two before, are all created around one single PLR product called “Amazon Affiliate Profits”. This is commonly done by affiliate marketers to make money. They buy a PFR product that allows them to put their name on it to make it their own and resell it for a profit.

This guy would have paid $37 for the PLR once and making $37 again and again from his customers.

This particular PLR can be purchased from JVZoo. As far as the upsells go, all the videos can be found on YouTube for free. So he’s either combined these videos into separate courses and is charging a premium price for them, or has purchased other PLR products.

Now, this is perfectly legal for marketers to do, not that I would, but as long as they’ve purchased the legal right to put their name on it and can resell it, some will.

But does it bring value to your customer? Or are you just concerned about making money? The fact that he doesn’t tell you who he is, tells me it’s all about the money!

My one big concern is that he keeps relaunching the same low-quality product. And I say low-quality because it’s never updated. The product’s website was originally created in January 2017. At that time, maybe it was an OK product. Generic but at least applicable to the date.

But things change very quickly online. And techniques taught 2-3 years ago may not be applicable today.

For instance, one section I mentioned above, about Amazon aStores. They have long been retired, yet this training is still being sold today. The image below is the list of chapters in the PDF…

contents of amazon affiliates pdf

The image below is the current page regarding aStores on the Amazon Associates page…

amazon no longer uses aStores

So you can see the original product was correct in early 2017, but no longer!


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  • 60-day money back guarantee


  • Outdated information
  • Very expensive upsells
  • Information can be found for free on YouTube
  • Old product, new name
  • Outrageous income claims


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I don't recommend fast cash app

I was very disappointed to discover all that I did. I believe the original creator of the PLR product intended to sell an “evergreen” product about Amazon affiliates.

Evergreen means that it’s information that would last a long time. He would have written a very generic package of information. Except with all the changes these companies make from year to year, even month to month, make creating an evergreen “how-to” report very difficult.

And as you’ve seen above, the PLR was outdated a few months after it’s creation.

This is what frustrates me so much. The continual sale of outdated and useless information, and the affiliate marketers who don’t care and still push it for a profit.

This is not at all what legitimate affiliate marketing is about. It’s a wonderful industry, with many opportunities to make money online. It can add value to peoples lives and offer solutions to their problems.

Is Fast Cash App a scam?   No   Would I recommend them?   NO

I suppose if you don’t mind picking through all the information, and trying to pick out what’s current, it’s OK. But I don’t believe you’re getting much value for your money.

And it’s certainly not worth the hundreds of dollars for the upgrades. There are many more places to find better training online. If you want to learn about Social Media, you can search:

  1. YouTube
  2. Online courses through Udemy  (some of which are free)
  3. Google “online training for social media” and you’ll come up with everything from free courses to costly but “certified” courses for career advancement.

Overall, I would stay away from products like this, and consider making money online the right way. With proper training, from a reputable source, you can create your own online business and build a passive income. That’s what I do!

Can I make you my honest and sincere recommendation?

I would love for you to come and see where I learned everything about online marketing, and where I run by business to this day. I’ve been there since 2011, and I love it.

This platform has been proven over and over again by their many successful students. We even have some millionaires that are still members, helping out.

They have been a successful company for 15 years and currently have over 1.4 million members worldwide. I think they’re doing something right, eh?

They have everything you need to build your online business under one roof:

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll be there to greet you. I’ll promise to help you as long as you need me too.

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So where did you hear about the Fast Cash App? Was it in your email? Sometimes I wonder where these people get my email address. I certainly didn’t give them permission, lol.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.

