What Is The EB Formula? (Review) Pleasant Surprise!

What Is The Eb Formula?

Are you hoping to find a way to make some fast cash? Have you been looking for someway to accomplish this? If you have, you may have come across the EB Formula.

But what is the EB Formula? Is it legit or just another scam? It’s so hard to know these days. There’s so much out there, but there’s a lot of junk in with the good.

I’m happy to see you here today, researching this product before you buy. This is why I write these reviews for you. I want to show you what’s inside, how it works, and if it’s right for you.

By the end of this review, you’ll be able to make an educated decision.

And if you just want to learn on a safe, honest, and proven platform, come and see where I learned to start my own successful online business.

The Eb Formula review rating





This product is inactive and no longer for sale.

So disappointing. This was actually great training!


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What Is The Eb Formula?

This system claims to make ordinary people $500K per year, or up to $40K per month, with only a few minutes of set up. This product is all about e-commerce on eBay. The narrator calls himself Dan Wright, which is a fake pen name.

EB Formula – $37, downsell $27

What’s Inside

Offer to view John Crestani’s Webinar for the Super Affiliate System – $997 if you choose to purchase

EB Formula Training Videos

  • Learn to sell on eBay using Aliexpress
  • 11 Sections
  • 39 Videos

Facebook Marketing

  • Learn about engagement and sales strategies on Facebook
  • 18 Sections
  • 84 Videos

YouTube Marketing

  • Learn about YouTube Marketing and SEO
  • 16 Sections
  • 90 Videos

YouTube https://www.udemy.com/youtube-success-tips-how-to-get-views/


  1. EB Social Pro – $197, downsell $177
  2. EB Vid Plus – $147

Expected Costs (For Dropshipping)

  • Domain name – $15/year average
  • Website hosting – $30/mo and up
  • Keyword research tool – $49/mo and up
  • Products to sell – $$$$ payment upfront


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My Happy Surprise

ebformula review

When I first went through this training, I thought I recognized the person doing the training in the videos. Sure enough, his courses are for sale on Udemy. His name is Alex Genadinik, a business coach.

I’ve taken some of his courses from Udemy, and they are very good.

But now I’m suspicious. Why is this unknown product creator using Alex’s courses? If it were Alex who put this together, he would be introducing himself and wouldn’t be bothering with a cheap, salesy video.

Could these courses be stolen to create a clickbank product? Does Alex know?

So I decided to email Alex to ask if he knew about this and if this person had his permission. Well, happily, he told me that he licenses out many of his courses. So the creator of EB Formula bought a license, or so we hope!

I didn’t give too much detail above as I am providing you with links to his Udemy courses instead. They are well broken down there and will give you exactly what’s inside each course.

This product has about 90% of each course in its member area. He doesn’t include any downloads that the course does on Udemy.

The courses inside the member area are:


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Who Is This System For?

This product is for anyone who wants great video training on three different marketing techniques: eBay, Facebook, and YouTube.

But that’s all you get (which is a lot). The sales page would have you believe that you just fill out a form, activate your account, and watch your profits grow…

Unfortunately, that’s all a lie to get you excited. This training will show you how to get set up with these marketing methods, but there’s nothing done for you. Just the three courses.

And as far as earning up to $3,624.18 today? Nope, sorry, not possible. But with time and hard work, it’s possible in the future.

These courses will certainly give you some great training to start, though.

The only reason I gave this product 3.5 stars is that the owner promises things that he didn’t deliver. If he advertised that he was selling you three great courses, I would have ranked it higher!


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How Does It Work?

When I started doing some research, I found that most of the reviews online were negative, so I expected the same low-quality junk I find in many of these Clickbank products.

And when I listened to the sales video, I figured for sure this was just another trashy product. Never in my dreams did I expect to see three of Alex Grenadinik’s courses.

I’m figuring the only reason these other reviews are negative, is because they didn’t get inside the member area.

These courses are legit! So why would this guy promote them with sleazy sales video full of hype and lies? Maybe he did steal them? Who knows, but here are some red flags that could have kept me away were I not reviewing this for you.

And hopefully, you’ll be able to recognize the nonsense in future promotions you may want to research…

The Landing Page & Video Are As Suspected!

Though not as “loud” as some I’ve seen, there are the usual red flags.

Red Flag #1 – Overhyped Income Claims

Why do they always say this… “Make up to $3,624.18 Today!” I’m sorry, but that just a lie to get you interested in this product. As a successful affiliate marketer, I can honestly say that’s impossible. And any other successful marketer will agree with me.

Sure, that kind of money is possible, but not without a year or more of hard work and consistency. But he knows that you’re hoping to make fast money. Doesn’t everyone? But you won’t, trust me.

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!

Red Flag #2 – They Made How Much?

Notice the scrolling bar on the homepage, telling you who’s “just made” a bunch of money? Ya, it’s all fake. It repeats itself over and over again, lol.

Red Flag #3 – Three Steps To Riches

Now, if you’re new to this industry, you’ll assume this is true. And I don’t blame you!

eb formula system has three steps

But when you’ve had some experience with online marketing, you know that this couldn’t be true. The owner is hoping to make his system sound easy for you.

Who wouldn’t want to make a lot of money “today”, in three easy steps?

Red Flag #4 – Lots Of Video Hype

The amount of lies he throws at you is incredible:

  • You’ve been specially selected to try a revolutionary system…
  • Could make you $500K richer this year…
  • You can be up and running in minutes…
  • Today, your life will drastically change…
  • and so on…

He really wants to push your emotional and psychological buttons, in hopes he can keep your attention. He’s also hoping that your inexperienced and desperate for money, lol.

These kinds of statements are crazy, and I’m sorry, but again, not true!

