The Fast Cash Club Review. My Shocking Discovery!

The Fast Cash Club Review

Are you wanting to make money online? Many of us do and are successful at it. But there are also many scams out there that would have you believe they have a “secret” system that can make you rich with very little work.

And this product is no different. Is it another scam, or could you actually make $2,000 per day!

Thank you for reading the Fast Cash Club review. This shows me that you’re a smart person, wanting to do some research before buying the system.

These darn promo videos can sound so convincing at times, especially when you’re new to this industry, and don’t know what to look for.

I’ve gone through the system for you and will show you what it is, and how it works. By the end of this review, you will be able to make an informed decision on whether you should buy The Fast Cash Club.

If you’d like to bypass the hype and learn how to build a real online business that can make you a passive income, then please CLICK HERE.

the fast cash club review - rating




Product Update

Fast Cash Club has recently changed their video promotion and product inside.

The owner, who now calls himself Steven Green (still a fake name…) is using the same URL but changed everything else.

Still Using Fake Testimonials

Yup, the sales video is still full of hype and lies, and still using Fiverr actors to make fake user testimonials.

fake testimonials

How Does It Work

The product you get now is simply another PLR ebook called TeeSpring Profits Made Easy.  It’s all about setting up an ecomm store to sell t-shirts.

Fast cash club is now about Teespring profits made easy

And again, I suspect the upsells are simply the added material you get when you pay for the entire PLR.

One thing to be aware of is that this PLR was created in 2015.  It may contain a lot of information, but it will be severely outdated.

The process for creating your t-shirts may not have changed, but your selling platform and marketing strategies will be very different from what they did back in 2015.

If you’re truly interested in this type of business, you should go directly to the TeeSpring site and learn from them directly.  They have a community with free training for you!

My Final Recommendation

It hasn’t changed, lol.  I still don’t recommend this product.  It may be a lot cheaper, at $9, but it’s still as useless!

If you scroll down to the bottom of this review, I share with you my honest recommendation.  I can show you how I created my own successful, and profitable online business.  And you can start for FREE!

Follow my footsteps to creating your own successful affiliate marketing business!



What Is The Fast Cash Club?

Fast Cash Club Review of what it is

This product, created by John Harris, is supposed to be a drag and drop ecomm system. He says his current students are making up to $2K per day. What he doesn’t tell you is that this is using Shopify, a well-known ecomm store solution.

What’s Inside

Fash Cash Club – $37

  • Links to five Shopify apps to add to your Shopify store
  • Four PDF’s about Shopify
    • Shopify Secrets: Main Guide – 78 pages
    • Shopify Secrets: Quick Tips – 15 pages
    • Shopify Secrets: Cheat Sheet – 4 pages
    • Shopify Secrets: Checklist – 5 pages


  • Fast Cash Gold Package – $197, downsell $97
  • Fast Cash Platinum Package – $297

Expected Costs

Shopify store – $29 per month up to $299 per month

Autoresponders for email marketing – $19 per month and up depending on the size of your list

You will need some working capital to start your business depending on which method you choose to supply your store, with inventory – $$$$ per month



Who Is This System For?

who is fastcashclub for

Absolutely no one! I was so incredibly disappointed when I saw what you get for $37. It’s nothing but some links to Shopify apps (which are free to anyone with a Shopify store), and some low-quality PDF’s with very generic information.

The information you get is just a general overview of what Shopify is, and how to go about setting up a store. There are no videos or actionable steps to follow.

So unless you have some experience selling products online, you don’t get enough detailed information to actually get you started. And if you are experienced, you don’t need this product, LOL.

And where’s this drop and drop system?? All lies!


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How Does This System Work?

how does fast cash system work

I’m sure you’ve received this promotion in your inbox. And after watching the video, you might have been tempted to try it. I mean it’s only $37, right?

Please don’t waste your money!! I’ve heard many promo videos as I write my product reviews, but this one takes the cake. This fellow, who’s not real by-the-way, really pours on the hype.

I had a little hope at first because the sales page didn’t have the usual scarcity tactics like a countdown clock or saying there are only so many positions left in your country. So far so good!

