The BulletProof eMail Solution. It’s Legit & Works Great!

The BulletProof eMail Solution

You’re most likely here because you’re looking for reviews about the BulletProof eMail Solution, right?  That’s awesome!

It’s great to see you here, reviewing products before purchasing them.  You just never know these days, which are legit and which are scams.

I can honestly say this one is legit!  I use it myself to help grow my own email list.

If you’re new to online marketing, you may be a little confused about how important it is to segment your list with just engaged people.  Or if you’re more experienced, like me, this product will help you with your conversion rate.

Either way, Bill McRae has the solution for you.  It’s amazing what you can learn when you have some straightforward, no fluff training to watch, haha.

So now you’re wondering why you should trust me?  Fair question!  So I decided to write a review on the product, showing you what’s inside and how it works.  This way you can make an informed decision yourself!

If you haven’t even started your own online business yet, come and see where I learned everything from the ground up

The BulletProof eMail Solution review (rating)



What Is The BulletProof Email Solution?

dynamic html email templates

This is a ClickBank product, created by Bill McRea, about email list building.

This product is about a paid traffic generating strategy that is inexpensive and creates an engaged email list.  He claims it should increase your chances of success with people opening and clicking on your emails.

Apparently, it doesn’t rely on SEO, Google, CPA (click per action) networks, or Solo Ads.

Bulletproof Email Solution – $27

What’s Inside

Welcome video

Step 1:  Register for VIP Workshop – John Crestani’s “Super Affiliate System” – $997

Step 2:  BulletProof eMail Solution Training

Core Training

  • Overview of BulletProof Marketing – 11:13 min.
  • Demo with GetResponse – 10:12 min.
  • System Outline – 5:47 min.
  • Create a Landing Page with GetResponse – 4:11 min.

Basic List Segmentation

  • Overview of how Bill Segments In GetResponse – 12:44 min.
  • Link to Detailed Training with GetResponse
  • How to Create an Automation Sequence – 3:53 min.
  • Download – 5 sample opening emails

Titanium Templates (Advance Niche Segmentation)

  • Overview of Titanium Templates – 10:12 min.
  • Download – 8 samples of niche-specific opening emails
  • How to Add Email Swipes to GetResponse – 6:08 min.
  • How to Use Titanium Templates- 12:46 min.
  • How to Create New Lists – 1:31 min.
  • Bonus Niche Swipes (Instagram & Facebook) – 5:45 min.

Autoresponder Training 

  • Why He Chose GetResponse – 4:15 min.
  • Overview of GetResponse Tools – 4:32 min.
  • Link to GetResponse Training

Recommended Traffic Sources

  • Video on the best traffic sources for list building – 4:31 min.
  • A link to his source
  • How to Place An Order with His Source – 5:08 min.
  • Cost Comparison – 6:44 min.

Click Here” for new videos added to the product

Step 3:  Busines Multiplier (Bill’s own products)

  • Solo Ad Arbitrage – 3:06 min.
  • Link to Solo Ad Biz – Free training
  • Business Multiplication System – 1:32 min.
  • Links to 3 sites he uses to multiply his business

Step 4:  Access Product Upsells

  • See upsells below
  • Link to “Luke Sample’s” webinar – E-commerce & Internet Monetization Expert

Step 4:  Bonus Downloads

  • 6 products for free download – Topics such as email marketing, list management, copyright swipes, PLR’s, creating squeeze pages, & sales letters


  1. Bulletproof Titanium Templates – $17
  2. Selling Clicks – $37
  3. Bulletproof Magnification – $27
  4. Email Swipe Vault – $25 per month

Expected Costs

  • GetResponse – $15 to $99 per month
  • Paid traffic – $$$ per month


Who Is Bill McRae

Bill created responsive html emails for sending to your list

Bill has been working online since 2002 when he started with eCommerce.  He started as a guitar retailer with over 2.5 million in annual revenue.  He then sold this to his highest competitor in 2005.

Funny thing is that he became an affiliate of the company that bought his business, and started making more money as an affiliate than as a business owner, lol.

He has since created and launched 5 multimillion-dollar products:

  • Marketing On The Fringe
  • Massive Passive Profits
  • Above The Matrix
  • Massive Income Machine
  • Alex Success Plan

These products were created because of the issues he himself had. Bill then sold these solutions as products on ClickBank.

And since 2010, he’s started working with lead generation business.  He hasn’t done any more product launches except for this one, because of his passion for lead generation.


Who Is This System For?

This system is for anyone who wants to perfect their email list segmentation to increase their conversion rate.  It will also show you how to eliminate the non-responsive names off your list.

