The CB Money Vine-Crucial to your business? I’ll be honest!

The CB Money Vine

Are you looking for a way to make extra cash, to help with all your monthly expenses? Or maybe you want to travel more? If you’ve been looking for a solution, you may have come across a product called the CB Money Vine.

It sounds awesome, but then again, so do many scams out there. Is CBMoneyVine legit? Or just another great sounding scam?

I’m glad to see you researching these products before jumping in. The sales pages will often leave a few key points out, that would affect your decision.

This is why I review products like this. So that you’ll learn the entire truth, from the inside out! 

By the end of my review, you’ll have a better understanding of what its about, as well as be able to make an informed decision.

And let me say that you’ll find many positive reviews out there. These are done by their affiliates who are promoting this product for their own commissions. I am not an affiliate!

What you’ll hear from me is my honest opinion, with no promise of additional bonuses, lol. Just the truth!

And if you’d like to bypass the uncertainty, please come and see where I learned to create my own successful online income.

cb money vine review rating




What Is The CB Money Vine?

what is cb money vine

This product can be found on WarriorPlus, and is created by Tom E and Bryan Winters. It was launched on October 7th, 2019.

This system claims to be a reverse income software, that can pay your 40 – 75% commission on Clickbank products.

In essence, you are giving away free websites to your referrals, who are then required to make one purchase a month to keep their membership active. This is where your commissions come from.

CB Money Vine – $20, then 1 product purchase per month or $20 per month

What’s Inside

Your CB Money Vine Website

  • Welcome Video
  • Marketplace with 23 product categories, & over 4K products
  • Receipt Submission box
  • Hot Products – 6 items of choice
  • Your CBMoneyVine URL link


What is listed below as upsell #1, is now your bonus if you sign up for the system.


#1: CBMV Commission Accelerator – $47, downsell $27

This upsells allows you to multiply your income via an automatic “pass up” commissions from your CBMoneyVine referrals.

#2: CBMV 10K List Mogul – $97, downsell $47

This upsells allows you to capture leads from your website and includes a package of DFY follow up emails.

#3: CBMV 4 Figure Commission Club – $197, downsell $97

This allows you to unlock the ability to add high ticket products, in the form of auto-webinars, paying $500 or more commissions.

#4: CBMV Autopilot Traffic Co-Op – $197, downsell $97

This will allow you to be put in their traffic rotation, so you can get traffic delivered to your site, hands-free.

$5: CBMV 6 Figure Empire – $397, downsell $197

You’ll be set up with 6 additional income streams by being upgraded to 6 of their other best-selling income systems, such as 5ipone Reloaded, IGMoneyTree, ShopMonopoly, etc.



Who Is This System For?

too many oto to make it work

This would be for those who want to try to make residual income without learning how to set up their own business. It may work for you if you have one or all of:

  1. A very large email list.
  2. A huge social media following.
  3. A large paid advertising budget.

If you’re a newbie, with no list or following, then the only way I can see this working for you is if you pay for advertising on social media platforms, or buy Solo Ads.

This system is very much a pyramid scheme, in that you’re required to recruit new members, and are only paid when they make a purchase.

This is also similar to another of their recently launched products, called IG Money Tree.


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How Does It Work?

Youtube could be used as bonus

When you first see the sales page, it’s well done with a lot of information. Unfortunately, some information is quite exaggerated. It sounds too good to be true.

Let’s look at some misleading statements made on the sales page…

Misleading Statements

#1: Sends Buyers To You

They claim their high tech reverse income system sends the buyers to you.

The only way you can get targeted buyers is if you have a huge and loyal following who will purchase what you recommend.

To have that many followers, you would need to have very large social media subscribers or “friends”, or a huge email list.

It’s easy for them to say that they’ve made a lot of money with this system, because they’ve been working online for many years already, and have that sort of following.

Unfortunately, a newbie won’t have anything like that.

#2: You’ve Been Doing Things The Hard Way

The owners claim you’ve been doing things the hard way by trying to make money with one affiliate offer at a time, one funnel at a time, and one product at a time.

And that trying to find the person who’ll buy it is like finding a needle in a haystack.

This is seriously oversimplifying affiliate marketing.

This amazing industry is about much more than pushing products for commissions. It’s about building a brand, and your desire to help people solve a particular pain-point in their lives.

It all about building a loyal following who trusts what you have to say because you resonate with them.

This is how I run my business, and I’ve been successful! You can be too!

#3: Easiest Money Ever

They claim that asking people to buy a product of their choice through your affiliate link is the easiest money you can make.

Because the system allows them to choose from thousands of offers (with your affiliate link), you can rack up hands-free income.

Really??   No, not really…

What he’s not saying is that to get a lot of commissions, you need a lot of targeted traffic. And how on earth can you target traffic when your offer covers every category in Clickbank?

This product will only be interesting by other people who want to make money online. This is specifically designed for people in the MMO niche.

And not only targeted but traffic in itself. This system is only as effective as the amount of traffic you throw at it.

Do you have a large following, whether on social media or an email list? Will they want to be bombarded with this type of offer?

A successful marketer will carefully nurture their following to ensure they are building a trustful relationship with them. Pushing something outside your niche, in order to make you money, might turn them off.

#4: $5-10K per Month

They are claiming to make thousands of dollars per day. Unfortunately, the proof they provide can’t be verified. Anyone can add an image of affiliate statements, and say it’s theirs.

their income claims are fake

Even if these are real, its coming from 2 people who are continually creating products to sell. They’ve been at it for years, and have probably made a lot of money from stuff like this.

That doesn’t mean it will work the same for you, and it’s not fair that they tell you it can!

