What Is YouTube Secrets? $10K Per Month or Another Scam?

What Is YouTube Secrets

Do you love watching YouTube, and wish you could create your own channel? And make money from it? There’s a Clickbank product called YouTube Secrets, that claims you can make money from other people’s videos.

What is YouTube Secrets? Is this really a way to make $10K per month, or is this just another scam?

I’m glad you’re here today, reading my review. This shows me how wise you are with your time and money, and want to research these products before buying them.

I was curious too, so decided to write my honest review of this product. I’ll show you what’s inside, how it works, and when I’m finished, you should have all the information you need to make your decision.

The trick is to get by all the hype and promises and take a good look at what the truth of the product is, lol.

If you’d rather bypass all the uncertainty, and create your own successful business online, CLICK HERE.

youtube secrets review rating




What Is YouTube Secrets?

youtube secrets pdf and videos

This is a training course, created by Mike Williams, which allows you to make money from other people’s videos on YouTube.

YouTube Secrets – $27/mo with $1 Trial For First 7-Days

What’s Inside

Step by Step Video Tutorials

  • 31 Videos – Basic information on Video Marketing, with such topics as:
    • Covers Video editing and free music
    • Writing descriptions using keywords
    • The importance of thumbnails
    • Viewing statistics
    • How to get more views
    • Messaging your subscribers
    • Setting up your YouTube account

YouTube Earning Calculator

  • Same idea as the one on the sales page.

Ebooks and Bonuses

Tools and Resources

  1. TubeChop – Allows you to chop a section of video to share it. (Doesn’t work anymore)
  2. Dragon Tape – Merges video clips into one continuous video. (No longer online)
  3. iDesktop.tv – Download any YouTube video to your PC. $10/mo. and up
  4. YouTube Captions – Add captions or transcripts to your video. (This is now done inside Youtube’s Video Manager)
  5. Turn Off The Lights – Putting the focus on the video only. (No longer available)
  6. YT Podcaster – Convert YouTube videos into MP3 files.
  7. Tube Mogul – A paid video advertising service. (Has now joined with Adobe)

Tips and Tricks10 videos about helping you build your YouTube channel

Support – Via email


Social Media Secrets $28

  • 23 lectures on how to be a social media manager – a good overview of what it takes to be a manager for clients wishing to hire someone to perform all their social media tasks.



Who Is It For?

how to grow your youtube channel 2018

YouTube Secrets would be for anyone who wants to learn about YouTube and how you should go about ranking your videos.

My only concern is that there is outdated training here, and many of the resources are no longer available.

This training will give you an overview of the processes, but I believe you would still need to research additional training that is current to today’s YouTube terms & conditions and algorithms.

If the $1 for the 7-day trial is still available, I would recommend that first, to see if you like the product. Otherwise, the cost is low enough, that you could gain some useful information from what’s inside.

And of course, because it’s a Clickbank product, you have a 60-day money-back guarantee.

If you’ve noticed above, some ebooks he has for download are offered for free online. I’ve placed links on those I’ve found, so you can download them yourself. 🙂


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How Does It Work?

youtube secrets book pdf free download inside

Mike Williams, who claims to be the owner, is just a pen name.  The gentleman in the video is an actor for hire and reading from a script.

Whoever the owner is, has created a training course to help you make money from other people’s videos.

What he means by this is to create your own videos, but by repurposing already uploaded videos, editing them, and re-uploading them as your own.

The money-making aspect comes from paid advertising on your channel.

Just like on blogs, you can allow Google and other advertising companies to place advertisements on your pages. When people click on them, you get paid a certain amount per click.

It’s the same on YouTube. The advertisers place ads on your YouTube channel, and you get paid each time someone clicks on them.

But what he doesn’t tell you is that this will take a long time to develop a large enough following to make a significant amount of money.

Sure, some videos can go viral but what are the chances that yours will.

The Product

This product has been around for a few years now. The website was created on January 25, 2016.

Inside the member area of YouTube Secrets, you have access to all the training as well as other resources, bonuses and support.

There are 31 video tutorials to go through, so this will take some time. I found a few overlapped in the information.

The quality wasn’t great for today’s expectations, but that’s OK I guess. You only paid $27, LOL.

What concerned me was the lack of updated information.

It doesn’t seem like he’s even looked at this product since its creation?!

YouTube, like any other platform, has consistent changes and upgrades that can affect the way you market. This type of training should always be updated.

It did walk you through how to set up your channel and get you through all the settings. He also goes over the importance of keywords and thumbnails, which every marketer must know.

The ebooks and bonuses seem to be interesting reading, though I haven’t read them all yet.

They are quite old publications though and outdated.

For example, “YouTube Video Marketing for Business: Tips and Techniques” was written in 2012, and “Viral YouTube Traffic” was written in 2011.

I found the tips and tricks section to be OK. You could find some useful information there, like:

  • How to make it easy for people to love your videos.
  • Never run out of video ideas.
  • How to make money on Fiverr as a Youtuber
  • How to get your first 1000 subscribers fast!
  • 69 hacks to how to grow a successful YouTube channel

He provides a list of previously asked questions that could help you if you get stuck, otherwise, you have to rely on any help via email.