Red Flag #5 – Fake Testimonials

Again, I don’t understand all the lies when this product is actually a good one? But never the less, he feels he needs to put some testimonials in to prove to you that his “system” works.

Except they’re all fake. He hired some video spokespeople from a freelance site called Fiverr, handed them a script to read, and added them to his video.

Here’s my proof…

this is a fake testimonial


ebformula.com uses fake testimonials

Of course, he had to use fake ones… Because this “system” isn’t a system at all. It’s training, yes, but no made-for-you system that he has you believe from the start!

Red Flag #6 – The Usual Sob Story

All these types of sales videos have a background story to draw you in. And the worse, the better, lol. He’s hoping you’ll be able to relate to him in some way, and want to buy his product.

These stories usually follow a script something like this:

  1. Something happens to his job or his health, and he’s almost ruined.
  2. Can no longer take care of his wife and children.
  3. Someone he knows shows up with an idea.
  4. He launches the system and makes immediate money.
  5. Now he’s rich and wants to help people.

In this case, he has no wife and kids, but he does get ripped off for thousands, lol.

The Product Isn’t What You Think

I don’t know about you, but I expected to see some sort of “system“ that took three steps, right? Isn’t that what the sales page said?

So where’s the system? Surprise!! I knew there wouldn’t be one.

What there is are three training courses with a ton of videos. And as it turns out, they’re courses by Alex Genadinik. He is an awesome course creator and really knows his stuff.

So what you don’t get is what the video promised, a three step system. But instead, you get some great training on three marketing methods

I won’t go thru each one here because this article would be 10 pages long, lol but if you click on the links above, you can get a detailed list of:

  • Each course
  • Each section of that course
  • Each video in each section

The only things missing are a few videos that won’t make a difference to you or any downloadable documents.


I have no idea how you’d purchase the upsells. There were no videos trying to persuade me to buy, and nothing added to the purchase page. I have a feeling the upsells were the two last courses on Facebook and YouTube.

Maybe no one was purchasing them, so they simply added them to the product?

It’s a good thing because these courses would cost you maybe $25 each on Udemy. And his upsell prices were in the hundreds!

Better Alternative

That’s another problem with this type of Clickbank product. The owner says there’s support via email, but most of the time, you never hear back from them.

So if you have any questions about any of the videos, you’re out of luck. The training is great, but newbies to the industry will always have lots of questions.

If you’re truly interested in these courses, you can purchase them individually through Udemy. And your total cost should be about the same as this product:

OR, you can go directly to Alex’s website and get an even better discount!

If you purchase any of his courses on his website, you will still be directed to Udemy, but it will include your discounted price. Alex sells all his courses for only $10 on his site. Even the one’s worth $200+.

While you’re there, you might find even more you’d like to take. And the great thing about buying them through Alex, instead of in products like EB Formula, you will have access to him for questions and support.

Take a look at the difference in price between Udemy directly, or going through Alex’s site…

udemy course about youtube marketing


Alex Genadinik is the instructor

Keep in mind that I’m paying in Canadian funds, so it’s more than the US cost. Whichever way you choose, they are still an awesome price for all the hours of instruction and access to the teacher.

I found one of his more recent Youtube videos so you can get an idea of who Alex is.  This video has nothing to do with these courses, but it’s short… lol.


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  • 60-day money back guarantee (through Clickbank)
  • Detailed video training
  • Courses created by a well-known marketer of 10+ years



  • Unrealistic income claims
  • No actual system
  • No support


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

i recommend this product for it's courses only

Other than I’m frustrated that EB Formula’s owner would make such grand promises in his video, and not deliver what he was alluding to, this product does have excellent training.

Initially, I was prepared to not recommend this product because I thought that maybe someone had gotten a hold of Alex’s courses and was trying to make money off of them unethically (not having permission to sell them).

But now that I’ve personally talked to Alex, I can honestly recommend it because I know the quality that Alex delivers in his courses.

Is EB Formula a scam?   No

Would I recommend it?   Yes

It’s such a shame that this owner felt he had to lie to you. Don’t you think that if he told you the truth about what you were getting, that you’d see the value and buy his product? I would!

The course on EBay Dropshipping takes you from A to Z, even for beginners. The remaining two courses are for those who already have online businesses and want to scale them up.

I believe a newbie would be better off learning about online marketing from the ground up, to have a solid foundation to their business before wanting to learn new strategies such as social media marketing.

It’s always best to start at the beginning, master that, then continue to learn and grow.

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

If you’re new to this industry, I’d love for you to come and see where I learned everything about affiliate marketing. I run my own successful business there and love it.

This platform is designed for beginners with absolutely no knowledge or experience in starting their own business. The have all the proper training and tools to help you succeed.

What’s so convenient for newbies is that they have everything you need under one roof. No skipping from product to product, or site to site, to get what you need.

Here’s just some of what they have:

  • Training – Step by step courses, classrooms, tutorials, and live weekly webinars.
  • A domain registry – An easy way to find the perfect name for your business.
  • A website builder – With over 4,000 WordPress themes to choose from.
  • Website hosting – With powerful servers, security, backups, and emails, and more.
  • A keyword research tool – Find low-competition keywords for the best ranking.
  • A large and active LIVE community – They always have your back!
  • And much more…

And the owners, who you meet and interact with whenever you wish, are so confident in their platform, that they allow you to start with a FREE starter membership. No credit cards necessary.

There’s really no other place like this online today!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll be there to greet you and help you as long as you need me. See you soon!

my wa landing pic

Did you see the EB Formula in your inbox, or did you find it online? Most of his affiliates are probably sending it out to email lists. Let me know what you think? I’d love to hear from you.

And if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.



P.S. Please share!