Dan Ashendorf’s Hypnotic Review. Too Simple To Work?

Dan Ashendorf Hypnotic Review

Are you looking for an easy way to make money online? Or maybe you just want a quick way to grow your email list?

If you were searching for some way to do this, you’ve probably come across this product. Welcome to my “Dan Ashendorf” Hypnotic review.

I’m so glad to see you researching any product before purchasing it. It’s important to know if it’s something legit, or just another scam.

You can’t always believe the sales page, so let me help you.

Let’s go inside to see what you get, how it works, and if it’s what you expect.

By the end of this review, you’ll be able to make an informed decision if it’s right for you or not.

Would you like to know where I learned to create my own online income?

hypnotic review - rating




What Is Hypnotic?

what is hypnotic?

This software creates viral traffic pages to earn you more sales and grow your email list.

It was created by Dan Ashendorf and Al Cheeseman. They launched it Warrior Plus on March 14th, 2020.

Hypnotic – $17 ( 10 traffic duplicators)

What’s Inside


  • Overall Campaign Stats


  • List of Generated Leads

My Prizes

  • Add Prize
  • Edit Prize

My Campaigns

  • Add Campaign

Training Videos

  • Welcome
  • Step 1: Create a Prize
  • Step 2: Create a Campaign
  • Step 3: Sharing Your Campaign
  • Step 4: Releasing Prize & Download Leads


  • Password Change


#1: Live Training

#2: Commission Fire

#3: Easy List Hacks

#4: FB Ads Domination

#5: Clean Squeeze Software


OTO #1: Unlimited – $67, downsell $57

OTO #2: DFY – $97, downsell $67

OTO #3: DFY Traffic – $97, downsell $77

OTO #4: Reseller – $67, downsell $57

OTO #5: Mastermind – $77, downsell $57



Who Is This Software For?

for affiliate marketers

This would work for those of you with some online experience in affiliate marketing, and starting out with your own traffic sources.

Yes, it’s simple and easy to use so that beginners will have no issues with the software. But if you don’t have any traffic to send to your campaigns, you’re not going to make any money.

If you’re a newbie with only your personal social media accounts, you will struggle.

And please be aware that this is simply a tool that could bring you more leads for your email list. But for the claim that you can make money in minutes… I’m not convinced. 🙁

The idea is sound for getting your viewers to refer your link for a prize. But there’s no guarantee that they will share with other persons interested in buying future offers from you.

You should get leads, but will they be buyer leads?


my hypnotic link button



How Does It Work?

is it incredibly powerful?

The sales page says that if you can tie your shoes, you can start getting buyer traffic and sales with this system.

Really?! It must be pretty easy!

Let’s see what else the sales page says…

Sales Page

This app can turn any trickle of traffic into thousands of buying visitors. It’s a software that can send traffic to:

  • Affiliate offers
  • CPA offers
  • Your website
  • YouTube videos
  • Lead pages, and more…

In just 3 steps you can start making money, with no experience needed:

Step #1: Enter your affiliate link into the software.

Step #2: Using their method, send traffic to your link and let the software turn it into 1000s of buyers.

Step #3: Enjoy your free traffic and watch your sales grow.

Everything you need comes with this software:

  • The traffic app itself
  • Step by step training
  • Five action bonuses
  • A commercial rights license
  • Results or receive $100

Wow, they even promise to pay you $100 if the system doesn’t work for you!

Al gives you 6 reasons why getting Hypnotic is a no-brainer…

  1. All the traffic you get is 100% free so you can get 100% of the profits.
  2. It’s newbie-friendly so it will work for anyone, regardless of their online experience.
  3. It’s a way to generate a consistent income.
  4. You’ll get results in just minutes with its speed.
  5. It’s cloud-based so you don’t have to download anything, and it works from any device.
  6. It works in any country with no restrictions.

The owners want to give this away at a huge discount, not only to help build their own reputations but to help people like you finally see online results.

Between the 30-day money-back guarantee and the $100 cash promise, it’s a win-win.

Now let’s see if the product does what it promises…

Member Area/Dashboard

Once you’ve accessed your member dashboard, this is what you’ll see…


I highly recommend you watch the training videos first, to know how to use the software. You can always go back to them if you get stuck at any point.

