What Is The Membership Method? My Insider Review

What Is The Membership Method?

Are you wanting to make money online? There are many legitimate ways to do this, one of them being membership sites. If this is your focus, then you’ve probably heard about the Membership Method.

But what is the Membership Method? Is it a legitimate program, or just another scam like the many others online?

I’d like to answer your questions in my review of this training program. I’ll show you what’s inside, how it works, and then give you my honest recommendation.

I love the fact that you’re researching this product before purchasing. This shows me you’re wise with your time and money. By the end of this review, you will be able to make an informed decision.

If you would like to bypass any uncertainty, and read about where I learned how to start my successful business, please CLICK HERE.

chris luck membership method rating



What Is The Membership Method?

what is the membership method by chris luck

Created by Chris Luck, this is a training course on how to create and sustain a membership website.

Membership Method – $1,497

What’s Inside

Masterclass:  Is a 6-week, 35 step by step video tutorial (varying from 5 to 30 minutes each)

Week 1: Roadmap – 6 Steps (Fundamentals, Idea Brainstorming, Market Validation, Idea Selection, Namestorming, Domain Registration, plus final assessment)

In this first module, Chris discusses the fundamentals of membership sites and why he believes it’s the best way to generate passive income. And if done correctly, you will be able to scale your business with a steady flow of incoming members.

He discusses what type of markets to get into and how to validate their success.

It’s then followed up with the reasons behind purchasing your own domain name, and why it matters.

Week 2: Content – 6 Steps (Strategy, Content Basecamp, Research Tools, Gold Mining, Content Creation, Outsourcing, Assessment)

This module is all about content. What should you charge? What will the market tolerate? And how much content should I start with?

Chris will show you the tools and worksheets to find the best trending topics in your niche, and how to model after the successful ones.

He then discusses how to outsource your content if you’d like to pay someone else to write for you. He’ll show you how to find freelance sites and how to negotiate with your prospective clients.

Week 3: Development – 6 Steps (Live Examples, Platform Walkthrough, Membership Cloning, Iconic Design, Content Deployment, Automated Pipelines, Assessment)

It’s now time to start building your website. Chris shows you current successful websites as well as a step by step look at how he built his own. He provides you with his own website template as well as his sales funnel.

Week 4: Free Marketing – 6 Steps (Methodology, Blog Baiting, Mention Monitoring, Question Suggestion, Community Infiltration, Video Spying, Assessment)

Module 4 discusses how to drive traffic to your website. Chris has perfected five free methods to guarantee traffic to your new site.

The videos provide you with an over the shoulder look at how Chris does this. He claims he’s been able to generate $100K/month sales with these five methods.

Week 5: Paid Advertising – 6 Steps (Strategic Placement, Keyword Domination, Video Hijacking, Ethical Stalking, Direct Response, Ambassador Army, Assessment)

This module is for those who want to scale up quickly using paid advertising. These methods require less work than the free methods, but require an advertising budget.

If you are in a position to spend money, he shows you five paid marketing strategies that will work for you. If you’re unable to fund this yet, then wait until your free traffic methods are bringing you some paid customers.

Week 6: Automation – 5 Steps (Complete Checklist, Operating Procedures, Automation Software, Marketplaces, Hiring Rockstars, Assessment)

The full automation of your business is every business owner’s dream. So once Chris has shown you how to design and market your site, he’ll show you how to automate it with various software.

The idea is to automate it, then you’re free to start your next site!

Bonus Sessions: How to grow your membership site with monthly bonus sessions.

  1. Topic Mining – How to get topic ideas for your site.
  2. Advanced Funneling – The secret to monthly recurring revenue.
  3. 100 Members in 30 Days – It’s easier than you think!
  4. Waitlist Method – How to get 1 million people on your waiting list.
  5. Audience Hacking – Learning an unfair advantage…
  6. Content Arbitrage – How to legally use other people’s content.

