What Is InfluencerCash.co? Customer Reviews Prove It’s A Scam!

What Is InfluencerCash.co

Are you looking for some way to make some extra cash from home? There are so many options but you must be careful what you join.

And in this case, you’re wondering what is InfluencerCash.co, right? I know it’s free to join, but is it safe?

I’m so glad you’re here, looking for answers. It’s sometimes scary online, to know what’s legit and what’s a scam.

But that’s why I’m here. I look at these products and write reviews so that you will know exactly what it is.

I show you inside, tell you how it works, and then give you my honest recommendations.

If you read to the end of my review, you’ll be able to make an informed decision, OK?

If you’d like to know how I make a real online income, please check this out!

influencercash review - rating




What Is InfluencerCash.co?

influencercash.co website

This website was registered in April 2019. The owner remains unknown.

They claim you can start making $200 per day with their #1 influencer monetization network.

InfluencerCash – $0 with email address

What’s Inside

Home Dashboard

  • $25 for signing up
  • Your referral link
  • Links to 5 social media sites

Refer & Earn

  • Links to Whatsapp, FB, Twitter, Instagram

$30 Taskwall

  • Video tutorial – 9 minutes
  • 24 tasks to earn

Promotional Posts

  • 9 social media images for promotion

YouTube Submission

  • Earn $50 to make your own YouTube promo video
  • Provides the Title & Video description

Instagram Submission

  • Earn $10 to submit an Instagram testimonial
  • Provides post content

Facebook Submission

  • Earn $10 to post a testimonial with a link
  • Provides post content

Twitter Submission

  • Earn $10 to tweet a testimonial with a link
  • Provides post content

Rewards Center

  • Exchange points earned for 9 different products or gift cards



Who Is This System For?

Influencer Cash Is A Scam

Absolutely no one! This is another scam that is almost identical to two other products I’ve recently reviewed.

  1. Influencers Earn
  2. Litebucks
  3. Social Bounty

This particular type of scam has been popular lately and whether it’s only one person or many, we don’t know. They change up the name now and then and relaunch a new website. They all do the same thing.

These scammers are relying on people’s desperation, or greed, who jump at the chance to make a lot of money without paying anything in return. Its human nature, I guess!

But, they only want your personal information and will never pay you out. So please beware!



Data Harvesting

These days, it’s more than just collecting credit card information. These criminals want all your data like what you like, who you know, where you go, etc.

That’s why they want you posting to your social media account. These platforms keep all sorts of data on you for profiling, and that’s exactly what these scam artists are looking for.

Identity theft is bad enough, but selling your information to criminal third party organizations might be worse.

Not only should you avoid scams like InfluencerCash, but also be aware of, and avoid:

  1. Data-mining quizzes, surveys, and contests you often see on social media sites.
  2. Clickbait, which is a teaser type of headline to tempt you.
  3. “Friendly” cash requests asking you to help out with a desperate situation.
  4. Short URLs which are cute but when clicking on them, you’re just spreading possible viruses and malware.
  5. Friend requests that don’t make sense. Or even a friend of a friend.
  6. Fake emergencies that sound urgent and pretending to be from your friends.

This article by Avast, an online security company, goes into more detail.


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How Does It Work?

fake promises to pay you out

I can’t believe how many of these products there are out there. I’ve come across three in less than a week, and I’m sure there are many more.

The owners are very good at creating enticing websites that make them look legitimate. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to do!

Let’s look at the sales page first…

Sales Page

The first thing they do is give you three reasons why you should join them:

  1. You can become an influencer by joining their community of people making money with social media.
  2. For every friend you invite, you will earn $10. On average their members make $2000 per month.
  3. They’ll pay you via PayPal, CashApp, Western Union, mailed cheques, and more.

I know for those who have no experience online, this may sound great, but I immediately see red flags here!

Red Flag #1

How on earth are they going to pay out their members when everyone is signing up for free?

It’s impossible, as a business, to do that. They’re in debt from day 1.

Red Flag #2

Their payment proofs are a joke. They are only images of snapshots that could easily be faked!

Red Flag #3

Their stats are impressive, but again fake.

Though I wonder if their membership number is real, as more and more poor souls sign up. But saying they’ve paid out $35 million??

Where did that money come from?

Red Flag #4

The only testimonial they have is also fake. This gal, named “Christina”, is an image they’ve found online and used it themselves.

Take a look at my proof from “TinEye“, as well as yet another scam site called KashTree…

fake testimonial

Hmm… this gal goes by a couple of names, lol.

There are more that I see, but these red flags were the most obvious to me!

So now let’s look at what you get inside…

Member Area/Dashboard

I signed up with a dummy email address because I didn’t want to give them access to my real one.

This is what your dashboard looks like…

influencercash dashboard

They pretend to have deposited $25 in your account already and want you to add your payment method.

Please don’t do this. All they want is people’s personal information to sell. You could be at risk of identity theft!

Did you notice they are still including Google Plus. Google retired that platform in April 2019.

Refer & Earn

In my opinion, this is a redundant tab. Meaning it doesn’t provide you with anything new. It’s simply links to:

  • Whatsapp
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

And it should show you whomever you referred to the program. They claim to pay you $2 for every friend who clicks your link, and $10 for every friend who signs up.

If you ask me… this is a good way to lose friends, lol.

$30 Taskwall

This is where you’ll find your 24 tasks to complete for your supposed $30 each. They are almost identical to the other scam sites I’ve reviewed.

Please be careful if you try this. I have no idea if there are viruses attached, and if you have a PC, you could be at risk.

