Karthik Ramani’s Extempore Review. Teleprompter Video App!

Karthik Ramani's Extempore Review

Are you looking for a way to create promotional videos without all the expense of video editing equipment? Did you know that now you can, using just your smartphone?

I bet you came across this new app while researching online. But is it legit? Or just a low-quality scam?

Welcome to Karthik Ramani’s Extempore Review.

It’s so good to see you doing your research before purchasing anything.

And I’d love to help you answer your questions.

We’ll go inside to see if this is what you’re looking for. We’ll see how it works, and even watch a demo video!

By the end, you’ll be able to make an informed decision if it’s right for you or not.

Would you like to see where I learned how to create my own successful online business?

extempore review - rating




What Is Extempore?

smartphone app replacing expensive video equipment

This app will allow you to write video scripts and have them appear as a teleprompter on your phone. You can now create more professional-sounding videos without expensive video equipment.

This was created by Karthik Ramani. He launched it on JVZoo on May 1st, 2020.

Extempore – $27 (3 stories/5 minutes), $37 (25 stories/10 minutes)

What’s Inside

Your Stories

  • All Created Scripts

Write Story

  • Type/Paste Content
  • Paste Content from URL

Welcome User

  • FAQ
  • Knowledgebase
  • Bonuses
  • DFY
  • Content Ideas Podcast
  • Content Generator


#1: 75 Ready To Use Content Ideas (Podcast)

#2: Modern Video Marketing

#3: Video Marketing Profit Kit

#4: Find Your Niche

#5: Modern Social Media Marketing


OTO #1: Pro – $67

OTO #2: Agency – $97

OTO #3: Reseller – 50 Accounts – $247, 100 Accounts – $397



Who Is This App For?

software writes your speech script for your device

This app is perfect for all levels of online marketers. It’s a great way to create professional-looking and sounding videos to promote your business products and services.

Or simply to let people get to know you!

With the scriptwriting and teleprompter features, you never have to stumble over your words again.

And with the high-quality camera on your smartphone, you’ll have an HD ready video to upload directly to your YouTube or social media accounts.

Depending on your needs, there are two price points for the front end product, as well as the first upsell which I believe is worth the cost for longer videos and many added features.


my extempore link button



How Does It Work?

content is delivered via teleprompter

Wouldn’t you love a way to ditch all your expensive video equipment? wouldn’t it be great to use your smartphone to create awesome videos?

Well, now you can with the Extempore App.

Let’s see what else the sales page says…

Sales Page

This app can turn your smartphone into your own personal teleprompter. It’s easy to set up and use, even for newbies.

Now you can know exactly what to say, without stumbling and editing.

The best part is you can create pro-quality videos on demand and share them on any popular social network.

To be a successful marketer, you have to create consistent content. That’s why they say “Content is King”.

But not all content is created equal, is it? And that’s why most people are failing online. They don’t know how to create content that people actually want to see.

Well… there’s one form of content that always wins over everything else. Video!

Did you know that:

  • YouTube is uploaded with 300 hours of video every MINUTE?
  • There are 5 billion videos being watched on YouTube every day?
  • That 80% of all your traffic will come from video by 2021?

To succeed online you need to create great video content. You want to get your message out fast.

But here lies the problem… People stumble when it comes to creating a video. They think they need tons of fancy equipment that can cost them loads of money.

What if I told you that you don’t need any of that.

You have all the equipment you need, right in your hand!

You can create content on the fly, and never have to remember what to say, because the words are ALREADY ON YOUR SCREEN.

And no, your viewers won’t see them, lol.

It’s really easy to create a video with Extempore. All it takes are 4 steps:

Step #1: Use the dashboard to create a new story.

Step #2: Click on “my takes” and press the record icon.

Step #3: Configure your settings before recording.

Step #4: Click “Record” and speak.

