The Traffic Multiplier Review. An Insider’s Disappointment!

the Traffic Multiplier review

Thank you for reading the Traffic Multiplier review. This is a new product that was launched on January 9th, 2019, claiming you can make $227 per day in pure profit.

Is this just another scam, or can it really work? It didn’t have the usual outrageous income claims, so I decided to buy the product in order to review it.

I’m so glad to see you here. This tells me that you’re a smart person, researching these products and systems before buying. Why waste your time and money on something that might not work, right? They always sound incredible, but often don’t deliver what they promise.

I want to give you my honest opinion of this product, so you can make your own informed decision. I’ll tell you what it is, who it’s for, how it works, and then my recommendations.

If you don’t want to take a chance on an iffy product and want to learn how to create your own successful business online, please CLICK HERE.

Traffic Multiplier review




What Is The Traffic Multiplier?

what is the Traffic Multiplier

This is a system created by Glynn Kosky.

The sales page also refers to it as the Traffic Multiplier Pro.

What’s Inside

Traffic Multiplier Pro – $17, downsell $9

  • Instructional video
  • A One-Of Webinar
  • Access to Hosting (not required, but recommended)
  • Recommends “Traffic Takeover” plugin – $23/Lite, $33/Pro

Training videos in 3 sections:

  1. Step by Step Training
    1. Overview – Essential Viewing – 13:42 min.
    2. How To Set Up Your Site – 8:54 min.
    3. How To Create Your Page – 3 videos totalling 30:06 min.
    4. How To Create The Additional Pages – 3 videos totalling 22:29 min.
    5. How To Set Up The Browser Notifications – 16:32 min.
    6. How To Set Up The Email Capture – 13:42 min.
    7. How To Set Up The Facebook Pixel – 5:48 min.
    8. How To Send The Emails – 12:29 min.
    9. How To Send Further Notifications – 3:43 min.
    10. The Strategy – 4:17 min.
    11. Example In Full – 4:07 min.
  1. Additional Free Resources (not all free)
    1. Aweber Autoresponder – free 30-day trial aff link
    2. Udimi Email Traffic – $5 discount
    3. One Signal Browser Notifications – free to use
    4. Canva – free to use
    5. Pexels Royalty Free Images – free to use
    6. Facebook Pixel Helper – free to download
    7. Buffer Social Media Management – free to use
    8. Ecom Funnels – $35/Lite, $40/Pro
  1. Bonus Additional Training (videos)
    1. Lead Magnet Solutions – 17:33 min.
    2. How To Resize and Crop Images Without Photoshop – 3:46 min.
    3. Facebook Engagement Ads – 6:25 min.
    4. Growth Hacking Ad (Facebook) – 7:31 min.
    5. Traffic Ideas – 8:254 min.

Additional bonus materials to watch or download – some free, some at a cost


#1. Traffic Multiplier Gold: Done For You Funnel Campaigns – $47/Lite, $67/Pro with downsells $27/$47

#2. Traffic Multiplier Platinum: Lead Magnet Library – $47/Lite, $67/Pro with downsells $27/$47

#3. Traffic Multiplier Titanium: Facebook Pixel Tools & Training – $47/Lite, $67/Pro with downsells $27/$47

#4. Traffic Multiplier License Rights (Can sell as your own) – $197/Lite, $297/Pro

Expected Costs

Domain name – approx. $15/year

Website hosting – approx. $25/month

Aweber Autoresponder – 30-day free trial then $19/month and up

Solo Ads – $$$ per month


Who Is This For?

Traffic Multiplier is for anyone who wishes to make money with email marketing. The training is limited, and basically only covers how to install the plugins onto a WordPress website. There’s a little discussion on creating the landing pages, but the more detailed explanations come in the upsells.

Be aware that the tools are not all free like he claims. There are additional monthly costs for some services.

The upsells are materials for this product only. You won’t be able to use them for any other products.

Overall, this product doesn’t deliver what it promises, but you may get some value from the training that’s there, and from some unrelated bonuses.


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How Does It Work?

traffic multiplier doesn't deliver

This offer most likely came to your inbox, or you’ve seen it on Facebook. The sales page is actually very well done and looks professional. That was nice for a change, to all the scammy videos I’ve seen lately, lol.

They make lots of promises on the sales page, and though I’m doubting some of it because of my own experience, it’s not over the top like many others I’ve seen.

First Steps

Once you’re inside, you’re presented with an instructional video. This basically goes over the member’s area, encouraging you to look at everything.

When I looked at the webinar that you can register for, I was surprised to see it was for another product I’ve reviewed, called The Super Affiliate System by John Crestani. It’s another way to create affiliate income, but I don’t recommend it for beginners.

The optional hosting platform is Cool Handle. He claims to have gotten you a deal, but no. Anyone can sign up for hosting. His “deal” is the discount they offer if you pay for 2 full years at once, lol.

This plan is very basic, though, and you must pay extra for security, privacy and backups. Your total actually comes to $190.44 for two years.

Why lie? Just say you looked for the best deal!

The Training

The premise of this entire system is basically using multiple steps to capture email addresses. It’s a 4 landing page traffic generation method. This is what’s known as email marketing.

The training is step by step, and well done.

  1. Landing page offering a free lead magnet (case study). The call to action button would say something like “get access now”.
  2. Pop up asking you to “confirm” you want the case study.
  3. Browser notification asking you to “click here for access”.
  4. Landing page saying Thank You and asking for your best email address.
  5. Landing page saying to check your inbox for the case study.
  6. Inbox email asking you to “confirm” your subscription (for the case study).
  7. Another email with a download link to the case study.
  8. Landing page with a download button.

OK, wow! That’s a lot of landing pages and a lot of steps to build your email list. Personally, I don’t like to have my visitors go through so many steps in order to ask for their email.