Training Videos

Welcome – Al welcomes you and lets you know he’ll be teaching you in the following training videos.

Step 1: Create a Prize – Al begins by walking through the software and then explaining why you need to offer prizes to your readers. This can be an ebook or anything that will entice your reader to want to share your link.

Al then shows you how to upload, describe and add an image for your prize, into the system.

Step 2: Create a Campaign – In this video, he shows you step by step on how to create your campaign. This is where you decided how many referrals you want your reader to get before they get their prize.

After editing further instructions to the referral, your campaign is saved to the system.

Step 3: Sharing Your Campaign – Al shows you what your reader will see on their page, then shows you how they get their referral ID and how they go about sharing their page.

He then shows you how your new leads are added to the system and the stats show up on the dashboard.

Step 4: Releasing Prize & Download Leads – Now that you’ve gotten the number of referrals you asked for, the next step is releasing the prize to your subscriber. He shows you how this is done inside the software.


This is where all your subscribers are stored within the system…

leads can be downloaded

There is a “download” button so that you can download your leads in a CSV file, to upload to your own autoresponder service.

You need to seek approval from your email capture service first. Many reputable businesses may not allow you to upload leads from a product like this.

My Prizes

This section is where you would add your prizes to the software. If you’ve purchased just the front end product, it doesn’t come with any pre-installed prizes. You will have to add your own.

This could be an ebook, a training course, or anything you wish. It just needs to be valuable enough to entice your subscriber to want to refer your link to others.

My Campaigns

This is where you would add your new campaigns. There are multiple fields to fill in…

creating a new campaign

As you can see above, you have the choice to determine how many referrals you require for each prize. You can also determine the length of time you wish to make this offer.

Once all the fields are edited, click save and it will show up under “My Campaigns”.

For a more detailed look at how it’s done, please watch the demo video below.

This is what the finished post looks like…

finished offer

The top tells your visitor how many referrals they need to earn their prize.


#1: Live Training

You’re invited to register for a live training that will show you the inside secrets of a six-figure online business. It’s shown from a super affiliate himself.

#2: Commission Fire

This training will show you an incredible amount of techniques that the top affiliate marketers use to generate massive commissions. These techniques work for any product in any niche.

#3: Easy List Hacks

Email marketing is vital for making online money. This course will show you how to do that. You’ll learn hacks that can make you instant and constant money.

#4: FB Ads Domination

Would you like to scale your business to new heights? This training will teach you how to navigate the complex Facebook Ads Manager interface in order to create successful ads in no time at all.

#5: Clean Squeeze Software

This software allows you to easily declutter your squeeze page for better conversions. It can be used on any device and will clean up all your product pages in no time.


OTO #1: Unlimited

This upgrade allows you unlimited traffic duplicators. Unlimited traffic means huge profit potential when all the limits and boundaries of the system are removed.

With added 6X the server speed and premium support you also get 4 bonuses:

  1. Amazon Ads Master – this software gives you self-updating Amazon ads to your blog posts.
  2. Clickbank Converter – this plugin produces affiliate banners from Clickbank’s marketplace to all your pages.
  3. Instant Content Generator – this software creates SEO optimized articles for your site.
  4. Conversions Genie – this software creates sliding, lightbox, or fixed popups to increase your sales.


This upsell will allow you to use their done for you materials, so you can start seeing instant results.

You will get:

  • 100 premium prizes
  • 62 high converting emails
  • 20 DFY traffic maximizers

OTO #3: DFY Traffic

For the next 12 months, you will be able to add your pixel to our sales pages. This provides you with the traffic you can retarget for your own promotions.

They have worked years for their traffic sources, and you’ll have access to over 1 million subscribers.

OTO #4: Reseller

This license allows you to sell Hypnotic as our own product and keep 100% of the profits. All the promotional material is provided and they take care of all customer support.

There’s nothing to upload or host. They do it all for you!

OTO #5: Mastermind

With this group coaching, you be speaking with Dan Ashendorf, a guy who’s generated over 7 figures online.