Why would you want to pay for names that don’t do anything for you?

Bill’s training is straight forward and hype-free, which is what I really appreciate.  If you follow his instructions to a tee, you will be able to grow your list and increase your revenue.

His recommendation is to use the GetResponse autoresponder as all his training is done with this service.  For beginners, I would suggest using them so you can follow along with the training.

Personally, I use Aweber, which is another excellent autoresponder, and Thrive Themes for my landing pages.  I already have the experience, so I use his training and apply it to Aweber and Thrive.

You would need to decide which direction to go knowing your level of knowledge.  And remember, if you wish to switch over to GetResponse, you can at any time.


my bulletproof email solution button


How Does It Work?

once you get confirmation, you can double your list

BulletProof eMail System is a product that shows you the system that Bill McRae uses himself.  I have no doubt it works for him, but the big question is “will it work for you too”?

Bill has been working online since 2002 and has a lot of experience.  And he explains how email marketing is the most lucrative way to make money online.

Let’s take a look at his sales page…

A No Fluff Sales Page

This was refreshing for a change!  No ridiculous income claims or promises.  Bill basically tells it like it is, and gives his opinion about the types of traffic there is out there.

Here’s his quote…

“It’s kinda like sex.  We can’t survive without it. We can’t get enough of it.  But for some of us… It’s still a mystery.”

Bill’s opinion is that there’s only one type of traffic…PAID TRAFFIC.  And no, he’s not only talking about Solo Ads.

He says that you’re inevitably paying for traffic no matter what method you choose:

  1. If you’re using SEO (content marketing), your paying for content and links.
  2. If you’re not outsourcing your SEO, then you’re paying with your time.
  3. If you continually send your list low-quality offers, you pay by people unsubscribing.

What He’s Offering

Bill wants to introduce you to the most profitable form of paid traffic on the planet.

the source uses a table of different prices for lead generation

He claims that if you follow his instructions, it’s the CHEAPEST form as well.

It’s all a matter of finding those list members who are truly active and interested in what you’re offering.  In other words, “engaged leads”.

This is apparently the difference between his traffic source and everyone else’s.

OK, so this has got me wondering what this traffic source is, LOL.  Everyone who is starting or already has an email list wants engaged leads.  

And in case you haven’t started yours yet…it’s important to have one.  If Google decides to make another drastic change, and you lose all your traffic, at least you still have your list!

Make You A Millionaire?

So ok, he had to throw that in, haha.  He says he’s a millionaire and this system could make you one too.

Now I have no idea if he’s a millionaire.  It’s not like he’s shown us his tax forms.  But I suspect he is!

And whether it’ll do that for you depends on what you’re selling.  Is it possible?  Possibly!

He Could Charge More?

He says he could charge thousands per admission and sleep like a baby, but wants to price it so anyone can buy it.  So he’s gone from $997 all the way down to $27.

Is it worth more than that?  Maybe to some people.  It depends where you’re at in your email list journey.

Newbies who aren’t sure how to segment, or even know what that means, will find this very useful.

So now let’s look at the product itself…

A No-Nonsense Product

As soon as you log into your account, you’ll be immediately offered his Email Swipe Vault upgrade.  If you have trouble writing great copyright for emails, you may wish to purchase this.

He requests that you modify each swipe before you send them out.  And you have a 60-day money-back guarantee.

If you’re not interested, just pass on the offer and move forward.

If there’s one thing I like about Bill McRae, it’s that he doesn’t add any hype to his training.  It’s right to the point!

This is his walkthrough video if you’d like to take a look…

The Core Training

The 4 first videos give you an overview of how the system works,  a demo using GetResponse as your autoresponder, and how to create a simple landing page to capture your leads.

The videos are straight to the point with over the shoulder training of exactly how he does things.

email html table template with get response
Bill tells you honestly that this training uses GetResponse because it works the best for him.  He says he’s going to provide you with a low cost per lead traffic source which you can turn into a profitable segment if:

  1. You follow the instructions
  2. You use the tools he recommends
  3. You are patient!

Segmentation Training

These videos explain how GetResponse can segment your list.  This is very important because it allows you to create other lists of only “engaged” visitors.

This is how you can create more income because instead of sending your offers to a list that doesn’t even click open your emails, you can use the list of engaged people only.

Why waste time and money on “dud” leads?

Bill also provides you with links to the GetResponse training for more detailed instructions.

Finally, he allows you to download some sample emails for your automation.  These are his own, and he asks you to modify them to make them your own!

Titanium Templates

These templates are to be used as part of your automation sequence.  He shows you how to create a separate list for each niche you promote.