They claim that if you create a large downline, that you can make thousands in recurring income. Unfortunately, this never seems to work.

#5. The Old Way No Longer Works

This isn’t so much misleading as an outright lie!

Sure, if you try pushing random products here and there with no effort to really help anyone. But that never worked before either.

If you learn how to build your own business, and do things the proper way, it was and still is very profitable!

These product owners create new products every month or so, push them onto their huge mailing lists, and have many other affiliates pushing the system for them.

Of course, they’ll make a lot of money in the beginning with a new launch, but then people wise up and stop buying. So they more onto the next product. And so on, and so on.

All at the buyer’s expense. After people spend money on it, they’re left to themselves without any support.

The Product Itself

Your Website

When you purchase the system, you’re brought to your own website. It will say it’s active and monetized because you’ve already paid your $20.

your cvmv website

It will say you don’t have to purchase a product unless you want to. You will have to purchase one a month to keep your membership active as well.

Your own purchase will provide a commission to the person above you. If you purchased directly from WarriorPlus, it will go directly to the owners.


Below the welcome video, you’ll see the marketplace of all the Clickbank Categories. The great thing is that all these products will automatically have your Clickbank ID added to it. No need to apply for each one separately withing Clickbank.

cbmoneyvine marketplace

When you purchase your monthly product, there is a place to copy/paste your receipt to verify your purchase.

Each purchase gives you a 30-day membership.

Hot Products

Below this, you’ll see the “Hot Products” section. This shows the top-selling 6 products at the moment, for a better chance of promoting something popular.

hot products for affiliate marketing

Shareable Website Link

This section shows your shareable link. This is the link you would add to your promotional ad.

set your system on autopilot

When people click on your ad and offer their email addresses to get their free website, it will be hardcoded with your affiliate link.

And when they buy their first product, to activate their membership, you will get the commission for that sale.

The Promo Website

When your referral clicks on your ad, they will see this…

website for referrals

And this is the video that they’ll hear…

When they enter their email address, they’re presented with upsells (of course…) and asked if they want instant access. If they do, it brings them to a WarriorPlus checkout page for the cost of $20.

Remember to read the fine print! You’ll also be charged $20 per month afterwards.

$20 per month for commissions

If they click at the bottom, saying “no thanks” to the upsells (and downsells), they’re brought to their free website and will have to purchase a product from the marketplace to activate their 30-day membership.



My Concerns

This product is a valid idea and could work for you, but only if you’re prepared to pepper your social media accounts or email list with these ads.

Depending on the type of followers you have, will determine if this could work for you.

  1. Are you already an affiliate marketer who’s following expects to see this type of post, or will they be annoyed?
  2. Is your email list targeted for this kind of promotion, or is this spamming their inboxes?
  3. If you’re new and have no following, are you prepared to pay hundreds per month for paid advertising?

These are all valid questions you should answer before buying this product.

Most affiliate marketers these days are working within a specific niche, and promote just certain types of products and services. Pushing something outside that niche could hurt their brand.

But if you’re not concerned with these questions, then this could work for you if you throw enough traffic at it. And if your referrals buy the monthly membership, or at least purchase their monthly product, it could make you some residual income.

Another concern is the upsells.

This system is set up to push you to buy the upsells. All the upsells are what could make this system profitable. And that’s exactly why they hold these back.

This is how these product creators make most of their money.


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  • Low Cost
  • 30-day money-back guarantee



  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Requires a lot of traffic
  • Requires upsells to work its best



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

Wealthy affiliate is a safer alternative

The CB Money Vine is very much like a pyramid scheme. You will have to continually recruit new members, and you are only paid when they purchase a product.

Unfortunately, these types of systems rarely work. The idea is sound, but there’s never any long-term sustainability. Too many people drop out because its either not working for them, or they can’t afford to continue.

Is CB Money Vine a scam? No.

Would I recommend it? No

It’s certainly cheap enough to try out if you only purchase the $20 product. And you can return it within 30 days if you don’t see any commissions coming in.

Personally, I don’t like DFY products and prefer you learn how to properly create your own business.

Just, please don’t expect it to be that magic method that will make you thousands each month. This is simply a tool you can use to try to make money. And I’m pretty sure it won’t make you rich!

Affiliate marketing is an awesome industry to build a passive income. But not like this.

I know its enticing to see someone promote a money-making idea that supposedly quick and easy. But any successful marketer, myself included, will tell you it’s never that easy.

These are only gimmicks to lure innocent newbies to buy their products. They’re appealing to the “get-rich-quick” mentality that most people have.

Can I make you a safer recommendation?

If you’re truly interested in making an online income, with the ability to create a passive income, please come and check out where I learned how to build my own successful online business.

This is an incredible platform that offers you real, proven, and reliable help to start your own business.

You can have something of your own, and not rely on other people’s products to make your own income.

Here’s some of what they offer:

  • Training – Step by step courses, classrooms, tutorials, and live weekly webinars.
  • A domain registry – Find the perfect name for your business.
  • A website builder – With over 4,000 WordPress themes to choose from.
  • Website hosting – With powerful servers, security, backups, email, and more.
  • A keyword research tool – Find low-competition keywords for the best ranking opportunities.
  • A large and active LIVE community – Located right on the platform. No Facebook here!
  • And much more…

And the best part is that you can start with a FREE starter membership. No credit cards necessary.

There’s really no other place like this online today!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll be there to greet you and help you as long as you need me. See you soon!

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I hope this review revealed all the information you need to know about the CB Money Vine to make your decision.  And if you decide to join me instead, I think you’ll be happier with your choice.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.



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