What Is The CPA Project? No Bonuses, Just Truth!

What Is The CPA Project?

If you’ve been looking for a way to make extra cash online, or to scale your already successful business, you have probably come across this product.

But what is The CPA Project? Is this a legit way to add another income stream, or are the owners trying to scam you?

That’s the main question I hear so much lately. Many of these offers come out and look so awesome. But that’s just a sign of a great marketer, right?

Though there are so many scams online, there are legit ones as well. You just have to do your research to find out. And I’m so happy to see you here, doing just that!

Many of the reviews for this product are pushing you to buy and the affiliates are offering all these mega bonuses if you do.

You won’t find that here.

I’m just writing about what I found when I purchased it myself and giving you my honest review of how it works.

By the end, you’ll be able to make an informed decision whether it’s right for you.

I’ll also offer you my sincere recommendations to help you succeed online as I have. If you wish to read about where I learned how to succeed, check this out!

The CPA Project review (rating)



What Is The CPA Project?

does CPA Project show you critical path analysis?

This is a Warrior Plus product claiming to teach you about making money with CPA offers. You will be shown how to use free traffic from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Quora.

The owners are Pallab Ghosal, Ram Rawat, and William Weatherly. They claim you can copy their 5 minutes of work and enjoy real profits in as little as 1 hour.

This product was launched on August 1st, 2019.

The CPA Project – $12.95, (downsell with $2 discount)

What’s Inside

Welcome Video – overview of the system

Downloadable PDF Version – of all videos – 26 pages

CPA Resources – links to all the tools presented in the training (see image below)

Training Videos

  1. How To Select Offers To Promote On MaxBounty – 4:42 minutes
  2. The MaxBounty Application (Best Practices) – 6:12 minutes
  3. How To Identify Trending Offers On Clickbank – 6:48 minutes
  4. Finding & Uploading A Creative commons YouTube Video – 6:03 minutes
  5. Creating A Promotional Image On Canva – 3:34 minutes
  6. How To Create Value-Promo Videos Using YouTube Movie Maker – 7:12 minutes
  7. How To Create Value-Promo Videos Using WeVideo – 6:49 minutes
  8. Google Docs Vs. Landing Pages – 3:53 minutes
  9. Setting Up The Google Doc – 4:52 minutes
  10. Best Ways To Mask An Affiliate Link – 4:09 minutes
  11. Identifying Trending Videos Using VIDIQ – 5:15 minutes
  12. How To Create A “Suggested Video” Based On Trending Videos – 3:43 minutes
  13. Creating A Magnetic Thumbnail & Finding Keywords For YouTube Description – 2:44 minutes
  14. The Twitter Method: Ninja Hacks & Fresh Strategies – 8:36 minutes
  15. Facebook Groups & Pilot Poster – 3:18 minutes

Closing Video – A visual Overview & Final Thoughts on The CPA Project – 1:46 minutes


Free Report – Revealing 4 steps to $9K per month without selling anything.

Case Study – 4 steps to success better than CPA income.

Live Training – $0 to $1K per day in CPA (was scheduled for Aug 6th so you will see a recording).

Video – CPA traffic from Quora – 4:49 minutes

CPA List Domination – CPA & Bing ads guide

Facebook – Join our Facebook mastermind group

Unannounced Special Bonuses – these may change over time. The following is what I received:

  • CPA Cruise Control – $100/day CPA Strategy
  • VIPBot Affiliate Club – 27K Blueprint
  • Robby Blanchard Webinar – The #1 Clickbank affiliate
  • 4 Secret Steps to make $9K – free report

PPC Campaign Tool – Offer to purchase Ram’s PPC Kit for $37 per year.


#1: 5 Done For You Campaigns – $37, downsell 3 campaigns – $27 

  • Includes landing pages, content, email swipes
  • Followup offers
  • Ad images & audience details
  • CPA List Domination

#2: 5 CPA Case Studies – $27, downsell 3 studies without bonuses – $17 

  • 5 video case studies showing full details of exact offers
  • Get top landing pages and Google text ads in the top 5 niches (MMO, health, real estate, banking, employment)
  • Special affiliate recurring income case study

#3: Reseller Rights – $27, downsell $17

  • Sell “The CPA Project” as your own
  • Keep 100% profits


What Is CPA?