Mastermind: Access to a private “forum” community for 12 months. Ask for help, feedback and support from Chris and fellow members. It’s a community of like-minded people where you can ask for advice or guidance. Chris himself is often chiming in.

Workshops: Live monthly webinars for 1-on-1 help from Chris. He keeps you up to date with his program and discusses where membership sites are headed.

Partnership: Chris offers an affiliate program for a 50% commission. His desire is to make sure you have a positive experience so that you can go out and promote his program to others.

Support: Contact information for added support. This is via email.

Expected Costs

  • Domain Name – Average cost $15 per year
  • Website Hosting – Approximately $30 to $120 per month and up.
  • Paid Advertising – $$$/month
  • Automation services – $$$/month
  • Outsourcing – $$$/month
  • Solo Ads – $$$/month


Who Is This Program For?

membership method review

This program would be for those people who are looking to make money online with membership websites. Membership sites are a great way to create passive income.

Those who wish to purchase his program should also be aware of the additional costs required. This is strictly a training program. None of the tools needed to start your business are included.

This program is for those who are willing to invest money to start a business.

Chris has been building businesses online since 1999. Over the last 20 years, he’s created 13 businesses of his own and started working on the Membership Method in 2007.

After many failed attempts, he’s finally figured out what works and is now offering his blueprint strategy.

He claims he modelled his business after Lynda Weinman, the previous owner of Lynda.com. She and her husband started their site in 1995 and sold it in 2015 for $1.5 billion dollars. Wow!

You should be aware that Chris is very successful at this because he’s been working online for 20 years.

Please don’t expect to make the kind of income he’s promoting.

Heres a quick promo video of the Membership Method…


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How Does It Work?

how to launch a membership site

You most likely heard of this program through email, or on social media. It’s available on Clickbank as well.  And surprisingly, I found that Chris was selling this exact product for $3,997, back in 2014.  And it only had 5 weeks of training.

Was this one of his failed tries?  Is this new one any better?  Let’s see…

The Sales Page

It was refreshing to hear a video presentation that wasn’t all hype and lies. Chris introduces himself and his family, to show you he’s a real person and not some fake persona that many other product creators hide behind.

He discusses the type of person who would benefit from his course:

  • Those willing to invest in building a new business
  • Those not expecting overnight riches.
  • Those who are able to follow directions.
  • Those who can stick to a proven plan.
  • Those who would like to add an additional income stream to their current business.
  • Those who are tired of being scammed.

He goes on to explain his belief that membership websites are the wave of the future, and wants to get you up to speed on this “once in a lifetime opportunity”.

OK, that’s an exaggeration. This method has been around for a long time now, LOL.

But he recognized the ability to earn passive income from membership websites and decided to create his own. It worked for him, so he continued to tweak his method and now wants to show us how to build an online business that produces monthly recurring income.

He introduces his four-step plan:

  1. People
  2. Product
  3. Process
  4. Profit

Then he proceeds to give you a quick walkthrough of how he goes about this. There are some great tips here, after which he asks you if you want to do it all on your own or to let him help you. He even guarantees your success!

He throws in some impressive numbers of what you could POSSIBLY make. I wouldn’t take this as your guarantee though, lol. This is a little deceptive.

He guarantees that you’ll have built a membership site in 12 months. He doesn’t guarantee if you’ll make money!

Chris seems genuine and is wanting his customers to have a positive experience. He wants people to speak highly of him and his program so that his product is recommended by word-of-mouth.

Inside The Member Area

It was refreshing to see your member dashboard with just his modules, and not trying to push other irrelevant products to you. This tells me he’s honestly trying to provide value, and not necessarily just trying to make money.

He shows you the main areas, and when you click on them, you’re brought to the video area, broken down in steps.

In Masterclass, you follow the 6 weeks of steps, and he provides you with a “test” of sorts at the end of each week. This assessment allows you to see if you’ve done everything correctly, and where you may need to go back and revisit the videos to make corrections.

