What Is VO Genesis About? (Review) Can You Ignore The Hype?

What Is VO Genesis About?

Are you interested in voiceover acting? It’s something you can do from home to earn some extra money. If you’ve been researching this industry, you’ve probably come across many sites offering you help.

So what is VO Genesis about? Could this product really help? It says you can earn up to $1000 per hour, but that sounds pretty unlikely.

Well, truth be told, that is unlikely, but that doesn’t mean you can’t earn something. And I’m happy to see you here reading a review on this product. It’s important to find out if its just a scam, or possibly legit.

By the end of my review, you’ll learn enough to decide if this is for you. I’ll show you what’s inside, how it works, and then offer you my recommendations, OK?

And if you’d rather learn how I create my own passive income, come and check this out!

the VO Genesis review rating




What Is VO Genesis?

get training for voice over jobs

This is a Clickbank product allegedly created by Jenny Lewis, but this is a fake name.

This claims to show you a secret way to make $1000 per hour doing part-time work as a freelance voiceover actor.

VO Genesis – $39.95 

What’s Inside

Vo Genesis – 93-page ebook

Training and tips to learn about becoming a voiceover actor. Includes such things as:

  • Muscle memory
  • Controlling your voice
  • Eye-brain-mouth coordination
  • Sourcing audio equipment
  • Building a home studio
  • Royalty-free music sources
  • And much more…

Video Training – 15 videos (2 – 5 minutes long)

These videos will show you skills and technical requirements to find your jobs:

  • How to promote yourself on databases
  • How to set up your equipment properly
  • Tips and tricks for recording demos
  • How to edit your audio with free editing software
  • How to analyze your scripts from clients for the best delivery
  • How to convey your tone of voice to suit the script
  • And much more…


  1. How To Triple Your Voiceover Fees Even If You Hate Negotiating – 19 page PDF
  2. How To Get More Voiceover Gigs Than You Can Handle – 19 page PDF


  1. Voiceover Insider’s Guides – $37
  2. Multiple Streams Of Income – $47
  3. Quick Cash Machines – $47



Who Is This System For?

This would be for anyone who is interested in voiceover acting. If you’re new to this industry, this product will give you a decent idea of what to expect and how it’s done.

Because it’s an older product, you will find some information dated. But it’s certainly OK to give you an idea of what voiceover narrating is like.

If you decide you like this field of work, you will need more updated and current training and tools. There’s always more room for improvement, especially if you decide you want to make good money at this.

Please don’t believe these income claims, though! It’s not at all realistic!

In time, with a lot of practice and hard work, you should be able to get some work and make some money. But like all things online, it takes time.


my vo genesis button


How Does It Work?

After hearing the cheesy sales video with its usual hype, I was expecting to see another scammy product that didn’t deliver what it promised.

Well… I was somewhat surprised at what I found. The product was fairly decent, despite the crazy income claims. You won’t be making the kind of money she talks about in the video.

But with some practice and hard work, you could eventually make some income with some experience and a portfolio of positive job comments.

Let’s go over the video so I can show you what I mean by “cheesy” and full of “hype”.

The Sales Video Is Over The Top

Hype #1: Crazy Income Claims

The first thing you see above the video is the claim that you could make as much as $1000 per hour. Well… maybe if you were famous with a lot of experience, lol. But certainly not as a part-time freelance actor with no experience!!

Hype #2: There’s Always a Secret

Doesn’t everyone want to be in on a secret? That’s why these types of videos use this word “secret” so much. It’s an enticing way to hook their viewers and get them to stay with the video.

Of course, there is no big secret! Voiceover actors have been around forever. It’s nothing new and anyone can learn how to be one!

Hype #3: The Usual Sob Story

This is always part of any cheesy sales video. The owner puts in a sob story to try to connect with their viewers. It’s a legitimate way to market, and many do. But these stories are over the top and extra sad, lol.

They follow a typical script that usually sounds like this:

  1. Something happens to his job or his health, and he’s almost ruined.
  2. Can no longer take care of his wife and children.
  3. Someone he knows shows up with an idea.
  4. He launches the system and makes immediate money.
  5. Now he’s rich and wants to help people.

In this case, it’s a stay at home mom, a troubled marriage, medical bills, etc. Same story with new tweaks.

Hype #4: The Only Blueprint?

When they finally get around to introducing VO Genesis, they claim its the ONLY blueprint anywhere that shows you how to make an income using your voice.

That’s just a marketing gimmick and of course, not true. It’s only 1 of many ways to get training. I’ll show you some alternatives below, OK?

They claim:

  1. This system is the fastest way to build an income.
  2. They will show you the top websites to find the best-paying jobs.
  3. This provides more jobs than any other field.
  4. You can build a 6-7 figure agency.

Wow, those are some incredible claims! And quite unrealistic with only a $40 product.

Hype #5: There’s Always Fake Testimonials

I don’t know why these product creators always have the need to add fake testimonials. I guess they just don’t have any happy or successful customers that they can interview.

