The DFY LeadFunnel. My Honest Insider Review!

The DFY LeadFunnel

Are you looking for a way to make money online, but don’t know where to start? I bet you’re looking for a done-for-you product that doesn’t need any technical knowledge or experience right?

If you’ve been searching online, you’ve probably come across The DFY LeadFunnel. But can you trust the sales page? Is it legit?

I’m happy to see you researching this product before purchasing, and I’m here to help you.

The DFY LeadFunnel review will take you inside so you can see what to expect if you buy it. I’ll show you how it works with everything that it comes with. And it comes with A LOT!

By the end, you’ll be able to make an informed decision if its right for you or not.

Would you like to see where I learned to create my own successful online income?

The DFY LeadFunnel review - rating




What Is The DFY LeadFunnel?

a software to generate affiliate commissions

This software is a 3-in-1 tool to generate traffic, leads, and sales with DFY assets throughout the entire funnel.

It was created by Victory Akpos, and launched on Warrior Plus on April 18th, 2020.

DFY LeadFunnel – $29

What’s Inside

Training Videos

  • How To Set Up Your Lead Generation Campaign
  • How To Set Up Your Leads Nurturing Campaign
  • How To Set Up Your Leads Monetization Campaign
  • How To Use The Conversion Booster Tool
  • Connecting Your Opt-in Form To Zapier
  • How To Shorten Your Page Link
  • Adding Pixel Code To Your Pages
  • Connecting Your Custom Domain

DFY LeadFunnel Console

  • Home
  • My Sites
  • Add New Site

Leads Generation Assets

  • 50 Lead Generation Pages
  • 50+ Lead Magnets
  • 23 Autoresponder Integrations
  • Drag & Drop Builder
  • Viral Traffic Tool
  • Email Swipes
  • Copy and Banners

Leads Nurturing Assets

  • Welcome Email Template
  • 50 Engagement Emails

Leads Monetization Assets

  • 50 Products
  • 50 Bonus Pages
  • 5 Bonuses per Page
  • Email Swipes


#1: FREE LeadProfiter Reseller License

#2: FREE Unlimited Reseller License Of Outreachr

#3: FREE Reseller License Of VeedAds Worth

#4: FREE Reseller License Of SnapiShop


OTO #1: 200 DFY Copy-N-paste Affiliate Marketing Campaigns – $39, downsell $34

OTO #2: Platinum – $47 (30 bonus pages), or $67 (70 bonus pages), downsell to $37 & $47

OTO #3: Resellers – 100 license – $99, 250 license – $197, 500 license – $297, downsell $69, $127, $197

OTO #4: Affiliate Marketing Training – $127, downsell $97



Who Is This Software For?

for affiliate marketing and lead generation

This system is perfect for beginners or struggling intermediate marketers. It provides you with everything you need to run profitable campaigns.

All the assets to an effective funnel are there… the lead magnet on your opt-in forms, the professionally designed sales pages with added bonuses, the thank you and download page, and much more.

I believe the DFY email swipes are worth the price alone! If you’ve ever struggled with writing emails that can engage and nurture your list, this system is for you.

If you’re a total beginner with no list or only a small following on your social sharing platforms, you will have to be patient to build your list for a decent income. But it will come!


my dfyleadfunnel link button



How Does It Work?

its a sales funnel with bonus

This 3 in 1 lead funnel suite can activate 50 streams of income for you, in only 60 seconds!

Wow! Let’s see what else the sales page says…

Sales Page

Everything is included for you, including the offers, the traffic and the sales. In a couple of clicks you can:

  • Automate the software for commissions, list building and free traffic.
  • Use the software with no tech skills or prior experience.
  • Never worry about writing code or copy, ever again.
  • Save money not needing a website, domains, or hosting.
  • Turn 5 minutes per day into repeatable, hands-free profits.

Now, you can earn commissions in just 4 simple steps…

Step #1: Use any of the 50 DFY (done for you) lead magnets to start generating leads.

Step #2: Engage and nurture your leads with 50 DFY email swipes.

Step #3: Make profits by selling them any of the 50 DFY, hand-picked products.

Step #4: Using the secret formula, continue to add new leads by repeating the process.

Take a look at the 3 powerful tools you get with this system…

Lead Generator Tool

This tool allows you to simply pick-and-use from:

  • 50 high-quality lead magnets
  • 50 squeeze pages optimized with video
  • 50 thank you pages
  • Banners and ad copy for each lead magnet
  • Email swipes for each lead magnet

All of these are customizable using their built-in drag-and-drop editor.

