The Stomperr Review

The Stomperr Review

Are you looking for some way to make money online? Have you thought about offering website solutions to struggling business websites? If this is something you’ve been searching for, you’ve probably come across this product.

Welcome to the Stomperr review. I’m so glad to see you researching this system before purchasing. You want to know if it’s legit or a scam, right?

I don’t blame you. There are too many scams out there that sound convincing.

Let’s take a look inside to see what you get, how it works, and if its what you expect. By the end of this review, you’ll be able to make an informed decision if it’s right for you or not.

Would you like to see how I learned to create my own successful online income?

stomperr review - rating




What Is Stomperr?

this is not sonic stomper

This product finds business websites that are struggling with speed and other issues and allows you to contact the owners with solutions for a fee. It gives you the data reports needed to show your clients.

The creator of this product is Brendan Mace and was launched on Warrior Plus on March 10th, 2020.

Stomperr – $17.97

What’s Inside

Training Tutorials

  • Google API & SMTP Setting
  • Searching For Leads
  • Adding Campaigns
  • Creating Identities
  • Contacting Your Leads
  • Moving Leads to Clients
  • Tracking Sales
  • Delivering the Speed Improvement Tool
  • Creating Identities 2


  • Search For Leads
  • Manage Your Campaigns
  • My Clients


  • Add Identities
  • Manage Identities

Email Templates (upsell)

  • Add Template
  • View/Edit Template
  • 4 DFY Templates


#1: Full Training Suite

#2: Profit-Pulling Reports

#3: Agency License


OTO #1: Pro Version – $67

OTO #2: Done For You Portfolio – $197, downsell $147

OTO #3: Done With You – $397

OTO #4: Licence Rights – $97



Who Is This System For?

its not for stomper prime

This system is for those of you who wish to provide services to online businesses. It’s all about helping those struggling websites increase their speed and other issues.

They only provide you with a speed plugin though, so please be aware that if you’re not technically trained to provide the other services, you’ll have to outsource the work to be done on your behalf.

You may find cheap services on Fiverr, but it will still come out of your profits, none the less.

I also believe the income claims are extremely hyped up. Yes, you can make money, but I doubt thousands per day as it claims.


How Does It Work?

it doesn't work like romper stomper

What if you could find desperate buyers (with a problem) and exploit this next-gen software to easily help them for profits?

Hmm…wonder what that means…?

Let’s see what else the sales page says…

Sales Page

Brendan, the product creator, explains how this is a 100% DFY (done for you) software that:

  • Is a 2-in-1 pure income system.
  • Doesn’t require any “techy” stuff.
  • Has an unlimited reach for billions of people.
  • Can earn you high-ticket commissions.
  • Is fully automated with “no work involved”.

On top of that, he says that you don’t need websites, hosting, or autoresponders. You don’t need an email list, posting to social media, or driving traffic.

This system has two income streams in one:

Income Stream #1

  1. You can make fast cash upfront, and…
  2. You can get consistent long-term paydays.

This is how it works. The automated software finds you those people who have real website issues who will happily pay thousands of dollars to fix.

The system lets you notify all those people that you can help, and take in the sales.

The best part is that the software fixes their problem automatically and you keep 100% of the profits!

Income Stream #2

Because it’s so easy to make money online with this system, you can keep scaling up by automatically notifying up to millions of people with website issues.

You’ll be able to effortlessly provide solutions for consistent paydays.

Most business owners and marketers have under-performing website traffic and sales.

Your solution is helping with:

  • Lost traffic – their website slow load times are hurting their ranking.
  • Lost sales – even a 1-second delay can cut conversions by 7%.
  • Lost business – half of the people leaving their sites tell their friends about their negative experience.

So how does Stomperr work? In literally 3 steps:

Step #1: By entering a keyword, the software will find you thousands of underperforming websites, in any niche.

Step #2: It will automatically generate and send professional reports that can make you $1000 paychecks on demand.

Step #3: As soon as you receive your commission, the system delivers the solution in seconds.

Now is the “scaling” time. The software doesn’t only find speed issues with these websites.

It targets 4 more areas that need fixing and provides you with additional income possibilities:

  1. On-page SEO
  2. Broken links
  3. Social links
  4. Mobile Optimization

As customers realize you can deliver their solutions, you can charge premium rates for fixing them.

This sounds great so far, eh?

Let’s see if the product does what it promises…

Member Area/Dashboard

Once inside your member area, this is what you’ll see…

stomperr dashboard

Training Tutorials

The first thing you should do is watch all the training videos, to get acquainted with the system. They are well done and step by step.

The over-the-shoulder style lets you see exactly how to perform each step.


To start a new campaign, click on this tab, and then “search for leads”.

When the page opens, type in any keyword you desire.

Let’s use “construction” because there are many of these types of companies, and people in construction aren’t usually techy and many have website problems…

search for leads by keyword

You can choose the radius of your search, from 1 mile to 25 miles, and the location of your search.

Now you need to let this run as it collects all the data. It will pull up:

  1. The business name
  2. Their website URL
  3. Email contact (if available)
  4. Overall site rating

software pulls up data

As it continues to run, it will start pulling up the website’s speed data. You ‘ll then be able to choose those companies that have low site speed to provide your services.

Once the system has completed it’s task, you can view the details of each lead it’s found…

review all the speed tests

When clicking on “view details”, it will bring up a page with the business details and the ability to re-check the performance, look for more emails, and build 3 other reports on performance, SEO, and broken links…

different reports for clients

All of these reports give you more opportunities to make more money for your services. You can print them off and hand-deliver, or email, etc.

