Commission Seeker Review. Underrated Method That Works!

Commission Seeker Review

Are you looking for a way to start making money online? How about trying a new method that’s proven to work?

Welcome to my Commission Seeker review. If you’ve come across this product, you’re probably wondering if it could work, right?

It’s completely understandable why you would ask. There are so many scams out there, and you want to know it this really legit.

I’ll take you inside and show you what you get, how it works, and if it’s what you expect. By the end, you’ll be able to make an informed decision if it’s right for you or not.

I think you’ll like it. You get some excellent training for a low, low price.

Would you like to know where I learned to create my own online income?

the commission seeker review - rating




What Is Commission Seeker?

it uses youtube just like williamreview says
This training shows you an underrated method that can help you make money online, quickly and easily.

It was created by Cynthia Benitez. She launched it on Warrior Plus on April 28th, 2020.

Commission Seeker – $11.95

What’s Inside

Training Videos

  • Module 1: Welcome
  • Module 2: Overview
  • Module 3: Account Setup
  • Module 4: The Research
  • Module 5: The Research Part 2
  • Module 6: The Contact
  • Module 7: The Waiting
  • Module 8: The Agreement
  • Module 9: The Result
  • Module 10: Conclusion

Unannounced Bonus

  • Video Profit Site – WP Plugin worth $67
  • Video Profit Site Theme
  • Additional Vendor Bonuses


#1: Best Way To Make Money in 2020

#2: How To Build An Email List Fast & Free

#3: How To Start Making Money Online For Free

#4: The Freebie Page


OTO #1: Advanced – $17

OTO #2: Rolodex – $37

OTO #3: Reseller Rights – $67

OTO #4: Coaching – $197



Who Is This Training For?

for affiliate marketing like jono armstrong does

This training is for anyone. You can be a beginner to online marketing or someone who is looking for additional sources of targeted traffic for your campaigns.

It’s a different technique than many you see promoted out there, and it’s very effective.

There is a small cost involved as you negotiate with YouTube influencers, but it’s a cost that will come out of your profits, so you won’t lose any money.

This is a great method and something I’m going to start doing myself!!

Cynthia has a great personality and keeps things simple and to the point. And she’s very approachable if you ever need any additional help.

my commission seeker link button



How Does It Work?

just like john kirkwood explained
Cynthia is going to teach you how you can earn over $100 per day with an underrated method.

OK, now I’m curious, lol.

Let’s see what else the sales page says…

Sales Page

With this training, you won’t need:

  • A website
  • An email list
  • Experience
  • Video creation
  • Product creation

This is 100% newbie-friendly as well as proven to work. Cynthia herself uses this method!

You can start making money in just 4 steps:

Step #1: Watch the step by step training.

Step #2: Replicate exactly what you’ve just learned.

Step #3: Sit back and watch your commissions coming in.

Step #4: Scale your income by repeating these steps over and over again.

Wow, I love this sales page. No hype, no repeating the facts over and over again. Just straight to the point!

Let’s see if the product does what it promises…

Member Area/Dashboard

When you access your member area, you’ll see this…

the dashboard gives videos to watch

The dashboard is beautifully simple with 10 training modules and links to your bonuses below. There’s even an unannounced bonus for you!

Training Videos

Module 1: Welcome

This is a thank you and welcome wish from Cynthia herself. She’s very pleasant and speaks slowly so you can follow her easily.

Module 2: Overview

She walks through the member area showing you what you’re getting with this product.

She also shows you the email address you can use for support if you run into any problems.

Module 3: Account Setup

This module explains how you’ll be learning to make money using YouTube.

This particular video will walk you through how to get your account set up on YouTube if you don’t have one already.

the social channels it uses is youtube

She shows you each step and even shows you how to use Canva to create an image for your channel art.

Then you’ll learn how to edit all your settings and “verify” your account, which is an important step to enable you to do certain tasks.

It’s all a simple setup, especially when she shows you exactly what to do.

Module 4: The Research

This starts the whole process that Cynthia goes through with this method.

This will work with any niche, but as her niche is “Make Money Online”, her examples will be with this niche.

She lets you know which channels are good to look for in your niche, and then how to determine if they’re a good choice for you.

Module 5: The Research – Part 2

This next video explains a new change that YouTube has recently changed which can affect the building of your business. But no worries… Cynthia has a way around this.

This is why it’s important to create more than one YouTube account.

This is a new roadblock she wanted to share with you and how you can get around it. She doesn’t want you to get stuck on this step…

Module 6: The Contact

Making contact with the “influencer” from your chosen channels is your next step.

ways to contact john krasinski

She will show you, step by step, how to do this properly, and even shares the script she uses for her own business.

You’ll learn the best strategies to be as successful as possible.

Cynthia is very encouraging and helps you to not get stuck on the little things, but rather push on with alternatives.

Module 7: The Waiting

There will always be a waiting time to get any response from your contacts.

