What Is Gold Opinions? (Review) It Sucks!!

What Is Gold Opinions?

Are you looking for ways to make money online? There are so many methods you can use, and many products that can help you. If you’ve been researching some, you’ve most likely come across Gold Opinions.

But what is Gold Opinions? Is it a legit program, or one of the many scams out there that sound convincing, but don’t deliver what they promise.

I’m happy to see you researching before you buy anything. And this is why I write reviews for you. I want you to succeed online, and to do that you need to know exactly what to expect with these types of products.

I’ll show you exactly what you get inside, how it works, and if it’s a good option for you. Then I’ll give you my honest recommendations, OK?

And if you’d like to bypass all the uncertainty please read where I learned how to create my own online income.

the gold opinions review rating




What Is Gold Opinions?

what is goldopinions

This system claims you can get paid by sharing your opinions about major companies by filling out surveys, focus panels, testing home products or reviewing various gadgets.

You would earn points that you can redeem for cash and rewards.

The owner calls himself Paul Parker, but that’s just a fake pen name. The owner is unknown.

Gold Opinions – $1 for a 7-day trial, then $27 per month

What’s Inside

Getting Started

  • Step 1: Create a New Email Account
  • Step 2: Sign Up For PayPal Account
  • Step 3: Download Roboform
  • Step 4: Sign Up to Our List of Paid Surveys
  • Step 5: Confirm Any & All Confirmations Emails
  • Step 6: Fill Out Profile Surveys
  • Step 7: Get Familiar With Each Survey Site
  • Step 8: Complete Surveys

Premium Paid Surveys

Over 150 survey sites to sign up with. Here’s an example of sites:

Paid Surveys By Countries

Over 50 countries listed to find local surveys and questionnaires. Inside each specific country, you’ll find a list of local companies, how much money you can expect to be paid, and how the rewards are paid out.

$400 Sign Up Bonus

Another list of companies to sign up with, that pay you over $400 in sign up bonuses.

Step by Step Tutorials (Videos)

  1. Getting Started
  2. Completing Your Profile
  3. Completing a Survey
  4. Country
  5. Final Sign Up
  6. Paid Studies
  7. Roboform
  8. Sample Video Registering
  9. Scaling Your Income
  10. Sign Up Bonuses
  11. PayPay Payments
  12. Where The Money Really Is Made

Paid Studies

This is a list of studies from companies such as:

  • Phelps Lab
  • Ma Lab
  • Glimcher Lab, etc.

It will tell you how long it will take to perform the study, how much it will pay, and provide you with the name of the contact person.

Tutorials and Ebooks (PDF’s)

  1. Paid Surveys Crash Course
  2. Earn A Little Extra & Save A Lot Doing Surveys
  3. Paid Surveys for Moms, Dads, & Teens
  4. Make Money Online Fast
  5. Online Paid Surveys, Volume 1
  6. 7 Steps To Making Money Online Fast
  7. How To Make Money Online
  8. Make Your First $1,000 Online & Fire Your Boss

Newest Premium Job (Per Month)

Links to supposed new surveys that are supposed to be current.


  • Database Of High Paying Surveys – $27



Who Is This System For?

what is gold opinion contents

No one! This product is old and outdated, with many broken links. This hasn’t been updated to the more current surveys available. It still seems to contain its original links from 2015 to 2016.

This is especially ridiculous because it’s premium or current studies are long gone. When you find any kind of study online, they are usually available for a few days only. Not years, LOL.

You could do much better just Googling “online surveys”, and you’ll at least come up with the most up to date studies and surveys.

The other major issue with this product is its monthly fee of $27. In my opinion, this is just a big money grab by the owner and gives you no added benefits. So please beware of this if you buy, and cancel your subscription before your 7-day trial runs out.


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How Does It Work?

is gold opinions a scam?

Gold Opinions is such a disappointment. It, of course, tries to convince you of all the benefits you’ll receive. Well…maybe in 2015, but not today.

I’m actually surprised it’s still available!

