My Freelance Paycheck Review – Make Cash From Home?

my freelance paycheck reviews

Are you trying to find a way to make extra money on the side with freelance writing? One product you may have come across is “My Freelance Paycheck”.

I’m so happy to see you’re researching products before you purchase them. These days, you never know if you’re going to get what they promise you. This is why I write reviews for your research. And today I want to share My Freelance Paycheck reviews with you.

Laura talks about her secret $500 paychecks, every week, and wants to explain how you can get them too. It sounds promising, but many sales pages will tell you the same thing. Let’s see if this is a legitimate product.

We’ll look at what the product is, who it’s for, and how it works. Then I’ll conclude with my final thoughts and recommendations, OK?

But first…if you’re tired of trying to find an honest program and really want to learn how to make money online, please read my review of where I learned to succeed with my own online business. Click here!

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What Is My Freelance Paycheck?

what is my freelance paycheck about

This product was developed by Laura Pennington, a professional freelancer. Researching her name online quickly brings you to several of her websites. She legitimately offers courses regarding freelance writing, as well as offers her services on

My Freelance Paycheck is an E-book, discussing the aspects of freelance writing. She discusses why it’s a great opportunity, how to write in various styles, how to research, how to market yourself, etc.

My Freelance Paycheck Ebook and Quick Start Guide

Contains 10 chapters with two bonus chapters,  $47.00

  1. Why the Opportunity to Become a Freelance Writer is So Amazing.
  2. Who is This Book For?
  3. How the Web Has Changed the Game in Freelance Writing.
  4. What Do You Really Need to Land Freelance Writing Clients?
  5. How to Identify a Target Client.
  6. Where to Find Freelance Writing Clients.
  7. How to Design a Marketing Plan as a Freelance Writer.
  8. The Art of the Decline.
  9. The Elements You Need to Have in Place to Succeed.
  10. Tips for Interacting with Clients over the Long Run.

Bonus 1: A Deeper Dive into Determining Writing Rates.

Bonus 2: Why You MUST Have Amazing Work Samples.

Bonus Materials

  1. The audio edition of her course (worth $97).
  2. The video version (worth $39).
    • Includes 23 short videos of “over her shoulder” steps to freelance writing.
  1. Five freelance project response templates (worth $29)
    • “Fill in the blank” reply templates to respond to potential clients
  1. Success Multipliers (worth $37)
    • Five successful freelance writers, each sharing their five success secrets.


Not mentioned on the sales page, but included on the order page:

  1. Passive Profits Mastery
    • The first edition is free, then $37 per month.


Who Is It For?

is my freelance paycheck a good choice for me?

If you’re interested in freelance writing, then I believe this product could be a help to you. Though the information you’re learning could be found elsewhere online, for free, Laura puts it all together in a logical format to make it easier for you. She will show you how to start your career as a writer for other people.

She herself, a highly educated person in political science, economics and public administration, writes for law firms and the medical industry. She has created several websites showcasing her own courses on freelance writing.

Laura is teaching from experience and can offer great advice. So if you’ve always enjoyed writing as a hobby, then this product is for you. I’m not saying you’ll be making the kind of money she’s talking about, but the potential is there.

The ebook is well written giving solid information. But of course, why wouldn’t it be? She is a professional writer, lol.


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How Does It Work?

Chances are, you’ve seen an email that looks like this:

my freelance paycheck email letter

This is what’s called email marketing, and brings you to a landing page when you click on the link. It can be one of several styles, from a video to a long, sales page, persuading you to buy her product.

The nice thing about My Freelance Paycheck is a combination of ebook, audio and video. This can be especially helpful depending on your learning needs.

If you click on the picture below, you can hear the video that I was initially brought to…

my freelance paycheck review of the sales video

Personally, I was disappointed in her sales pitch of this product. She tells you about hating her past job as a teacher. I know it’s just a marketing gimmick, that works, but unnecessary here. It’s a way to connect with your reader, to gain sympathy. Did it work on you?