If their inboxes are anything like mine, it’s overwhelming sometimes.

She shares some tips and tricks so you can stand out from the hundreds of other emails they get, as well as perfecting your timing.

Module 8: The Agreement

This is all about creating your agreement with the YouTube influencer that reached out to you.

Once you finished going back and forth with all the relevant questions, and come to an agreed-upon price, it’s important you create an agreement contract.

It can be simple but should be professional.

Cynthia provides you with the link to the service she uses, but you could certainly use any online “contract” creator service. She gives you additional ideas for this.

Module 9: The Result

This module will show you what she made with the promotion she used in this training. This is a daily profit.

you can make massive commissions

So you can imagine how much you could make if you run multiple promotions on multiple channels.

She discusses the “unique hops” and “conversions” she received, and why it’s important to find channels with warm traffic.

Module 10: Conclusion

With encouragement, she hopes you’ll implement the system. It will take some time to get going, but with daily action, you’ll soon see some great results.

Please watch her overview video below!

Unannounced Bonus

This is something that’s added for even more value for your money.

You get the Video Profit Site plugin for free to download.  This plugin is worth $67 if you purchased it yourself.

It’s sales page says…

“This Software Grabs The Highest Quality YouTube Content and builds a brand new Affiliate Site Instantly from Scratch”

So this is yet another way to make money online.

This bonus also comes with a WP theme download, with all the training you need to install and use them.

There are also additional vendor bonuses attached.


#1: Best Way To Make Money in 2020

This bonus will provide you with a 40-minute case study of Cynthia’s exact business model.

She used this model to make money online in 2020!

#2: How To Build An Email List Fast & Free

Would you like to learn how she built her email list fast and for free? This bonus will show you how.

She also includes a case study for further explanation and proof it works.

#3: How To Start Making Money Online For Free

If you’re a complete beginner, this video course is for you. It will show you how to start generating money from scratch!

It won’t cost you any money because she shows you how to use free tools and free traffic. Everything is included inside.

#4: The Freebie Page

This bonus page gets you loads of free products and courses that you can use to build and scale your business.


OTO #1: Advanced

This upgrade will provide you with additional training. Cynthia will teach you basic to advanced strategies to help grow your business.

You’ll get lots of tips and tricks that she herself uses for her profitable business.

OTO #2: Rolodex

This upsell will provide you with Cynthia’s full Rolodex of resources so that you can speed up your building process.

This way, you don’t have to spend any time doing research. You can leverage all of her previous research and start using the best tools right off the bat!

OTO #3: Reseller Rights

This reseller license will allow you to sell Commission Seeker as your own product and get 100% of the profits.

You have access to the entire funnel, and don’t have to worry about any support. She does it all!

OTO #4: Coaching

This final upgrade will give you 1 on 1 coaching for a whole month. She’ll give you her personal email and Facebook account, as well as setting up meetings so she can help you whenever you need it.

She’ll coach you with this product as well as any internet marketing issue you may have.


my commissionseeker link button



Overview Video



My Concerns?

no concerns

I have no concerns about this training. It’s a unique way to get your promotions in front of viewers who are already “warm” and targeted traffic.

This method does cost a little money, but depending on how you negotiate, it will come out of your profits.

This training is a great value for the low cost of $11.95, and you get some really nice bonuses.

The nice thing is that this strategy will work for any niche, so anyone can implement it.




  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Low cost
  • Step by step training
  • Targeting “warm” traffic
  • Great opportunity to grow your income



  • None that I have found…



Final Thoughts And Recommendations

i recommend wealthy affiliate for a free website

I believe this training is very effective, and you will learn a new way to promote any product or service in your niche.

It’s a great way to find targeted traffic, who will already be interested in what you have to offer.

Is Commission Seeker a scam?   No

Would I recommend it?   Yes

This is certainly something you can do with just YouTube and a page builder to have a page to send your traffic to.

But I always recommend you have your own website for this. It’s much more professional, and you’ll more likely get a positive response from any contacts you make.

It’s not hard to build! In fact, I know where you can build one for free!

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

Please come and check out where I run my online business. This platform not only has excellent affiliate marketing training but provides you with all the resources you need. All under one roof!

You’ll get things like:

  • Step by step training by one of the owners, who’s an expert himself.
  • A domain name registry if you want to purchase a custom domain.
  • A powerful website builder with loads of WordPress themes to choose from.
  • A keyword research tool to ensure your content gets ranked on Google.
  • An affiliate product library for safe and reliable products and services.
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And the best part is you can sign up for your starter membership for FREE!

There’s nothing else like this online today!

Click on the button below, and you can read all about it. And when you join, I’ll greet you inside and help you along for as long as you need me to.

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So where did you hear about Commission Seeker? Did my review answer all your questions?

If you have any more, or would like to leave a comment, please do so below and I’ll get right back to you.



P.S. Please share my post with your friends!