What Is Funnelize About? A Truthful Review

What Is Funnelize About?

Do you have an online business and need some help to scale it up? Or maybe you’re new to affiliate marketing and would like to learn some techniques from the masters.

There’s a new product out, called Funnelize, that promises to help you build sales funnels. But what is Funnelize about? Does it deliver what it promises, or is this just another low-quality product?

I’m so happy to see you here today, researching this product before purchasing.

It’s always so important to take this step before purchasing anything.

I’ve been impressed with JayKay’s other products and expected this one to be great as well. But why were there no actual user reviews? This was a little alarming.

But don’t worry. By the end of this review, you’ll have everything you need to know to make an informed decision about purchasing this product.

I was pleasantly surprised!

Funnelize review rating




What Is Funnelize?

Funnelize is a video-based tutorial series that’s beginner-friendly. JayKay Dowdall, who created this program, walks you through 8 different sales funnels along with additional bonus training.

It’s designed to help you put together your own funnels to increase your conversion rate.

Funnelize – $37

What’s Inside

#1: Welcome to Funnelize

  • Introduction and overview of the program.

#2: Funnelize 101

  • Discusses the fundamental aspects of a sales funnel.
  • Covers the common misconceptions about sales pages and funnels.
  • Covers the tools needed, from cheap to expensive.
  • Teaches you the critical elements of a good lead magnet.

#3: The Funnel Gateway

  • Learn about your funnel gateway, which is also known as the squeeze page.
  • JayKay breaks down each element of his own top-performing squeeze pages.
  • Shown how to use your thank you page as a boost to the next portion of your funnel.

#4: The Tripwire Funnel

  • Teaches you the relationship between OTO’s (One Time Offers), upsells, and downsells.
  • Learn how to use Facebook and Google pixels for returning traffic to drive more sales.
  • How to execute this funnel to pay for itself and cover your paid ads.
  • JayKay walks you through a live example of his process.

#5: The Webinar Funnel

  • You’re shown the clear relationship between retargeting pixels and email campaigns.
  • The case study shows you how to create an evergreen webinar funnel.
  • JayKay shows you the pros and cons of using his exact method.

#6: The Launch Funnel

  • A comprehensive overview of creating a product launch promotion, based on Jeff Walker’s Sideways Sales Letter.
  • You’re taught how to sell through pre-launch content delivered over 7 days prior to launch.
  • Learn how this attracts your targeted audience.
  • Detailed case study of Anik Singal’s launch of “YouTube Academy”.

#7: The Affiliate Funnel

  • Learn how to use this funnel to promote affiliate products using case studies and social proofs.
  • Downloadable funnel map and a PDF cheat sheet.
  • Learn how to show your audience that others have found their solution from buying your product.
  • A detailed case study showing you his own successful method.

#8: The Mega-Ticket Funnel

  • Tutorial about the kind of funnel you need to use for high ticket items of $5000 or more.
  • Learn how this differs from typical low ticket funnels.
  • Learn about scheduling sales calls.

#9: The Offline Client Funnel

  • Training on how to get local clients to local businesses.
  • These funnels are used for marketing services in which you would charge for your services.
  • Case study of an offline funnel he’s using for a client.

#10: The Tagging Funnel

  • Training for tagging and segmenting your visitors so that you can send them to the appropriate sales pages.
  • Predetermine what your audience wants with tracking pixels and quiz forms.
  • Detailed case study about JayKay’s own techniques to deliver successful headlines and sales videos.


#1: The Perfect Lead Magnet

  • How to identify what your audience wants.
  • Creating a captivating headline for your lead magnet.
  • Shows you exactly how to create a valuable lead magnet.

#2: Email Marketing Training

  • Comprehensive training on email marketing and why 90% of marketers get it wrong.
  • Learn with JayKay’s template and his 6 steps to create your confirmation email.
  • Training to learn how to nurture your list to triple your conversion rates.
  • JayKay outlines his successful use of dating/nurturing emails.
  • Learn how many emails should be used in a funnel.

#3: Retargeting Training

  • Learn how to set up your own tracking and retargeting integration.
  • Install and test for Facebook audiences and advertising.
  • Install and test for Google Adwords and Google Display Network.
  • Shown the importance of custom audiences for scaling your business.
  • Learn how retargeting previous visitors will increase your conversion rates.

#4: Action Takers Blueprint

  • Total recap and blueprint of the entire process.
  • Use this as a checklist for your own funnels.


