How Do I Make Money Online – Is It Easy?

How Do I Make Money Online?

If you’re asking this question you would be among the thousands and thousands of people asking the same thing. How do I make money online? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

No matter where you live in the world, if you have an internet connection, you can get into business for yourself. Are you looking to get away from that 9 to 5 job? Needing to spend more time with your family instead of spending hours on the road? Or maybe you just want to supplement your income so you can travel more?

Whatever your reason, I want to show you the many ways to earn online income. If you’d like to see where I learned, you can follow me here…



Did You Know It’s Easier Than You Think

That’s right. Starting an online business to make money has gotten easier than most make it out to be. It just requires some dedication and discipline.

Most methods need little to no upfront investment. It might take you a little effort and some trial and error to figure out which way works the best for you, but at least you wouldn’t have lost any money over it.

The first thing you should do is decide what niche you want to promote (weight loss for seniors, for example).

What are you passionate about? You need to be able to provide value to your customers so they keep coming back to you. They search online with specific questions, and you’re there to provide the answers. Like-minded people will always find each other.

Here are some ways to make money online:

can i make quick money online blogging?I’m sure you’ve heard of this. It’s been around for years. You know those sites you continually go back to because they’re offering you useful information? Those are blogs.

When you stick to a niche specific blog, you will attract visitors who are interested in the same thing. And if you keep providing them with valuable information, they will keep coming back.

Once they trust you, they will be interested in whatever relevant ads or merchandise you sell. It doesn’t have to be your personal products. It can be through affiliate links or ads for things you put on your blog. No inventory needed.

Just remember to focus on your specific niche. If your topic gets too broad, you may lose your readers.

Continually adding relevant content with proper keywords will make you attractive to Google (or any other search engine), and that gets you ranked higher on the search results page.

how do i make money online with commerceThese giant e-commerce sites get millions of visitors, ready to buy, so why not leverage the power of these 3rd party sites. They already have powerful sales and marketing platforms, and good reputations that you can take advantage of.

You can do this a couple of ways. For a fee, you can set up your own shop on their platform. Place selected items you want to sell in your niche “shop”, and their search engine will direct interested visitors to your storefront.

Personally, I’ve never done this, so I don’t know how much competition you’ll have with other “shops”.

The advantage with Amazon is that they fulfill your orders for you. No need to store your own inventory. Not with eBay or Etsy though. You need your own inventory and shipping service for these types of sites.

The other way, which I prefer, is to have your own website. This way you are in control of the competition. I’ll talk more about this later…

how do i make money online by taking pictures or videosDid you know that people are making BIG money on YouTube?

Six-year-old Ryan of Ryan Toys Review has made his family 11 million dollars opening and reviewing new toys. Cory and Coby Cotton of Dude Perfect made 14 million doing sports tricks and comedy.

There are so many niches on YouTube that millions of people visit each day. You set up your channel and start consistently uploading good quality videos in the niche of your choice.

Build up your views by putting out the word on social media sites. Ask for comments and engage your visitors.

In time, when you’ve gained your fan base, monetize your channel by allowing YouTube to put ads on your channel. When your fans click on an ad, you get paid. Well paid half that is. Google, who owns YouTube, keeps half.

Selling Ebooks

how do I make money online from home

With our digital age comes the popular digital book. Instead of having to store all our favourite books on bookshelves (of which I’ve run out of room for….long ago), we can now simply download them to our tablets, e-readers or computers for safe keeping.

And I’m not just talking about novels. I’m talking about how-to guides, training courses, collections of blog posts, essays….the sky’s the limit.

Do you have something you want to say and share with the public? Create an ebook and simply upload it to your website or a seller

account like Amazon to promote it. This can have great potential if you’re a budding author.


make fast money online with ecommerce


Are you an entrepreneur wanting to start your own business, but not wanting to compete with giants like Amazon or Walmart?

That’s OK. Many successful entrepreneurs started small, working with a company of 1 – themselves. Ideally, you want to choose a niche you’re passionate about. It makes marketing and publishing your web content much more enjoyable.

Just like in blogging, you can become the go-to expert with relevant, useful articles and Google will love you. The trick is finding a product or products that have a market.

You may be passionate about some obscure thing that no one else is interested in. That won’t make you any money, haha. A little research will uncover what the current hot trends are. Of course, you’ll need your own website for this!

This is one of the most widely used and successful ways to make money online.

Simply put:

  • choose your niche (research the hottest trends)
  • set up your presence on a website social media or blog etc. (or all of them)
  • find an affiliate program with products you want to market (Amazon etc.)
  • add useful, engaging content on your site to attract visitors
  • when they purchase the product through your affiliate link, you get paid a commission
  • no shipping or customer service responsibilities

Great Ideas! Where Can I Learn To Do These Things?

Great question and I have the perfect answer for you. It’s called Wealthy Affiliate University. Remember when I said you could start with no upfront investment? Well, you can create a starter membership for free, no credit card needed.

You get access to everything inside, take a look around, and judge for yourself how great it is.

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This is the most powerful training platform on the internet today.

  • They provide you with quality, up to date education in easy to follow lessons.
  • They have all the tools you need to build and host your website.
  • They have a keyword research tool to help you find the best keywords with little competition.
  • Their support is unmatched anywhere.
  • And the community is live, worldwide, and available for questions and answers 24/7/365 days a year, often within seconds.

Click here for a more thorough review of Wealthy Affiliate.

This is the best way available to learn how to start your own business online. No matter which method you choose to earn online income, the education here will provide you with the best chances at success.

Once you’re armed with the fundamentals of online marketing, you can succeed at any method and repeat it over and over. In time you’ll be able to build several income streams.

So what are you waiting for? You’ve got nothing to lose. It’s free remember! And you have everything to gain. That extra income you’ve always wanted. Just click the button below.


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Come and join me, and over 1 million other members, inside. I’ll be there to help you along.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I’d love to hear which method you choose.

And please share with your friends who might be interested.

Your friend,

