Remember, your visitors are impatient, and may choose to leave rather than opt-in.

As you go through the training, there is a disconnect from what the sales page promises to what you are hearing. Having a website was supposedly not needed, yet the training shows you how to set up a WordPress site with the plugins and services you’ll need to create your email campaign.

The alternative to owning a website must be his recommendation on the resource page, called Ecom Funnels, for a fee. This is a funnel builder, hosted in a cloud, so you wouldn’t need additional hosting services.

I suspect this is his own product, because the sales page looks almost identical to the Traffic Multiplier sales page, lol.

The only issue is that there’s no training for this on the platform. All the training is for a WordPress website. So I’m assuming the funnel builder comes with its own training.

That’s a shame though because you’ve paid for training that “wasn’t supposed to need a website”…

The Bonuses

There are a dizzying array of extra bonuses and links on the page. I can appreciate his wanting to deliver value, but this can get very distracting.

Many of the extra videos are reviews of products he recommends and has affiliate links to. There are links to his other products. There are bonus offers for a variety of products, of which some are free and all have additional upsells.

Wow, it gets crazy confusing if you tackle it all at once.

I have no idea if any of these are quality. I suspect some are just PLR products and white papers, so….. I didn’t get any, lol.



  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • The very low initial buy-in price



  • Doesn’t deliver what’s promised on the sales page
  • Tools are not free
  • Limited training
  • Many upsells


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

what i think about traffic multiplier system

I thought the training was OK if you want to know how to set up the plugins and services. But other than that, it’s quite limited. If you decide to try it, it won’t break the bank, that’s for sure. And for $9, you’ll get access to some how-to videos, lol.

Do I think Traffic Multiplier is a scam?   No   Would I recommend it?   No

These are my reasons why I don’t think it’s worth your time…

#1. 100% Free Tools (NOT TRUE)

I’ve been online for years now, and I know you can’t perform email marketing with free tools. So this was suspect to me. And I was right. He misleads you when he says free.

The autoresponder is only free for 30 days then starts at $19/month. So unless this is going to be a very short-lived business, it’s not going to remain free.

Although he says you don’t need a website, his training is all on website plugins. The plugins are free but not owning a website. The cost isn’t too high, but it will still cost you approx. $26 per month.

If you don’t want a website, you can “buy” his Ecom Funnels product, but you still need to pay for an autoresponder. So this will cost you $35 – 40 upfront plus $19/month and up.

#2. Free Software Not Readily Available (NOT TRUE)

I laughed out loud when I read he had a team of researchers connecting with the decision-makers in each company! LOL. All the free resources he shows are definitely readily available to anyone who looks. I use a few of them myself.

And what part of paid advertising like Udemi Solo Ads, or Aweber autoresponder plans are free? They aren’t!

#3. Push Notification Software (THEY DON’T REALLY WORK)

Glynn says that this is an incredible way to increase your traffic. But I know better, lol.

Many website owners have tried using this technique but I don’t know of any who’ve seen significant increases in their email lists. These are little popups that drop down when you land on a site. They ask for your permission to have emails sent to you.

Most people simply click on “don’t allow”. I do, haha. See, doesn’t work too well.

#4. Require The Upsells To See Any Success (MISLEADING)

I know to expect upsells with any product or system, but in this case, it’s really not a complete system without them. The basic training in the initial product isn’t enough to create a decent income.

You’d require the made for you funnels, lead magnets, and Facebook training to create any real money.

#5. Disappointing Outright Lies

Many marketers exaggerate, but it’s the outright lies that bother me. This product does not deliver what it promises, like:

  • 100% free tools – not true
  • Generate traffic in 60 seconds – impossible
  • Scaling your business to life-changing income levels – requires you to buy upsells
  • Recommends the use of Solo Ads which is very expensive
  • The training is great for setting up the plugins and services but doesn’t explain how to actually make money with them. No training on proper copyrighting to attract your visitors.
  • Fake Testimonials – take a look at this fake video I found on YouTube, below…

It’s exactly the same kind of video I’ve found for other products I’ve reviewed. This is such a fake, and it’s funny to find it so many times with different product logos on it. Here are some of the other reviews I’ve done, who has used this hired actress.

This is certainly no way to start an online business and create an income.

The only way you can create an income with this system is by purchasing the upsells. At least that way you have access to their done for you sales funnels, lead magnets and Facebook training.

Now, what happens when this system is taken down? It’s highly possible because Glynn has created other products, like the 60-Minute Profit Plan, which is no longer available. It failed and he took it down.

So what happens to your business? If he takes it down, there go all your made for you material and hosting services. You’re left with nothing. Do you know how to start up again?

Can I recommend something better for you?

If you’re serious about making money online and would like to create a business that could create a passive income for you, I have the perfect solution for you.

I’d love for you to come and see me where I run my business. It’s on a one of a kind platform that offers you in-depth training for all methods of online marketing. It also has all the tools you need, integrated into the platform itself, for no extra cost.

And the support is live and active. There are thousands of us logged on every day, to interact with, get needed help, get encouragement and share our successful strategies. There’s nothing like it online, anywhere.

This is how you build a solid foundation for an online business. One that will last for years to come. And it’s truly yours. No one can take it away from you.

You can create your starter account for FREE. And this time it’s the truth, lol. No credit card needed. You get two free websites and can remain free as long as you wish. The premium membership is incredibly affordable, with no upsells! I promise!

Click on the image below, and you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll personally greet you on the inside.

Let me help you start your own profitable business.

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Have you tried Traffic Multiplier? If you have, can you share your experience with us? I couldn’t find any information on the upsells and would love to hear from you if you purchased them.

Please leave any comments or questions you have below. I’ll get right back to you.

