The Easy Cash Club Review. Credible or Crap?

The Easy Cash Club Review

Are you wanting to make money online? You’ve most likely seen many products promising big revenue, right? Unfortunately, most of them are low quality, if not outright scams.

Thanks for being here, today, and reading the Easy Cash Club review. I want to share with you what I discovered from inside the member’s area, and give you my honest opinion.

I’m happy to see you doing research on product’s like this, before purchasing. This tells me you are wise with your time and money. I know it doesn’t cost much, at first… but these amounts can add up quickly when you start to believe everything they promise you, lol.

This is why I write reviews for you. I’d much rather do the research first, and save you the frustration if it’s not what it claims.

If you’d rather know how I started my own successful business, instead, please CLICK HERE.

what is the easy cash club rating

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What Is The Easy Cash Club?

the easy cash club

This product, launched in January 2019, by Steve Johnson.  It’s a video editing software that creates videos with a few clicks of a button. Then you can make money by monetizing the videos on YouTube.

Easy Cash Club – $37, downsell $17, downsell to a 1-week free trial


Special Bonus Offer – John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System 2.0 – $997

8 Video Lessons

  1. Overview – How The Easy Cash Club Strategy Works
    • Organic traffic
    • Making money with Adsense
    • Making money with Amazon & Clickbank
  2. How To Find Topics
    • Evergreen and trending topics
  3. How To Create Engaging YouTube Thumbnails
  4. Formats That Work
    • Top 10, the latest news, quotes, etc.
  5. Each Cash Club Fast Money Making Methods
    • Trending & evergreen topics, and using Google Keyword Tool
  6. How To Find Content For Free
    • Royalty free images & audio, meshing together existing articles
  7. How To Use The ECC Software
    • 8-minute video
  8. How To Upload ECC Videos To YouTube. Insert Affiliate Links
    • 11-minute video

Money Making Moguls Group – $17 per month

  • Private training from experts, as well as new training, added each month.


  1. The 60 Second, Money Strategy Secret (Video)
    • Learn how to catch the latest trends and make money within 60 seconds.
  1. 60 Second Money Making Strategies (Video)
    • Learn how to create high-quality videos without breaching copyright laws, and 100% compliant.
  2. Get Paid To Surf The Net (E-book)
    • Find out how to surf the net, visiting websites, and getting paid for it.
  3. Free – Updates for Life
    • Unlimited lifetime updates.

Upsells (Beware – 1 Click Sales)

  1. Unlimited Access Module – $97, downsell $77, then $47
    • Instead of only producing 5 videos per day, you can create unlimited videos per day with their software.
  2. The Phone Money Method – $77
    • Gives you access to this database, to find an updated list of apps and sites, to generate money on your phone. Includes 4 tutorials.
  3. Social Media Cash – $47
    • Become a Social Media Manager to earn more money, with 4 tutorials

Expected Costs

If you purchased everything in the sales funnel, it would come to $258 plus $17 per month.

And the second and third upsells aren’t even relevant to the product.

If you choose to purchase the first bonus offer, it’s $997.

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Who Is This System For?

easy cash code is to make youtube videos

This system isn’t for anyone. Really! I will show you some free online video editors that can do a much nicer job than this.

The sales page tries to convince you that it doesn’t matter how lousy the video is, to make money.

“It doesn’t need to be fancy or be the best-looking video to make money. It just has to be about a popular topic to get people to view it.”

I agree that you don’t need a major production, but I would think that if you want a successful YouTube channel, you would want something better than this…

The owner himself didn’t even use his product to create his own review video, LOL. Below, I’ve added it to show you. It’s fake, of course, but even he used a paid actress.

The only good thing about this product is the money back guarantee.  And that’s because it’s a Clickbank product.  They are the ones refunding you.


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How Does It Work?

easy cash club won't work to make money online

Like all low-quality product’s, the owner is not known. He calls himself a secretive millionaire, named Steve Johnson, but we all know this is fake, right? I mean if this system were so great, wouldn’t he want to introduce himself to us?

He doesn’t because he knows if the truth got out, he’d be hounded by many unhappy customers. And he’d have little to no chance of selling his next product!

The Sales Page

There are two versions of the sales page. One has the video, and the other is in text. I used the text version.

This has all the usual sales tactics to try to convince you to buy. He uses scarcity tactics, which means they tell you there’s only so much time left for you to make this purchase. He even has a count down clock. (And every time you refresh the page, it goes back to 5:20 minutes, haha).

He tells you it’s his “secret money making software” that can make you money in a few minutes with just a few clicks. Well, it’s not a secret, and it certainly won’t make you any money anytime soon.

There is a lot of hype for this product, the biggest being the unrealistic income claims. He starts out saying he earns over $379 per day with no work. Then he claims he’s making $3000 per day consistently.

As an online marketer, I can confidently say that’s a lie. There’s just no way you can make anything per day with no work. Affiliate marketing is an amazing industry and can be very lucrative. But it takes a lot of upfront work to earn that kind of money.

The testimonials are all fake. They find an image from an image stock site, then make up a story about how these people make up to $5000 per day or more. One even said they weren’t exaggerating. LOL.

