Sears – They Took Our Jobs!


Is This Really Happening?

Are you one of the thousands of people who have lost, or are about to lose your job with Sears? The after effects of Sears closing down the majority of their stores has devastated thousands and thousands of people. People who were loyal employees for many years. Some for a lifetime! After dealing with cuts in hours, and cuts in pay, they are now let go without their pensions or any severance pay.

Why Listen to Me?

First of all, hi there. My name is Suzanne and I’m feeling your frustration over job loss, confusion as to why, and wondering they took his jobwhat you could do next.

    • you have a family to support
    • bills to pay
    • retirement to save for


If you’re like my husband and me, you have no private company pension to look forward to. It’s all dependent on how much you were able to save over the years. Like us, you’re now realizing you didn’t save enough if any. And to make matters worse, the pension you were relying on (like the Sears one) was taken from you….just like that.

Well, I want to share with you a solution to your anxiety. Having felt that anxiety myself and working my way out from under it, I would like to help you too.  This was my solution!

First I’d like to explain why the retail business is going down this road, and where it’s headed, OK

Why Did This Happen?

Sears, Roebuck catalog



Sears started out as a household name at the turn of the 20th century. They had a robust mail-order business with catalogues over 500 pages. They shipped everything from groceries to prefab houses all across the nation, to the most remote areas. This was important for those new settlers building roots in far off places, with only horse and buggy types of transportation.



first sears store

they took our job from sears store in mall

As the nation started growing, and with the availability of automobiles, families started moving from rural communities to the larger cities. And Sears moved with them. They built sparkling new department stores that attracted the more modern, sophisticated shopper. Decades later, with the evolution of indoor shopping centers, Sears would become the cornerstone of many malls.


they took our job and store closedBy the 1990s though, Sears was being surpassed by big box stores like Walmart.  And then the internet. What a glorious way to do business! Only Sears could not keep up. In fact, many brick and mortar stores are struggling today.

Did you know that between 2001 and 2016, department store jobs have fallen by 46%? I believe online shopping is eating brick and mortar retailers alive!!

Retail Apocalypse

Is this really a term? Yup, it is! Check out this Wikipedia link. Brick and mortar stores are slowly becoming dinosaurs. More and more people are online each year.

  • online shopping soaring from 10% to 85% in only two years across the globe
  • As of 2017, there are 3.58 billion users online.

graph of number of internet users worldwide

Online shopping, or e-commerce, is growing at a phenomenal rate. Those businesses who were able to keep up with the ever-changing market, are now very successful. Think about Amazon. These companies have also introduced a wonderful way to advertise their products and services – YOU! Yes, they still advertise in magazines and on T.V., but their most effective way is to pay you a commission to sell their products for them.

Wouldn’t you love to be your own boss, set your own hours, and make the income you deserve? I did, and I want to show you how you can too. All you need to start is a computer, the internet, and your passion to succeed. If you follow me to Wealthy Affiliate, you can learn how to be an affiliate marketer. You can learn how to have an online presence, and how to propel your business for success.

Oh, and no money down. Really!! Not even a credit card number…

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You can start for free with Wealthy Affiliate. All I want you to do is set up your account so that you have access to the most powerful platform out there. I have been with them for a few years now, and there’s always something new to learn because, unlike Sears, they keep up with the changing times!

So what are you waiting for?


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Do you know anyone who worked for Sears?  I would love to hear from you.   Please leave any questions or comments below.  And if you know anyone who could benefit from my article, please share!

Your friend,































