What Is The Cash Formula? My Honest Review

What Is The Cash Formula my honest review

Wouldn’t you love to make $5,000 per day or more? Who wouldn’t? This product owner says you can achieve it by simply buying his product. But what is the Cash Formula? Could it really work, or is it just another scam from another person hoping to make easy money?

I’m so happy you’re here today, doing some research on Cash Formula, before jumping in. I know it’s only $37, but who can afford to waste even $37, right?

So let’s find out what this product is all about.

By the end of my Cash Formula review, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision. I want to show you what’s inside, how it works, and my honest recommendation.

And if you’re tired of trying to find something that’s not a scam, please come and read about where I learned how to create my own successful business and online income.

free cash flow formula review rating




UPDATE:  This Product Is No Longer Available For Purchase!


What Is The Cash Formula?

is cash flow formula a scam?

Michael Green (Fake Name) claims you can make at least $5K per day using his done for you system.

This product is all about selling on Amazon with Amazon Stores

Cash Formula – $37

What’s Inside

List of Recommended Tools

  • Siteground (website hosting) – $11.95 to $34.95/month
  • KWFinder (keyword research) – $49 to $129/month
  • EasyAzon (WordPress plugin) – $47 to $67
  • JungleScout (product research tool) – $25 to $50/month or $97 to $197 chrome extension
  • Quuu (blog sharing site) – $40 to $150/month (optional)

Cash Formula Affiliate Theme

  • Your WordPress theme zip file with one plugin
  • 8 (short)Video Tutorials to help you set up your store

Cash Formula Guide PDF – Learn how to sell on Amazon with different techniques

Amazon Affiliate Essentials PDF – Overview of Amazon

Amazon Affiliate Blueprint PDF – Learn to be an Amazon Associate

Fulfillment by Amazon Guide PDF – Understanding FBA (how Amazon fulfills your orders)


Expect to pay over $500 for added information and help. He tells his affiliates that they can make $398.25 commissions across the front end and multiple upsells.

So if he pays them a generous 75% commission rate, you’ll be spending a total of $531 for everything.

Expected Costs

  • Besides the $37 for the basic system, or $531 for everything, you’ll need to spend a monthly fee for tools amounting from $132.95 to $280.95.
  • This doesn’t include Quuu, as I don’t believe it will help you very much!



Who Is This System For?

I would say no one! This system could be for those wanting to learn a little more about selling Amazon products through your own store, but you’re getting outdated information.

My big concern here is the overall cost. It’s not only the $37, but the significant monthly costs to use his recommended tools.

My second concern is the information you receive. It will be very generic and can be found anywhere online for free. Amazon itself gives very good, and free training on starting your own selling platform.

The cost is low enough if you don’t buy the upsells, but I wouldn’t recommend you take this path.


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How Does It Work?

You would have gotten this promotion in your inbox. You might have been intrigued because the email swipes that the affiliates use would say something like “33 yr. old turns $200 into $1million” or “have you seen this viral vid?”.

When you start listening to the promo video, it’s ridiculous! The outrageous income claims should make you turn and run, but for those who are living in desperate circumstances, they are given false hopes.

The Sales Video

You will hear claims such as:

  • How he helped make 52 new millionaires and $4,873,871 in profits in the past 90 days.
  • How you could make $100K in the next 30 days.
  • How you can make $5K per day with only 30 minutes of work per day.
  • This secret loophole was found by Ukrainian Coders…LOL.

He then goes on to give you his life story, which is just a sob story to get an emotional reaction from you.

I actually laughed out loud when he said:

“It upsets me when people fall for these “fake” gurus who take advantage of people who are just trying to get ahead in life”

The Usual Red Flags

I want to share these with you so that you might be able to spot them in other promotions. They are typical tactics that marketers use to persuade you to buy quickly.

#1. False Scarcity

This means they like to make you think that if you don’t act now, you’ll lose your chance to become rich.

For instance, the sales page says there are only 7 new spots available.

In the video he tells you to not close this page because you won’t be able to access it again. And that he’s here for one last time to help only seven new people enter his system.

#2. Unknown Owner

The biggest sign that the product could be a scam or low-quality, is when the owner hides behind a fake name and picture.

If this product was so successful, wouldn’t you think the owner would want to take credit? I sure would, lol.

These serial product launchers make up fake names, and find a stock image of some person, and think they are fooling people.

I guess they don’t want to be found out because if they were, their reputations would be severely damaged.

The cash formula system has a fake owner

#3. Outrageous Income Claims

These claims were especially outrageous. In fact, so much so that I do hope people won’t believe them.

As an online marketer myself, I can honestly tell you that there’s NO WAY you can make this kind of money in the time frame he’s suggesting.

Yes, you can certainly make a great income with your own Amazon store, but it will take a lot of work and time to do. And certainly with more than 30 minutes per day of work!

