What Is The Commission Hero? What They’re NOT Telling You!

What Is The Commission Hero?

Have you been searching for a way to learn how to make money online? There are many legit programs as well as scams out there, and it’s sometimes hard to know who’s telling the truth.

What is Commission Hero? Is this one legit, or not? It sure looks good!

Great question and I’m so glad to see you doing some research before jumping in. That’s why I write my reviews for you. I want you to see what you get for the price.

In my review, I’ll show you what’s inside, and how it works, so that you can make an informed decision. If you keep reading, I’ll break everything down for you, and give you my honest opinion, OK?

And if you’re not ready for a high ticket price just yet, come and see where I learned everything about making money online.

the commission hero review (rating)



What Is The Commission Hero?

robby blanchard clickbank training

This is a training program created by Robby Blanchard. He’s a very successful affiliate marketer, who been awarded the #1 Clickbank Affiliate in the world.

This is a Clickbank product that was launched in early 2019. Their Facebook support group is up to 903 members at the time of writing this review.

Commission Hero – $997, or 2 payments of $597

What’s Inside

Start – Welcome video by Robby

Getting Started

  • What is Affiliate Marketing
  • Ad Accounts
  • Clickfunnels (Paid Service)
  • ClickBank (Affiliate Network)
  • MaxWeb (Affiliate Network)

Choosing The Right Offers

  • Finding the right offers on Clickbank
  • Finding the right offers on MaxWeb
  • Finding the right offers on A4D
  • Offer spotlight – EZ Battery (Case study)
  • Offer spotlight – Flat Belly Fix (Case study)
  • Offer spotlight – Lean Belly Breakthrough (Case study)

Finding Your Ad Image

  • What an image should contain
  • Finding the right designer on Fiverr

Setting Up a Landing Page

  • Register for Clickfunnels
  • Setting up your affiliate links
  • Setting up your domain
  • Setting up your PHP Landing Page

Setting Up Facebook

  • Setting up Business Manager
  • Launching your first campaign
  • Setting up your Fan Page
  • Setting up Facebook campaign and Adset
  • Setting up your ads
  • Creating a custom audience
  • Bonus – Inside look at a successful campaign

Setting Up Facebook Pixel

  • How to install Pixel
  • Placing your FB Pixel in your Clickbank account
  • Understanding your Pixel analytics

Tracking Your Campaign

  • Tracking spreadsheet
  • How to install tracking links


  • How to scale up a winning offer
  • Scaling your campaigns

Ninja Tactics

  • Reaching out to affiliates
  • AMEX card
  • Spying on FB ads
  • Dealing with account shutdowns


  • Million Dollar Landing Page Swipes – Clickfunnels
  • Million Dollar Landing Page Swipes – PHP
  • Million Dollar Ad Copy & Ad Images
  • Mindset
  • CPA
  • Rolodex of Contacts

Expected Costs

  • Commission Hero – $997 or 2 of $597
  • Clickfunnels (optional) – $97 to $297 per month
  • Hosting (if don’t use Clickfunnels) – $30 per month and up
  • Domain name – average $15 per year
  • Paid Advertising – $$$$ per month


Who Is This System For?

for clickbank affiliate marketing

This system is for anyone who wishes to make money online with affiliate marketing.

The entire course is taught by Robby Blanchard himself, who’s now the #1 Clickbank Affiliate. And he’s giving you access to many of his campaign material to get you started.

This can save you a lot of time and trouble of learning what works best on Facebook. He’s spent the last 5 years experimenting and streamlining his techniques, and now want to help others succeed as he has.

The cost may seem high, but for everything you get, it’s worth the value you receive.

One thing that really impressed me is NO UPSELLS!!

But please be aware that there are additional costs over and above the system. I talk about these below. I’m not disclosing this to dissuade you from purchasing this product, only so that you know what to expect OK?

You can read about Robby Blanchard here, where he came from and how he got to where he is today!


my commission hero link button


How Does It Work?

blanchard commission training using facebook

This is an excellent course where Robby teaches you how he’s making money with ClickBank and Facebook Ads. That’s it! No website, email list or product.