From other reviews I’ve read, this could take a couple of days, so you’ll have to be patient, lol.

The Resources

This section was proof to me, that “YouTube Secrets” is never updated, lol.

As I went through each one, I found that several are no longer available, and the rest have a monthly service charge. Very disappointing.

One resource, call TubeChop, which is still up but doesn’t work, was run by YouTube itself.

This is the program that would take a YouTube video, and allow you to cut a segment out. This is what you would repurpose and upload to your own channel.

I find this very suspicious that it’s no longer working. Could YouTube have been working against its own terms and conditions?

I decided to review the T&C myself, to see what I could find about copyright issues. Take a look at the screenshots below…

new youtube algorithm 2018

and this…

new youtube terms and conditions 2018

Notice the highlighted sentences. Cannot copy, reproduce, etc. without the written consent of YouTube or the rightful owner of the material.

I’m no lawyer, but that seems to plainly say you can’t copy other people’s videos. And I’m pretty sure that means any part of the video!

As a side note, I laughed out loud when I read the title of his 12th video in the training…” Do Not Duplicate” 

The Membership

I really have no idea why you’d have to pay $27 per month for a membership to this system. You get everything upfront, and there are no services provided that require a cost.

They provide an email service to get any help, but that certainly shouldn’t cost you $27 per month. There aren’t even any live webinars or updated videos added. It just doesn’t make any sense…

I believe this is just another way for the product creator to collect money from you.

The Upsell

Please be aware that the upsell is a one-click purchase. Meaning if you click on it, you’ve bought it! At least it’s only $28 and not hundreds…

This upsell is a complete disconnect from the original product. It’s all about becoming a social media manager.

According to Techopedia:

“A social media manager is a professional who maintains social media content and platforms for an employer. A social media manager is generally involved in the process of generating, curating, editing, posting and managing a “life cycle” for social media posts and content.”

If this is something you wish to pursue, then I would recommend a more complete training than what you get here.

If I thought he was a professional social media manager himself, then I’d trust his training more. But I don’t think he is.

This could most likely be a rehash of some PLR material and sold as an upsell.

PLR (private label rights) material is something that someone has written and then sells the PDF according to varying conditions. Sometimes you must use it as it, or other times you can edit it and sell it as your own.

Either way, I wouldn’t recommend this upsell.

If you are truly interested in becoming a social media manager, there are many more legitimate courses to be found online.

One such course is created by Kate Buck. She’s a social media manager herself and runs her own agency.

There are also courses for low cost on Udemy, as well as free courses available when searching online. Here’s a free one I found by Eric Schwartzman



  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • 7-Day Trial for $1
  • Decent training



  • A monthly fee for $27
  • Copyright issues?
  • Outdated training


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Final Thoughts And Recommendationsi don't recommend youtube secrets

I have a real problem with the ethics behind this product.

Mike tells you that you can make money off of other people’s work.

So that means that other YouTubers are spending their time and money creating their own videos, and you can just come along and take parts of them to re-upload as your own. What???

How is that legal, let alone, ethical in today’s world? And I’ve already shown you what YouTube thinks of this.

Oh, I’m sure there are many people doing it and get away with it until their account gets shut down. How it affects their future chances of getting another account I don’t know.

But I’m very disappointed to see a product that thinks it’s OK to make money this way.

He must still be selling copies, as it’s still available. Or more likely his affiliates are still pushing the product for him, and convincing buyers that this is all OK.

Is YouTube Secrets a scam?   No  

Would I recommend it?   No

I personally can’t recommend something that goes against my values. If there’s any risk of copyright infringement, then don’t do it.

It can only ruin your reputation in the industry and possibly ban you from YouTube.

There are many easy ways to create videos if you wish to have your own YouTube channel.

Many people simply start by using their smartphones. That way they can take videos from anywhere and upload it to their channel.

Most computer systems these days come with their own video program and camera built-in. These are all great ways to start with little to no cost.

And if you’re shy, you don’t even have to be in the video. But I would certainly recommend making your own and not stealing someone else’s work.

There’s a lot more to building a profitable business than just having a YouTube channel.

Most successful people add a Youtube channel to an already existing business, that has its own website and social media accounts.

Having all these aspects to an online business gives you multiple income streams with more flexibility.

Can I show you a much safer alternative?

I would love for you to come and see where I run my successful business.

I’m on a wonderful platform that not only taught me everything about online marketing but also built and hosts my website.

They provide me with the proper tools to stay ahead of my competition, and the best part… a very large and active community.

They have my back every step of the way, with continually new and updated courses, live weekly training webinars, and the fastest response time to any questions or comments. Usually under 1 min! lol.

I highly recommend them because I know what they’ve done to help me, and I know they can help you too.

I truly want to see you become successful without getting drawn into these low-quality products promising you things they just can’t deliver.

Click on the image below, and you can start for free, no credit card needed, no strings attached. I’ll meet you inside personally, and be available to help you as long as you need me too. Hope to see you soon!

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Are you interested in becoming a Youtuber? Maybe you already are? YouTube has become one of the most searched sites after Google, and is definitely the “wave of the future”.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.