#4. No Product Information

Did you notice the video is all hype? And you have no idea what the product actually is? Yup, that’s what these video creators do.

They spend 5-10 minutes trying to push your buttons and create an emotional response.

They hope you’re so excited about making thousands or even millions of dollars that you’ll buy his product before thinking about it. Shameful!!

#5. Fake Testimonials

With access to sites like Fiverr, it’s just too easy to hire some actors to read a script and pretend they’ve used the system to make a lot of money.

the cash formula product uses fake testimonials

OK, I know this is fake, but I can’t help but giggle when I see this kindly old man…haha.

All the remaining testimonials are fake too, with actors from Fiverr. This just goes to show you that this system doesn’t work. They have to hire someone because they don’t have any actual testimonials, lol.

#6. Fake User Video (found on YouTube)

This particular video is used with so many lousy products, that I have to wonder if it’s the same owner for all these products.

They’ve hired an actress to speak in very generic terms about something she’s used to make money. She never says the name of the product, or what it does.

Take a peek to see what I mean, haha.

This same video shows up in so many other products I’ve reviewed…

The Product

The product will give you a basic overview of being an Amazon affiliate and having your own store. Don’t expect to get anything detailed to help you out.

The PDF’s you get inside are simply PLR products. This means Private Label Rights, which are products written by someone else who sells them you marketers to use.

They range from using them as is or being able to edit and put your own name on them to make them yours. You are basically buying the right to use it.

The problem with PDF’s is that they’re very generic and usually out-of-date.

With a simple Google search, I found the Amazon Affiliate Blueprint online on a couple of PLR websites.

The particular PDF has been selling for over three years now, so it’s getting very old for the online marketing industry.

Changes happen very quickly, and major businesses like Amazon, have made many significant changes to their platform over time.

You are getting outdated information that you can’t apply to today’s Amazon stores.

The one thing I find very frustrating is the lies. This guy said he’s built everything for you. Nope! Big lie!

He directs you to the various tools you need, and you must set up your store yourself. And rest assured he’s making commissions off of the tools you sign up for.

It will be the upsells where things are done for you. You see, these product creators hold back all the good stuff (if it’s good at all…) to convince you to buy the upsells to succeed.

It’s such a sham! And in the end, it probably won’t work anyway.

He tells you the fee you pay is for lifetime server costs. Is this the $37? Will there be monthly fees?

I’m not sure what he’s talking about here, because he’s already directed you to the server Sitegruound…


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  • 60-day money-back guarantee (from Clickbank)
  • A general overview of selling on Amazon



  • Outrageous income claims
  • Generic, outdated material
  • Significant monthly cost for tools
  • Unknown owner and fake testimonials
  • No done for you system with $37 product



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

The cash formula is not recommended

You know, this product is cheap enough if you want to take a look. You could always return it. But I really don’t believe you should waste your time and money.

And the last thing I want for you is to be enticed by the upsells, and think that spending the additional hundreds of dollars will make a difference. Because they usually don’t.

If it’s too good to be true, it usually is!

Please believe me. When I first started in this industry, I got sucked into 2 or 3 scams and wasted valuable time and money I won’t get back.

Yes, even though they say “money-back guarantee”, it’s not always accurate.

With Clickbank, if you’ve bought a digital product, which this is, you’re not guaranteed a full refund. This is what Clickbank’s refund policy says…

you may not get all your money back

So you see, you may not get a full refund.

Is Cash Formula a scam?   No  

Would I recommend them?   No

If you truly want to start your own Amazon store, you should go directly to Amazon. They will provide you with updated information and help.

Why go through someone else, who is simply trying to make money off of a lousy product. Go straight to the source instead.

Are you serious about having your own online marketing business and making money online? There are other ways to achieve this, and some much cheaper ways as well.

E-commerce, like selling Amazon products, is a viable business, but there are easier ways to create an online income, such as affiliate marketing. I really believe it’s worth taking a look at this.

All businesses need tools to succeed, and proper training to get up and running.

There are many sources online to find these things, but it can get overwhelming when you’re new to this. It would mean searching for accurate advice and help, and hoping your info is up to date.

It takes hours and hours of bouncing around, site to site, and often getting conflicting information. At least, that’s how I started, and I almost quit from frustration.

Thankfully, I discovered the best source of information and tools, all in one place!

Can I make you my sincere recommendation?

I would love for you to come and see where I learned all about online marketing, and the platform I run my business on. I’ve been there since 2011 and love it.

They provide exceptional training that is always up to date. All the tools you need are integrated into the platform, and the community is fantastic.

It’s a proven system that works. It really does. Why would they have over 1.4 million members worldwide if it didn’t, right?

The best part? You can start for free! No credit card needed.

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll meet you on the inside. I promise to help you as long as you need me to.

my wa landing pic

So what did you think of Cash Formula when you first saw it? Do you think those income claims could be believable?

Let me know if you have any questions or comments, and leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.