I personally use a Mac which affords me much more protection.

I clicked on “Win iPhone 11 Pro” and this is the first thing I saw…

fake tasks to get your data

Actually, all the tasks start out with this page when clicked on.

When clicking “continue”, I was brought to a classic scammy page…

fake landing page to get access to your email address

This is the first step to their gaining your information, your email address.

They must also have a “geological” plugin added to that landing page, showing where you are because my term & conditions were for Canada. I am indeed in Canada!

The next page proves my point! Take a look at what information they want from you.

fake entry form to scrape data

When’s the last time you entered a contest and had to give away your date of birth?? TOTAL SCAM!

Needless to say I didn’t go any further.

Another thing… these tasks all lead to unknown companies, so I’m sure they’ve all been created for this scam.

Promotional Posts

So here are the nine images you have to choose from…

images provided for social media

Umm… Yuck?

YouTube Submission

Here, they suggest you make your own YouTube video testimonial. If you upload your video with a specific link, you will be paid $50.

Do you know how to do this? Have you ever made a YouTube video before?

If you’re new to this, you’re stuck. There’s no tutorial on how to get this done.

Instagram Submission

So if you make an Instagram post testimonial, with the suggested content they give you, they’ll pay your $10.

You’re allowed to post every 48 hours. Does that mean $10 each time?

Oh well… don’t worry about it. It’s not like you’re getting paid anyway.

Facebook Submission

This is the exact same as Instagram, but with slightly different content.

Twitter Submission

Again, the same thing but with different content.

Rewards Center

I’m sure this looks enticing to many people. They show three gift cards of $25, $50, or $100 and six Apple products.

pics of gift cards and apple products

For every $1 you earn, you get 1 SP point. So Apple Airpods would take 5K points or you earning $5K in your account.

I’d say they have no worries about anyone complaining about not getting their rewards. It’s almost impossible to earn that much.

Unfortunately, that also means that those who do earn it has gathered a lot of information for the owners of this scam.


They seem to contradict themselves a lot. This could be because they’re constantly using the same website template and changing it up so often. They’re not catching everything.

For instance, they say they have a cashout minimum of $200…

minimum payout of $200

And then in the help section, they say they have NO minimum…

contradicting information provided

They also say there are requirements to meet before your first payout. OK, then where are they? Nowhere on the site could I find what they were talking about.

For that matter, they had no links to their “terms & conditions” or “privacy policy” pages. Another RED FLAG!!



My Concerns

too many concerns of fraud

Oh Wow! Where do I begin?

This is obviously a scam site that is only scraping personal information off the internet. I really hate to think where they are selling it.

If they only wanted email addresses, that’s bad enough. You’ll end up on some spam email lists.

But it’s all the other information they want:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Phone numbers
  • Credit Card information
  • And who knows what else…

All I can say is to stay away from this product as well as any others you may find that looks like this.

As I said, this is the third almost identical website I’ve found so far. And I’m sure there are more.

My worry is that they will find other ways of looking legitimate before they give up or are taken down by the authorities.

Trustpilot Reviews

Trustpilot is a legit site where people can leave reviews about various companies. Here is what I found, dated early January 2020. They go back to October 2019, which is probably close to when the product was launched.

customer reviews on trust pilot

Fake Account Manager

The owner gives you your account manager’s name and Skype address. Guess what? Yup, no such address and the person they named Jenny is a model whose image is used on different sites.

account manager is a fake name and pic


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  • None



  • No refunds
  • No proofs of people being paid
  • Unknown owner
  • Unknown “task” companies
  • Must provide too much information for approval



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

wealthy affiliate is a better recommendation

Well, I think you know what I think by now, lol. It’s another scam. I don’t use this word lightly. There are plenty of lousy products out there that I don’t recommend, but they aren’t legally scams.

Those lousy systems provide some sort of material, even if it’s not worth the money.

But this one?

Is InfluencerCash a scam?   YES

Would I recommend it?   NO

If you’re here, I assume it’s because you’re looking for a way to make some extra cash from home. I don’t blame you for thinking this looked good.

That’s what they’re counting on. They hope that you have no experience with online businesses, and hope to draw you in with fake promises.

What if I told you there are legitimate ways to make money online.

I’m doing it and so can you! And the easiest way to do so is with affiliate marketing. It’s perfect for beginners and experienced alike

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

I would love for you to come and see where I learned everything about affiliate marketing, and where I run my business to this day.

This is an all-inclusive platform that has everything you need under one roof.

Here’s a bit of what they offer:

  • Training – Step by step courses, classrooms, tutorials, and live weekly webinars.
  • A domain registry – An easy way to find the perfect name for your business.
  • A website builder – With over 4,000 WordPress themes to choose from.
  • Website hosting – With powerful servers, security, backups, and emails, and more.
  • A keyword research tool – Find low-competition keywords for the best ranking.
  • A large and active LIVE community – They always have your back!
  • And much more…

You may not understand what all this is yet, but believe me. The training is excellent and you’ll understand it in no time!

Plus, the owners, who you meet and interact with whenever you wish, are so confident in their platform, that they allow you to start with a FREE starter membership. No credit cards necessary.

There’s really no other place like this online today!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll be there to greet you and help you as long as you need me. See you soon!

my wa landing pic

So where did you first hear about InfluencerCash? Did someone send you an invitation?

If you have any questions or comments about anything, please leave it below and I’ll get right back to you.

Your friend,


P.S. Please share so that no one else gets scammed!