When I did my research on her, she’s an accomplished businesswoman with several degrees, a master’s degree, and a Ph.D. I really don’t believe she was working a 16-hour day teaching in an inner-city school, not making ends meet. LOL

This is how these sales funnels work, they draw you in, believing you’re going to learn secrets about making money online. I truly believe this product would sell without all the gimmicks, but that’s just me… There are no secrets to making money with freelance writing. It just takes work.

My big concern is her sales page states that anyone can do this. Granted you don’t need an English degree, but if you’re not a writer in some sense of the word, you will struggle to find clients who are willing to hire you. She talks about this in the following video…

This can be overcome with practice and patience, but don’t expect to make $500 per week any time soon. Like anything, it takes time, and you need to gain experience and develop your portfolio. Clients are often looking for experienced writers. You can get there, just not overnight!

I do want to caution you about the upsell, though. Take a look at my order page below.

freelance paycheck upset

She makes no mention of this upsell on her sales page but is automatically included on the order page. If you don’t notice and un-check the box beside the “Passive Profits Mastery” free trial, you will be charged $37/month starting your second month.

I didn’t purchase the upsell, so I don’t have any information on that for you. I tried to research it and came up with several products, books, or courses. Nothing seemed to have “editions” like what is described on the sales page. I’m assuming it’s a monthly publication of tips and tricks in the freelance world of writing.

And I wouldn’t worry about her claiming she can’t keep the price low for much longer, haha. This website was created on Feb. 9, 2017. I think it’s safe to say the price has stayed the same for quite some time!

my freelance paycheck pdf price stays the same



  • Solid Information regarding the freelance writing industry
  • Shows you how to find clients and build relationships
  • Shows you how to market yourself
  • Reasonable price
  • 60-day money-back guarantee



  • The sales page is misleading (will take time to earn that kind of money)
  • No mention of the upsell
  • The refund policy is from Clickbank, and may not provide a total refund.


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

myfreelancepaycheck com review recommendations

I found Laura Pennington to be authentic and pleasant. I believe her product can help you if you desire to be a freelance writer. She is offering her years of experience in a simple, step by step product. This information will save you time and energy trying to figure out how to start on your own.

Is this product legitimate?  Yes    

Would I recommend it?  Yes

Please note that this is not a comprehensive training course in freelance writing. But it certainly offers you a great start if you haven’t had any experience yet. The amount of money you could make depends on how hard you work at it.

And despite hearing her say she has secrets to share with you, there’s no substitute for persistence and hard work. Those are the secrets!

In fact, someday I could possibly hire you, haha. As an online marketer, our businesses require continual fresh content to be added to our websites.

And as we scale our businesses larger and larger, there becomes a need to outsource our article writing. This is where freelance writers come in.

Saying that I would like to talk to you about another opportunity. If you enjoy writing and would like to earn an income online, why not write for yourself?

I’m talking about building your own business online and earning income through affiliate marketing, or other ways to earn income with your very own website.

Your earning potential with your own online business can be massive.

Much more so than with freelance writing. And you can earn a passive income. That’s a big advantage of online marketing that freelance writing doesn’t offer.

Your own business can earn a recurring income whereas as a freelancer, you must work for each dollar.

Take a look at my website, Legitimate Affiliate My desire is to help people start their own business, online. I offer content to answer people’s questions regarding this industry.

With the proper use of keywords for my SEO strategy, people can find my articles when they are searching for answers on Google.

Even with freelance writing, you will need to learn how to use keywords for SEO. These are strategies your clients will also need to be successful. So why not make yourself successful and learn how to earn even more income.

Just like freelance writing, proper training and tools are needed for online marketing. And I know the perfect place for you. It’s where I learned everything about this industry.

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So what did you decide? Do you want to become a freelance writer, or build your very own business? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.

Your friend,