Let’s see what the sales page says…

Impressive Sales Page

Robby Blanchard starts out by telling us how great it’s been for him, these past 4 years, being a super affiliate with ClickBank. And he’s just recently been awarded the #1 Clickbank Affiliate in the World.

Now, he wants to share his 3 step system with anyone who’s wanting the same kind of success and freedom he’s had.

He claims that this is better than creating your own product, or having an eCommerce store.

That’s ironic because this is his product that he’s created, LOL!

Robby says:

  • You don’t need to have any experience.
  • He’s going to show you exactly how to use ClickBank and Facebook to promote offers.
  • This step by step blueprint will make you big profits each day.
  • He virtually guarantees results for you.

That’s a pretty bold statement, don’t you think?

Robby shares how he started his own CrossFit gym, and could barely pay his bill. He tried everything and nothing worked until he started running Facebook ads for a product he created for CrossFitters.

When things started to take off, he tried selling Clickbank products the same way.

He says he spends hundreds, even thousands of dollars a day on Facebook. Yikes. That’s a lot of money! After losing money, he started figuring out what works and began seeing $1000 days.

Did He Really Crack The Code?

Well, he says he has! He’s been consistently making at least that much every day, and more. And now he wants to help others succeed as he has.

I know it’s sometimes hard to believe that someone is making that kind of money. But the fact that ClickBank has given him this reward says something, right?

Sure you can show account statements that show hundreds of thousands of dollars, and be skeptical. I know I am. But he has to be selling a lot of products to be #1 on Clickbank.

Commission Hero Success Guarantee

Because the goal of Commission Hero is to create a longterm high-income business by using the power of affiliate marketing, they offer a 12-month success policy.

This means refund requests can only be considered in 12 months’ time.

Why do they do this? Because:

  1. They are only looking for motivated people.
  2. They only want people who want to make real progress.
  3. They only want people who want to build a real business and make real money.
  4. They want people who are going to stick it out for the long-term.

This is Robby’s way of weeding out the “tire-kickers”. Unless you have a lot of disposable income, you’re not going to spend this much unless you’re serious about applying his methods.

The System Itself…

The training system is very detailed with over the shoulder videos so you can see exactly how he does things.

The best part is that he’s sharing his successful methods that he’s using to make tens of thousands of dollars each month.

Module #1 – Getting Started

These videos discuss the overall services you will need for his system. First, he explains what affiliate marketing is, which is needed for those beginners who haven’t done anything like this before.

this system can help increase your earnings

He then tells you what ad accounts are (Facebook), what Clickfunnels is, and two major affiliate networks where you’d find products to promote.

You also download a “Launch Checklist” which is great for starting campaigns without forgetting anything!

Module #2 – Choosing The Right Offers

Now he goes into more detail. This is where he shows you how to find the most profitable products on three affiliate networks, Clickbank, MaxWeb and A4D.

learn to pick quality products in 2019

The great thing about this system is that Robby has connections and knows many of these vendors. And because of that, he can show you how to get 90 – 100% commissions right away.

Then there are three case studies covering three products that have been successful for him.

As his student, you will get access to his landing pages and ad copy with images. Basically, the whole campaign setup!

Module #3 – Finding Your Ad Images

Have you ever wondered why images always grab your attention?

This is why this module is probably the most important one of them all. Robby discusses why images are crucial to your campaign and uses Fiverr freelancers to design them for him, for as little as $5.

So besides showing you what an image should contain, he’ll also show you how to find the right designer on Fiverr.

And once you learn which images will work, and which won’t, this simple step can save you lots of time and frustration.

This is the advantage of being taught by someone who’s gone through the experimental time already!

For an even higher click-through, he’ll then show you how to turn those images into videos.

Module #4 – Setting Up a Landing Page

You can’t have a successful campaign without landing pages. And this is where ClickFunnels comes in. This is an online service that specialized in just landing page sales funnels.

This is an optional service, but without it, you will need to have a hosting package elsewhere.

After, he walks you through registering for Clickfunnels, setting up your affiliate links, buying your domain name, and even shows you a PHP landing page if you don’t use Clickfunnels.

This is a way of embedding his page onto your own, elsewhere.