The Video

Unfortunately, the video quickly raised all forms of red flags, lol. He talks about his secret underground system, lol. Ya sure! He can’t let this get out to the wrong people and could take the page down anytime.

It’s always hilarious to hear this about a Clickbank product. These products are available to absolutely anyone!

And to top things off, he says he’s not your typical guru trying to take your money. That he actually cares about you. When you see what he provides you for your money, you’ll see why I’m laughing out loud right now…

John Harris promised:

  • That you are only a few clicks away from making $2K per month.
  • That he’s only letting in 20 more people, to help them change their lives.
  • You only have to work less than 1 hour per day.
  • You can’t fail with this system.
  • You will get profits from day one.

Wow, so many outright lies!!

The Inside

After paying your $37, you get into the member’s area. And all it is is one page of links and PDF downloads. There are no videos to show you how to do anything. No actionable steps to follow to help you along.

The support that he promised you in the video is simply email, which you may or may not get a response to.

The links are to Shopify apps that you would add to your Shopify website. The apps are free but there is a cost to some services.


  • This app links you to a marketplace platform where you can search for products that you can immediately import to your store. They ship directly to your customer so you don’t need to worry about packaging or shipping.
  • The starter plan is free, then $29.90 to 79.90 per month.

MailChimp for Shopify

  • This is an app that links you to the autoresponder. This service is how you would build an email list, in order to use email marketing to promote to your list.
  • You can start for free for up to 2000 subscribers, then the plans start at $10 per month to hundreds of dollars depending on the size of your list.

Product Reviews

  • This app allows you to share your customer reviews to your product pages. It’s a great interactive tool for customers to engage with your business and each other.
  • This is a free Shopify service

Google Shopping

  • This app allows you to create a product feed and sync it to your Merchant Center Account. This account is already linked to your Shopify account and allows you to make changes at any time.
  • You can create shopping campaigns by making online ads for your products (Google Ads).
  • You will need a daily budget to run your ads.

Facebook Store

  • This allows you to create a Facebook Shop so shoppers can buy your products from Facebook.

The PDF’s

As I stated above, the PDF’s are very generic and don’t provide you with enough information to get anywhere. The first one is OK, but the remaining three are useless in my opinion.

For example, it talks about your need to find wholesalers for your products but doesn’t tell you who those wholesalers are. And then he says the way to make money is to buy low and sell high. Really?? Isn’t this just common sense for anyone wanting to sell things online, LOL.

The Upsells

I didn’t purchase the upsells, because I knew if the initial product was low-quality, the upsells would be too. I did wonder if his promised drag and drop system would be in an upsell, but through further research, I discovered what they probably contained. I’ll tell you why I think this, below…

Red Flags

There are the usual red flags that I’d like to point out to you, but only so that you can spot them in the future when you look at other products.

#1. Never reveal who the real owner is.

the owner is a fake name and picture

The owner is a fake name, which they even testify to on their disclaimer page. I can never figure out why they like to add a fake picture though, lol. It’s a stock photo from “Shutterstock”, among many other stock images sites.

Any legitimate product owner will introduce themselves. Why hide? Unless the product is all a lie…..

#2. The promo video doesn’t tell you anything.

When you listen to a promo video, and all they do is try to hype you up and get excited about making money, be suspicious. Especially when they say you can earn thousands of dollars for very little work

I’ve been in the online marketing business for years now, and let me tell you, you have to work.

There’s no such thing as creating that kind of income with under an hour of work per day.

The spokesperson is obviously reading a script, but the main thing to watch out for is the lack of information. A long video that tells you nothing! You have no idea what the system is, or how it works. Not good!

#3. Fake Testimonials

The testimonial videos are done by hired actors from the Fiverr website. And I find it amazing that I see the same actors over and over again. You’d think they’d switch them up a bit in hopes of sounding authentic, haha.

the testimonials are fake


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My Shocking Discovery

this is a free PLR product

Because this information was so generic, I decided to search online to see if it was available anywhere else.