CPA stands for Click Per Acquisition, or Click Per Action.

When you send traffic to an offer, and the customer takes a specific action, you get paid by the CPA Network.

This action could be:

  • Filling out a form.
  • Asking for a quote.
  • Watching a video.
  • Giving their email, zip code, etc.
  • Signing up for a newsletter.
  • Purchasing something.

Having offers like these on your website can bring you an added income stream that pays you more than any placed ads like Adsense.


Quick Summary…


Who Is This System For?

is this system for project management?

I believe this product is intended for those who are already experienced in building their own websites, creating sales funnels, writing content, etc.

They say it’s newbie-friendly, but only if you purchase the done for you campaigns.

If you’re new to the online marketing industry, I honestly think you’ll struggle, as the training doesn’t include the important first steps of building your business. That’s really the only way to create a long-term sustainable income.

The training inside is thorough and detailed, though, and a value for the initial price of $12.95.

And don’t feel pressured to buy the upsells until you’ve gone through the front end product. They may say the upsell is a one time offer, but it never is.

You’ll have the opportunity to purchase them inside the member area.


my CPA project button


How Does It Work?

a network diagram of the product

The professionally designed sales page looks very enticing. But that’s how the owners draw you in, right? But is what they tell you true? That’s the big question…

CPA is a real way to make money, and many marketers use this method.

But keep in mind that the income proofs they show you are their own. They are experienced marketers who most likely have huge email lists to promote to.

It’s also important to have very large followings with your social media accounts, in order to reach a lot of people.

That being said, if you have experience with building your own website, writing content, creating landing pages, etc., then this product should help you find traffic and grow your email list, and make some money.

The owners claim that the entire CPA Project was created on the following 4 pillars…

4 Pillars Of Success

This is the basis of their training…

Pillar #1 – Roadmap To Success

  • They’ve designed their training to help cut your time in half by knowing what to promote for maximized profits.
  • They’ll teach you how to get accepted to networks so you can begin earning income.

Pillar #2 – Building Your CPA Machines

  • Learn how to set up your own CPA machines by following their over the shoulder videos and guides.
  • The training provided is step by step.

Pillar #3 – Learning and Building Your Funnels

  • You can copy their proven funnels to maximize your income in any chosen niche.
  • Their high converting funnels have been pretested with offers.

Pillar #4 – Mastering Traffic Sources

  • Learn to master free traffic from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Quora.
  • You can copy their campaigns to help you fast track your results.

So other than the unrealistic income claims, let’s see what the product actually is…

Inside The Member Area

When you first purchase this system, be prepared to be shown 6 upsells offers before finalizing your purchase. But as I said before, you don’t need to get these now if you’re interested.

I always recommend you try out the front end product before buying upsells. They’ll be offered to you inside if you change your mind later.

One of the upsells that was offered when this product was launched, called the $100/day CPA Method, is now included in the “Unannounced Special Bonuses”

The Training Videos

The 15 training videos are very well done with over the shoulder, step by step instructions.

project review of the training videos

They cover ways to make money with CPA using free and paid tools, for promoting on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.

The nice thing is that this training could also be applied to promoting other affiliate offers, not just CPA.

The PDF Guide

Another nice option is that you can download a PDF, basically going over everything in the videos, but in text. The only thing not covered is any paid tools like in some of the videos.

The PDF guide shows how to apply the CPA Project with free tools only.

Will Weatherly is your tutor2u

Down the left-hand sidebar, you will an ad to view ClickFunnels. This is what they use for their sales funnels. It’s an excellent product that hosts all your sales funnels.

They say it will take you about 45 minutes to set up, and you’ll be ready to go.

