Travel Destinations For Retirees – Can I Afford To Go?

Travel Destinations For Retirees

Are you retired or soon will be, and would like to travel? Are you wondering if you can afford it? Let me share with you how you can earn extra income so that you can feel confident viewing all those glorious travel destinations for retirees. And not just viewing and dreaming, but viewing and booking!

Hi. My name is Suzanne, and like you, I want to be able to hit the road in my retirement years. We’ve worked hard all our lives, be it in a 9-5 job, or raising a family, or both!

But as we near our retirement, many of us have discovered that our retirement plan was not sufficient. With the ups and downs in the stock market over the decades, many have lost investments and barely recouped others. How many have reached the goal they were hoping to?  Sadly, many of our thoughts about travelling is going out the window!

But you are a smart person, with many untapped abilities.  And one of those abilities is earning an extra income to be able to afford those dream vacations.

What if I told you, that you can do this from home?  At our ages, we don’t necessarily want to go out and find another job.  What’s the use of retiring?  But if you can earn yourself a nice income, from home, wouldn’t you jump on that?  Let me show you how to fix the dilemma of insufficient funds!

To read a thorough, honest review of my recommendation, CLICK HERE.

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Is There A Way To Fix This?

best vacation destination seniors

“Name of Artist/”

Yes!! I found a way to earn some extra income from the comfort of my own home. With online affiliate marketing.  Actually, you can work from home, from the coffee shop, on vacation, anywhere you have an internet connection.

Learning how to do this is easy.  That’s because of the technology available to us.  Those of us without any computer knowledge or experience are no longer held back.  It’s incredible really!

And the training available online is all at your fingertips.  What if I can show you a wonderful platform that offers training designed for complete beginners with no experience.  They hold you by the hand and walk you through, step by step.  All the tools you need to build your online business are included.  This could be an exciting new adventure for you.  One you’d enjoy!

With an extra income stream, you could travel the world at your leisure. What’s on your bucket list?

  • A cruise to Alaska to see the northern lights
  • Hiking up to Machu Picchu in Peru
  • Wine tasting in Tuscany
  • A safari in Africa
  • Relaxing on a beach in the Carribean

I never thought we could afford to do the things on our bucket list.  Airfare and accommodation have gotten so expensive. And travel insurance for 60+ years has gone through the roof, especially if you have any medical concerns.

And, of course, many seniors are intimidated of the internet. We retirees of the baby boomer generation did not grow up with the technology that the younger generations have. Even my two-year-old grandson can change from one app to another on my iPhone.

Personally, I enjoy all this new technology and the convenience it brings with it. If used properly, it can make us an income so we can enjoy our retirement years.

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Having My Own Online Business Has Its Advantages!

Did you know that having your own business has advantages?  Let’s look at a few of the more common ones:

  1. Be your own boss – you’re the one in control. You are the one making the decisions. The more committed and persistent you are, the more successful you will be.  It’s nice not having someone tell you what to do!
  2. Have a flexible schedule – the hours you invest in your business are yours to schedule. No more punching the clock from nine to five. You decide when to start and finish.
  3. No more rush hour traffic – imagine getting up, drinking your coffee, and going to your office…on the couch, lol.  Or maybe you have a home office.  Wherever you choose to work, it no longer involves driving there and back in rush hour.  Isn’t that awesome!
  4. Work from anywhere – most of us work from home. But you can work from any location as long as you have an internet connection. Home, Starbucks, vacation home…..anywhere!  A laptop and wifi are all you need to earn an income.
  5. Helping people – do you have a passion or skills that you would like to share with people? The internet is the perfect platform to do that with. Helping people become financially free is my passion.  And building a website to direct people to is the best way to build a successful business.
  6. Making money – let’s not kid ourselves.  This is the biggest reason why we’re doing this.  You get to keep all the profits (unless you’re married, haha). You can decide if you want a supplemental income or a full-time income.  The choice is yours and yours alone.  But I can almost guarantee you that when you do start making money, you’ll want to scale it larger!
  7. Change the world – OK, that might be a little ambitious, but that’s how some people got started. Think Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook, or Bill Gates with Microsoft. Maybe you’ve designed something that can make your part of the world a better place. Anything is possible when you have a global audience!

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So Where Do I Start?

best travel destinations for single seniors can be made possible with affiliate marketing

My sincerest recommendation is called Wealthy Affiliate.  This platform was created by two Canadian guys named Kyle and Carson.  They were already successful marketers, in their own right, who wanted to share their knowledge with others.

You see, they started working online before all this amazing technology was developed. They did things the hard way by writing their own code to build websites.  It took them days, and months to build one website.  So they are sympathetic to new entrepreneurs who want to start online.

And that’s why they’ve created this amazing platform, with the inexperienced in mind.  Kyle has shared his story with us, and if you’d like to read it, CLICK HERE.

learn how to earn travel destinations with Kyle and Carson

This platform has everything you could need to start your new business.  It’s an all-in-one service that provides everything under one roof.  No need to search the internet for additional training.  No need to purchase additional tools.  It’s all provided for you!

It offers:

  • 2 types of certification courses to get you on the road to success
  • Domain names, website builder, and hosting platform
  • Keyword search tools
  • Live community support
  • A large variety of classrooms for any training you desire
  • Live video classes on a weekly basis
  • Incentives to “pay it forward” within the community
  • Free starter membership
  • Most affordable premium membership with NO upsells

I could go on and on, but these are the most important items people look for when searching for training online.