Let’s go over the sales page, so you can understand what I saw as false…

Sales Page Is Full Of Exaggeration

Everything written on the sales page is somewhat true but extremely exaggerated. They point out all the benefits of doing this type of work, but you must consider the pitfalls as well.

Who Accepts Your Opinion?

They tell you that companies rely on your feedback to improve their products. This is true, but not anyone can qualify to answer their surveys.

In the past, I’ve signed up with legitimate survey sites but was only qualified for a few of the high paying studies.

You must meet their qualifications such as geological location, gender, age, lifestyle, skillset, among many other requirements. It’s not always so easy to apply.

And the frustrating part was spending the time to qualify. For instance, I would spend 10-30 minutes answering questions, only to be disqualified with no pay.

What Companies To Sign Up With?

Many survey companies will only accept members from their own countries. Others, only from two or three.

The nice thing is that they have a section listing companies offered per country. So as long as the links work, you’ll have a great shortcut.

When Are You Paid?

Many online survey companies don’t pay out cash. Some payout in points that you can redeem for merchandise in their catalogues, or gift cards.

Many also have a payout threshold, meaning they won’t pay you until you reached a certain amount of points or money in your account.

And I know from experience that it can take a long time to reach those thresholds, lol.

They claim you can redeem your first reward within 24 hours. Well… not really. You may get paid to your account, but that’s not really redeemed, right?

Where Do You Work From?

The nice thing about this is that you can work from anywhere you have an internet connection. Everything is done online.

And you decide how much time you want to spend doing surveys. The more you do, the quicker you can redeem your rewards.

The thing I found so frustrating was the amount of time I had to spend to get very little points or money.

So you should be prepared for a lot of work for very little pay. It’s a great way to make some pocket change, but it’s certainly not a business plan that will create for you any type of passive income.

This is like any out of home job where you work your hours in exchange for pay!

The sales page will tell you that you can earn up to $500 to $5000 every month. This is another huge exaggeration.

I can’t even imagine the number of hours you’d have to put in for even $500, let alone $5000. That’s simply impossible!

Why Do I Need To Pay A Monthly Fee?

That’s an excellent question! In my opinion, it’s simply to make the owner money.

He attempts to tell you that other survey sites charge 30% commission fees when you make money through them.

Really?? How do you pay a commission on points?

Could the monthly fee be for added training or support? NO. There’s no support and any training is shown to you on the survey sites itself. From what I can see, there’s absolutely no benefit to you for paying the $27 per month.

Fake Testimonials

You can always expect fake testimonials with low-quality products. Because they don’t have any successful customers, they make up their own. They’ll find images online from stock image sites, or even take them without permission from social media or other websites.

Here’s some proof for you…

this product uses fake testimonials


the system uses fake testimonials

And of course, there are the fake user testimonials.  When I researched Youtube to find any product reviews, I found this one…

This gentleman is an actor who listed on Fiverr.  He was hired to read a very generic script that doesn’t tell you any specifics.  Notice he never says the product’s name or says what it does?

The owner then uploads it to Youtube and simply titles it Gold Opinions Review!

If you take a look at “Mill Coach’s” channel, you’ll see that almost every review video he has uses this identical video, word for word, LOL.

OK, now let’s take a look at the actual product…

The Product Is Too Old…

Did you know that Gold Opinions was first released in August 2015? Yup, it’s that old!

And the proof is obvious. There are so many dead links. The owner, who remains unknown, never updated this product.

Sure… he still collects money from those poor souls who think this is a great way to make money, but he probably never looks at this anymore.

Getting Started

The 8 steps and 12 videos can be helpful to show you how to sign up to various platforms, create an email account, etc. Some of this information is fairly general and can be useful today. But it’s really not needed.

Any survey site online gives you excellent instruction on how to sign up and what to expect.

The videos might answer some questions you may have, but many are old and outdated.

Premium Surveys

This section lists over 150 sites, some of which no longer work. Because it’s an old product, they are probably all the ones available in 2015, but many have been taken down.

Some are duplicated because they’ve joined up with others and have been renamed. I looked through many and gave you some usable links above to check them out for yourself.