You see, these PDF’S were sounding like a PLR product. PLR stands for “Private Label Rights“. This is when an author sells a license to something he’s written or created, for resale.

He defines what, if anything can be changed, whether it can be given away for free, and whether you can claim it as your own material.

There are also online businesses that offer you a membership to buy from a variety of PLR products. And some will offer free products as well.

Well…. guess what I found? Yup, you got it. I found the exact same material on a PLR website.

The Fast Cash Club system is just a PLR product! 

The Shopify Secrets PLR was actually written my Ian Del Carmen, and it’s been around since January 2016.

The PLR has 13 modules, four of which are the ones included in the Fast Cash Club. And though I didn’t spend the hundreds of dollars on the upsells, I’m pretty sure they are the remaining modules.

And as far as his “drag and drop” system?  Where is it??

The other modules give you a sales page, graphics, articles, email swipes and ad photos to use on search engines or social media.

The license you get with this PLF allows you to use it for personal use or can be sold. You can change the sales letter and even put your name on it. But the content itself can’t be changed or given away for free.

So there you have it. The creator of Fast Cash Club could have:

  1. Downloaded this PLR.
  2. Created his own hyped up video promising something that it’s not.
  3. Persuades innocent newbies to sign up and pay him hundreds of dollars.
  4. Makes money as long as he can before dropping this and moving on to another.

If you’re interested in this type of online business, I would recommend you go to the Shopify website yourself. They provide detailed information in their Academy for free.

You’ll learn way more just going to the Shopify Site yourself!

I found this “rap” video on Youtube, all about Shopify, just for fun… LOL




  • 60-Day money back guarantee
  • Basic overview of a Shopify e-commerce business



  • Doesn’t deliver what it promises
  • No drag and drop system as promised
  • Poor quality information
  • Outrageous income claims


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I do not recommend the fast cash club system

The only reason I won’t call the Fast Cash Club a scam is because there is indeed some PDF’s you get when you buy it.  I’ll let you decide if you think this is a scam.

Everything he said in his promo video was a lie. There’s no way you can make money with this product, let alone in one day.  He’s only put this product together in hopes of making money off of unsuspecting people.

A legitimate product would have step by step training, with over the shoulder type videos to follow along with. You really are better off going to the Shopify website and get all your training there.

But unfortunately, you wouldn’t have known to do that, because he never mentioned Shopify in the video. Well, at least you can return the product because it’s sold on Clickbank. That’s who you paid the $37 to.

Is Fast Cash Club a scam?    No  

Would I recommend it?    NO

These types of schemes really frustrate me. They make a bad name for online marketing, which is actually a very good way to make yourself a passive income… when you do it properly.

Having an online store with Shopify is just one of many ways to make money online. This method takes a lot of work though.

Even if you decide to choose a dropshipping form of business, you still need to have some money upfront for your inventory costs, costs for your website, hosting, and all the other tools you need to become successful.

And did you know that you still need to perform customer service with a business like this? That can also take a lot of your time.

Making $2K in profits would mean selling at least $10K in sales. That’s because your mark-up is probably only 15-20%. Can you really see yourself selling that much in one day, one week, one month? Well, not right away anyway, lol.

Can I make you a much better recommendation?

If you are new to the online industry, I’d love to show you where I run my business. It’s on a wonderful platform that offers you the proper training and tools to succeed. And you can start for FREE!

No need for upfront money if you don’t have any, and top-notch, detailed training and support. So not only is the training step by step and interactive, but you have a very large, active community right there on the platform.

This is a proven business that works! It really does!

Your free starter membership comes with two free websites. It’s the perfect way to test drive the process to see if it’s for you. And they don’t promise you overnight riches with no work.

You’ll be shown everything from square one, and if you’re willing to put in the time and patience, you will have a solid foundation that can sustain you for years to come.

Just click on the image below to read all about it. And when you join, I’ll meet you on the inside. I’ll be there for you every step of the way, as long as you need me to. Hope to see you soon!

my wa landing pic

Have you come across this system yet?  If you happened to have tried it, can you share your experience with us?  I’d love to know what the upsells were, lol.

And if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.

