What Is Traffic Ivy About? My Insider Honest Review!

what is traffic ivy about. my insider honest review

Are you in need of targeted traffic for your sales promotions? Are you an affiliate marketer with a low conversion rate? If you are, you’ve probably come across this new product, promising you guaranteed real, free traffic anytime you want.

It’s called Traffic Ivy. But what is Traffic Ivy about? Will it do what it promises, or is this just another scam, created to take your money? You already know there are many low-quality products out there these days, and it’s getting harder to know good from the bad.

I’m so happy to see you researching these products before purchasing. It may not be expensive to start, but you know there’s always many upsells that you may need to use it successfully.

By the end of my Traffic Ivy review, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision. I’ll show you what you get, how it works, who it’s for, and finally, my honest recommendation.

And if you’re just plain tired of searching for quality help, please read about where I learned how to be successful with online marketing.

What Is the Traffic Ivy rating




What Is Traffic Ivy?

traffic ivy review

Traffic Ivy is a traffic sharing network, launched by Cindy Donovan on January 23, 2019. She claims that this is a:

“Revolutionary SaaS platform for guaranteed clicks, backlinks, social shares and your content on a massive network of blogs… the first of it’s kind for the most targeted and profitable clicks online”

Traffic Ivy Options:

  1. $19.97 for 2K points
  2. $47 for 5K points
  3. $97 for 10K points

What’s Inside

Dashboard – Tells you your member level, your community rating and your most popular campaign. You’ll also see how many points you have to use, and the community statistics (number of members, blogs, social accounts, etc., that are currently in the system).

These are the clickable tabs:

  1. My Assets – Connect all your social media and WordPress sites to the system.
  2. My Traffic Campaigns – Create new campaigns for member sharing.
  3. Manage Ad Sets
  4. Statistics – Who has shared them, where it was shared, etc.
  5. Profile – You can also message members here.
  6. Ban/Unban Users – You have the ability to ban personal users, countries, or IP addresses.
  7. Training & Support – Knowledgebase for common questions and ticket support to their team.

Traffic Ivy Plugin – This will automatically post content to your blog, from the marketplace, relevant to your niche.

Buy Traffic – This store isn’t opened yet (as of Apr 30, 2019)

Marketplace – This shows you all the content available for sharing. Members can provide ads suitable for social media or for your website. They can also provide an article or video. It also states the points they are willing to share according to where you post it.

Basic Members can only add 10 assets to their account (a combination of social media accounts and blogs)


#1: Traffic Ivy Pro Subscription

  1. Gold Level – $27/mo. Or $197/year for 5K points
  2. Platinum Level – $47/mo. Or $397/year for 10K points
  • This membership provides you with these points each month, as well as earning twice as many as regular members.
  • Your points are received within an hour, whereas regular members points are held in escrow for 24 hours, based on your community rating.
  • You’re allowed to add more assets. Gold up to 50 and Platinum is unlimited.
  • You get premium support via Skype.

#2: Traffic Ivy Kickstart Bundle – $97

This upsell gives you a fully hosted WordPress blog with built-in monetization. It includes:

  • 5 done for you managed landing page systems, for 5 affiliate systems.
  • Follow up email series.
  • Promotional material including pop-ups, banners, twitter posts, etc.
  • Automatically post your content to the marketplace, or add marketplace content to your site with the use of Traffic Ivy’s plugin.

#3: Traffic Ivy Agency – $197

This upsell gives you the license to create unlimited sub-user accounts. You can sell accounts to clients, or manage them for a monthly fee. You can share or sell your own points as well. 100% of the profits are yours to keep.

#4: Traffic Ivy Reseller – $297

This upsell gives you the license to sell Traffic Ivy as your own. You get:

  • 100% of all one-time purchases.
  • 70% of all monthly recurring fees.
  • Potential to earn up to $784.77 per customer.
  • Use their sales pages and videos as your own.
  • Your customers are taken care of by the Traffic Ivy support team.



Who Is Cindy Donovan?

Cindy has been an online marketer for the past nine years. According to her bio on the Udemy website, she openly shares her past battle with breast cancer and created her first website as a distraction. Now, she’s cancer free and has created a successful online business.

She has created different products based on WordPress blogging, and of course, Traffic Ivy.

Her desire is to help beginner marketers with the common pitfalls of starting out in this industry and to help them increase their earnings through list building and affiliate marketing.

She currently has two courses on Udemy:

  1. Create & Sell A Digital Product: From Beginner To Expert
  2. The Complete Beginners Guide to Periscope Marketing

In May 2015, she developed a new business called Wildfire Concepts and develops WordPress themes, plugins, and SaaS products to help small business owners. She also offers free training with Podcasts.