The more you sign up with the better chance you’ll have surveys you can qualify for. But setting a goal of 10 to 15 per day, which he recommends, will be almost impossible.

The survey sites today will limit how often you’re able to submit per day.

Paid Surveys By Country

This section is pretty cool, though not updated. You will have to go through them to find any usable links.

Did you know that a simple Google search will bring up the same information?

$400 Sign Up Bonus

This is definitely old and outdated. There are a few businesses that offer sign up bonuses, but I have no idea how he comes up with $400, lol.

Maybe it was easier to accomplish in 2015, but not today.

Many of the companies I looked into had no signup bonus that I could see. The few I did find were for amounts like $5 for Inbox Dollars & Points Club, etc, but not too many!

Many will pay you a commission of sorts for referrals. Somewhat like affiliate marketing. If you refer anyone and they sign up, you will get an added bonus to your account.

But unless you are actively recruiting, you won’t be making a living at it.

Paid Studies

This again is very outdated! These links no longer work.

For instance, they will give a contact name for several people working with Phelps Lab. Well, maybe they worked there in 2015, but no longer.

For that matter, I see no indication of anyone currently performing public studies on their behalf.

And according to their website, the only people they’re currently considering joining their platform is:

“At the moment, we’re looking for people with a strong foundation in molecular biology or genomics who are interested in social behaviour.”

Um… do you qualify? LOL. I sure don’t!

Tutorials and Ebooks (PDF’s)

These ebooks offer very little information that’s useful today. Again, they are old and outdated.

These are most likely PLR products that the owner purchased back in 2015. PLR stands for Private Label Rights.

Someone writes the ebook and then sells the rights for anyone to use as their own with limitations. They may be able to put their own name on it or be able to give them away for free.

Unfortunately, there have been so many changes in the make money online methods, that the books about making money online are no longer relevant.

In fact, some strategies could end up hurting your business is you apply them.

Newest Premium Jobs (Per Month)

This section has never been updated either. It will give you a list of jobs you can click on, but you come to a dead link!! Sheesh!

They are outdated and the surveys long since closed. Take a look at the screenshots from just one of many examples…

the table of newest premium jobs aren't current and are dead links



I know this upsell is only $27, but can you really expect these database links to work any more than the actual product?

It’s only another way for the product owner to make money off of you.


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  • 60-day money-back guarantee from Clickbank
  • low cost



  • Out of date surveys & studies
  • Many dead links
  • Low pay for much time spent
  • No support
  • Not a sustainable business
  • Cannot create a passive income



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I would rather recommend Wealthy Affiliate

You know, this could have been a great product back in 2015. But today… it’s pretty useless. The owner has updated anything and you’ll come across many dead links.

Some companies are no longer online or have changed names. And many of them I found don’t even offer online studies anymore.

And why would anyone want to pay an additional $27 per month for this? That’s just crazy!

That alone is certainly a scam because they’re not offering you anything for that monthly fee. My honest recommendation is to stay away. This won’t help you make money online.

Is Gold Opinions a scam?   Almost!   Would I recommend it?   NO

Products like these can make you so frustrated, and I don’t blame you. They make online marketing look bad when really it isn’t.

There are many great ways to make an online income. Did you know that affiliate marketing is the easiest way for a beginner to create their own successful business? Can I show you how?

If you’re serious about making money online, are willing to work hard, have patience, and not give up, I have an awesome solution for you.

And the reason I say work hard, have patience and not give up is that nothing of value happens overnight. You’ll hear lots of people tell you you’ll make thousands of dollars with their products, in very little time, but it’s all A LIE!

The only way you can make money overnight is if you buy a winning lotto ticket, LOL.

Please trust me on this. It takes time and work to create any kind of passive income, but when you do it right, it’s absolutely amazing!

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

I’d like you to come and see where I learned how to succeed online. This platform has everything you need under one roof. All the training, tools, and support to help you create your own online business. And it’s free to join!

If you click on the image below, you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll greet you on the inside and help you as long as you want me too. See you soon!

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So where did you hear about Gold Opinions? Online, or possibly in your inbox? What did you think? It can sound so convincing, can’t it.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.