The reason Chris recommends you’re being willing to invest in your business is due to his trying to speed up the process for you. You should be willing to:

  • Spend money outsourcing your content material.
  • Spend money on paid advertising.
  • Spend money on automation tools.

His Bonus section currently has six videos, but he claims to be adding more as time goes on.

The Mastermind community is in forum style and divided among topics and categories. Just pick the area you wish to ask a question, and Chris or other members should provide you with an answer. You may have to wait, though.

The program is fairly new, so the forum isn’t particularly active as of yet.

In Workshops, you will find the recorded webinars he’s held, for viewing. There should be a new one added each month.

The Partnership section offers you the opportunity to receive a 50% commission by promoting this program.

And finally Support, which gives you an email address to ask any questions about the program, your account, or simply want to say hello.



  • 12-month success guarantee
  • Video training, step by step
  • Access to the owner
  • You can choose your own niche



  • No free trial
  • Expensive for a beginner
  • Considerable additional costs to succeed
  • Membership sites require a lot of work to keep your subscribers
  • No refund unless you can prove you couldn’t make a membership website


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

the truth about membership sites

Overall I was very impressed by the Membership Method. Chris Luck is a well-known, successful online marketer, who’s willing to share his blueprint.

Yes, he’s making a lot of money from this, but in return for your purchase, you are getting some valuable training.

The major issue I have is for beginners and learning how to do this with only 35 steps.  Those of us with online marketing experience know all the language and terminology, and already know what it takes to create a successful business.

But I’m not sure a newbie will be able to grasp the importance of certain processes involved.  I suppose if you follow Chris’s lead, step by step, you might be ok.  I just hope the support is active enough to get you through.

But what happens if your business fails?  You won’t have the knowledge to start up something new in another area of marketing.

I’m also disappointed in his income claims.  Yes, you could possibly earn a lot of money, but certainly not that quick.

Driving traffic to your site takes time.  Ranking on Google takes time.  Earning your authority online takes time.

He does great because he’s been doing this for 20 years, and is well known in the industry.  That makes a big difference in how quickly you can earn money from your membership websites.

Is the Membership Method a scam?   NO  

Would I recommend this?   Yes

Now even though I recommend this product, I want you to be aware that it will be a costly purchase for you. The course itself costs $1497 US, and then there are all the additional costs.

You could certainly limit your costs to a domain name, website hosting, and free traffic methods. Just be aware that this will take you longer, and require more work to reach any passive income levels.

This is why Chris recommends outsourcing, paid advertising, and automation. All these added processes will decrease the amount of work you need to put in and speed up the process of earning an income.

It’s a pay money to earn money scenario.

Now I know how difficult it is, in the beginning, to spend this kind of money before you even start earning. Personally, I didn’t spend on any extra expenses until I began earning. And I still achieved success!

Would you like to know how I got successful with a different, cheaper program?

I would love for you to come and see where I run my business. This platform teaches you everything you need to know about starting and succeeding at online marketing, but for much less money.

This platform has all the training you need, on many different methods of earning money online.

The training starts you off with learning about all the free methods, and then introduces other methods once you start earning.

And yes, there’s a 7-part training on membership websites as well!

And besides the training, they have a domain name registry, website builder as well as hosting, tools and an amazing LIVE community for incredible support.

The best part is you can start for FREE, with no credit card needed.

No one else provides you with such a great opportunity to learn, at no risk! This is just awesome for beginners who don’t want to invest in something they may not be sure of.

And if you’re serious about earning a passive income, the premium membership cost is no more than what you’d pay for domains and hosting elsewhere.

Plus you get everything else for the same price!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll be there to greet you on the inside. I’ll help you along for as long as you need me too, See you soon!

my wa landing pic

So where did you first hear about the Membership Method? Are you serious about wanting to make money online? It truly is a lucrative industry, once you find the proper training.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I’d love to hear from you and I’m here to help!