Here are some features you’ll be getting:

  • You can create videos up to 10 minutes in length.
  • You can take unlimited takes until you get it right.
  • You’ll get high-quality videos with today’s high-quality phones.
  • You can download your video or share it with your social network accounts.
  • You can record in vertical or horizontal layouts and even square for Instagram.
  • You will export your video in 100% HD quality.
  • You control the text size and speed of scrolling.
  • Use either the front or rear camera.
  • And much more

Now you can create videos no matter what type of online marketer you are, or for what use the video is for.

This is great for VSLs (video sales letters), video ads, vlogging, social media, or even doing spokesperson freelance work.

Wow! This sounds pretty amazing. Let’s see if the product does what it promises…

Member Area/Dashboard

When you access the dashboard of your app, it will look like this…

dashboard keeps track of all your scripts

What you’re seeing in the image are all your created stories listed in one place, and can be edited.

Write Story

When you click on the “Write Story” tab, an editor will popup.

It will give you the option of writing out your own content from scratch, copy and pasting content from one of your own articles, or even entering the URL of a post online…

content editor

I will always recommend you use your own posts to copy from. It’s never wise to copy someone else’s work, even on a video.

Fetching content from an article will bring up everything from the title to the last comment. So needless to say, you’ll be doing a lot of editing, lol.

If you’ve only purchased the front end product, remember that you only have 5 to 10 minutes of video recording time, depending on the version you got.

The pro version can go up to 20 minutes.

This will determine how much text you think you can squeeze into your video. How fast can you speak?

Welcome User


This section has some most commonly asked questions with answers from the support team. Coming here first can save you the time of contacting support via email.

If you can’t find your answer, they provide you with the support email address for further inquiries.


This section gives you all the training tutorials you may need to help you through the video script and editing process…

lots of help just as saurabh bhatnagar said

Each tutorial is step by step, with both text and images for you to follow.

There are also links to the Apple App Store and Google Play.

The demo video, which I’ve added below, it also there for those who prefer visual help.


This is where you can access all your bonuses. I suspect these may change from time to time because there were additional bonuses not shown on the sales page:

  1. WP Mobile Coupon Plugin – This plugin allows you to create viral coupons to give to your customers, even offline ones with a QR code to share on Facebook.
  2. Modern Instagram Marketing – Instagram users are on this platform daily, sometimes every few hours. If your niche is photo-friendly, there are huge opportunities for your marketing business.
  3. YouTube Authority – YouTube has more than 1.9 billion users on a monthly basis, watching billions of hours of videos every day. Learn how to use this powerful marketing platform to grow your business.
  4. X-Treme List Build Plugin – You can create more engagement with your leads by making your landing page more memorable and enjoyable. When activated, this plugin is ready to create unlimited pages.
  5. WP YouTube Leads Plugin – This plugin will help enhance the user engagement of your videos so you can grow your mailing list.


These examples of stories represent 5 of the hottest niches and give you great ideas for what to say in your next video…

dfy scripts for ideas

These niches are:

  1. Travel
  2. Education
  3. Divorce Attorney
  4. E-Commerce Website
  5. Real Estate Agent

I’m a little confused about the divorce attorney niche. I wouldn’t have pegged that as a top niche, but who knows?

Content Ideas Podcast

This is one of your bonuses and is a series of 4 podcasts. It goes over 75 content ideas so that you can constantly create content for your videos.

It will teach you how to get around your stumbling blocks and start developing great ideas.

The podcasts are 20 to 30 minutes long with a 7 minutes windup.

Content Generator

This particular tab seems a little redundant to me because you can pull up URL content in the “Write Story” tab as well.

But maybe it could be handy to have this on one screen, and copy/paste what you like into the story screen…

generates content from any URL

I used one of my recent review URLs and it quickly pulled everything up, from my menus to my comments, lol.

Please watch the demo video below for a detailed walkthrough!


#1: 75 Ready To Use Content Ideas (Podcast)

You will have access to training so that you can create content in any niche. You’ll also be getting 75 DFY (done for you) content idea scripts to help you get started.

