The Secret Profit Club. Too Many Lies to Trust!

The Secret Profit Club

Have you been searching online for a way to make some extra cash? If you have, you’ve more than likely come across this new product called the Secret Profit Club.

And as always, the sales video sounds really tempting, doesn’t it? But now you want to know if this is legit, or another scam?

I’m so happy to see you here, researching this product. I know it’s cheap, but still… is it even worth the $9?

Let me help you. I’ll show you what’s inside, how it works, and if it’s worth your time and money. By the end of my review, you’ll know if it’s right for you.

I’ll offer you my honest opinion, and share my recommendations, OK?

And if you’d like to know how I learned everything about online marketing, click here to see how I created my own successful online business.

The Secret Profit Club review rating



What Is The Secret Profit Club?

what is the secretprofitclub

This is a Clickbetter training product to become an affiliate for Clickbank, Amazon, and Amazon FBA.

The creator calls himself Jack Robertson, a writer, researcher and online business expert. This is a fake pen name and the real owner is unknown.

This product was launched on July 8th, 2019 (for the 6th time by a different name)

Secret Profit Club – $9

What’s Inside

Secret Profit Club Course – PDF’s

  1. Course Intro
  2. Cheat Sheet
  3. Mind Map
  4. Resource Report
  5. Ready Make Sales Page
  6. Sales Video
  7. Legal Pages
  8. Graphics
  9. Articles
  10. Banners
  11. Email Swipes

Secret Profit Club Video Training – Videos

  1. Introduction – 1:34 min.
  2. Choosing A Niche – 3:46 min.
  3. 3 Layer Conversion Systems for Clickbank– 11:11 min.
  4. Clickbank Marketing Overview – 15:22 min.
  5. How To Select A Product – 3:19 min.
  6. Finding Keywords – 0:58 sec.
  7. Quora Answering Questions – 4:59 min.
  8. Commenting On Blog Posts – 3:10 min.
  9. Forum Marketing – 4:29 min.
  10. Twitter Marketing – 2:45 min.
  11. Automated Facebook Marketing– 1:43
  12. Conclusion – 0:40 sec.

Secret Profit Club Website

  • Download your ready-made website

Secret Profit Club Audio

  • Lesson 1: CB Wealth Audio (selling audio products)
  • Lesson 2: Websites (same as above)
  • Lesson 3: Graphics

Secret Profit Club 1.0

  • Secret Profit Club AZ – Overview about how to sell on Amazon, 6 PDF’s
  • Secret Profit Club CPA -Introduction to CPA (click per action) strategy, 2 PDF’s
  • Secret Profit Club Traffic Course – Discusses traffic strategies using social media platforms, 3 PDF’s
  • Secret Profit Club FBA – Explanation of “Fulfillment By Amazon”, 1 PDF


#1: Secret Profit Club 2.0 – $194

  • Secret Profit Club 2.0 – Overview on how to become an Amazon affiliate – 15 short videos (2 to 4 min. each)
  • Secret Profit Club 2.0 Instagram – PDF and 4 videos
  • Secret Profit Club 2.0 YouTube – PDF and 4 videos
  • Secret Profit Club 2.0 Twitter – PDF

#2: Secret Profit Club Pro – $177

  • Secret Profit Club Pro – Overview of selling on social media.
  • Secret Profit Club Pro Video Training – 16 videos
  • Secret Profit Club Pro Social Media Marketing – 10 lessons with templates and videos
  • Secret Profit Club Pro Traffic Video Course – 12 videos discussing traffic sources
  • Secret Profit Club Pro List Building – this is a new module added to the older product

#3: Secret Profit Club Social – $97

  • Secret Profit Club Facebook – 21 videos
  • Secret Profit Club FB Marketing – 2 videos
  • Secret Profit Club Snapchat – 26 videos
  • Secret Profit Club Bing Ads – this is a new module added to the older product


Who Is This System For?

my secretprofit club review

I want to say no one! This is just a basic overview of Clickbank and Amazon, with no practical training to actually help you succeed.