The Training

The courses that Wealthy Affiliate offer is written step by step and are easy to understand. Most have videos for those visual learners, as well as text. Each lesson is interactive and engaging. You will have your website up and running within phase 1 and actively working on it with each lesson. This way you can learn while you earn!

Any business starts with a passion.

  • What are your passions or interests?
  • What are people coming to you for advice and help?
  • What are you spending the most time involved in?

Maybe you have talents that you don’t even realize you have.  Any interest or hobby can be turned into a profitable business.  You’ll discover this as you start your training.  And working on a business you enjoy makes the time invested a breeze.

Over and above the certification courses, there are ample classrooms for every aspect of online marketing for additional help. The weekly live webinars, from our in-house expert Jay, are recorded and available for replay within days. Any video can be watched at your leisure.

The Domains

Once you’ve picked out your passion, you have access to any domain name (your business name) available.  This doesn’t have to be a daunting task.  If you read my article on how to choose a domain name, it could give you added ideas…CLICK HERE.

Wealthy Affiliate has it’s own domain registration onsite.  So when you come up with your perfect business name, it’s fully integrated into your website.  The free membership offers you two free domain names on their platform.

The Websites

Remember when Kyle and Carson took a month to build a website?  Well no longer.  Wealthy Affiliate’s website builder can have it online in 30 seconds!  And they use WordPress, which is the most common platform used today.

In 30 seconds. Really! Here’s your proof…

How’s that for a quick builder?  If you’re anything like me, it might take you longer, simply because they offer you more than 3000 templates, lol.  The free membership offers you a choice of the first 12 templates.  That alone takes a few minutes…

The Hosting

Hosting your website is made easy too. They have their own, powerful hosting platform, called SiteRubix.  They offer all the extras, like:

  • business email accounts
  • powerful security monitoring
  • SSL certificates
  • daily backups
  • 99.99% uptime
  • site support with 1 minute average response time

Many of these features are extra add-ons with other services.  That’s why using Wealthy Affiliate is such a cost saving.  Sure, you could find a really cheap offer somewhere, but those offers are just for the first year.  The renewal cost with all the add-ons will come to considerably more money in the end.

The Keyword Tool

Jaaxy is powerful keyword tool for affiliate marketing with wealthy affiliate

Kyle and Carson have created their own proprietary keyword tool called Jaaxy, and it too is very powerful. It provides you with the best advantages to rank high in Google and other search engines. We all want to be #1, and Jaaxy gives us the best chance.

Some of the many metrics it provides are:

  • keyword research
  • niche research
  • saved lists
  • alphabet soup method of research
  • search analysis
  • site ranking

There is so much more to this powerful tool.  Too much to put into this blog, haha.  So if you’d like to read a thorough review of Jaaxy, please CLICK HERE.

The Community Support

The community support is the only one of it’s kind, online, anywhere. Where most learning programs have forum support at best, our community is live. And with close to 1.5 million members worldwide, there are always plenty of people online to give you support and encouragement, often within seconds.

For example, if you live in North America, and have a question at 2:00 a.m., you can count on someone from the U.K. or Australia to be logged on.

So if you are ever stumped with a teaching point, there are many available members to help you out.  There’s an incredible pay-it-forward attitude within the community.  Many of the most successful members make themselves available to any beginner.

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And Finally, The Best Part…

Before joining Wealthy Affiliate, I spent days searching online for what I’d need to succeed.  It was frustrating, to say the least.  And unfortunately, I lost money to a couple of the numerous scams out there.  They all sound so convincing, and being new to this industry at the time, I fell for them.

If you’d ever like to read about some of these different products, check out my product reviews.  I’m continually adding them in hopes of helping my readers make informed decisions.

Then I was recommended Wealthy Affiliate.  Doing my due diligence, I started my research and looked up as many reviews as I could find.  It was amazing, really.  Everything I read was positive.  The most enticing thing about joining Wealthy Affiliate was their free membership…no credit card needed.

That said a lot about the founders of the platform.  That they were so secure in their ability to help people, that they offered a free membership without constantly badgering you to join premium.  It was completely up to me.  And no risk, because they didn’t have any credit card information.

Once inside, you have access to everything a premium member has for 7 days. With 2 free websites, you can decide if the starter courses are enough for you to remain free, or upgrade to Premium for the full meal deal!

For me, it was a no-brainer. After researching how much the alternatives would be elsewhere online, this was the way to go. For $49/month or $359/yr (a 40% savings right there), you get everything you need under one roof. Piecing together what you’d need elsewhere would run you in the hundreds per month.

Here’s a comparison of prices for the same quality of services you get with Wealthy Affiliate…


affiliate marketing is cheaper using wealthy affiliate


Don’t get me wrong, there are other good teaching programs out there. But they don’t supply all the tools you need in one place, and some are extremely expensive.

I know you’re wise with your money, so give Wealthy Affiliate a try.  You have nothing to lose. Literally, it’s free to join. And you have everything to gain!  Click on the picture below to read all about it.


my wealthy affiliate review picture


Come and meet me inside. I will be your personal coach for as long as you need me.

So what’s on your bucket list? I would love to hear, so please leave me comments or questions below.

If you know of anyone else who needs help to fulfill their bucket list, please share this post with them. 🙂

Your friend,