Additional training will include:

  • What you need to have on your landing page to be Facebook compliant.
  • What makes a landing page convert.
  • How to create quizzes that can “persuade” a viewer to purchase.
  • How to perform split tests to increase conversions.

Module #5 – Setting Up Facebook

This is Robby’s platform of choice to run ads. And his tutorials here will take the guesswork out of running your campaigns.

He will show you the right way to set up your ads so that you’ll get profitable quickly.

Your lessons include everything from setting up your Facebook Fan Page to creating a custom audience.

After showing you what to look for and when to find your ad, you’ll be able to scale it up for even more profits.

learn to use facebook's targeting tools

As a special bonus, you’ll have access to one of his successful campaigns. What better way to succeed than to follow something that has already worked!

Module #6 – Setting Up Facebook Pixel

According to Facebook, a pixel is…

“The Facebook pixel is an analytic tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website.”

Isn’t that great? And Robby will show you how to install it, add it to your Clickbank account, then show you how to understand the analytics.

Module #7 – Tracking Your Campaign

Tracking your campaigns is always a very important task to determine where your profits are coming from. Especially if you’re running multiple ads at once.

You need to know which ads are working, and which ones need to be tweaked.

Do you know how to do this? No worries if you don’t. Robby will show you how to install them, as well as creating your own spreadsheet for tracking ease.

Modules #8 and #9

The remaining modules have to do with scaling your business as well as some awesome Ninja tricks he’s used for his own business.

Robby has a lot of experience with scaling his own profits and shares multiple techniques with you.

These are the same exact strategies he’s used to become the top affiliate on Clickbank!

Not only are these effective, but can relieve a lot of frustration.

Especially when Facebook decides to shut down your account. So having more than one will help keep your income stream alive and well.


This is the icing on the cake, you might say, lol.

commission hero offers exclusive bonuses

1: The swipe file

You have access to his top 20 images that have made him millions of dollars. They’ve been proven to work and you get them for free.

You’ll also be able to use them for inspiration for creating more of your own, to fast track your success.

And not only the images… You get the ad copy as well.

2: Done for you landing pages

You will get all the landing pages he’s personally used to generate millions of dollars on Facebook. With these, you can just plug and play your way to success.

These will include both Clickfunnel landing pages as well as the PHP version if you don’t use Clickfunnels.

Robby uses the initial landing page as well as a presell landing page before his customers get to the affiliate offer page. All this is included for you.

3: Rolodex of contacts

Another great bonus is your access to his contacts. That’s crazy! How many successful marketers are willing to share things like this?

4: Support

And of course, you can’t forget the need for support. Robby doesn’t want to only give you all his templates with instructions but wants you to be able to ask for help when you need it.

He has a private Facebook group where you can speak to every member of Commission Hero, to ask questions, make comments, or offer help yourself.

Here’s a video Robby created. It’s just under 12 minutes long, but there are some excellent tips for you that you should be able to apply is you already use Clickbank.

I find him to be sincere and honest, which is so refreshing…

This program teaches you how to promote profitable products from affiliate networks on Facebook.

But as you learn to master the method, you can also use it to promote your own products and services.

This is an effective way to grow and scale your already successful (or not so successful) business.

Facebook is still one of the most used platforms online, and using paid advertising is the best way to get your ads seen by your targeted audience.

Facts Not Disclosed…

This almost seems too good to be true, right? Actually, for the price of $997, you get a lot of valuable training and done for you products to use yourself.

Of course, the goal is to learn from Robby and start creating your own images and landing pages to scale your own success. That’s how you create a long term business.

What’s not talked about is the additional costs over and above the course, market saturation, your reputation if you promote shoddy products and his refund policy.

#1: Clickfunnels – $97 to $297 per month

If you choose to use this service, you’re in excellent company.

They are a self-hosting service so no additional hosting is required. This is a highly rated and effective tool, but it does come at a monthly cost.

If you click on the link above, you can read everything it provides. And it comes with a 14-day free trial.

Robby will also show you how to use his templates if you don’t use Clickfunnels, but you will still need a hosting package somewhere for your landing pages.