When your campaign is completed, you can share it with multiple social sharing platforms to drive free traffic to your offer.

Lead Nurturing Tool

This is where you can begin to nurture and engage with your email list using:

  • DFY welcome emails template
  • 50 DFY engagement email swipes
  • The training to show you how to schedule your sequence with your autoresponder
  • The software’s integration with 23 major autoresponders as well as Zapier

Lead Monetization Tool

This is how you begin earning your commissions on complete autopilot, using:

  • 50 high-converting products
  • 50 thank you pages
  • 50 bonus pages that are fully customizable
  • 50 bridge pages to capture names and email addresses

And to top it off, you’ll receive a free commercial license so you can quickly set up campaigns for your clients and charge them whatever you wish for your services.

Wow! Everything sounds great so far. Let’s see if the product does what it promises…

Member Area/Dashboard

When you log into the dashboard, this is what you’ll see…

member dashboard

I highly recommend you watch the training videos first, to get acquainted with the software. They are well done and easy to follow.

They are over the shoulder style so you can see exactly what to do for each step.

DFY LeadFunnel Console

You can also view all the DFY templates that are in the system for you. There are 50 different pages available…

DFY sales and bonus pages

All of these pages are yours to use and are customizable. There are two types of sales pages here:

  1. Bonus pages that offer additional products to persuade your visitor to purchase.
  2. Lead generation pages professionally designed to capture email addresses.

These pages are beautiful and look just like the ones that the super affiliates use for their own promotions.

All you need to do is add your affiliate link, and use them as is!

Leads Generation Assets

This is where you will choose from the 50 lead magnets to help entice your visitor to give you their email address. These are high-quality software products and video training.

Your choices will look like this…

lead generation products

By hovering over the image, you can view the template. What you see will be the opt-in form (lead generation).

If you like what you see, click on “select” and a popup will ask for your site name. You can choose whatever name you like to place in front of the subdomain. If it’s been taken, try another name.

You can now choose to edit features on the opt-in page. You don’t have to if you like it, but editing it will make it more unique to you.

The one thing you’ll need to do is link the form to your autoresponder. It’s as simple as clicking on the service you use, logging into your service, and clicking “connect”…

autoresponder service integration

Each product, or asset, comes with the lead gen form (opt-in form), a lead magnet (bribe), email swipes (see below).

Everything is easy to edit with the drag and drop editing tool.

Leads Nurturing Assets

This section comes with the welcome email template as well as 50 engagement emails…

email swipes included

This is the perfect solution for beginner and intermediate marketers who struggle with writing emails to their lists.

These have all been professionally written and will save you loads of time by not having to write your own.

Now you have the means to continue to engage with your list, so you have the opportunity to promote other products to them.

Leads Monetization Assets

This last section is how you make your commissions, by monetizing your pages.

By clicking on this, it will bring up all the different products for you to select…

need affiliate link approval

As you can see, each product provides a link for you to:

  • Get your affiliate link – this brings you to the affiliate network to get your approval.
  • Get your email swipes – these are written specifically for each individual product.

email swipes for each product


For a thorough walkthrough please watch the demo video below!


#1: FREE LeadProfiter Reseller License

This is a brand new software that allows it’s users to capture high converting leads. And all without needing any landing pages or opt-in forms.

You can now send emails and follow-ups messages on autopilot, without using any 3rd party software.

This reseller license allows you to sell this software as your own, and make 100% of the profits.

#2: FREE Unlimited Reseller License Of Outreachr

This tool will allow you to capture up to 20X more leads and sales by creating interactive:

  • Quizzes
  • Video pop-ups
  • Surveys
  • Polls
  • Stories
  • Galleries
  • Personality tests

And the reseller license lets you resell the software and keep 100% of the profits.

#3: FREE Reseller License Of VeedAds Worth

This is a video creator that will drive traffic and sales to your business to get you up and running.

It’s very easy to use and lets you find viral videos by keyword, add intros and outros and provides you with 1000s of templates to create traffic-driving campaigns.

This also comes with a reseller license so you can sell it as your own and keep 100% of the profits.

#4: FREE Reseller License Of SnapiShop

This cloud-based eCom store builder will fully optimize and monetize your store with everything it needs to generate passive commissions.

You won’t need to ever pay monthly fees, use Shopify, or go through any steep learning curve. And now you can use the reseller license to sell it as your own and keep 100% of the profits.