The coaching calls are weekly as he shares a proven blueprint to success as well as showing you the most lucrative niches you should be working in.


my wa link button



Demo Video



My Concerns

many concerns

I have no concerns with the software. It’s very simple and easy to use, but…

I do have other issues I’d like to share with you.

Concern #1 – No Automation

The one thing that disappointed me was the lack of automation with this software.

There was no autoresponder integration, which means you’d have to download your leads to your computer, then upload it to your own service.

That’s not a bad thing unless your service won’t allow you to upload leads from a random tool like this.

Make sure you ask your service if this is allowed. I have been refused in the past from other products, so this is just a head’s up for you! 🙂

There was also no automation with the prize delivery. You have to keep checking the app to see if your subscriber has gotten enough referrals to get their prize. If the green button saying “send prize” pops up, then you have to manually click it.

Again, that’s not so bad, but with all the automated tools out there right now, I’m very surprised you’d have to do it yourself.

Concern #2 – No Prizes Available

If you can only afford the front end product, there are no prizes pre-installed into the system. You have to add your own.

But are you a beginner? Have you any experience with creating bonuses or prizes for your subscribers?

This could be a huge issue for newbies who don’t know how to create an ebook, or how to store them on a sharing platform like Dropbox, etc.

So unless you know what you’re doing, you’d have to purchase at least the 2nd upsell for $97 (get the downsell for $67) to get the 100 bonuses added to your dashboard.

I didn’t buy this myself, so I have no idea what quality these are, or if they’re current or outdated…

Concern #3 – Buyer Traffic?

The sales page says that this will bring you buyer traffic and loads of sales. I disagree!!

First of all, who are you sharing your promotions with?. If you’re new, you don’t have an email list to send to. You may only have your social media accounts with close friends and family following you.

Are they interested in your affiliate offers? And if they are, who are they referring to get their prize? How can you think these are other buyers? They’re probably just more friends and family, lol.

So you may get leads for your email list, but I’m not convinced they’re going to be buyer leads!

His income proofs on the sales page are all hype. There’s no way you can get that kind of income.

Don’t forget… he’s experienced with a huge email list and following. He has awesome traffic sources that you don’t.




  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Low cost
  • Could grow your email list



  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Lacking in automation
  • Requires product creation for prizes
  • Need upsells for optimal use



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I think this software is OK. It’s very simple and easy to use. But I’m not convinced it will bring you buyer traffic.

It may very well bring you more leads because of the prize offered, but you’ll have to have experience in writing emails to convince those leads to purchase other things from you.

The software works, so I’ll only recommend that you use it as a tool for leads, and not as a big moneymaker.

Is Hypnotic a scam?   No

Would I recommend it?   Cautious Yes

I know they say this is great for newbies because it’s so simple to use. And yes, it is easy. But without any knowledge of creating ebooks or other prize material, how will you do this without help.

They’re giving you some bonus training, but I don’t believe it’s enough to help you make the kind of money they’re talking about.

Creating an online income requires proper training and proper tools. It’s not an overnight venture at all.

But if you do get the right training, the sky’s the limit with what you can create and earn online.

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

If you’re truly serious about earning an online income, please come and check out where I learned to succeed.

It’s all about affiliate marketing, which is the easiest way for a beginner to start with.

The platform I highly recommend has everything a newbie would need, all under one roof. It’s even awesome for those of you who have experience but are struggling to get ahead.

They offer so much…

  • Step by step training followed by never-ending courses in other strategies.
  • Important tools like a domain registry, and website builder.
  • A powerful hosting platform to keep your websites safe.
  • A keyword research tool that every successful marketer depends on.
  • Access to affiliate programs that are the top-paying programs in the industry.
  • A supportive and very active community that’s live and built into the platform.
  • and much more…

The best part is you can start for FREE, no credit card necessary. Isn’t that awesome!!

Click on the button below and you can read all about it. When you join, I’ll greet you on the inside and help you for as long as you need me to.

my wa link pic

So where did you hear about Hypnotic? Did my review answer all your questions?

If you have any more, or would like to leave a comment, please do so below and I’ll get right back to you.



P.S. Please share my post with your friends!