Well, maybe once you’ve done it a few times, lol. It may take you longer, but that’s OK. Better to go slow than miss any important steps, right?


There is a handy list of links to all the various tools that are discussed in the training. These include both the free and paid tools.

bonus resource of tools for task

As an added bonus, you also get a 17-page course called “A Guide for Freelancers”. You can use this as a giveaway for your email opt-ins.

Support Group

You are invited to join the “The Mustached Marketer” Facebook group. I love the name! lol. This is Ram Rawat’s support group that has 156 members so far. Not bad for only 2 months!

This is an excellent addition for members. Too many products don’t have any member support to ask questions and get encouragement.

ram rawat facebook page

Bonuses & OTO’s

Below the training, you’ll find all the bonuses and upsells. See, I told you they’d be available again, haha!

There are a couple of broken links here, but I’m sure they’ll be fixed when members email him about the problem. I hope!

Using Quora as another method to promote your CPA offers is included as the exclusive bonus #2.

Just One Issue I Can See…

I know that any time a done-for-you option is available, in this case, the upsells, it’s very tempting to use.

But you must consider the number of times these sales funnels will be used. If each customer uses their material as is, that’s a lot of duplicates offers going out.

The market will quickly become saturated with these identical offers, and your audience will soon ignore your offers.

Wouldn’t you? What if you saw the same offer, over and over again when you’re browsing through YouTube, or on your social media walls.

You would probably think of checking it out the first time but after that? Nada! You simply scroll past, right?

So even if you purchase these done-for-you campaigns, you should edit them to make them unique to you.

Send something out that speaks with your voice. No one else can copy that. It’ll be unique to you.


my wa landing button



  • Low cost
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Detailed video training
  • A PDF download of training in text
  • Free traffic methods



  • Unrealistic income claims
  • Learning curve if you’re new
  • Free traffic methods take longer
  • Time-consuming
  • Must purchase upsell #2 or #3 to learn about paid traffic methods


Final Thoughts And Recommendations

i recommend wealthy affiliate to start online business

I think for the price of the upfront product, you can get a lot of value from the training. This is a real way to make money online and has been used by online marketers for a long time now.

What’s nice is that you could use much of what you’ve learned for you other affiliate marketing strategies. It’s not strictly used for only CPA offers.

Is CPA Project a scam?   No   Would I recommend It?   Yes

As I said above, if you already have a website for your own business, this could be a profitable addition for another income stream.

Many times you’ll hear people say that you don’t need a website to make money online. But do you know what? I would never recommend that.

All successful businesses have their own websites. Even the owners of this product will have their own websites.

It’s just a professional way to show people that you’re serious about what you do and that you can be trusted.

Too many times, product owners hide behind a name and don’t introduce themselves. These people are very difficult to trust. Why are they hiding? Do they know they’re scamming you?

I will rarely by a product from someone I don’t know.

Do you have your own business started? I highly recommend that you learn the first important steps to starting your own business, before expanding out with CPA offers.

Am I saying don’t buy this product? Of course not. It’s great and you could always use it down the road if you’re not set up with your own website or email list yet.

Can I make you my honest recommendation?

I would love for you to come and see where I learned how to start my own online affiliate marketing business. And once I was all set up, they taught me many ways to monetize my business.

I now have success with a passive monthly income. It gives me the freedom to pursue many other things in my life, especially for retirement!

This platform has everything you need under one roof. It provides all the training and tools for success, at no added cost.

It’s a proven platform with over 1.5 million members. They must be doing something right, eh?

The best part is you can start for FREE, no credit card necessary. Isn’t that awesome!!

It’s a one-of-a-kind platform that no one else comes close to having.

So if you’re just starting out, I really believe this is your first important step.

Just click on the image below and when you join, I’ll greet you one the inside. I’ll help you as long as you want me too. See you soon!

my wa landing pic

So where did you hear about The CPA Project? Did it come to your inbox? Mine did. And I was pleasantly surprised at its value.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I’ll get right back to you.



P.S. Please share my post with your friends or family!