The cost may be lower initially, but depending on how many landing pages you use, will affect the cost of hosting.

#2: Domain name Clickfunnels is $20 per year, other sites average about $15 per year

Like websites, you can’t create a hosted page without a domain name.

You can make life easier by choosing one right on the Clickfunnel site, or you can go elsewhere and forward it to your Clickfunnels account.

#3: Paid Advertising – $$$$ per month

This is your biggest expense. You can start small, if you’re advertising budget is small, then scale up as you start making money.

Robby himself can pay thousands of dollars per day for his advertising, but when you’ve reached the millions of dollars, you can afford it!

I wouldn’t support you going into debt with this until you’ve mastered the strategies. So start with a low advertising cost, and grow from there.

#4: Market Saturation & Duplication

This is something that all marketers should be aware of. It’s vitally important to not publish duplicate content on search engines such as Google, but it can have an adverse effect on social media as well.

Because you can use Robby’s done for you templates, you’re bound to see these identical ads popping up all over Facebook.

And then what happens? People start to ignore the ads, sometimes without even thinking about it.

This is what’s called “banner blindness“. It was originally coined for the banner ads you see on websites, but it also applies to any other type of advertising.

The best way to avoid this is to learn his strategies and start creating your own unique advertisements as soon as possible

#5: Shoddy Products?

What do you think will happen if you promote garbage? Your reputation would go down the drain.

I’m not saying that Robby promotes anything like this, but there are a lot of trashy products on these affiliate networks. Clickbank is known for this.

It’s not only your reputation but the refund rate you’ll invariably see.

Sure you might eventually show a profit of $1000 per day, but if you’re not careful about what quality you promote, your refund rate could cut that in half.

And if your refund rate is too high, these networks could remove you as an affiliate.

The best practice is to always research your chosen product carefully to ensure it provides quality.

#6: No Refund For 12 Months

The refund policy is quite strict, and you need to be aware of the fine details.

You can qualify for a refund, but you must do so after proving you’ve finished the course. Your window to request a refund is only 7 days. Between 365 and 372 days from the date of purchase.

quality for a refund after 365 days

This type of policy is to deter the “tire kickers” out there.

Robby only wants serious students who are ready and willing to apply his strategies. This system is meant for you “action seekers” who are motivated to work hard for your income.


my commission hero link button



  • The course is taught by Robby himself, a Clickbank success story
  • Done for you templates
  • Potential to create a long-term business
  • Step by step training
  • Support group
  • Facebook lets you target specific audiences



  • Additional costs not disclosed
  • Restricted to one social media platform
  • Advertising costs can be very high
  • No refunds for 12 months


Final Thoughts And Recommendations

if you can't afford this, then i recommend wealthy affiliate

I am very impressed with Commission Hero, and believe it can work for anyone willing to put in the time and effort to learn his strategies.

He’s already gone through the growing pains of finding what works, and now you get to profit from his success.

But no matter how many done for you templates he gives you, it’s always best to create your own, unique ads to avoid competing with many other members.

And please remember that this isn’t a get rich quick scheme.

No system, no matter how much positive hype there is about it, will not get you rich overnight. Any long term, successful business will take work and time!

That being said, I believe this can be a great way to earn money with affiliate marketing. Robby is one of the good guys! And I believe he sincerely wants to show you how to succeed online.

Is Commission Hero a scam?   NO   Would I recommend it?   YES

Now keep in mind that this is just one of many ways to make money online.

This method works, but until you’ve earned more than you paid out in advertising fees, it can be frustrating.

But learning from the master will certainly get you past this stage a lot quicker than doing it on your own.

If you’d like to learn how to make money online with free traffic, because you don’t have an advertising budget you can invest, I can show you where I first learned how to create my own successful company.

It’s another awesome platform, that has training by experts, tools to get you up and running, and many forms of great support by both the owners, as well as a large, active community.

You can start for FREE to check it all out, with no credit card needed.

Just click on the button below to read all about it, and when you join I’ll greet you inside.


my wa landing button


So how did you come across Commission Hero? On social media or in your inbox? It truly is an amazing program, and could really scale your business to higher profits.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below, and I’ll get right back to you.

Your friend,
