What Is The Traffic Bots About? Legit? Scam? Outdated?

What Is The Traffic Bots About? legit scam outdated

Are you looking for a means to make more money online? If you are, I’m sure you’ve been searching for ways to do so. And with that search, I’m sure you’ve come across many products offering you their “easy and quick way” to earn money overnight using free traffic.

You’ve most likely come across Traffic Bots. But what is the Traffic Bots about? Is it legit, or just another scam? And can they really drive you that much free traffic?

I’m so glad to see you here today, researching this product. It tells me you’re wise with your time and money! Good for you!

I want to show you what’s inside this, how it works, and who it’s for. I’d then like to give you my honest recommendation, OK? By the end of this review, you’ll be able to make an informed decision if Traffic Bots is right for you.

Are you getting sick of seeing low-quality, outdated information online? Would you like to start your new business with the best training and tools available? If so, come and see me here!

the traffic bots review rating


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What Is The Traffic Bots?

how to identify bot traffic using this software

This product includes 10 automated software products that claim it can get you free traffic and commissions in four easy steps. It was launched on December 11, 2018, then relaunched in March 2019. The owner calls himself Chris X, and he has released many products since 2014.

Traffic Bots – $17, downsell $12

What’s Inside

The Tool Suite:

  1. Niche Money Bot – Preloaded with over 100 niche keyword lists for Clickbank, Amazon, JVZoo, and eCommerce.
  2. Keyword Titan Bot – Find low-competition keyword opportunities on Google and YouTube.
  3. Affiliate Video Bot – Includes 1500 pre-made templates for 100 JVZoo & Clickbank affiliate programs, with voice-overs and motion graphic slides.
  4. Website 2 Image Bot– Creates affiliate campaigns for 100 JVZoo & Clickbank programs.
  5. Image 2 Video Bot – Creates YouTube videos for any affiliate program in 60 seconds.
  6. Domainaveli Bot – Search for premium domain names.
  7. Titan Theme – Pre-made WordPress theme.
  8. Sites DB – A database of thousands of websites & traffic opportunities for large niches.
  9. Traffic DB – A database specifically targeting internet marketing and the make money niche.
  10. GeoBots – Get access to content that’s targeted to 5 countries and 10 US States.

The Videos

There is a training video for each of the 10 software tools, ranging from 6:42 minutes to 32:44 minutes each.

Quickstart Guide

A 53-page PDF explaining how to get started with this Traffic Bot system. It’s actually the quickstart guide to his earlier “Traffic Titan” system, released in 2017.

Bonus Training Guides?

There was no link for these… unless he means what’s downloaded with the free plugins?


T-Shirt Titan 1.0

  • Teaches you ow to profit with selling T-shirts designs on eBay, Zazzle, Facebook, etc.
  • Generate uploadable designs as well as “model” them in ad images.
  • 8+ hours of video training
  • Quickstart PDF Guide

9 Free Plugins

  1. WP Tube Maximizer (for YouTube)
  2. Review Buddy (for WordPress)
  3. Testimonial Pro
  4. News Pro
  5. Recently Viewed
  6. WP No
  7. WP iAsk
  8. WP Advert
  9. Azon Box Deals

BigWig Video Creator

You get a link to this online video creator and can sign up for a 14-day free trial. After that, it’s $17 to $49.95 depending on the size of the plan you want.

This is an old product, dated 2016.

BEWARE: I found no way to receive support for this service.


BEWARE: This has been designed as a one-click system. If you click on it, you bought it!

#1: Done For Your Website – $1 (7-day trial), then $27 per month (hosting)

This could be handy if you don’t want to bother making your own website.

#2: Affiliate Bots – $17

This product is geared for affiliate marketing and the make money online niche. It’s also been developed into a new product that will be launched on May 6th, 2019.


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Who Is This System For?

what is a bot and who's it for?

I have to say no one. A few of the software bots may be useful, but overall, this is just too outdated.

To be honest with you, I would much rather see you learn the affiliate marketing process from the ground up, and learn why you’re doing what you’re doing. When you rely on software to do it all for you, and it’s taken away, then what?

To be successful online today, you must be taught the most current and updated methods.

I’m sure this product was OK when it was first released, but no longer. Too many things have changed, even over the last couple of years. Google keeps updating its algorithms. And YouTube as well, seeing as now Google owns it, lol.


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How Does It Work?

Chris X claims to have made $3,469.21 in a weekend, and $1,157 per day with Clickbank, Warrior, JVZoo & YouTube, by simply using these bots. I’m skeptical, so let’s take a look.

The Sales Page & Video

Chris tries to prove his claims by showing us images of affiliate network earnings accounts. Are they true? Are they his? Who knows! I don’t put much stock in this kind of thing because it can be easily created and manipulated, lol.

The video is obviously the one from a previous product called Traffic Titan, released in 2017. He updated the bot software included, but not the name, lol. And nowhere in this product are 5 complete systems…

auto traffic generator online is an older product called traffic titan

The video is a whirlwind description of all the bots, and moves so quickly you miss most of it. I laughed at the editing though. Besides not updating the product name, there’s a section where he says “I’ll explain all my secret tricks…tips like these…” And then nothing, LOL. It just cut off.