OTO #1: 200 DFY Copy-N-paste Affiliate Marketing Campaigns

This upsell provides you with over 200 DFY campaigns, all with email swipes so you don’t have to write your own. They also come with their own custom bonuses to help them be incredibly enticing.

This is perfect for those people who don’t want to bother learning how to perform email marketing, yet have the ability to earn thousands of dollars.

Plus, you’ll also receive, each month:

  • 20 lead generation products
  • 20 DFY explainer videos on the squeeze pages
  • 20 thank you pages
  • 20 DFY Facebook Ad assets
  • 20 email swipes
  • 5 bonus products on each page

OTO #2: Platinum

This upsell will provide you with a fast-track for affiliate approval as well as a complete set up of your lead monetization pages.

This Platinum concierge service will show you all the mistakes the owner had made and how you can skip those on your own journey.

And this service will support you as you run multiple promotions selling multiple products in different niches.

They normally charge $497 for this service and are slashing the price for you today!

OTO #3: Resellers

With this reseller license, you can sell DFY LeadFunnels as your own and keep 100% of the profits.

You’ll have access to the entire funnel and promotional material, and they take care of all the support.

OTO #4: Affiliate Marketing Training

This additional training will show you how to perform affiliate marketing in a step by step fashion. It’s designed to take newbies from a beginner level up to 3-4 figures per day in commissions.


my dfy lead funnel link button



Demo Video



My Concerns?

i have no concerns

I have no concerns with this software. It does what it promises!

I’ve never seen such an impressive amount of tools all in one software. The email swipes alone are worth the price. Especially if you’re a new marketer struggling with your email list.

And for that matter, if you don’t have one yet, this is a great way to generate leads and start an email list.

Your email list is an important asset to have, and the most effective way to make money online.

The only thing I want to point out to you is this…

The Income Proofs On the Sales Page Aren’t Typical

The image proofs shown on sales pages are typically from the owner himself, or another successful online marketer.

These people usually have huge email lists and social media followers to promote to. So, of course, their sales will look impressive.

I’m not saying you can’t do this as well. I just want you to know that it’s not going to be overnight.

Once you get an impressive amount of leads on your list and work to generate more followers on your social sharing platforms, THEN you can start making money.

A newbie with no list, and only close friends or family following them, won’t be able to make money right away.

It doesn’t matter how many platforms you share your offers on. If you don’t have a lot of interested buyers looking at it, you won’t make any commissions, right?

So please expect to put in time and effort to grow your list, so you can finally see some money coming in!

Overall, this is an impressive and powerful tool, and well worth the $29 to try it out!




  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Low cost
  • 3 tools in 1
  • Detailed training
  • An excellent way to generate leads and sales



  • None that I can see…



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

i recommend wealthy affiliate for business training

I believe this software is easy to use and great for newbies who don’t know the affiliate marketing process of funnel building. Everything is done for you. All you really need is your affiliate ID.

This tool would be excellent for generating leads to start or grow your email list.

But if you’re new to the industry, you will have to be patient to make a lot of sales. You’ll have to grow and nurture your email list first.

Is DFY LeadFunnel a scam?   No

Would I recommend it?   Yes

If you are new to affiliate marketing, I really think you need to get some proper training first. This is important if you ever want to use other methods that are available.

I know they’re offering an upsell with this kind of training, but I don’t know how good it is. I didn’t purchase this upsell.

What I can tell you is where I learned all about it, and I’m still there today running my business.

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

I will always recommend you have your own website. It’s professional looking and another important asset.

Even the super affiliates have them, even though they tell you that you don’t need one, lol.

And my recommendation comes with a free website and hosting. How about that?

This platform has everything you need under one roof to get up and running. It provides:

  1. All the essential training to start, then additional training to help you scale up.
  2. The domain registry and website builder to create your own business on.
  3. Website hosting that’s powerful and safe.
  4. A keyword research tool which is the foundation for your traffic searches.
  5. A large and very active community for unlimited support and encouragement.
  6. And way more…

Want to know the best part? You can start for FREE, no credit card necessary. Isn’t that awesome!!

Click on the button below and you can read all about it. When you join, I’ll greet you on the inside and help you for as long as you need me to.

my wa link button

So where did you hear about DFY LeadFunnel? Did my review answer all your questions?

If you have any more, or would like to leave a comment, please do so below and I’ll get right back to you.



P.S. Please share my post with your friends!