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Who Is This System For?

I think this product could have potential, but I think it’s too soon to be of great benefit. I believe Cindy truly wants to help people drive more targeted traffic to their sites and sales promotions.

But from what I’ve seen so far inside of Traffic Ivy, there isn’t enough quality content yet.

At the writing of my review, there were only 2502 members and a small number of campaigns relevant to each niche.

That’s probably because most of the members are “regular” without having purchased the upsells. So that means they can only have up to 10 campaigns running at one time.

The total amount of content available is inclusive of all niches, so the ones that are relevant to your niche are actually very few.

Fashion and Beauty, for example, only had eight to choose from.

Online Business had the most by far, but it was hard to determine how many were original because there were many duplicates, triplicates, etc.

And many low-quality Clickbank products.

I will revisit this review in the future to see if it’s improved. But right now I’d recommend a “wait and see” position.



How Does It Work?

how does traffic ivy work

When I came across this product, I was initially intrigued and wanted to check it out. When I started researching, I found only two types of reviews. Very positive or very negative.

This is when I decided to give an honest insider review of my own.

The positive reviews I see are obviously the affiliates who are looking for commissions. They tend to be very obvious because they all say “Pick Me! I have the best bonuses” lol.

And the negative ones probably haven’t tried it themselves, and don’t see the possible future potential.

Check out her bubbly personality in this video for all prospective affiliates for her launch…

OK, let’s take a closer look…

The Sales Page

What I appreciated was the owner/creator showing herself in the video. What a refreshing change from many of the other reviews I’ve done with fake names and faces.

Cindy Donovan is a real person who’s been an online marketer for nine years.

She talks about her online history and the power of community. She knows how hard it is for beginners to share their promotions among the “big boys”.

This new product she created is supposed to be able to drive laser-targeted traffic to your promotions via a community’s social media accounts.

Supposedly, you’ll only get the best, high-quality relevant traffic available.

Cindy promises that your content will be shared almost immediately as it’s displayed on the internal marketplace and that it’s easy to get more traffic points by simply sharing other member’s content on your own sites.

Unfortunately, there was also the traffic stats that really can’t be proved! It looks good and is persuasive, but that’s about it.

She went on to talk about fake traffic bots, fake news, fake brands, fake everything, lol, and wondered how we marketers could get quality traffic.

If we want a higher conversion rate, we need quality traffic, right?

Long story short, it leads her to create this product that supposed to help us get free, viral traffic from her massive network.

She quotes 2168 members in January, 22 popular niche categories, and 982 accounts ready to share your content.

As of today, there are only 2502 members. So… not a big explosion in new members since January!

How she got so many members, in the beginning, was probably due to a big rush of affiliate promotions. And that’s OK! If I were a product creator, I’d hope for that too!

The problem is there hasn’t been a lot more added over the last three months. And that’s what concerns me.

The Product

Once inside, the product looks clean and organized. It’s easy to get around and there’s an abundance of training videos to help you out.

In a nutshell, the platform works on a communal marketplace. You can post your own content, in hopes of someone else wanting to share it on their sites and social media accounts.

Or to earn more points for yourself, you can opt to share another member’s content on your own sites.

Each ad you see will show you how many points that person will give you for sharing. And of course, the better quality your own ads are, the more likely they’ll get shared.

There is an internal rating system that everyone can use to show if they were pleased with the quality of traffic they received from your shares.

Because the platform is still new, determining the number of points you’re willing to spend for your own ads is difficult to determine.

You can see what other people are offering, but it’s all over the place right now, lol.

Issue #1: The amount of content available for sharing.

There wasn’t a lot available for many of the niches. The “online business” has the most, which is what I would probably look at, but I wasn’t impressed by what I saw.

Many of the ads are promoting products from Clickbank. Products I’ve already reviewed and didn’t recommend, lol. So I certainly won’t be sharing those.

Issue #2: No Videos as of yet.

If you market via a Youtube Channel, and this is the platform you would use to share other members ads, you’re out of luck.

There were zero videos uploaded to the system as of yet.

And on the flip side, if you added videos, are there any members who would share yours?

Issue #3: The article content wasn’t very good.

Personally, all of my articles range around 2000 words each. These days, if you expect decent ranking from Google, your article needs to contain valuable content as well as long enough to prove it.

Most of the articles I saw were 500 words or fewer, and some were extremely spammy. I looked through many of my options and didn’t find one thing I was willing to post to my blog.

And if you did find one you like, it might only be available as an article, and no way to post it to your social media accounts.

Issue #4: How good will any backlinks be?

