Blog Defender for 2020. Powerful Protection for WordPress

the blog defender

Are you looking for reliable security for your website properties? Have you been hacked or are scared of getting hacked?

If you were searching for a WordPress solution, you’ve probably come across the Blog Defender.

Welcome to my Blog Defender review. I’m glad to see you doing some research on this. And I’m here to help!

Let’s take a look at everything this plugin can do so that you know its legit and not just a scam. We’ll look at all the product provides and the extra bonuses you’ll receive.

You can read my honest opinion and recommendation, so you can make an informed decision, OK.

Do you need any more business help? Check out where I learned how to create a successful online business.

Blog Defender review - rating




What Is The Blog Defender?

what is the blog defender 2020
This set of 3 security plugins provides you with a 99% protection of your websites and assets. And it comes with tutorials and an agency license.

It was created by Matt Garrett and launched on Warrior Plus on April 14th, 2020.

Blog Defender – $18.09

What’s Inside

Training Tutorials

  • Module 1: Preparation
  • Module 2: Backup WordPress
  • Module 3: Security Plugin Setup
  • Module 4: Scan WP for Malware
  • Module 5: Hide WordPress
  • Module 6: Defend WP With A Firewall

Core System

  • 3 Plugins


#1: Local Business Security Blog Post/Article

#2: Local Business Site Security Checklist

#3: WordPress Security SEO Content Guide



Who Are These Plugins For?

for money sites and internet marketing

These plugins are for anyone who has a website and other online assets. It can provide you with 99% protection against hackers to protect your income sources, and much more.

What do you have to lose? Actually, everything, lol.

But with this plugin, you can relax knowing your site is secured, and focus on building your business and profits.

Even new bloggers can get hacked. It’s usually not something you think about, especially in the beginning.

But as your business gets ranked higher, and you get more popular, you start to become more visible to those who want to hurt you.

This security plugin is an awesome deal for only $18, and with this peace of mind, you won’t have to worry about losing any assets. The cost of rebuilding any lost income or assets will be much more than that!


my blog defender 2020 local edition link button



How Does It Work?

protects your digital marketing sites
Do you know what the #1 killer of your conversions and profits are? It’s not what you think.

It all boils down to security… Let’s see what else the sales page says…

Sales Page

You need a plugin that you can set and forget, to protect your profits, traffic and leads.

With this type of security, you can finally have peace of mind knowing your assets are secure.

This new plugin offers you industry-leading and top-level protection in just minutes. It has a zero-hack track record with over 2500 satisfied customers.

You can secure your most valuable online assets in 3 steps:

Step #1: Follow their hosting security.

Step #2: Use the tools to identify issues.

Step #3: Implement the recommended site and hosting list.

Matt has been a niche marketer and WordPress user for over 12 years and knows the pain of having a money site hacked.

Site owners can end up:

  • Losing traffic
  • Having their subscriber base compromised
  • Unknowingly presenting fraudulent offers to their visitors
  • Facing criminal charges, fines or court time

You may think you’re safe because you have a “simple blog”. But every site can be hacked. Hackers can:

  • Replace your affiliate link with their own.
  • Steal your traffic.
  • Set up a “back door” to hijack your site when it gets popular.
  • Redirect your traffic to hidden landing pages.
  • Collect your digital content to share with blackhat or torrent sites.

Imagine having years of hard work disappearing overnight. Or your hosting gets suspended or banned. Or worse yet, your site gets blacklisted by search engines.

This is a profit killing nightmare!

Did you know that in a single attack, over 162 thousand sites can be attacked? It’s happened!

And over 43 million websites worldwide are declared vulnerable by security experts.

With over $2 billion in revenue, I don’t think these hackers will ever stop. In fact, it could only get worse.

Blog Defender can protect your sites from hackers, bots, and brute force attacks, 99.9% of the time. All you have to do is download the plugin, follow the step by step instructions, and be secure in minutes.

Everything you need is included. And no upgrades for further security!

And above all this, you get a full developer rights license, so you can help protect and charge your clients at the same time.

Many security specialists charge $500 per month or more for their services. This is an excellent additional income stream for you.

This amazing plugin goes even further than what’s already been mentioned:

  1. It will hide your WP version, which helps to stop most hackers in their tracks.
  2. It turns off your username from broadcasting, which cuts their chance of attacking in half.
  3. It disables your directory indexing so they access your uploaded files.
  4. It masks your themes and plugin signatures so they can’t be exploited.

Blog Defender puts such a strong lock on your website that most hackers will simply turn and run. It’s not worth their effort!

The core of this system is 3 plugins in one, that all work 24/7 when activated. And with the step by step video training, you’ll have your site secured in no time.

And now you can create a new income stream by selling your own security service with the included developer’s rights license!