Here’s proof of a couple for you…

this product sales page uses fake testimonials

And of course, there’s the usual fake review on YouTube. I’ve come across this video many times with other product’s. It’s a generic speech given by a paid actress.

She never mentions the product name or what it actually does. And the owner simply swaps out the product’s logo for each individual product.

Other reviews I’ve written that have this exact video are:

There are apparently a huge number of people begging for this software, and if you leave today, someone else will get your spot. Oh, brother…

He then shows us his PayPal account to prove he’s a millionaire. It shows a balance of $1,003,850.90. So can I ask… who in their right mind would leave that kind of money in a PayPal account??

OK, now I digress, lol. But there’s so much nonsense…

The Member Area

Be very careful if you were offered the product for free.  It really isn’t.  When you look at the check out page, you’ll notice that you only get seven days free, and then they’ll charge you for the product.

And if you decide to purchase any upsells, they are a one-click purchase, meaning you’re credit card is immediately charged when you click on the link.

Once inside, you’re immediately presented with another offer. It’s totally non-relevant to this product. It’s simply another way for the product creator to make additional commissions.

The offer is for John Crestani’s high ticket system “Super Affiliate System 2.0” for $997. This is yet another product sold on Clickbank.

Once you get past all the other, unrelated upsells, you can get into the software. This is a very basic software that doesn’t do very much. It’s a video editor to create your own videos.

In Step 1, you can choose a voice-over style from a drop-down menu. Your choices are:

  • English – US (3 women, 1 male), British (1 female)
  • Spanish – Spain (1 female, 1 male), Latin (1 female), US (1 female)
  • German – (1 female, 1 male)
  • French – (1 female)
  • Italian – (1 female)
  • Japanese – (1 female)
  • Portuguese – (1 female)

You then type in the text you want to be read, or upload an audio file.

In Step 2, you can upload any of the images they provide for you in the system.

In Step 3, the video is processed and ready to download to your computer.

The final result is a robotic voice speaking over the images. It’s basically a very poor power point slide-style video with a robotic sounding voice-over. LOL

The one thing he doesn’t tell you is YouTube’s requirements.  Even though the owner claims you can make $500 in just 24 hours, there’s no way that’s possible.  YouTube requires you to have over 1000 subscribers and over 1000 of watched hours before you can apply for advertising.

The Affiliates

You have most likely seen the sales video or text of one of his affiliates. There are many out there who are promoting this new product without having used it themselves. You can usually tell because they are simply sending out the materials provided to them from the owner.

Surprisingly, the affiliates are getting much better help that anyone who purchases the product. They are given promotional material, banners, email swipes, landing pages, traffic sources, and even “keywords“.

They will even offer you a 90% commission if you have at least 10 sales. That number seems low to me, but then again, who would want to buy this? lol.

This tells me that the owner is more interested in making money than providing something of value to his customers.

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  • 60-Day money back guarantee



  • Low-quality product
  • Unrealistic income claims
  • All testimonials are fake


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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I don't recommend the easy cash club

The general idea here is sound. There are many YouTube channels making a lot of money. But if you take a closer look, they provide great videos. And they have been around a long time, so they’ve generated a lot of traffic.

That’s where the money comes in. They’re not only selling their own product’s and services, but they also monetize their channel with advertising like Adsense or renting space to sponsors looking to advertising.

There are many ways to monetize, but it takes time and effort. Low-quality videos, that Easy Cash Club creates with their product, will not help you much.

Is Easy Cash Club a scam? No Would I recommend them? No

Did you know there are free services online where you can create your own videos? Give these a try…

  • Online Video Cutter – This video editor is easy to use online, and is always free!
  • Adobe Spark – This is a great free tool, with upgrade options if you wish. And they offer much more than just video editing.
  • ClipChamp – This free tool can also be upgraded for more features, but the free version is great too. And they offer you video templates if you’re stuck for ideas.

There are also a few as Chrome Extensions, but I haven’t looked closely at these.

Having your own YouTube channel is wonderful, and a big asset to your online business. But did you know that most of these successful channel owners also have a website?

Sure, they say you don’t need one, but I disagree. Your website is your biggest asset. It represents you and your business. It’s from this point that you can create multiple streams of income besides YouTube.

What would happen to your business should YouTube ever go down. I know that’s probably never going to happen, but it’s a possibility. And then what? All your videos, advertising income, affiliate income, etc., disappear. And you have no control.

With your website, you have complete control over everything. No one can shut you down.

So unless you’re fortunate enough to go viral like the adorable little kids reviewing toys, I highly recommend you start your own successful business the right way. Website first, YouTube channel second!

Can I show you a better alternative to Easy Cash Club?

I would love for you to come and see where I run my business. This all-inclusive platform not only builds and hosts your website, it provides you with in-depth training and tools to help you succeed. It’s designed for beginners with no online experience to the more advanced to help you get over your hurdles.

Do you want to know the best part? You can create your own starter account for completely FREE. No credit card needed. You’re provided with two free websites. What a great way to test drive the platform, lol.

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll meet you on the inside. I’ll help you for as long as you need me for. See you soon!

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Do you have a business already and were looking for a video editor? If so, there are many more products out there that can do a better job than Easy Cash Club. I’ve even shown you some free ones that do a better job, lol.

If you have any more questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you. I’m here to help.