Cindy talks about how this will improve your domain authority by gaining backlinks from other authoritative sites. But is this true?

How do you know that it isn’t low-quality sites sharing your content?

Members can add any and all wordpress sites to the system. There’s no way the system can determine if it’s something unacceptable unless another member complains.

If a site with a low DA number links back to you, that brings your authority down, not up!

The Upsells

The Pro Subscription

If you were to use this system frequently, it would be to your benefit to purchase the first upsell for the monthly membership. You get to collect twice as many points, as well as almost immediate access to those points.

You’re also allowed to add many more assets in the form of social media accounts and blogs.

And the support is much better as well. You get to speak to someone over Skype instead of waiting for email responses.

Kickstart Bundle

The benefit of this upsell is the ready-made and fully hosted WordPress site. It has 5 fully managed sales funnels, created by her team.

So if you’re not fussy about someone else designing your site, this seems to be a great deal.

You will want to continually add content to this site, though. It would be earning traffic at the onset. It takes a lot of work and time, to get a website ranked with Google.

If you’re interested in this upgrade, it’s another product of Cindy’s that she’s developed called Covert Commissions.

The Last Two Upsells…

These upgrades would be for those who want to promote Traffic Ivy for commissions, or if you have clients you would like to sell traffic to.

Right now you’d have more luck with the affiliate program. I would be concerned about sending any clients over yet!


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  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Low entry cost
  • Future potential


  • Not enough choices yet, to share
  • If you don’t share, it’s costly to buy traffic (points)
  • No guarantee that traffic will be quality



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I don't recommend the traffic ivy system

Well, so far I was disappointed. I’m hoping that over time, the membership will grow, and the content will improve.

I think Cindy Donovan was on the right track, but the effectiveness of this product can only be determined by the quality of its membership and its content.

As it stands, there’s nothing there, yet, that I’d feel comfortable sharing on any of my sites. Nor, did I see any authority sites that I’d want them to share my own content.

Do I think Traffic Ivy is a scam?   No   Would I recommend it?   No

The one big thing nagging at me though was why exactly would I want to place an ad on my site with someone else’s affiliate link??

If that scenario doesn’t excite you, lol, then you have the option to buy points and simply have others share your content.

But there’s no way to know the quality of the sites that are sharing your ads.

I work very hard to offer quality content, to create trust with my readers. When people hear my name, I want them to know they can trust what I recommend. So I see several problems using this product:

  1. Would you be willing to place someone else’s add on your site or social media accounts? It would have to be something you would recommend, or else you shouldn’t.
  2. If it were something you’d recommend, does it make sense that the advertiser have the affiliate link, instead of yourself?

On the flip side:

  1. Where’s the guarantee that anything you upload for others to share, would be placed on an authoritative site?
  2. What does it say about you or your reputation, if your content is placed on a trashy site?
  3. How do you know you’re not getting harmful backlinks? You’d have to keep track of all that…
  4. How do you know what type of traffic they get to their sites? Is it really targeted? Do they have a large following?

I’ve tried to lay out all the pros and cons of this product. Personally, it’s an OK product, but I would wait awhile, to see if it grows in membership. You would then have a larger pool to choose from.

It’s enticing to want to get faster, targeted traffic, but I really can’t see that happening. It’s certainly not targeted at the moment, and I don’t feel your traffic numbers will increase by all that much.

Though I hope this system grows, I really think it might go the other way, and fizzle out!

If you’re new to the affiliate marketing industry, you’re better off doing your own promoting, to ensure it’s getting in front of the right “eyes”.

Do you even have your own business yet? Or maybe you’re just using social media?

Can I offer you my honest recommendation?

If you have started yet, or you’re only relying on social media to get the word out, you really need to think about having your own website.

A website is your online “real estate” that no one can take away from you. And you’re in complete control!

With social media, there’s always the risk of it shutting down or being banned somewhere. Just the other day, Sri Lanka banned all social media access due to terrorist bombings in their country.

Here’s my review on that if you’re interested: Should Social Media Be Banned?

How many people were running businesses on just social media? Suddenly, their only means of income were cut off. See what I mean? It doesn’t often happen, but it certainly can happen!

I would love for you to come and see where I run my business. It’s on a platform that offers excellent training in all things relevant to online affiliate marketing.

All the tools you need to run a successful business, and a live, active, LARGE community, haha. That’s my favourite part!

They currently have over 1.4 million members. They must be doing something right, eh?

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. When you join, I’ll be there to greet you and help you along for as long as you need me.

my wa landing pic

Have you heard about Traffic Ivy yet? What do you think? I would love to hear from you.

If you need any help or have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.

Your friend,