Ok, I’m convinced! Let’s see if the product does what it promises…

The 3 Plugin Protection

Blog Defender 2020 local edition comes with 3 plugins

The plugins each have a list of features to provide you with the best protection available. Let’s cover them one at a time…

Automated Backups…

  • Back up to DropBox, Amazon
  • Web Services, Rackspace
  • Cloud files, FTP & Email
  • Database only or full site backup
  • Scheduled backups
  • Exclude files or tables
  • Restore or deploy ta a different
  • host, including from a localhost setup
  • URL replacement for site migration
  • Backup notifications
  • Individual file restore option
  • Mass text replace in databases
  • Auto database scan and repair
  • Malware scan & blacklist check

What I really appreciate are the automated backups. This system of plugins gives you the ability to automate and schedule your backups just like the professionals do.

That’s not something I can even do with my current backup plugin. It’s all manual!

WP Security…

  • Brute force protection
  • File change detection
  • 404 detection
  • Strong password enforcement
  • Lock out bad users
  • Away mode
  • Hide login & admin
  • Email notifications (user lockouts etc.)
  • Online file comparisons
  • Two-factor login authentication
  • Scheduled malware scans
  • +Standard security tweaks

This is the “beast” of the system. This plugin provides full protection!

WP Scan & Repair…

  • Scan & Repair – detect what has been changed and fix it
  • Source code scanning to verify open-source plugins, themes & WP core files
  • Scan content for malicious URLs
  • Backdoor scanning
  • Automated bad bot banning
  • Block brute force attacks
  • Detect content leeching

I like the fact that this third plugin will remove any malware it finds. Have you ever noticed how easily they get added to your sites, without you even knowing it? And of course, closing any back doors…

Wow, that’s a lot of features, right?


product comes with 6 tutorial videos

Module 1: Preparation

This video will discuss the best hosting options for you as well as how to protect your site files at home.

It will also walk you through the best way to install these WordPress plugins that quick and easy.

Module 2: Backup WordPress

Here, you will learn the best places to store your backups and keep them safe.

You’ll be shown how to perform your 1st backup, as well as learn how to reinstall and schedule future backups for simple automation.

Module 3: Security Plugin Setup

This one is important to know how to fully set up all your settings.

From your initial setup to global settings and system tweaks, you’ll be able to fully optimize the plugins.

Module 4: Scan WP for Malware

This video will show you how to set up and schedule “WordFence” to scan for infected files and malware.

The walkthrough will show you how to get your Virus Total API key, how to clean infected files and scan for any file changes.

Module 5: Hide WordPress

Hiding your personal information is an important part of your security.

Here, you’ll learn how to hide your login area, your admin user info, your content directory, and even your database prefix.

Module 6: Defend WP With A Firewall

Firewalls are the ultimate protection for your sites.

This tutorial will help you protect your site from Brute Force attacks by setting up detections, banning unlawful admin users, and more.

The 2020 Update

This new version of the Blog Defender is the “Special Local Business Edition”.

That means that over and above the excellent protection it provides you, you get the Agency license and additional resources. (See the bonuses below).

This license can help you further expand your business to provide local businesses with their website security. Services like this can charge over $500 per month.

With unlimited use of this license, you can create as big a clientele as you wish for more income streams!


#1: Local Business Security Blog Post/Article

Not only will this plugin help you secure your client’s sites, but you’ll also get their “Local Business Security Blog Post (Article) for you to use on your personal Local Agency Site.

#2: Local Business Site Security Checklist

This bonus is an “unbranded” security checklist that works great as a freebie for your lead generation campaign.

It shows potential clients the steps they need to take to secure their websites, and then offers your services to do it all for them.

#3: WordPress Security SEO Content Guide

This guide provides you with resources to create more WordPress and website security content for your agency site.

It includes notes on Keywords, content sources, and much more to help create professional-looking content to help drive more traffic to your site.


my blogdefender link button



Explainer Video



My Concerns?

i have no concerns

I have no concerns about this security product.

In fact, where all other security systems are only 1 plugin, the Blog Defender is 3 WordPress plugins working together for more powerful security protection.

And… because of how it works, you get much more detail and choices about what you want and when you want it. The more simple plugins on the market don’t offer those features.

Other plugins may protect bloggers and money sites some of the time. But this blog security will protect you 99% of the time.

It’s really a no-brainer, right? Especially with the low cost of $18.09!




  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Low cost
  • 3 plugins for added security
  • 99% protection
  • Fully automated



  • None that I’ve found…



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

i recommend wealthy affiliate for business training

This quality of protection for such a low cost is amazing. More simple security plugins out there can cost you so much more money without all these features.

Did you know that WordFence alone will charge you $99 for only one license? This is the same company that Blog Defender is using to scan for malware and such.

And you don’t get an agency license with WordFence…

This is truly a great deal and the best way to protect your website and all its assets!

Is the Blog Defender a scam?   No

Would I recommend it?   Yes

Wouldn’t you rather have peace of mind that as you grow and scale your business, you don’t have to worry about hackers trying to steal your money and take you down?

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So where did you hear about the Blog Defender? Did my review answer all your questions?

If you have any more, or would like to leave a comment, please do so below and I’ll get right back to you.



P.S. Please share my post with your friends!