If you wish to email, and purchase the DFY email upsell, you’ll have an email that only requires your information added, and they’re ready to send.

The reports look like this (this is the top portion only)…

report on reebok alien stomper

It’s very easy to see which area needs improvement so that you know what to discuss with your potential new client.

Once you’ve added them to your client list, you would click on “add sale”…

add sale to software

When the client has agreed to your services, you can then create your service details and the system will keep track of everything you’ve done, and/or provide the same service in the future.

Just give the service a name description and what amount you charged for it…

reebok for example


This section allows you to create different identities for your services. You may not want to use your real name, business name, or personal information when working with these different businesses.

For instance, if you wanted to use this product, but your business niche was “cooking”, you wouldn’t want to send your clients a service offer for website SEO improvements, lol.

This section gives you the opportunity to sound more professional for the SEO niche…

create different identities like mei says

On the home page, you would have seen the download for the “Speed Tool”. This is the plugin you’ll be installing on your client’s website.

If you’re a newbie with no idea how this is done, you have the choice of delivering the plugin files to your client so they can do it themselves (not recommended), or you can hire someone off of Fiverr, for very little money, to have it done for you.

Take a look at the demo video for more information.


#1: Full Training Suite

You’ll get a full suite of training videos with “step-by-step” instructions.

You’ll learn everything you need to know to get up and running with Stomperrr in a matter of minutes.

#2: Profit-Pulling Reports

This system automatically generates “profit-pulling” reports that clearly show prospects of their website problems.

Their testing has shown that this has led to a whopping 238% increase in overall conversions. And everything comes across as a professional solution.

#3: Agency License

This license allows you to work with your clients for another income stream. It’s like a “business in a box”.


OTO #1: Pro Version

The Pro version removes all the limits of searching and creating campaigns. If you want to get started fast without any restrictions, then upgrade to this version and you won’t run out of businesses to find and help.

This upsell is for serious entrepreneurs only.

OTO #2: Done For You Portfolio

If you want to create professional web pages to boost credibility plus exclusive marketing material (swipes emails & graphics), here’s what you get with this upsell:

  1. DFY Portfolio Website Including Hosting – Your site is built with a stunning and modern design. It includes a DFY video explaining your Stomperr services. It will also include multiple calls to action and is easy to customize with your personal details.
  1. DFY Sales Emails – You get 30 proven emails written by top email copywriters who specialize in the services niche. Just copy and paste, send out to prospects, and watch for their replies. You can effortlessly gain more customers with these ‘built to sell’ DFY emails.
  1. DFY Social Media Graphics – These professionally crafted social media graphics will help get the word out about your services.

OTO #3: Done With You

This upgrade will allow you to learn from the pros through private consultation calls. You will learn how to get started and grow a thriving local marketing business using Stomperrr.

OTO #4: Licence Rights

This upsell will allow you to resell this system as your own product and keep 100% of the profits.

You will get to use the entire funnel with all promotional materials for even more money in your pocket.


my wa landing button



My Concerns

i have some concerns

I have no concerns with the software. It does what the sales page promises.

I’m disappointed about a couple of things though, that I’d like to share with you.

Concern #1: Hyped Income Claims

The sales page claims you’ll be getting $1000 paydays. I really doubt that.

I know there are many websites out there that need help, but I can’t see any legitimate business owner paying you thousands of dollars to speed up their site with a simple plugin.

If you find someone willing to pay you that much, great, but I feel that most would think that’s ridiculous. You’ll be looking at about $100 to $200 I would think.

Now, maybe they’ll pay more for the whole package including SEO and such, but how are you going to fix all that?

This product only provides you with the speed plugin. You either have to know how to do this all yourself or outsource your work.

Concern #2: How Long Will Stomperr Be Around?

This is always my concern with these DFY systems.

They sound amazing and simple to use, but what happens when Brendan moves on to his next project, which will be next month if not sooner?

Will he maintain this software indefinitely? What happens if and when he shuts it down?

If it gets shut down, which has happened in the past with many other products, you’ll lose your ability to earn any money.

This is why you shouldn’t depend on these systems to have any longevity.




  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Low cost
  • Easy to use



  • Requires upsells for optimal use
  • Requires outsourcing for other services
  • Hyped income claims



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

i recommend wealthy affiliate for the best training

I believe the software is great and does what it promises, but please don’t expect to make as much money as it claims you can.

And though it’s new-friendly to use, you should expect to outsource any services other than site speed. If you’re technically experienced you can do it yourself, but I expect you wouldn’t need this tool, lol.

This product could be great for those of you who are interested in providing these kinds of services. I’m sure there are many people looking for help.

But it’s not teaching you how to create a long-term business. Nor are you in complete control. It’s someone else’s software running on their servers.

If you would like to build your own business to earn an online income, I have a better suggestion for you…

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

I’d love for you to come and see the platform I run my business on. It’s all-inclusive with so many excellent benefits.

This platform not only offers excellent training, designed for total beginners, but offers new and updated training, support, and powerful tools to help you scale your businesses to new heights.

  • They have a domain registry to choose your own company name.
  • They have a powerful website builder for WordPress sites.
  • Their hosting service is one of the best in the industry.
  • They have an exceptional keyword research tool to help rank your content.
  • Their community is large, active, and live!
  • And so much more…

The best part is the starter membership. It’s FREE, no credit card necessary.

If you click on the button below, you can read all about it. When you join, I’ll greet you inside and coach you for as long as you want me too!

my wa landing button

How did you hear about Stomperr? Did my review answer all your questions?

If you have any more questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.



P.S. Please share my review!