The videos will give you an overview of why these templates are so powerful, and then how to add them into your autoresponder.

responsive email tutorial
This training gives you more advanced information about how to promote groups of products to all your lists.  Though he shy’s away from this because the same person might get multiple emails from him in one day, he still wants to show you how it’s done.

Autoresponder Training

This is more detailed training for GetResponse.  Bill shares with you why he chooses GetResponse.  He then goes over the tools you’ll use within their platform to build your sales campaigns.

He will also link to all of GetResonse training and their training library.

If any of you use GetResponse, you will find all his training beneficial!

Traffic Source

This section starts with his video explaining why you need a traffic source that provides you with only qualified leads.

His recommended source provides you with engaged people only.  And the great thing about this source is that you only pay for the results…THE LEAD.

So this is how it’s different from Solo Ads.  With Solo Ads, you pay a vendor to send your promotion to his list.  And you’re paying for the “CLICK”, not the “LEAD”.

Can you see how expensive it becomes to create a list with Solo Ads?

If you’re paying for clicks, that only means they opened your email.  Not necessarily giving you an email address.  So if you pay $500 for 500 clicks, and only get 50 email addresses…. ok, you do the math, lol.

Those are pretty expensive leads.

With his source, you’re only paying $.50 to $.70 per LEAD…  A much safer and cost-effective way to build your list!

bulletproof background email - lead source prices

He also talks about Udimi as a traditional Solo Ad traffic source.  Some people still prefer this.

The nice thing is that when you’ve built up your list to over 1000 people, you could then buy from Bill’s source, and turn around and sell your list for more on Udimi.  This is called “arbitrage”.

A great way to pay for your traffic with the profits you make on selling your list!

Business Multiplier

This section shows you his other products and services he uses to multiply his income.

He has his own Solo Ad business which offers you wholesale costs on clicks, as well as detailed training on how to build your own Solo Ad business for:

  1. Selling on Udimi
  2. Promoting on Facebook

He has other links here for other webinars and training, all of which are optional and not a part of this system.


#1:  Selling Solo Ads

Bill uses his own system of Solo Ads arbitrage.  He has another product called “Solo Ad Biz” where you can buy a certain amount of traffic from his own business, and turn around and sell it for more on Udimi, Facebook, etc.

This is a way to cover your expense of paid traffic, as well as build up your list quickly.

This video was on his YouTube channel, where he talks about this arbitrage…

You then have the option to upgrade with the products I’ve listed above.

#2:  Email Swipe Vault

This is a monthly membership where you will have access to 12 new emails swipes each month.

Bill invests heavily with copyrighters to create short, punchy emails that help get people engaged with your promotions.  The more they engage, the more sales you make!


my bulletproof email solution button



  • 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Low cost
  • Great over the shoulder training for how to set up your emails and campaigns
  • Opportunity to build your own Solo Ad business
  • Opportunity to purchase “guaranteed lead” ads



  • links to other webinars not related to this product


Final Thoughts And Recommendations

I highly recommend - this is not a scam

Personally, I think this product will be very effective if you follow his instructions.  You should be able to grow your list significantly faster than with only using opt-in forms on your website.

It will take a little investment, but if you turn around and sell your own list on sites like Udimi, or on facebook, you will be able to cover some of your costs.

Bill recommends you patiently wait for your list to grow to over 1000 names before you start selling your own list.  And that’s because, with an average “click” rate of 10%, you’d need that many names for your customer to get the 100 or so clicks he’s paid you for.

In time, you could build yourself another profitable Solo Ad business!

Is BulletProof eMail Solution a scam?  NO  

Would I recommend it?  YES 

This system is an excellent way for you to grow your email list.  Your email list is your own personal asset that can’t be affected by Google algorithm changes, or social media “rules”.

Personally, I’ve had Facebook shut down my fan page for whatever reason.  I never found out why.  But those are the risks of depending on platforms where you have no control.

You’re the only one who controls your email list, and if you treat it with care, it can be your most lucrative asset.

I highly recommend this product for those of you who need help with your current list, or those of you who are just starting out and need clarification and help to segment your list.

And of course, growing your list to huge numbers to help scale your business.

Please click on the button below to try it out!  Don’t forget, you have a 60-day guarantee if you’re not satisfied.


my bulletproof link button


And if by chance, you don’t even have your own business started yet, and therefore no list (haha), come and check out how I learned.  It’s free to start!

my wa landing button


So how did you come across the BulletProof eMail Solution?  I found their offer in my inbox.  And I’m glad I did.  It’s really helped grow my own list, and it can help you too!