There are many places to get the same information or lesson online for free.

This system is very low-quality. The owner keeps trying to make money with it by relaunching it over and over again.

You’d think that if it was any good, it would have kept selling by its first name, Smart Money Methods. But obviously, it didn’t.

And that’s because it doesn’t work!

This system is the EXACT same as CB Wealth, launched 5 months ago.


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How Does It Work?

an insider look at this product

Here we go again. This same old product, relaunched for at least the 6th time! This product owner just won’t give up on this product.

Unfortunately, he’s probably making money during the launch week, then nothing. So he turns around and relaunches it under a new and different name.

The last release was called CB Wealth, launched in February 2019. The other launches were:

And here’s some proof… He’s using the same privacy policy for all the systems but forgot to change the product name in one section of this one.

the privacy policy is exposed

He at least changed the sales video, but it’s still full of ridiculous hype and lies. Let’s take a look so you know what I mean…

Ridiculous Sales Video

If you’d like to hear the crazy sales video, here it is…

As I said, lots of hype and lies. Here are the most obvious ones:

Lie #1 – How Did You Get Here?

He says he has no idea how you got here, LOL. Ya sure! It was most likely sent to your inbox.

You see, this is how he makes his money. He redoes an old product by changing its name, setting up a new website, and selling it on an affiliate network. In this case, Clickbetter.

He entices affiliates to sell the product for him so that they can make commissions.

I have to wonder if they even know what they’re selling. Many don’t buy it themselves. They just go by the information that the owner gives them.

He goes on to say that if you’re watching this video, you are highly qualified to succeed with his program… sheesh!

Lie #2: Outrageous Income Claims

Next, he claims you can make up to $45,921.75 in the next 30 days.

That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

Not only is there insufficient training to even get you running a profitable business, but if there were… you still wouldn’t be able to make that kind of money.

I’m not saying it isn’t possible with affiliate marketing. Because it is! But it takes time and commitment and a lot of hard work to make that kind of money.

Lie #3: The Usual Sob Story

This is a well-known marketing tactic. He tells you a made-up sob story in hopes you can relate to him.

It goes through a typical script…

  1. Something happens to his job or his health, and he’s almost ruined.
  2. Can no longer take care of his wife and children.
  3. Someone he knows shows up with an idea.
  4. He launches the system and makes immediate money.
  5. Now he’s rich and wants to help people.

This type of story is what I consider over the top! Letting your audience know a little about you is fine. I do it sometimes myself so that my readers can get to know me.

But this nonsense just turns me off. What about you?

Lie #4: Easy To Set Up…

This is NOT easy to set up. Though he says it’s easy, and that you can start making money today, this is an outright lie!

And not only is it not easy, but the so-called training is also actually quite confusing.

If you’ve never done anything like this before, you’ll be very frustrated. And don’t count on any support from the owner!

Lie #5: Tested? Proven?

These comments sound good, right? But it’s not true. It’s easy to say the program is tested and proven, but where’s the proof.

He doesn’t show you anything. He doesn’t even hire video spokespersons to read a script pretending to be a happy customer, lol.

Maybe he’s finally learning that these fake testimonials don’t work!

Lie #6: No Hidden Fees??

Why do these owners never admit to the added fees? Most everyone should know by now there are always multiple upsells.

there are many upsells

That’s how they make their money. They hold enough info back to persuade you to buy the upsells to succeed.

At least he’s lowered all the costs for this product. The last time he relaunched it, it cost $37.

Lie #7: Scarcity Tactics

The owner tells you to hurry because he can’t save your spot forever. The memberships will sell out very soon!

OK, you know that’s nonsense, right? This is a digital product that can be bought a million times over by anyone who wants it. There is no limit.

In fact, he probably won’t ever take it down in hopes of making a few bucks here and there.