I’m sure there must be a couple of customers who found this training useful? But instead, they hire video spokespersons from sites like Fiverr to create a fake testimonial.

Here’s my proof for you…

fake testimonials from rick harrison and roger huerta

Speaking of video spokespersons, this is another freelance opportunity, haha!

Hype #6: Another Fake User Review

Have you ever noticed those YouTube videos that just don’t tell you anything? Well, here’s one for you to check out.

This guy was hired as a video spokesperson, given a very generic script to read, and is used over and over again with different product promotions.

Notice he never says the name of the product or how it works. He keeps saying he’s giving it away for free, which is a blatant lie.

If you click on this guy’s YouTube channel, you’ll see that he uses the exact same video for many products. Sheesh!

Hype #7: The Price Is Going Up?

I laughed out loud when I heard this… She said that due to the product’s popularity with this discount, she’s thinking of putting up the price in a couple of days. LOL

This is hilarious. This product was released in 2015! That’s a little more than a couple of days, and nothing has changed. I don’t think you have to worry…

OK, now the product itself…

The Product Is Surprisingly OK

This website was created in 2015 so the product is most likely 4 years old already. You need to keep this in mind as you go through the training. Though the voice training lessons are fairly timeless, the resources offered you may not all be available.

And even if they are available, there have been many new additions online for free products. A Google search can bring up many free services for audio editing, as well as many tutorials in this industry.

I don’t know why the owner would hide behind a fake pen name, but with some research, I discovered the owner is Avin Huang of Success Vantage Pte Ltd in Singapore.

He also owns Tubeloom, which I’ve already reviewed.

The videos themselves are of good quality, though you will find them dated. They offer a lot of great tips and tricks, and can certainly get you off the ground becoming a freelance artist.

Please remember you get what you pay for.

It’s quite decent for your $39.95, and if you are just wanting to check out a new opportunity, VO Genesis is a great place to start.

Just don’t expect to make the kind of money they talk about, lol. Those incomes are for the professionals who’ve been doing this for a long time.

If you keep at it, practice and work hard at your new skill, there’s certainly money to be made in this industry.


There are many other alternatives online to learn how to be a voiceover actor. Some are free, and some come with a cost. It really depends on how serious you want to be about this.

  1. Udemy – You can find many video courses for starting your career as a voiceover actor. And many of the courses go on sale for as low as $10.99 at various times of the year. These are always current and updated by the creators.
  2. ACX – This site is all about connecting audiobook publishers with voiceover actors. They provide free video lessons in their ACX University
  3. The Voice Realm – This site offers training as well as working with your choice of an approved voice coach.


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  • 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Low cost
  • Decent training in both text and video



  • Unreasonable income claims
  • Won’t find high paying jobs until more experienced with a portfolio
  • Older product
  • No support



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

vo genesis is ok but wealthy affiliate is better

Well, who would have thought this turned out OK for once, lol. The sales video had me expecting the same, usual junk. But I was pleasantly surprised. The training covers a lot of areas you need to know.

I think this product is a great start to a voiceover career. But just a start, OK? You can’t expect to get a full and comprehensive training course for only $39.95, lol.

Is VO Genesis a scam?   No   Would I recommend it?   Yes

Now that being said, this is a business you can do from home and online, but it’s the type of work that pays you only when you do the actual work.

Personally, I prefer to work on an online business that creates a passive income for me. This is an income that continues to come in, from articles and promotions I’ve done a long time ago.

This is what’s known as affiliate marketing, and it’s one of the easiest ways for beginners to start creating an online income. And once you’ve mastered one strategy, there are many more you can apply to scale and grow your income.

Voiceover acting is a perfectly fine career, but it’s not passive. I’m telling you this to give you another option in case you don’t enjoy this product.

Can I show you an honest alternative?

I would love for you to come and see where I learned everything about affiliate marketing, and the platform I run my business on for these past years.

This is an all-inclusive platform that has everything you need under one roof. No need to hop around from site to site trying to figure out what to do. It’s all there for you.

Here’s a bit of what they offer:

  • Training – Step by step courses, classrooms, tutorials, and live weekly webinars.
  • A domain registry – An easy way to find the perfect name for your business.
  • A website builder – With over 4,000 WordPress themes to choose from.
  • Website hosting – With powerful servers, security, backups, and emails, and more.
  • A keyword research tool – Find low-competition keywords for the best ranking.
  • A large and active LIVE community – They always have your back!
  • And much more…

And the owners, who you meet and interact with whenever you wish, are so confident in their platform, that they allow you to start with a FREE starter membership. No credit cards necessary.

There’s really no other place like this online today!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll be there to greet you and help you as long as you need me. See you soon!

my wa landing pic

Are you interested in freelancing voiceover gigs? This product is a decent start. And then there’s my alternative choice to consider as well.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.

Your friend,