  • 8 funnel blueprints.
  • Over 35 training videos.
  • Over 25 Cheatsheets and PDF’s.
  • Full case studies and walkthroughs for each funnel.


#1: Funnelize Black Book – $37, downsell $17 (for the top 5)

  • JayKay has hacked 10 “top guru funnels” by reverse engineering and will provide a detailed overview of their entire funnels, OTO’s and sales pages.
  • Gain a deeper insight into what they do, and why they do it.
  • Funnels by Russell Brunson, Anik Singal, and Amy Porterfield, to name just three…

#2: Funnelize University – $47/month

  • This membership gives you weekly and monthly updates and live support.
  • Provides one on one feedback.
  • Live training and advanced tutorials.
  • Direct access to JayKay.

#3: DFY High Ticket Funnel – $197

  • A done-for-you funnel promoting JayKay’s “Facebook Masters Programme”.
  • The funnel includes a webinar landing page and an email sequence.
  • You’ll receive $497 in commission when you convert.
  • You keep your leads.

Expected Costs

The product is training only for $37.

To create funnels and perform email marketing, you will need:

  1. A website – This isn’t necessary unless you are scaling up your brand/current business.
  2. Autoresponder – $19/month and up.
  3. Page builder – JayKay recommends Clickfunnels starting at $97/month, but you could also use a $5 plugin for your WordPress website (if you have one)

Total: $37, plus $19/month, plus Clickfunnels? at $97/month



Who Is JayKay Dowdall?

JayKay Dowdall created Funnelize

JayKay began his entrepreneurial dreams as a young man and by age 22, he was making $20K/month. Unfortunately, that didn’t last.

His overconfidence that things would remain the same brought him tumbling down to near homelessness.

He had to learn the hard way the benefits of remaining current with his strategies. So after being employed at minimum wage for a while, his desire to be his own boss again emerged.

And now, after learning from some hard lessons, he’s surpassing his previous success. After much experimenting, he’s found what works consistently.

His new goal is to help others achieve the same success.

He’s determined to help others change their mindset and bad habits, and get you on the road to success with building a business that works.


My funnelize link button


Who Is Funnelize For?

This training platform is great for both beginners and experienced marketers.

The advantage of a video series is that the beginner can go back over it as much as needed. And the step by step techniques are easily adapted to any product.

This product will show you how to highly optimize your offers so you can get your product in front of an extremely targeted audience.

KayJay’s training is in-depth and to the point. You are getting great value for your money.

He’s never taught his techniques outside of his private coaching business but has now put everything into this training.

Sales funnels aren’t new, but being able to walk through KayJays own funnels, with him, gives you an extraordinary view into the mind of a very successful entrepreneur and online marketer.

Keep in mind that this is a training product for sales funnels ONLY.

But the training you do get is in-depth, and you will learn how to capture the right audience, get their email addresses, and convert them into sales!

Below is the video you’ll hear on the sales page, as well as a few minutes, in the end, showing you his training style.




How Does It Work?

create sales funnels for beginners

It was so refreshing to see an understated sales page that wasn’t full of hype. It didn’t make any outrageous income claims that I find with so many low-quality schemes.

It was an honest introduction to his product. He explains how you need a roadmap that takes you step by step to reach your goals.

The Sales Page & Video

The first thing I noticed was the lack of sales gimmicks you see on so many sales pages these days. This page simply offered a breakdown of what his product will provide, customer testimonials (that weren’t fake!!), and a great introductory video.

Jaykay himself discusses everything he’s offering with Funnelize. After introducing himself, he goes into the importance that sales funnels had with his business. He’s going to show you his most profitable funnels, show you many case studies, and actionable steps for you to follow.

He says there are two things that are CRITICAL for getting leads:

  1. Magnetic attraction where your ideal audience is drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
  2. A step by step process where you grow prospects into leads, leads into customers, and customers into repeat customers!

He says most of you have all the pieces to the puzzle, so now he wants to give us the map to assemble it!

There are three myths that he says we wrongly believe.

  1. That you need special software to build a funnel. So not true. Sure they’re great for getting things done, but they’re not required. And he’ll show us how!
  2. That you need to be an expert to manage a funnel. Nope, not true. And he’ll show you how to create and manage a funnel with ease, before diving into anything bigger.
  3. That you’re just a beginner and have no idea how to build a funnel. Guess what? When he breaks down the process into a step by step blueprint, anyone can do it.