Now you can create videos at any time, for yourself or any client without having to brainstorm content ideas. This will save you loads of time.

#2: Modern Video Marketing

Video content has been around fora long time and is used successfully by many marketing professionals.

This course will show you the old elements of video marketing and how it’s negatively affecting today’s campaigns.

You’ll learn what it takes to create that human connection that’s needed in the current marketing environment.

#3: Video Marketing Profit Kit

With video, you can pack in a tremendous amount of verbal and non-verbal signals that images can’t.

Now you’ll be able to put a face on your brand and let it properly represent you to your customers.

But you need to do this the correct way, and this course will show you how!

#4: Find Your Niche

The only way to succeed online is to find that niche that pays. Then, creating content, products, and services for that niche is the way to create a solid foundation.

But finding that profitable niche isn’t easy. This course will show you how to find a popular and profitable niche to make your daily efforts worthwhile.

#5: Modern Social Media Marketing

Many marketers want to use social media marketing but have the wrong ideas of going about it.

This video course will show you the right way to be effective on social media, so you can succeed.


OTO #1: Pro

This upgrade provides you with many more features, some of which are:

  • Branding your videos with your logo.
  • Creating longer videos – up to 20 minutes long.
  • Adding on an additional 25 stories, making a total of 50.
  • Adding captions and lower thirds to your videos.
  • Adding background music and green screens.

Plus, you’ll get the bonus of professional music tracks to meet all your marketing needs.

OTO #2: Agency

This agency license will allow you to get more clients and generate a monthly recurring income. You’ll now be able to manage up to 25 clients at one time.

Now you can create and edit your client’s videos, from anywhere in the world. Or you can create their script, so they can shoot their video directly from their smartphone!

OTO #3: Reseller

With this reseller license, you’ll be able to sell the front end version of Extempore at any price you wish. You can even create monthly passive income by charging a monthly fee to use this app.

You can sell between 50 or 100 copies of the commercial license to your clients, and get 100% of the profits on the front end sales, and 50% on the rest of the funnel.


my extempore link button



Demo Video



My Concerns?

no concerns here

I have no concerns with this product. It’s an awesome way to create high-quality videos with just your smartphone.

This is perfect for beginners and intermediate marketers alike, who want to start video marketing without all the hassles and expense of expensive video equipment.

It’s also great if you like to take live videos when you’re out and about.

Now, you can sound professional and polished when speaking, because the teleprompter words will keep you on track.

And with minor editing, your video is ready to upload to YouTube or any social media platform.




  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Low cost
  • Mobile app as well as desktop dashboard
  • Easy to use
  • Sample ideas included



  • None that I can see…



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I recommend Wealthy Affiliate for free website

I think this app is great and will be very useful for creating more professional-looking videos to promote your business.

You have the option of using the desktop application or writing your script on your mobile devices. This way you’re never stuck to your computer at home if you don’t want to be.

With the quality of phone cameras now, on all available smartphones, there’s just as much opportunity to create HD quality videos without having to purchase expensive video editing equipment.

Is Extempore a scam?   No

Would I recommend it?   Yes

Did you know that linking your YouTube videos back to your website is an awesome way to create powerful backlinks? So if you haven’t started your YouTube channel yet, now is the time.

For that matter, do you have your own business website yet?

Every successful online marketer has their own website (sometimes more than one) for branding. It professional looking and builds trust with your clientele.

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Can I make you my honest recommendation?

I would really like for you to come and check out where I learned everything about affiliate marketing, and where I’ve remained to run my business.

This platform has everything you need under one roof to get up and running. It provides:

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Click on the button below to read all about it. When you join, I’ll greet you inside and be your coach for as long as you need me.my wa link button

So where did you hear about Extempore? Did my review answer all your questions?

If you have any more, or would like to leave a comment, please do so below and I’ll get right back to you.



P.S. Please share my post with your friends!