The Product Is Getting More Outdated

Will this guy ever quit?

Just like all the other product names I’ve shared with you above, this is no different. Same exact member area, but with the product name swapped out to Secret Profit Club.

So disappointing.

Most of this product is his reselling a couple of PLR’s he’s purchased. A PLR is a “private label rights” product written by another author, who sells the rights to customers for resale.

In this case, the Clickbank training is a portion of a PLR called “Clickbank Marketing Secrets“. This product is a little newer, so the overview is better.

The Amazon training is much too old to be any good. This comes from a PLR called “Amazon Affiliate Profits“, which hasn’t been updated since 2016.

Much has changed with Amazon since 2016.

Here’s one example… The training shows you how to set up your own aStore on Amazon. This is useless information as it no longer applies. Check out chapter 14.

the lesson is outdated

Amazon Associates completely retired the aStores in October 2017!

a smart person will stay away from this

Do you know how much time you would have to spend time weeding through any training to see if it’s still applicable to today’s marketing strategies?

Or worse yet, use some outdated strategy that could hurt your business or get penalized?

You would really be better off going elsewhere.

Lousy Upsells

I know the cost of the main product is cheap at $9, but the upsells aren’t. You’re paying more with the promise of making more money. But you won’t.

They are simply part of the same PLR’s that he’s holding back to make more money.

And they’re the same low-quality and outdated material that the first product was.

If you don’t know who the owner is, and you know the front-end product was lousy, you can count on the same kind of material in the upsells. Buyer Beware!

Better Alternatives For You

If you really want to learn about Clickbank affiliates, there is more current training available online.

  1. ClickBank Knowledge Base Clickbank offers its own free training. Why not go to the source itself?
  2. Udemy – This site has many amazing courses about any topic you can think of. And you’ll often find their $200 courses on sale for $14.99
  3. Amazon – The Clickbank Marketing Secrets ebook is being sold by different authors. This link here is the cheapest at $2.96 for Kindle or $12.99 for a paperback.


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  • 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Low cost



  • Basic overview with insufficient training
  • Confusing videos
  • Ridiculous income claims
  • No support


Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I'd rather recommend Wealthy Affiliate

I really can’t believe this guy is trying to peddle this product AGAIN! All he wants is your money. He doesn’t care that the material is low-quality or outdated.

It’s a shame really because affiliate marketing can be such an awesome industry. It’s lucrative and can create for you a passive income.

You can start part-time, and even create a full-time income. But not with this, OK?

Is Secret Profit Club a scam?   Almost!

Would I recommend it?   NO

Despite the few bad eggs who are spoiling the good name of an amazing industry, there truly is a way you can learn how to make money online.

All you need is proper training and tools, and you will be able to create your own successful online business.

Can I make you my sincere recommendation?

I would really like for you to come and check out where I learned everything about affiliate marketing. It’s where I run my business to this day.

This is an all-inclusive platform that has everything you need under one roof. And no need to worry about confusing training. It’s designed for the beginner in mind with easy to follow steps.

Here’s a bit of what they offer:

  • Training – Step by step courses, classrooms, tutorials, and live weekly webinars.
  • A domain registry – An easy way to find the perfect name for your business.
  • A website builder – With over 4,000 WordPress themes to choose from.
  • Website hosting – With powerful servers, security, backups, and emails, and more.
  • A keyword research tool – Find low-competition keywords for the best ranking.
  • A large and active LIVE community – They always have your back!
  • And much more…

You get to meet and interact with the owners whenever you wish. They are so confident in their platform, that they allow you to start with a FREE starter membership. No credit cards necessary.

There’s really no other place like this online today!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll be there to greet you and help you as long as you need me. See you soon!

my wa landing pic

So where did you hear about the Secret Profit Club? Did it come to your inbox, or on Facebook? I first saw it in my inbox and headed over to Clickbetter to check it out.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get back to you.