The sales page looks professional, and there are no fake testimonials, which is nice for a change.

The one big issue I have is the age of these products. Many were included in his Traffic Titan, released in 2017. With his link to BigWig Video creator, which was created in 2016, I think a lot of this product is severely outdated.

The Product & Upsells

Many reviews out there are saying there are no upsells, but actually, there are! Two of them. They’re just hidden and presented as just another download, which has you thinking it’s part of the initial product price.

best traffic bot come with upsells

When you get inside, you’re immediately asked to “click here to get your website”, or “click here to get 17 affiliate bots”. At first, you think, Wow!, I’m getting more than they said I would. But… these are the upsells, and if you click on these buttons, you’re immediately charged for them.

This is a sneaky way to sell those upsells.

It doesn’t say anything about an additional cost prior to clicking. This can be very frustrating for someone who didn’t want to spend any more money. The nice thing about this being a Clickbank product is that you have 60 days to ask for a refund. And this includes the upsells.

You’re then given all the links to either access or download the software. Following that are the training videos related to each bot.

The quickstart PDF is old. He even admits it’s from his previous product, Traffic Titan, and only covers 6 out of the 10 software you receive.

Your bonuses are next. You get access to the T-Shirt Titan system. This is a very old product. T-Shirt Titan 2.0 was relaunched on April 13, 2015! So this is a very outdated system.

And then you can download your free plugins. These plugins are OK, but I want you to consider something before using all of these…

You probably already have several plugins on your website, right? One for SEO, maybe one to cloak your links, etc. So let’s say you have about 4 or 5 right now. And you want to add 9 more?

I wouldn’t advise this for anyone. Having so many plugins on your website can severely slow it down. And if your site doesn’t upload quickly, like under 3 seconds, any additional traffic you get from this software won’t matter.

People are impatient these days, and statistics show that if your site takes longer than 3 seconds to load, they will abandon your site and possibly never return!


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  • Low cost
  • 60-day money back guarantee


  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Overwhelming for beginners
  • Too many plugins will slow down your website


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

google traffic bot is not recommended

This product is geared for beginners who really don’t understand how the affiliate industry works. It’s a bunch of software that supposedly does everything for you, and with a few clicks, you’ll make thousands of dollars.

Well, I’m not convinced this will work for anyone. These are old and outdated software, and all the pre-loaded keywords, templates, and lists of sites could have changed drastically in the last few years.

Don’t forget, this is a repackaged product relaunched under a new name. Traffic Titan, which was launched in 2017, was probably better then because the information you got wasn’t so outdated. But today?

Things change very quickly in the online marketing industry, and if you don’t use current information or data, you won’t get any traffic or ranking.

Have the pre-loaded lists in some of this software been updated? Or are you still getting old keywords, for example? Keywords that were low competition back then, many aren’t any longer.

So if you end up using these, and there’s much more competition now, you won’t rank. If you don’t rank, you won’t get any traffic.

And what about his Titan Theme? Has this been updated? If not, you’re using the same, old, outdated theme style that everyone else who bought this product is using. How are you going to stand out from the crowd using that?

Same goes for the databases of websites and traffic opportunities. If this hasn’t been updated, some of these sites may no longer exist, lol.

Now, this is not to say that everything is useless. Some training is “evergreen” meaning the general idea taught about affiliate marketing is correct. The overall process rarely changes. The methods you take to find current data does.

Is Traffic Bots a scam?   No   Would I recommend it?   No

This is the problem I see when using a product like this…

  • You’re never taught how to perform affiliate marketing on your own.
  • You’re relying on these bots to do everything for you.
  • This is no way to build a sustainable business.
  • What happens if these bots are removed?
  • Would you know how to start over on your own?

Can I offer you my honest recommendation?

I would love for you to come and see where I learned all about online marketing, and where I run my business. This platform offers you everything you need under one roof. There’s nothing like it online today!

They offer you the most current and updated training. They have two certification courses and many other classrooms covering everything you can think of relevant to online marketing.

They have all the tools you need, integrated right into the platform, like:

  • A domain registry – An easy way to find those great domains for your business.
  • A website builder – With a choice of over 4,000 WordPress themes.
  • Website hosting – You can host your website on their powerful servers with security, backups, and emails.
  • A keyword research tool – Now this is how you find current low-competition keywords!!
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  • And much more…

This is how you should learn about marketing. On a platform that’s current. With people who are always there to help you. With a system that will never disappear. They’ve been successful for 15 years, and have a membership community of over 1.4 million people around the globe.

They must be doing something right, eh? And it works? I’m proof of that, lol.

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If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. When you join, I’ll greet you inside and help you out for as long as you need me. See you soon!

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Where did you hear about Traffic Bots? Probably in your inbox, right? There are many positive reviews out there, but they’re obviously from the affiliates, lol. Pushing an outdated product to make money. So sad!

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.