You will notice that the sales page has a countdown clock saying the price will increase in so many hours. I believe this was for his product launch in December 2018. It was offered at a lower price for the launch week, but it’s now at his set price.

He had also offered the membership upgrade for a one-time lifetime payment of $47. I’m disappointed I didn’t know about it then… What a deal that was!

The Training

Once you purchase the product, and before you commit to paying, he will have additional videos describing the upsells. Personally, I purchased the first upgrade at the downsell price of $17. These are his case studies of just the top 5 funnels.

If you don’t wish to purchase anymore at this time, that’s fine. You can do it later on if you wish.

Once inside the member area, you are presented with all the training. No silly ads and other promotions. Just what he promised.

All the training is presented in video format with the option of downloading PDF slides.

The training is presented in a logical order. So that means that you should follow the training in the order presented so that you don’t miss any crucial steps.

For instance, he discusses your lead magnets before creating your funnel, because if you don’t have one, or an effective one, your funnel will fall apart.

He goes over the tools that you’ll need and those he uses and recommends.

What’s so great about JayKay’s training is that he shows you all the types of software and services that are out there, but won’t have you spend unnecessary money.

Basically, all you’ll need are an autoresponder, a page builder, and a funnel design tool (which is free).

Over and above the training videos, there are a lot of resources to download as well as the opportunity to join JayKay’s Facebook group.

The group is called 10X Mastermind which currently has 1,810 members, and JayKay is very active on.

The Upgrades

The first upgrade is for either 10 funnel case studies for $37, or the top 5 for only 17. JayKay takes the most successful funnels he finds, from very successful online marketers, and reverse engineers them. These not only show you these very profitable funnels but breaks them down by elements.

This is a great way to see what these super affiliates say and do to earn their thousands of dollars. He explains the what’s and whys of things done, and how you can learn from their techniques.

The top five funnels you get with the Lite version are:

  1. Sam Ovens’ online coaching webinar funnel
  2. Russell Brunson’s free + shipping funnel
  3. Frank Kern’s free + shipping funnel
  4. Amy Porterfield’s social media webinar funnel
  5. Anik Singal’s mega-ticket funnel

If you wish to purchase all 10 funnel case studies you’ll also get:

  1. Anthony Morrison’s monster tripwire funnel
  2. Brandon Burchard’s $1 coaching funnel
  3. Ted McGrath’s old-school sales funnel
  4. Sam Oven’s sneaky webinar funnel
  5. Anik Singal’s million-dollar funnel


My funnelize link button



  • Low price for a TON of training
  • 30 Day Moneyback Guarantee
  • Thorough, detailed training for 8 different funnels
  • Beginner friendly, step by step instruction
  • Actionable steps to create your own funnels



  • None that I found…



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

learn to create profitable funnels

What can I say? I was so impressed with this product, I bought it to use myself. He presents great training that I’m finding very useful.

It’s amazing what bad habits we get into, even with experience. This training is a great way to check off your blueprint and make sure you’re doing everything right from the start.

If you haven’t created your own sales funnel yet, I highly recommend you pick up this product. I’m actually surprised it so cheap. He could have easily charged over $1000 for this.

Or if you’re like me, and have experience but would like some additional training from the industry’s top funnel maker, then you really should pick this up.

Is Funnelize is a scam?    Heck, No    

Would I recommend it?    Yes

This training can be used for single product affiliate sales all the way to scaling the online business you already have.

Once you learn how to craft one the proper way, it can create more leads and more sales than ever before.

You must remember, though, that this is training strictly for funnels. If you are a newbie to this industry, and really don’t understand what online affiliate marketing is yet, I recommend you start at the beginning.

A sales funnel is a tool that’s used to attract leads and sales. It’s the next step you would take once your business is up and running.

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

If you’re totally new to online marketing, I truly feel you need to learn how to start from square one. That way you’ll have the knowledge to repeat the process over as many times as you want.

I would love for you to come and see where I run my business.

You not only get the proper training for blogging and online marketing, but also a keyword research tool (which you’ll need to rank on Google), a website builder, superb support with their live, onsite community, and much more.

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll greet you on the inside and help you for as long as you need me.

my wa landing pic

So what do you think? Personally, I believe the combination of this product as well as the platform that hosts my business, gives you a win-win scenario.

If you have any questions about anything, please leave them below and I’ll get back to you. I’d love to hear your thoughts on Funnelize. And if you’ve already used it, please share your experiences.

Your friend,
